THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26,1981 Average Dafly Net Preaa Ran The Weather iianirli^ater lEo^nlng Dimlh For the Week Ended dtfit t ♦ ^1‘f 1 \ . Forecast of U. S. Weather Bureau Novouber 16, IMS T T Vw M l Trill T r l ■ > 1 1 ¥ Cloudy tonight, low 10 to 15, light snow aerumulatlnns under 13,891 X inches. Saturday partly cloudy, Member of the Audit zlWaurnPSiFr IwUJpui Zflriaui high In 20*. Bureau of Ctrculattoa MancheUer— A CUy of Village Charin VOL. LXXXIII, NO. 74 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN.^ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1963 (CUMlfled Adverthtaig on Png* lA) PRICE SEVEN CENTS (7.S. Issues Events Licensesior Sofia Legation In State British Patrol Cyprus Wheat Sales ^ y WASHINGTON (AP)— Stoned by Mob State Man Held The Commerce Department In Threat Case For Citizen Protection h^B issued conditional li­ censes for the sale of $40.6- WASHINGTON (AP)—The United States announced HARTFORD (AP) — A Engaged million worth of wheat to today it is making a strong protest and demanding com­ Oec* • Durable for long wear Hartford man was taken to Iba Mgacrcment of MIm the Soviet Union ;— but pensation for the damage a mob of 3,000 Bulgarians the federal building today ‘ iMetta A. DanleU of Middle- whether there will be a caused today at the U.S. legation in Sofia during an Allowed Past town to Oeorg'e El Landia of • Smooth for easy sleeping for a preliminary hearing | Mteidhoator haa been announced deal remains V) be seen. hour-long attack on a charge that he threat­ by her parents, Mr. and Mm. The two licences—for $20,320,- At the same time State De- j ernment are not usual In Com­ 000 eech—were lemied Thureday partment press officer Richard ' munist lands. Such upheavals ened President Johnson. Greek, Turk O n te S . Dan^eOs o f M iddletown. Her fiance la the son of Mr. SPRINGMAID MUSLIN to two unnamed American I. Phillips scornfully labeled as 1 are ordinarily government-in- The manner of the threat Save On Famous Springmaid firms. •’show trial” the Sofia govern- j .spired there. was not disclosed. and Mra. Robert P. Landia of TTic demonstration was bro- j Road Bloeks ao Jean Rd. The permits allow the sale of menfs acUon against a Bulgar­ He was Identified as .Tames Miaa Daniela, a grraduate of the U.S. grain provided various ian ex • diplomat accused of ken up by mounted Bulgarian F. Burns, 36. who was taken Woodrow WUaon Hlfrh School, conditions are met. These con­ spying for the United States. police about an hour after it be­ into custody by Hartford pol'ce I NICOSIA. Cyprits (AP) Middleitown, la attending: the ditions, under announced U.S. ’The demonstration which re­ gan. The police went into action 'Thursday afternoon In the offi­ — Briti.'?!) patrol.') moved after the legation had asked for' 2 School of EVlucation at the Sheets and Cases — 63 X 99 ............................... M .54 government policy, Include stip­ sulted In many broken windows cers’ club at the state armory. ithrotiirh .N'ico.-^ia today to ulations on financial and ship­ and overturned automobiles at protection. j A charge of intoxication Und/veraity of Hartford. ping terms. I keep the peace on explo.sive Mr. landta, a graduate of tha U.S. legation ostensibly was against Burns was dropped in If the Soviet Union ag^rees to a kind of public protest against VIENNA. Austria (AP) Anti- • Cyprn.5, hut di.sagrecnient Manchester High School, ia American demonstrators using Circuit Court 14 this morning majoring: in economics in Ihe these terms, then the two U.S. the alleged U.S. use of a Bulgar­ by Prosecutor George A. Silves­ delayed plan.-) for Creek and Size Sale companies have permission to ian cltlxen as a spy. But offici­ Icicles and ice chunks from the ter because of the projected fed­ School of Arta and Sciences at go through with the sale, a street sma.shed all windoss on TurkisI) soldier.s to join the University of Hartford. Quality Muslins Or Percales als here said they were not cer­ eral hearing. 72 X 99 ........................... ................ 1 . 6 4 Commierce Department spokes­ tain what the real purpose of the first three floors of the U.S. them. No daite hM been set for the Assistant U.S. Ally. John D. a ; the .-iouthoast port of I-ar- man said. the demonstration was; they legation In Sofia. Bulgaria, to- Adams said the warrtinl against w edding. 72 X 108 ......................... ................1 . 7 4 Nearly three months ago, the only said that truly spontaneous day. The demonstrators over­ nai a a British soldier was .shot Burns would charge him with a and slightly wounded in the late President John F. Kennedy outbursts of public indigna­ violation of a federal statute 81 X 9 9 ........................... ................ 