admissions.ndu.ac.ug photograph other relevantPass SlipsandCertificatesonecolored passportsize Main orKampalaCampuswithcopies of“0”Level(UCE),“A”(UACE)and and returningtheapplicationforms totheAcademicRegistrar’sOfficeateither The applicationprocedureentails: Payingtheapplicationfee,collecting,filling Application Procedure Advanced Certificate(MinimumEntryRequirements) Undergraduate DegreeProgrammes(MinimumEntryRequirements) Programmes offeredandFeesstructure Location Ownership Background Undergraduate DiplomaProgrammes(MinimumEntryRequirements) 8-4-4, educationsystem. At least3SubsidiaryPassesobtainedat“A”LevelorC+Form4in the Diploma /Certificate sitting at“A”Level(UACE)oritsequivalent,post“0” relevant PrincipalPassandtwoSubsidiaryPassesobtainedatthesame At least5Passesat“0”level(UCE)oritsequivalentandone 2 year’srelevantexperienceinthedesiredfield. its equivalents,orpost“0”LevelDiploma/Certificatewithatleast Principal Passesat“A”Levelobtainedthesamesittingor At least5Passesat“0”Level(UCE)oritsequivalentandtworelevant Higher EducationforQualityAssurancepurposes. forces andinresponsetotherequirementsofNationalCouncilfor its obligationstostudentsandstaffinlightofthedemandsmarket needs, andchangeshavebeenrestrictedtoenabletheUniversitymeet We offerhighqualityprogrammeswithreferencetostakeholders’ Road, RubagaHill,nearHospitalandCathedral. Balintuma RoadincludingtheGRADUATESCHOOLlocatedonMuteesaI Kampala -GuluRoad;andtheKAMPALACAMPUSatMengo,onPlot151, Ndejje Hill,8kms(5miles)North-WestofBomboTown,32Kms(20on (comprising LADYIRENECampusasanintergralcomponent)locatedon Ndejje Universityoperatesfromtwocampusesnamely,theMAINCAMPUS, students irrespectiveofcreed,tribeornationality. central region.However,itisopento/andwelcomesallinterested The UniversityisownedbythesixDiocesesofChurchUgandain Programmes in7Faculties. and BusinessatKampalaCampus.Currentlyitoffersover120Academic The Universityhumblybeganwithdemand-drivencoursesinEducation ethical standardsofbothstaffandstudents. internationally. Itenrollssmallandmanageableclassesmaintainshigh Undergraduate programmesthatarefullyrecognizedbothnationallyand by theMinistryofEducationandSportstoofferPostgraduate Uganda andiscurrentlyamongthe In 1992,NdejjeUniversitypioneeredprivateEducationin OR applicationscan bedoneonlinethroughtheadmissions portal Chartered Private Universitieslicensed OTHER CHARGES Bank charges UNSA/NCHE Identity Cards 3,000/= (1$) Students GuildFee Other chargespayableonceayear. (Rooms &Meals) 950,000/= Accomodation (320$)200,000/=(80$) 50,000/= (20$) Chaplancy fee 22,000/= (9$) 3,000/=(1$) 40,000/= (16$) Research development50,000/=(20$) 10,000/=(4$) Sports Fund Medical Fee Computer userfee150,000/= (60$) 50,000/=(20$) 25,000/= Library userFee (10$) 22,000/=(9$) 40,000/=(16$) Development Fee 10,000/=(4$) 150,000/= (60$) 120,000/= (48$) Examination Fee Registration 30,000/=(12$) 80,000/= (20$) 50,000/= (20$) Admission Fee (12$) 30,000/= (12$) Application FormFee 30,000/= 60,000/= (24$) (13$) 33,400/= (13$) 33,400/= 60,000/= (24$) (12$) 30,000/= (12$) 30,000/= Engineering &Survey Enviroment &AgriculturalScience Graduation Day (paid once) (paidonce) 100,000/=(40$) 50,000/=(20$) Semester Session Semester UGANDAN INTERNATIONAL