The weather Inside today Moitly luimy; breezy, cool todey, Area news .. .14-15 Fam ily ...........8-7 hi||h 45^. Tonight mostly clear, cold, B usiness.................3 MACC new s...........9 low In 20s. Sunny Tuesday with high SO- C lassified____18-18 MCC calendar .. 20 SS. National weather forecast map on Dear Abby........ 19 Obituaries ........... 10 Page 17. Editorial ............. 4 S p o rts..............11-13 Carter and Ford taking time off 18 By ELIZABETH WHARTON porations than from organized labor. administration Has "applied the United Press International But most of the contributions from wrong remedy for inflation.” President Ford and Jimmy Carter all sources were $100 or less. took time off from campaigning Dole was invited to answer Mondale said — and Carter echoed today to begin preparing for their questions from the pulpit of the debate Friday night, when the two him in a statement from Plains — Colonial Congregational Church in that “what we do need is a selective can be asked about any subjects. Kansas City, Mo., Sunday, and ap­ Carter spent most of the day at jawboning policy just like John parently conceded the congressional Kennedy in the IW s stood up to the home in Plains, Ga., before begin­ election to the Democrats, to make a ning a scheduled two-day trip >to point. steel industry when it was trying to rip off the American people ...’” Florida, North Carolina and New “I’m convinced that we will have a York. After that, he plans to spend Democratic Congress,” he said, Carter said “Large companies -V- the rest of the week getting ready for “and if you turn over to Governor (are) ... confident that a president the final debate in Williamsburg, Va. Carter the White House and have a who listens to their lobbyists will let •Vi Ford, back at the White House, liberal Democratic Congress like them get away with it.” The also prepared for the debate, and they have now, then I say to the reference apparently was to Ford’s planned to swear in his new educa­ taxpayer you better hang onto your golf outings at the expense of U.S. tion commissioner, Edward Aguirre, wallet.” Mondale, appearing on Steel and its chief lobbyist, William in a Rose Garden ceremony, and CBS’ Face the Nation, said the Ford Whyte. Admire coffee table in center workshop meet with U.S. Ambassador to England Anne Armstrong. After the formal dedication program Sunday for the Regional Occupational Training 'The vice presidential candidates. Republican Robert Dole and Fire injunction tienter at Wetherell St. and HillstowS Rd, several of the principals toured the facility and Democrat Walter Mondale, were intri^ed with the coffee table being made by handicapped students in the center’s meanwhile, continued seeking votes woodworking facility. From left are: Dr. Mark Shedd, Connecticut commissioner of educa­ in the Midwest. appealed by town tion; Norman Fendell, director of the new facility; The Rev. Newell Curtis Jr., pastor of Except for a quick up-and-back trip Center Congregational Church; Dr. Ronald Denison, president of Manchester Community to New York Thursday for the annual The Town of Manchester has taken Manchester has the bottom-line College; and Dr. James P. Kennedy, Manchester superintendent of schools and program A1 Smith dinner. Ford was expected a second legal step in its appeal of responsibility, at least until the to stay close to the White House until the Buckland fire jurisdiction deci­ Supreme Court appeal is decided. master of ceremonies. The men are holding windshield ice scrapers the school is manufac­ the final debate Friday in sion which favored the Eighth turing for sale to the public this fall. (Herald photo by Larson) The state statute under which Williamsburg, Va. Utilities District. Moses filed his application requires Aides said he was marshalling his Town Counsel Victor Moses has the Superior Court to stay the injunc­ energy and his finances for an inten­ filed an application to stay the opera­ tion unless the court feels that a stay sive 10-day non-stop campaign swing tion of the permanent injunction would cause “great and irreparable from Friday night until election day ing Iron Educator challenges community granted by Superior Court Judge injury” or that the application was to try to overcome Carter’s lead. Edward Hamill. Moses had earlier made “oniy for delay and not in good Carter has outspent Ford by a ratio filed a Supreme Court appeal of faith.” 