Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Ciències de l’Antiguitat i l’Edat Mitjana Karanos BULLETIN OF ANCIENT MACEDONIAN STUDIES http://revistes.uab.cat/karanos 01 ), online ( 3521 - Ancient Macedonian Studies 2604 in Honor of A. B. Bosworth ISSN e 2018 (paper), 6199 - 2604 1, 2018, ISSN Vol. Karanos Bulletin of Ancient Macedonian Studies Vol. 1 (2018) Ancient Macedonian Studies in Honor of A. B. Bosworth President of Honor Secretary F. J. Gómez Espelosín, Marc Mendoza Sanahuja (Universitat Autònoma (Universidad de Alcalá) de Barcelona) Director Edition Borja Antela-Bernárdez, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Departament de Ciències de l’Antiguitat i l’Edat Mitjana Editorial Board 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona). Spain Borja Antela-Bernárdez Tel.: 93 581 47 87. Antonio Ignacio Molina Marín (Universidad de Fax: 93 581 31 14 Alcalá) [email protected] Mario Agudo Villanueva (Universidad Complutense http://revistes.uab.cat/karanos de Madrid) Layout: Borja Antela-Bernárdez Advisory Board F. Landucci (Università Cattolica del Printing Sacro Cuore) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona E. Carney (Clemson University) Servei de Publicacions D. Mirón (Universidad de Granada) 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona). Spain C. Rosillo (Universidad Pablo de Olavide) [email protected] W. L. Adams (University of Utah) http://publicacions.uab.cat/ N. Akamatis (International Hellenic University) V. Alonso-Troncoso (Universidad de A Coruña) ISSN: 2604-6199 (paper) A. Domínguez Monedero (Universidad eISSN 2604-3521 (online) Autónoma de Madrid) Dipòsit legal: B 26.673-2018 F. J. Gómez Espelosín (Universidad de Alcalá) W. S. Greenwalt (Santa Clara University) Printed in Spain M. Hatzopoulos (National Hellenic Printed in Ecologic paper Research Foundation) S. Müller (Philipps-Universität Marburg) M. Jan Olbrycht (University of Rzeszów) O. Palagia (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens) J. Roisman (Colby College) G. Squillace (Universitá di Calabria) T. Howe (St. Olaf College) c Karanos is an Academic Journal focused in the Historical, Socioeconomical and Cultural perspectives related with Ancient Macedonia, from the Argead Dynasty to the Hellenistic Macedonian Kingdoms (Seleucids, Ptolemies, Antigonids, among others) and the Roman province of Macedonia. Karanos publish double-blind peer-reviewed papers related with these topics, including Historical, Archaeological, Philological, Epigraphical, or Numismatical approaches, and any other kind of cultural analysis on the Ancient Macedonia and its historical appearances like the Hellenistic Kingdoms and the relation with other peoples and cultures, including Historiography and Classical Reception Studies. Karanos also accepts reviews of books, reports and interviews that can be considered of interest for the Ancient Macedonian Studies. The opinions expressed in papers, notes, reviews or any other research published in Karanos is a responsibility in exclusive of their authors. In order to support a Gender-friendly peer-review policy, avoiding preponderances, Karanos uses to keep equality concerning the referee’s election of each paper. Karanos is published under the Creative Commons within the following License: Attribution (by): This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered. Recommended for maximum dissemination and use of licensed materials. I NDEX EDITORIAL 5-6 Professor Brian Bosworth, a brief biography 7-8 by E. BAYNHAM PAPERS Alexander, Agathoi Daimones, Argives and Armenians 11-21 by C. T. DJURSLEV – D. OGDEN Alexander the Great, the royal throne and the funerary 23-34 thrones of Macedonia by O. PALAGIA Alexander and the Medicine 35-54 by B. ANTELA-BERNÁRDEZ – C. SIERRA MARTÍN Battling without Beards: Synesius of Cyrene’s 55-65 Calvitii encomium, Arrian’s Anabasis Alexandri and the Alexander discourse of the fourth century AD. by C. T. DJURSLEV Icons, Images, Interpretations: Arrian, Lukian, 67-86 their Relationship, and Alexander at the Kydnos by S. MÜLLER Death on the Nile: The murder of Perdiccas 87-106 and the river crossing in Ancient Macedonia by A. I. MOLINA MARÍN FLASHBACKS The Coronation of the Diadochi 109-119 by E. S. GRUEN MAIN VOICES IN ANCIENT MACEDONIAN STUDIES W. S. Greenwalt 123-127 by M. AGUDO VILLANUEVA – A. I. MOLINA MARÍN REVIEWS Hugh Bowden, Alexander the Great. A Very Short Introduction 131-132 by M. AGUDO VILLANUEVA Mario Agudo Villanueva, Macedonia. La cuna de Alejandro Magno 133-135 by A. I. MOLINA MARÍN Claudia Antonetti – Biagi, Paolo (eds.), With Alexander in India and Central Asia: 136-139 moving East and back to West by M. MENDOZA SANAHUJA Timothy Howe – E. Edward Gavrin – Graham Wrightson (eds.): Greece, Macedon 140-141 and Persia. Studies in Social, Political and Military History in Honor of Waldemar Heckel by M. PACHÓN F. J. Gómez Espelosín, En busca de Alejandro: historia de una obsesión 142-143 by A. I. MOLINA MARÍN Karanos 1, 2018 5-6 E DITORIAL To launch a new journal is