UGANDAN INTERNATIONAL Program /Campus /Tuition (US Dollars ($) in brackets for International Students) Faculty / Courses Main Campus Kampala Campus Day In-service Day Evening Weekend In-service Faculty of Business Administration and Management Higher Education Certificate (HEC) (Session Based) 400,208/= (198) Diploma in Business Administration (DBA) 533,610/= (264) 533,610/= (264) 600,311/= (281) 600,311/= (281) Diploma in Business Computing (DBC) 533,610/= (264) 533,610/= (264) 600,311/= (281) 600,311/= (281) Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) 1,147,988/= (518) 1,147,988/= (518) 1,040,842/= (469) 1,209,214/= (545) Bachelor of Commerce (COM) 1,147,988/= (518) 1,040,842/= (469) 1,209,214/= (545) Bachelor of Banking and Insurance (BBI) 1,147,988/= (518) 1,040,842/= (469) 1,209,214/=(545) Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance (BAF) 1,147,988/= (518) 1,147,988/= (518) 1,040,842/= (469) 1,209,214/=(545) Bachelor of Procurement & Logistics Mgt (BPL) 1,147,988/= (518) 1,147,988/= (518) 1,040,842/= (469) 1,209,214/=(545) Bachelor of Human Resource Mgt (BHR) 1,147,988/= (518) 1,147,988/= (518) 1,040,842/= (469) 1,209,214/=(545) Bachelor of Co-op. & Agri-Business Mgt (BCA) 1,247,988/= (518) 1,140,842/= (469) 1,309,214/=(545) Bachelor of Public Relations Mgt (BPR) 1,147,988/= (518) 1,040,842/= (469) 1,209,214/=(545) Bachelor of Tourism & Hospitality Mgt (BTH) 1,147,988/= (518) 1,040,842/= (469) 1,209,214/=(545) Bachelor of Project Management (BPM) 1,147,988/= (518) 1,040,842/= (469) 1,209,214/=(545) Bachelor of Science in Marketing Management (BSM) 1,147,988/= (518) 1,040,842/= (469) 1,209,214/=(545) Bachelor of Business Computing (BBC) 1,189,733/= (552) 1,189,733/= (552) 1,078,691/= (469) 1,253,185/=(545) Faculty of Environment and Agricultural Sciences Diploma in Sustainable Agriculture and Extension (DSAE) 824,185/= (376) 307,380/= (99) Diploma in Animal Production and Extension (DAPE) 824,185/= (376) Bachelor of Agricultural Entrepreneurship & Farm Mgt (BAEF) 1,162,138/= (462) 424,896/= (155) Bachelor of Sustainable Agriculture & Extension (BSAE) 1,162,138/= (462) 424,896/= (155) B. Sc. in Forest Plantation and Agroforestry (BFP) 1,162,138/=(462) Bachelor of Forest Science & Environmental Mgt (BFEM) 1,162,138/=(462) Bachelor of Environment and Natural Resources Mgt (BENRM) 1,162,138/=(462) Faculty of Social Sciences Certificate in Guidance & Counseling (CGC) 400,208/=(198) 400,208/= (198) Advanced Diploma in Addictive Counseling (ADAC) 882,000/= (358) 1,047,375/= (425) Diploma in Guidance & Counseling (DGC) 533,610/= (264) 200,104/= (99) 533,610/= (264) 566,961/= (281) 566,961/= (281) Diploma in Community Based Development (DCD) 533,610/= (264) 533,610/= (264) 566,961/= (281) 566,961/= (281) Diploma in Development Studies (DDS) 533,610/= (264) 533,610/= (264) 566,961/= (281) 566,961/= (281) Diploma in Social Work & Social Administration (DSWSA) 667,013/= (330) 767,064/= (380) 808,904/= (400) 836,798/= (414) Diploma in Journalism & Mass Communication (DJMC) 727,650/= (360) 836,798/= (414) Bachelor of Community Development (BCD) 867,116/= (429) 1,147,988/= (518) 994,923/= (449) 1,209,214/= (518) Bachelor of Guidance and Counseling (BGC) 867,116/= (429) 