1 . 7 4 gave the green light to proposed tion against some foreign gov- (8ee Page Seven) shoulder whtle on patrol. Tire 7 pertaining to threats to kill or patrols are destgned primarily private sales of U.S. wheat to cause bodily harm to the presi­ 81 X 108 ......................... ................l . » 4 the Soviet Union. Soviet negotia­ for the protection of British tors, however, have been balk­ dent or any others in line of riviluuvs succession to the presidency. Twin Bottom Fitted . ................1 . 7 4 ing at the American terms. In This Solar System In Nii'osta. however, the Brit- They have objected particu­ Conviction carries ' a maxi­ i.sh were wa\ed through road- Fabulous Martex Towel mum penally of five years im- Double Bottom Fitted . ................ 1 . 9 4 larly to the U.S. requirement blocks of both Cr eek and Turk­ that part of the grain be shipped pri.sonmcnl and a $1,000 fine. ish arm ed Cypriot.- whose 90 X 108 ......................... ................2 . » 4 Ensembles on U.S. vessels, whose rates are The midday hearing was to fighting in frve bloody day.s higher than the world market Mars Smog Indicates be before U.S. Commi-ssioncr cau.sed grave tnlern.'Un'nal con­ 42 X 36 C ases............... ...............4 0 ^ price. George C. Hastings. Burns was cern The U.S. traders who applied in the custody of Deputy Mar­ Com manders of the Biatish, Regular for the licenses were said to Earth Alone Has Life shal Richard M. Maynard while Greek and Turkish garrisons Bafh $1.98 have indicated that the Soviets awaiting the hearing. stationed on this eastern .Meih- n .6 9 were proposing to pay cash. terannean tsiand met in the • Fine Quality For Luxury Sleeping ’This would appear to rule out By JOHN BARBOUR Ronds Authorized ' morning hut w ere unable to agree on the composition of the Regular complications over extending Associated Press Science Writer HARTFORD (AP) I .suance $1.39 credit to them although the 11- ■ mixed patrols Hand ’ 1.09 WASHINGTON (AP)—There is new evidence that of over $11 million worth of "We have British patrols out, bond.s was authorized by the (See Page ’Two) whose primary purpose is to SPRINGMAID PERCALES the planet Mars is crossed by great yellow clouds of State Bond Commission yester­ protect British families,'' l,l. Regular toxic smog day for projects ranging from Gen. P. G. Young. British army W ash . 5»c .49 If so. It could mean that like earth, they are neither too housing to beach improvements British .soldiers of the first battalion. Foresters Regiment, gave “thumbs up" com m ander on Cyprus.' told re­ earth's last chance of finding a close to the sun, nor too far to airport aprons. porters after the meeting. U.S. Accepts from It. Some $4.6 million In borrow­ sign as they boarded Royal Air Force plane at Lyneham, Wiltshire, last night, 72 X 108 or life-supporting planet In this so­ Young said theie were no lar system to gone. But a U.S. space probe that ing was authorized for moderate headed for Cyprus. (AP Photofax.) Greek and Turkish army pa­ Engaged Twin Bottom Fitted . •2.49 Some astronomers have con­ flew past Venus indicated sur­ rental housing and houMng for trols out and it would take long­ Filipino Help jectured that the yellowish face temperature.s there were the elderly In Norwich, Willi- er to organize them because of th e engagement of Miaa Dona clouds seen on Mars are mostly too high to .support any known mantic, Elnfield, Torrington and Lae Kauffman of South Glaa- Tippit Fund $ 100,000 language difficulties. dust, and the planet’s whites and kind of life. Milford. The small Ttirkish and Greek tohbury to Richard George Wal­ On Cambodia blues have been associated with ’The United States hopes to Aid Study, Cyprus lace of Mancheater has been an­ 81 X 108 DALLAS, TEX. (AP) ■ army garrisons remained at op­ snow and water. learn more about the mysteries Autopsy Report Asked posite ends of this capital. Their nounced by her mother, Mrs. MANILA (AP) — ’The United But Drs. Sebastian Karrer of Mara by directing two Mari­ Contributions in 1,.’S00 let­ Dorothy Ruth Kauffman of Double Bottom Fitted ters processed Thursday i movement from their treaty States and neutralist Cambodia ahd Carl C. Kless reported to­ ner space probes at it next No­ OHAPEi^ HILU N. C. (AP) 1 bases into Nicosia on CTiristmas South Glastonhury. She is also vember. The probes are —PoUce Chief WUUam D. Blake On Johnson Agenda raised-the J. D. Tippit fund the daughter of the late Mr. 90 X 108 have agreed to try to settle day evidence that the clouds led to fears of a showdown that are mostly g^ases of compounds planned to fly by the planet In said today he may obtain a to beyond $400,000.
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