never an easy task. Given the wealth of digital journals on Antiquity available today, what is the point of creating another one? This question, along with many others, will have occurred to anyone who has ever entertained the notion of becoming a journal editor. The case of Karanos is no different in this regard. For over a year now, the editorial board has been puzzling over such questions until, finally, we decided to start work on Karanos. The reason for putting our doubts aside is a simple one: to date, there is no journal in existence that focuses exclusively on the field of the Ancient Macedonian Studies. This is indeed a powerful argument for launching Karanos, as there is a gap that needs to be filled. It also explains the international flavour of Karanos: although based in Spain, as part of the catalogue of journals published by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, the aim is for it to be international in scope, for which reason its main language is English, while accepting papers for publication that are written in French, Italian or Modern Greek, as well as in Spanish and, of course, English. It is true that the historical notion of Macedonia could be regarded as too specific to make up a journal’s whole area of study. The kingdom of Macedonia was a geographic and political entity with its own socio-cultural peculiarities that continued to function in an area of the Balkans (whose size varied over time) for several centuries in the first millennium B.C. However, the Ancient Macedonian Studies are assumed to transcend the limits of the historical entity known as Macedonia, encompassing each of the various historical, archaeological and cultural features of Ancient Macedonia, whether these pertain directly to the Argead Kingdom or to any of its subsequent manifestations in the context of the Hellenistic kingdoms, as the Roman province of Macedonia. Therefore, Karanos has a place for historical and cultural studies and epigraphic, numismatic, and archaeological analyses, when these are of a certain standard and could have a notable impact on historical research within the journal's area of focus. In fact, the journal starts out with the aim of proving that the Ancient Macedonian Studies involve rather more than just the figure of Alexander the Great and that, ultimately, he himself can only be understood within the Macedonian context. Besides its editors, Karanos is backed by a top-flight group of international researchers from various disciplines, whose guidance and support have helped to make its appearance possible. Regarding the structure of Karanos, which will appear once a year, it has four clearly defined sections. The first of these is the “Papers” section, devoted to original studies or discussions on topics within the scope of the journal which make a contribution to our field of study. The second, called "Flashbacks", recovers studies that have already been published but are not readily accessible, or which continue to be of interest and considerable value to today's researchers. For its third section, Karanos opts for interviews, under the title "Main Voices in Ancient Macedonian Studies". It will provide the academic community with an opportunity to benefit from the experience of leading researchers in our field: as told in their own voices in a congenial, personal eISSN: 2604-3521 ISSN: 2604-6199 EDITORIAL tone. In this first issue, we have the honour of interviewing William Greenwalt, whose studies on the religious aspects of Macedonia, among others, have inspired several generations of researchers. Lastly, Karanos includes a brief section for reviewing relatively recent studies that are of interest or could have a notable impact on our field. One main feature of Karanos, in a time of consciousness and the aim of change, is related to our policy about referees. In order to support a Gender-friendly peer-review policy, avoiding preponderances of male reviewers, Karanos uses to keep Gender equality concerning the referee’s election of each paper. This is our little contribution to allow female researchers to be included in equality within the Ancient Macedonian Studies. As births are always special moments – even in the case of journals – we have decided to turn this first inaugural issue of Karanos into a tribute to the great A. B. Bosworth. His influence and, to a certain extent, his guidance, have been crucial to the work of all historians specialising in Ancient Macedonian Studies over the last few decades. The editorial board would like to thank Elizabeth Baynham for her backing. From the very beginning she has supported our plans to pay tribute to Bosworth and she has contributed to this issue with a brief biographical sketch of him. Also taking part in the tribute are such authors as Ogden, Palagia, Müller, Djurselv and Sierra, who, in this way, are also lending their support to the launch of the journal Karanos, which embarks on its journey as from the following pages.
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