Southern Campaign American Revolution Pension Statements [Note from Will Graves: Nancy Poquette has very generously given us permission to post her manuscript containing transcriptions she has made of numerous veterans who lived and/or served in Guilford County North Carolina at some time during the Revolutionary War. Given the “search” capabilities of this site, I have decided to post Nancy's entire manuscript rather than extract from it the individual pension applications transcribed in it. This is an experiment to determine whether or not the ability to search this site will be compromised in any way by grouping the transcriptions. Obviously, one compromise is that each soldier's name will not appear in the Index of applications, but this shortcoming should be overcome by the search capabilities of the site. We'll see. Please let me know if you have any thoughts on whether or not this approach should be used in the future. Also, please note that some of the applications transcribed by Nancy duplicate transcriptions already appearing on the site, but such duplication is viewed as a positive since different transcribers may well (and do) interpret handwritten documents in different ways. Many thanks to Nancy for her generous sharing of the wonderful fruits of her selfless labor—Huzza, huzza, huzza!] Transcribed and annotated by Nancy Poquette Pension Applications of the Guilford County, NC Soldiers of the Revolutionary War Source Lists of Guilford County Men 6-20 The Table of Contents for Pension Applications-[abridged and annotated] Name - - - page Abbott, John - - - - - first enlistment June 1, 1781 Adams, George - - - - 21 Albright, Ludwick - - - - 22 Albright, William - - - - 26 Alexander, Joseph - - - - 28 Apple, Daniel - - - - 29 Armstrong, Thomas - - - - 31 Baker, Peter - - - - - Barnes, Chesley - - - - 32 Barnett, James P. - - - - 34 Barnett, Thomas - - - - 36 Barr, James - - - - 38 Barrow, William - - - - enlisted August 1780 Bay, Andrew - - - - 39 Beeson, Edward - - - - 41 Binkley, Adam - - - - - Bowden, William - - - - 43 1 Bowen, Benjamin - - - - 45 Boyd, William - - - - 46 Brasher, John - - - - 50 Breden, Andrew Breeden - - - 51 Breden, Charles Breeden - - - 53 Brooks, William - - - - 54 Bundy, Christopher - - - - Burns, John - - - - 55 Carnahan, Andrew - - - - 57 Carson, Andrew - - - - 61 Caruthers, Samuel - - - - 63 Cave, William - - - - - Chapman, Joseph - - - - 65 Clapp, Adam - - - - 66 Clapp, Jacob - - - - 68 Clapp, Leodwick - - - - 71 Clark, George - - - - 73 Clark, Lee - - - - 75 Coble, Frederick - - - - Connelly, Henry - - - - 76 Conner, James - - - - Conner, John - - - - Cook, John - - - - 79 Cook, Theodosius - - - - 81 Cook, Thomas - - - - 82 Cotton, James - - - - 89 Cotton, William - - - - 91 Crawley, Thomas - - - - 93 Croft [Craft], Ezekiel - - - - 95 C[r]ouch, William - - - - 97 Crunk, John - - - - - 98 Cumming, Thomas - - - - 100 Cunningham, Jeremiah- - - - 102 Cunningham, William- - - - 104 Curry, John - - - - - Curtis, Peter - - - - - 105 Davis, Enoch - - - - - 107 Denny, Joseph- - - - - 108 Donnell, Andrew - - - - 109 Donnell, Daniel - - - - 110 Donnell, George - - - - 111 Donnell, John, per McBride, John - - 112 Donnell, William - - - - 113 Dougan, James - - - - 115 Dougan, John - - - - 117 2 Edwards, Moses - - - - Eirwin, David - - - - 119 Eliott, John - - - - - Evans, Elisha - - - - - Field, Ansel - - - - 121 Findley, John - - - - 123 Findley, Samuel - - - - 125 Finley, James - - - - 127 Fitzpatrick, John - - - - 129 Flack, James - - - - 131 Forguson, John - - - - Gann, Samuel, Sr - - - - 132 Gates, John - - - - 134 Gibson, John - - - - 135 Gibson, Thomas - - - - 137 Gibson, Wilbourne - - - - 139 Gift, Nicholas - - - - 140 Gipson, William - - - - 141 Graham, John - - - - 147 Grear, Thomas - - - 148 Hall, William - - - - 149 Hambleton, Thomas - - - - 150 Hamilton, David - - - - 151 Hamilton, James - - - - 153 Hamilton, Joseph - - - - 156 Hamm, Mordecai - - - - Hardin, Henry - - - - 158 Hilton, James - - - - 161 Hitchcock, Joshua - - - - 163 Hogan, Prosser - - - - 165 Hood, John - - - - - Hook, George - - - - - Jackson, Joseph - - - - 166 Jester, James T. - - - - Jester, Nimrod- - - - - Johnson, Abner - - - - 167 Johnson, Gideon - - - - 169 Jones, John - - - - - Jones, Isaac - - - - - 174 Jones, William - - - - - 175 Joyce, George - - - - - Kerr, William - - - - - 176 King, Peter - - - - - 178 Land, Reuben - - - - - 181 Lemonds, Alexander - - - - 183 3 Lemonds, Robert - - - - 185 Lesley, Peter - - - - - 186 Lesley, William - - - - 189 Lomax, William - - - - 192 Lovelady, Thomas - - - - 194 Mann, Francis - - - - 200 Martin, Andrew - - - - 201 Martin, James - - - - 202 Martin, Joshua - - - - 206 Martin, Samuel - - - - 207 Maxwell, William - - - - 208 May, John - - - - - 210 McAdow, James - - - - 212 McBride, Isaiah - - - - 213 McBride, James - - - - 214 McBride, John - - - - 216 McCrary, Hugh - - - - 218 McCrory, James - - - - 222 McCubbin, Nicholas - - - - 224 McCuistin, Thomas - - - - 226 McDaniel, John - - - - 229 McKaimy, Francis - - - - 230 McLean, Joseph - - - - 232 Merrell, Daniel - - - - 234 Merrill, John - - - - 235 Miller, Henry - - - - 236 Mitchell, Abraham - - - - 237 Mitchell, Solomon - - - - Montgomery, John - - - - 238 Mooney, William - - - - 239 Moore, Robert - - - - 240 Mullins, Flower - - - - 242 Mullins, William - - - - 244 Myers, Jacob - - - - - Nation, Joseph - - - - 246 Neese, George - - - - 247 Norris, Abner - - - - - Oliver, George - - - - 250 Paisley, Robert [not the Guilford Cty Robert] 251 Pastley [Paisley], John “Cousin” - - 252 Pavey, Samuel- - - - - Peay, George - - - - - 255 Philips, Abraham - - - - Pope, Charles - - - - - 258 Pope, Richard - - - - - 259 4 Porter, Samuel- - - - - 261 Ralph, Thomas - - - - Rankin, Robert [a] - - - - 262 Rankin, Robert [b] - - - - 263 Rayl, Samuel - - - - - 265 Reed, Lovett - - - - - 268 Reiney, Joseph - - - - - Rhodes, Benjamin - - - - 270 Roach, James - - - - - Rose, Samuel - - - - - 271 Ryan, James - - - - - 6 Ryan, William - - - - - Scales, James - - - - - 274 Scales, Nathaniel - - - - 276 Sharp, Isham - - - - - 277 Sharp, Samuel - - - - - 279 Shaw, Robert - - - - - 280 Shaw, William - - - - - 282 Shropshire, William - - - - 284 Simmons, Isham - - - - 285 Simmons, John - - - - 286 Smith, Austin - - - - - 287 Smith, Samuel- - - - - 289 Smith, William - - - - 290 Soots, Christian - - - - Soots, Frederick - - - - 293 Benjamin Starritt-papers were missing. Constructed 29 Starritt, James - - - - - 295 Stewart, James - - - - 296 Strader, George - - - - 298 Strader, John - - - - - 300 Stubblefield, Richard - - - - 5 Summers, Joseph - - - - 301 Sutherland, Daniel - - - - 302 Swing, Mathias - - - - 304 Thomas, William - - - - 307 Thompson, Thomas - - - - 575 Tilley, Henry - - - - - 309 Tuttle, John - - - - - 310 Vernon, Isaac - - - - - 311 Vernon, Richard - - - - 313 Walker, Daniel - - - - 326 Walker, James- - - - - Walker, John - - - - - Whiteman, Mathias - - - - 327 5 Whitworth, John - - - - 329 Wiley, William (a) - - - - 330 Wiley, William (b) - - - - 332 Wilson, John - - - - - 334 Witt, Earis - - - - - 335 Witty, James - - - - - 336 Wood, Sampson - - - - 337 Wright, Edward - - - - 338 Wright, William - - - - 5 Appendix A - - - - 340 Appendix B-Soldiers Services Constructed from Applications of others- - - 347 Surname Index - - - - Placename Index - - - - 6 Guilford County, NC Soldiers of the Revolution Pension? = Is there a pension application filed under this spelling? Sources F.H. = Fred Hughes, Guilford County, NC, a Map Supplement, The Custom House, Jamestown, NC [publishers], 1988 NAM = National Archives Microseries M804 NCATR = North Carolina Archives Troop Records T.L.D.C. = The Life of David Caldwell- Eli W. Caruthers T.O.N.S. = The Old North State in 1776, Volumes I and II, Eli W. Caruthers, 1854, 1856 x = I have photocopied this page from Virgil White, Genealogical Abstracts of American Revolution Pension Files T-This has been Transcribed [Abridged form] into this publication. Name Pension? T Sources County at Enlistment x Adams, George yes-S16594 T NAM Guilford Adams, William no pension app of William Lomax x Albright, Ludwick yes-W5609 T F.H., NAM Orange x Albright, William yes-S6492 T F.H., NAM Guilford Allbrook, ____ pension app of William Lomax x Alexander, Joseph yes-R87 T NAM Guilford Allen, Daniel yes, widow, BLW, Capt. Bethel NAM Guilford x Allen, John[tailor] yes-R113 F.H., NAM Guilford x Allen, Samuel yes-S6480 NAM Hillsborough, Orange Allen, William no pension app. of Ludwick Albright Allison, Alexander no pension app. of Peter Lesley Allison, David yes-R155 pen. app. of Thomas McCuiston x Allison, John yes- yes-W#8 F.H.,NAM, T.O.N.S. Hillsborough, Orange x Allman, [Almond]Thomas yes-R164 NAM Orange Allums [Elms], John no F.H., pension application of Samuel Rayl x Anderson, Jacob yes-W2048 F.H., NAM NJ-only at Moore’s Bridge in 1776 x Apple, Daniel yes-S6520 T F.H., NAM Guilford Archer, Thomas no F.H, T.O.N.S,pension app of William Gipson x Armstrong, John yes-BLW F.H, pension app of Gideon Johnson/Orange x Armstrong, Joseph yes-R255 NAM Orange x Armstrong, Thomas yes-S2925 T NAM Guilford Ashlock, Jesse yes-S1160 pension app of William Lomax Astill, William pension app of Thomas Crawley Austin, William pension app of Richard Vernon Baker, Job no pension app of Samuel Caruthers 7 Baker, Peter yes-W277 T NAM, pen. app of Thomas Crawley Guilford Baker, William no pension app. of Peter Baker Guilford Baley, Stephen no pension app of William Lomax Barker, Leonard no F.H., NAM x Barnes, Chesley yes-W4877 T F.H.,
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