![Arxiv:1611.04937V1 [Math.RT] 15 Nov 2016 Otemr Utestigof a Theorem, Setting Skryabin’S Subtle Generalizing More About Is the Paper to This 1.1](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
W-ALGEBRAS AND WHITTAKER CATEGORIES SAM RASKIN For Arthur Abstract. Affine W-algebras are a somewhat complicated family of (topological) associative al- gebras associated with a semisimple Lie algebra, quantizing functions on the algebraic loop space of Kostant’s slice. They have attracted a great deal of attention in geometric representation theory because of Feigin-Frenkel’s duality theorem for them, which identifies W-algebras for a Lie algebra and its Langlands dual through a subtle construction. The main result of this paper is an affine version of Skryabin’s theorem, describing the category of modules over the W-algebra in simpler categorical terms. But unlike the classical story, it is essential to work with derived categories in the affine setting. One novel feature is the use of geometric techniques to study W-algebras: the theory of D-modules on the loop group and the geometry of the affine Grassmannian are indispensable tools. These are used to give an infinite family of affine analogues of the Bezrukavnikov-Braverman-Mirkovic the- orem, providing a geometric version of Rodier’s compact approximation to the Whittaker model from the arithmetic setting. We also use these methods to generalize Beraldo’s theorem identify- ing Whittaker invariants and Whittaker coinvariants, extending his result from GLn to a general reductive group. At integral level, these methods seem to have deep intrinsic meaning in the local geometric Langlands program. The theory developed here provides systematic proofs of many classical results in the subject. In particular, we clarify the exactness properties of the quantum Drinfeld-Sokolov functor. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Compact approximation to the Whittaker model 13 3. Some supporting calculations 25 4. Drinfeld-Sokolov realization of the generalized vacuum representations 33 5. Affine Skryabin theorem 44 6. Free-field realization of the generalized vacuum representations 54 arXiv:1611.04937v1 [math.RT] 15 Nov 2016 7. Applications 58 Appendix A. Filtrations, Harish-Chandra modules, and semi-infinite cohomology 61 Appendix B. Proof of Lemma 5.3.1 87 References 94 1. Introduction 1.1. This paper is about generalizing Skryabin’s theorem, a simple result about finite W-algebras,1 to the more subtle setting of affine W-algebras. Date: November 16, 2016. 1One finds competing explanations for the name in the literature. 1 2 SAM RASKIN The main new construction of the paper is of a more general nature. It provides a compact approximation to the Whittaker model, which corresponds under the conjectural local geometric Langlands correspondence to the stratification of the moduli space of de Rham local systems by slope. This method, which we call the adolescent Whittaker construction, is a new one, though closely related to [Rod]. It appears to be fundamental in geometric Langlands, and may be of interest to specialists in the Langlands program without an interest in W-algebras. But in what follows, we emphasize the role of W-algebras, which are ultimately the main players in this paper. We provide a survey of the subject below. The reader with no interest in this part of the paper can safely skip that material. 1.2. Some notation. We work over a ground field k of characteristic 0 throughout the paper. Let g be a reductive Lie algebra. Let n be the radical of a Borel b. We fix Chevalley generators ei P n. Let ψ : n Ñ k be the non-degenerate character with ψpeiq“ 1 for all i. Throughout the paper, notation is always assumed derived (see §1.18 for an explanation why). Our derived categories are considered as DG categories.2 They all admit arbitrary (small) colimits (equivalently, arbitrary direct sums), i.e., they are cocomplete. They are considered as objects of DGCatcont, the 8-category of cocomplete DG categories and continuous functors (i.e., functors preserving all colimits) . E.g., Vect means the DG category of chain complexes of (k-)vector spaces. Similarly, g–mod denotes the DG category of chain complexes of g-modules. We use the notation Vect♥, g–mod♥, etc. to refer to the usual abelian categories (since these are the hearts of standard t-structures on the DG categories). We use Homp´, ´q to denote the chain complex of maps in a DG category. 1.3. Finite W-algebras. We begin by describing what W-algebras are in the finite-dimensional setting, and what about them we wish to generalize. 