8429 S 222 nd Street Kent, WA 98031 Phone: 253-437-3434 Fax: 253-437-3965 Tracking API XML Feed URL https://haulogic.com/xml/EDI_OUT/ ? Query String Fields Field Description of Acceptable Data Required shipmentid Client Identifier (Customer PO Number or Reference Number) Yes CMS Order / Shipment Number (Include Hyphens) 3rd Party Shipment Identifiers (PRO Number or Vendor Reference) SCACID Carrier SCAC Code No 1 SALT Account Key Issued by CMS for High Volume Requests No 2 verification Account Name, Consignee or Consignor No 2 1 The SCACID is only required if you are requesting our server to return the carrier tracking data from a 3 rd Party . Example: If your shipment was not booked through CMS and you would like to utilize our EDI to retrieve a listed carrier’s tracking information in a standardized format. 2 If a SCACID is present the SALT field is required. If the SCACID is not present either the SALT or verification field must be present. Properly Submitted Requests https://haulogic.com/xml/EDI_OUT/?shipmentid=DL-1234-6&verification=XYZCompany https://haulogic.com/xml/EDI_OUT/?shipmentid=DL-1234-6&SALT=Ny6yBdhLQUZpVSEV2T02zEeRI4L6FvJs1j XML Fields Node Description Field Type transaction Container for the XML shipment feed n/a record_response Reports if a shipment was identified Found/Not Found Boolean shipment Container for the shipment fields n/a order_number Order Number of the shipment varchar 200 origin_name Name of Origin varchar 200 origin_city Origin City varchar 200 origin_postalcode Origin Postal Code or Zip Code varchar 50 destination_name Name of Destination varchar 200 destination_city Destination City varchar 200 destination_postalcode Destination Postal Code or Zip Code varchar 50 actual_load Date Shipment was Loaded Date: MM/DD/YYYY consignor Person Signing to release shipment (POP) varchar 500 status_state State of the shipment varchar 200 status_txt Description of current status_state varchar 500 last_reported_location Last Logged Location varchar 200 carrier Service Provider Assigned to Update varchar 500 driver Name of Driver or Representative varchar 200 consignee Person Signing to accept shipment (POD) varchar 200 actual_delivery Proof of Delivery Date Date: MM/DD/YYYY shipment_history Container For Tracking Updates n/a Page: 1 www.vanlinelogistics.com 8429 S 222 nd Street Kent, WA 98031 Phone: 253-437-3434 Fax: 253-437-3965 XML EXAMPLE <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <transaction > <record_response >FOUND / NOT FOUND </ record_response > <shipment > <order_number >180-1234-6</ order_number > <origin_name >Bari Medical Supply </ origin_name > <origin_city >Perry </ origin_city > <origin_postalcode >48872 </ origin_postalcode > <destination_name >SA MEDI EXPORT </ destination_name > <destination_city >Miami </ destination_city > <destination_postalcode> 33132 </ destination_postalcode > <actual_load >8/12/2016 </ actual_load > <consignor>Mark R. </ consignor > <status_state >Delivered \ Completed </ status_state > <status_txt ><![CDATA[ Delivered to Customer on 8/24/2016]]> </ status_txt > <last_reported_location >Error </ last_reported_location > <carrier >United Van Lines </ carrier > <driver >DAVID JOHSNEN </ driver > <consignee >CARLOS AMIGOS </ consignee > <actual_delivery >8/24/2016 </ actual_delivery > <shipment_history > // Loop Through Tracking Transaction History <trackingentry > <testatus >Will Advise </ testatus > <telocation >Kent 98031 </ telocation > <testatus_txt >> <![CDATA[ Warehouse Fulfillment Completed - Carrier Notified ]]> </ testatus_txt > <tecarrier >CMS Relocation _ Logistics _M280_ </ tecarrier > <tedriver >John Warehouse </ tedriver > <tedate >4/1/2016 11:09:00 AM </ tedate > </ trackingentry > </ shipment_history > </ shipment > </ transaction > Page: 2 www.vanlinelogistics.com 8429 S 222 nd Street Kent, WA 98031 Phone: 253-437-3434 Fax: 253-437-3965 Status States Estimate Pending Registration Registered In Transit Storage Will Advise Delivered \ Completed Billing Processed Highly Used SCAC Carrier List ARFW AMERICAN FREIGHTWAYS BAXG BAX GLOBAL BNAF BAX GLOBAL (air) CDNK Celadon CWCE CON -WAY CENTRAL EXPRESS CWIM CON -WAY INTERMODAL CWSE CON -WAY SOUTHERN EXPRESS CWWE CON -WAY WESTERN EXPRESS COSU Coscon Contain er Lines COTO Country Transport CSXT CSX TRANSPORTATION DMLI Diamond Logistics ELOI Ease Logistics EWCF EMERY WORLDWIDE EGLV Evergreen EXPD Expeditors International Ocean FDEN FEDEX (AIR) FDCC FedEx Custom Critical FEXF FedEx Freight FXNL FedEx Freight National (formerly Watkins) FDEG FEDEX GROUND FXFE FedEx LTL Freight East FXFW FedEx LTL Freight West (formerly VIKN - Viking) FLHT FLIGHT TRUCKING, INC FOXA FOX AIR EXPRESS FMRE FRAME’S MOTOR FREIGHT, INC FRSI FREIGHT SYSTEMS, INC GTIA GT EXPRESS TRANSPORT GTLL GTL TRUCK LINES, INC KWXP K W EXPRESS, INC LDYN Logistic Dynamics, Inc. MAEU Maersk Line MTEN Marten Transport LTD. MTSN Mayflower Transit MGMC MGM TRANSPORT NAFT NATIONAL FREIGHT NXPL National Xpress Logistics NEMF NEW ENG LAND MOTOR FREIGHT, INC NHWC NEW HIGHWAY CARRIER, INC NPME NEW PENN MOTOR EXPRESS, INC NYKS NYK Page: 3 www.vanlinelogistics.com 8429 S 222 nd Street Kent, WA 98031 Phone: 253-437-3434 Fax: 253-437-3965 ODFL OLD DOMINION FREIGHT LINE PMLI PACE MOTOR LINES, INC PSLN PACIFIC STAR LINE PNTD PANELLA TRUCKING, INC POXR PATRIOT EXPRESS, INC PAYL PAYSTAR LOGI STICS PDME PIEDMONT EXPRESS POEP PORTLAND EXPRESS, INC GMLS R and L Carriers RRTQ ROADRUNNER TRUCKING, INC RWXC ROADWAY EXPRESS RMFQ ROCKET MOTOR FREIGHT LINES, INC. RSTA ROSSI TRANSPORT SERVICE, INC. ROES ROWE & SON TRANSFER SNMQ S&M MOVING SYSTE MS SMTR S&M TRUCK LINE, INC SAIA SAIA MOTOR FREIGHT LINE, INC SCNN SCHNEIDER NATIONAL SNLU Schneider National SCNN SCHNEIDER NATIONAL INC SBWD SOUTH BEND MOTOR FREIGHT SEFL SOUTHEASTERN FREIGHT LINES, INC SCNI SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TRUCKING, INC SLD E SOUTHLAND EXPRESS, INC SWCA SOUTHWESTERN CARRIERS, INC. SMTL SOUTHWESTERN MOTOR TRANSPORT, INC SFHL SPINELLA FREIGHT LINES, INC SDAT STAR TRANSPORT, INC. SLVS SULLIVAN MOVING AND STORAGE CO SLEF SUNLINE EXPRESS SYSTEMS, INC SAXE SUREWAY AIR EXPRES S SWFT SWIFT TRANSPORTATION SWFT SWIFT TRANSPORTATION CO TTTE T&T TRUCKING, INC TNXP TENNESSEE EXPRESS, INC RSEL TNT RED STAR EXPRESS, INC TPNW Triple A Logistics USNW U.S. Northwest Express or USNW Express USXI U.S. Xpress UPSN United Parcel Serv ice USPS United States Postal Service UVLN United Van Lines UDRY USAW - USA Logistics VSRD Vistar Transportation Ltd. XPOL XPO Logistics Contact CMS for a full list of all Accepted Carrier SCAC Codes Page: 4 www.vanlinelogistics.com .
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