313,496/= (155) 1,147,988/= (518) 994,923/= (449) 1,209,214/= (518) Bachelor of Journalism & Mass Communication (BJMC) 1,147,988/= (518) 1,377,585/= (621) Bachelor of Community Psychology (BCP) 1,024,870/= (462) Bachelor of Social Work & Social Administration (BSWSA) 1,024,870/= (462) 1,224,520/= (552) 1,147,988/= (518) 1,224,520/= (552) Bachelor of Development Studies (BDS) 867,116/= (429) 1,147,988/= (518) 994,923/= (449) 1,209,214/= (518) Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration & Mgt (BPAM) 1,024,870/= (462) 1,224,520/= (552) Bachelor of Arts in Social Gentology & Welfare Studies (BSGW) 1,377,585/= (552) Bachelor(BLHD) of Arts in Leadership & Human Development 867,116/= (429) 1,209,214/= (518) Faculty of Basic Sciences and IT Diploma in Computer Science (DCS) 832,813/= (380) 932,813/= (380) 878,239/= (400) 1,008,523/= (414) Diploma in Sports Nutrition & Management (DSNM) 667,013/= (330) 667,013/= (330) Diploma in Information Technology (DIT) 832,813/= (380) 932,813/= (380) 878,239/= (400) 1,008,523/= (414) Diploma in Sports Coaching (DSC) 667,013/= (330) 667,013/= (330) Diploma in Sports Science & Management (DSSM) 667,013/= (330) 667,013/= (330) Diploma in Administrative & Secretarial Studies (DASS) 691,268/= (380) Diploma in Computing & Information Technology (DCIT) 832,813/= (380) 878,239/= (400) 1,008,523/= (414) Diploma in Science Laboratory Technology (DCLT) 832,813/= (830) 878,239/= (400) 1,008,523/= (414) Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) 1,289,733/= (483) 1,289,733/= (518)* 1,178,691/= (469) 1,353,185/= (545) (BLHD) BachelorFaculty of of Basic Computer Science Sciences and IT (BCS) 1,289,733/= (483) 1,289,733/= (518)* 1,178,691/= (469) 1,353,185/= (545) BachelorFaculty of of Basic Software Science Engineerings and IT (BSE) 1,573,728/= (669) 1,809,180/= (720) Diploma in Computer Science (DCS) 832,813/= (380) 932,813/= (380) 878,239/= (400) 1,008,523/= (414) BachelorDiploma inof Computer Population Science Studies (DCS)(BPS) 832,813/= (380) 932,813/= (380) 878,239/= (400) 1,209,214/=1,008,523/= ((414)545) Diploma in Sports Nutrition & Management (DSNM) 667,013/= (330) 667,013/= (330) BachelorDiploma inof Sports Information Nutrition & Secretarial& Management Studies (DSNM) (BISS) 667,013/= (330) 667,013/= (330) 1,209,214/= (545) B.Diploma Sc. Quantitative in Information Economics Technology (BQE) (DIT) 832,813/= (380) 932,813/= (380) 878,239/= (400) 1,209,214/=1,008,523/= (545)(414) BachelorDiploma inof Sports Science Coaching in Sports (DSC) Management (BSSM) 907,830/=667,013/= (429)(330) 667,013/= (330) B.Diploma Sc. Statistics in Sports and Science Planning & (BSP)Management (DSSM) 667,013/= (330) 667,013/= (330) 1,209,214/= (545) BachelorDiploma inof Administrative Information Systems & Secretarial (BIS) Studies (DASS) 691,268/= (380) 1,209,214/= (545) BachelorDiploma inof Computing Records & Information& Information Management Technology (BRIM)(DCIT) 1,098,075/=832,813/= (380) (462) 878,239/= (400) 1,209,214/=1,008,523/= (545)(414) FacultyDiploma of in Arts Science Laboratory Technology (DCLT) 832,813/= (830) 878,239/= (400) 1,008,523/= (414) CertificateBachelor of
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