4 9 9 of more than two to one so far, which Hamill’s declaratory judgment to make full use of learning center means that Ford has the bulk of his which allowed the Eighth District to federally allotted funds still expand to Buckland. And I am not just talking about the could benefit from this program. available for use in the crucial Under state statute, an appeal Red Chinese By FLOYD LARSON “This facility’s capacity for con­ Vaseline problem of job shortages — although closing days of the campaign. automatically stays the declaratory Herald Reporter that is a big one, one we must deal tributing to education for the han­ Ford, after attending church Sun­ judgment, Moses said, but a separate demonstrate • 16 oz “But it’s not enough— it never is,” with — I’m talking about a more sub­ dicapped and to vocational education day, met in the White House with a application is required to stay an in­ Baby Oil Dr. Mark Shedd, Connecticut Q>m- tle problem that has to do with the in general is much greater than 150 Cabinet-level task force to discuss junction. students. .The opportunities here are HONG KONG (UPI) - Students • 16 oz missioner of Education, said Sunday kind of unemployment facing us,” he urban policy. Carter attended the The permanent injunction granted enormous and we can’t lose sight of swarmed through the streets of Baby Shampoo | in opening his chaiienge to the com­ kid. Plains, Ga., Baptist church and later by Hamill prevents the Town of them,” Dr. Shedd said.' Shanghai today with large drums and munities, teachers and parents in­ “What purpose are we serving by issued a statement condemning Ford Manchester from “interfering with, • 24 oz He urged summer programs and gongs supporting the purge of Mao Baby Powder volved in the Regional O ^pational producing a surplus of employes in for coming under the influence of in­ preventing or hindering” the Eighth workshops for students and teacher Tse-tung’s widow and three radical Training Center on the Manchester any field? We are just beginning to dustry lobbyists. District from extending its boundary training to make full use of the facili­ leaders, an American visitor said. (Community Coliege campus. ask these kind of questions — the Carter’s campaign headquarters lines and serving Buckland. Dr. Shedd was the guest speaker at right kind of questions, in my opinion ty the year around.,He suggested Posters accused Madame Mao, or also released a formerly secret list of Moses said the intent of the Chiang Ching, and her radical 9 9 t formal dedication of the center for — when evaluating our vocational evening programs for teachers from contributors to his 1970 gubernatorial application is to allow both sides to associates of plotting the assassina­ the training of special students in the education programs. We’re forced nearby colleges and universities and campaign. It showed about 5,000 return to a “status quo" situation in 14 to 20 age group and which became too — there just arent enough jobs short-term training programs for tion of new party ieader Hua Kuo- donations totaling almost $700,000, which the Eighth District serves feng and attempting to seize power operational in September after out there anymore.” special education students beyond and revealed more support from cor­ Buckland but the Town of almost two years of construction and “ Ahd for the handicapped the full-time enroliment figure of 250. even before Mao died last month. Yardley more than a decade of planning. youngster, the situation has b ^ m e “Why not adult eduation programs After outlining the history of the critical. But ROTC is a start — a for the handicapped in the com­ Soap facility which cost fl.4 million and great start. Because of this program, munity? Why not administrative in- has a capacity for almost double its a group of handicapped kids are service training sessions for other Three Americans win Nobels present 77-member student body. Dr. going to have a shot at self- districts in the area? Or from other Shedd said, supporting jobs. They are going to be parts of the state? Or from other "Despite a great deal of activity in able to compete with skills that states? STOCKHOLM, Sweden (UPI) - Calif., and Prof. Samuel C.C. Ting, combinations of feasable bondings. recent years toward developing measure up to those of others in that “ Why not indeed. You’ve got Prof. William N. Lipscomb of Har­ 40, of the Massachusetts Institute of He determined geometric structures vard University today won the 1976 through X-ray diffractions and by 3 oz bars y vocational programs for the non­ job market. something here — something very Technology, for discovering a new college bound student, too little “But it’s not enough — it never is. important, if only you will share it. It Nobel chemistry prize — the sixth heavy elementary particle. using modern quantum mechanical thought has been given to whether or They (they current 77 ROTC has a tremendous potential as a truly American to win a Nobel prize thus Lipscomb was given the chemistry calculations, he was able to deter­ not job openings will be available students) represent only a small por­ central service center: it must be far this year.
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