1.4. We have the finite Drinfeld-Sokolov functor: Ψfin : g–mod Ñ Vect defined by: M ÞÑ C‚pn, M b´ψq The implicit connection to Whittaker models from harmonic analysis has been suggested repeatedly, e.g. in [DSK]. The explanation makes a lot of sense, since the subject was started in [Kos2]; here the word “Whittaker” in the title is explicitly meant to evoke the above meaning. Arakawa [Ara1] suggests the name comes because affine W-algebras generalize the Virasoro algebra, and W succeeds V in the alphabet. De Sole and Kac also suggest in [DSK] §0.2 that because W-algebras quantize functions on the space of invariant polynomials of the group, which can be thought of as invariant polynomials for the Weyl group considered as a Chevalley group, that the name derives from Weyl. I tried to hunt the answer down in the literature, with only partial success. For sl3, the affine W-algebra has two 1-parameter families of generators; one family has to do with Virasoro, so is denoted Ln by standard tradition. In Zamolodchikov’s first paper [Zam] on the subject, which introduced the affine W-algebra for sl3, he denotes the other family by Vn. Howeover, in his second paper [FZ] on the subject, joint with Fateev, the second family is denoted by Wn. As far as I could tell, the name originates from this choice of notation in the second paper. I do not know what this choice was made. The connection to Virasoro was transparent at that time, but I am not sure about the connection to Whittaker models and Kostant’s work. I’m not even sure that the connection to sl3 would have been clear yet. 2This means that they are enriched over chain complexes of vector spaces (and satisfy a few additional hypotheses). However, this notion should be considered in the homotopic sense, i.e., as 8-categories in the sense of Lurie, c.f. [Gai4]. W-ALGEBRAS AND WHITTAKER CATEGORIES 3 where C‚ indicates the cohomological Chevalley complex (i.e., Lie algebra cohomology), and ´ψ is abusive notation for the 1-dimensional n-module defined by the character ´ψ (the reason for the sign will be apparent later). The non-derived version of this functor was introduced in [Kos2], where its basic properties were established.3 Define the DG algebra Wfin as the endomorphisms of this functor.4 One has: Theorem 1.4.1 (« Kostant [Kos2]). (1) Wfin is concentrated in cohomological degree 0, i.e., Wfin “ H0pWfinq. (2) Wfin carries a canonical filtration whose associated graded is slightly non-canonically iso- morphic to the algebra of functions on the Kostant slice f ` be » f ` b{N » g{{G. Here f is a principal nilpotent element related to ψ, e fits into a principal sl2 with f with re, fs P b. We use the quotient symbol { to indicate the stack quotient (which happens to be an affine scheme in this case), and {{ to indicate the GIT quotient. This isomorphism is completely determined by a choice of Ad-invariant isomorphism g » g_. Then for π : g Ñ g_ Ñ n_, f should be the unique nilpotent element in π´1pψq. The proof is quick using Kazhdan-Kostant filtrations, c.f. [Kos2] §1-2, [GG] §4, or §A.19 from the appendix of the present paper. Remark 1.4.2. In fact, it is straightforward to show using these methods that the canonical map Zpgq Ñ Wfin is an isomorphism; in particular, Wfin is commutative. (This is also all but proved in [Kos2].) We encourage the reader to forget this fact as much as possible. The affine W-algebras are not (usually) commutative. There is a more subtle point as well: this identification is not true derivedly, i.e., there are non-vanishing higher Hochschild cohomology groups for Upgq. (From this perspective, the algebra Wfin can be thought of as a construction of the usual (non-derived) center of Upgq adapted to derived settings.) 1.5. Skryabin’s theorem. One has the following description of the category of modules over Wfin. Let g–modN,ψ Ď g–mod denote the full subcategory consisting of twisted Harish-Chandra mod- ules, i.e,. the full subcategory consisting of complexes on whose cohomologies the operators x´ψpxq act locally nilpotently for every x P n. Theorem 1.5.1 (Skryabin’s theorem). There is a canonical t-exact equivalence of DG categories g–modN,ψ ÝÑ» Wfin–mod fitting into a commutative diagram: g–modN,ψ » / Wfin–mod ❑ r ❑❑ fin rr ❑❑Ψ❑ Oblv rr ❑❑ rrr ❑❑% ry rr Vect. Here Oblv denotes the forgetful functor. 3Almost established, in any case. One often finds this source cited for results which are not proved there, but whose proofs can readily be extracted from it. 4 fin fin Explicitly, this means we take Endg–modpΨ pUpgqqq, where Ψ pUpgqq is regarded as a g-module through the bimodule structure on Upgq. ‚ More explicitly still, note that C‚pn, ´q “ C pn, ´qrdim ns b detpnq (with C‚ being Lie algebra homology), so fin g _ Ψ pUpgqq “ indnp´ψqr´ dim ns b detpnq (the sign occurs in switching between right and left actions). So we fin ‚ compute that Endg–modpΨ pUpgqqq is C n,C‚pn, Upgqb´ψqb ψ .
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