SEACON 79 PROGRESS REPORT No. 2 SUMMER 1978 37th World Science Fiction Convention METROPOLE HOTEL. BRIGHTON. U.K. Permanent address: SEACON '79 AUGUST 23rd-27 th 1979 14 HENRIETTA ST, LONDON WC2E 8QJ.U.K PRESS MEMBERSHIP EXPLOSION! The first and best piece of SEACON '79 news, and one we might be forgiven for crowing over, is that to date (1st June, 1978) our membership is in excess of 1,8j0. This represents massive international support for our convention, especially from North America. We thank you all. Towards the end of this Progress Report you'll find a full and up-to-date alphabetical listing of our members and their status, NEWS; plus a personal message from our Membership Secretary, Eve Harvey. As Eve points out our membership at the moment exceeds that of both Suncon and Iguanacon at a corresponding stage, and with more than twelve months in hand certainly augurs well for August 1979- ACCOMMODATION BOOKING October 1st is the nominal date upon which booking forms for the SEACON Metropole and other convention hotels will be posted. It's very important of course that our members return these forms promptly so that we can get as many rooms tied up as possible before the end- of-tne-year booking rush for the 1979 holiday season (Brighton is one of Britain's most popular holiday resorts, after all). Bookings for accommodation will be handled by a joint arrangement between Seacon '79 and the official Brighton Accommodation Bureau and no bookings for the convention period will be accepted except through this system. The only exception to this rule concerns suites in the Metropole Hotel itself, of which there is a limited number only. Suites will 79: be allocated separately via Rob Jackson, and as far as possible he will try to ensure these go to individuals (or groups) whose need is greatest — i.e. for professional or entertaining purposes, etc. If you want a suite or indeed, wish to organize any special function (SFWA, SFRA, etc.) during the convention period, write to Rob now, STOP c/o the Seacon '79 address: 14 Henrietta Street, London WC2E 8QJ, U.K. THE METROPOLE HOTEL & CONFERENCE CENTRE The Metropole Hotel is one of Brighton's major hotels situated on the sea front and with completely self-contained conference and exhibition facilities. It offers the highest international standard PRESS of banqueting in the famous Winter Garden, which is capable of seating 850. The elegant Cameo Room will be used as the main restaurant for the convention period, hopefully offering a buffet menu as fast and reasonably inexpensive fare for a maximum number of guests. The main convention hall has a seating capacity of 2,000 and there is a balcony which is ideal for viewing such events as the Masquerade. NEWS: Bars are always a major feature of British conventions, and the Metropole has several spacious ones. Additional bars will be set up as required during the convention. The main convention bar will, needless to say, remain open into the early hours of the morning/night before. For the health addicts amongst you there is a comprehensive Health Hydro, where you can take advantage of the Sauna and Solarium, enjoy a massage or underwater massage (L) and use the facilities of the gymnasium or the Beauty Salon. (Of course our programme will be so varied and compelling you'll have no time for all this kind of thingl) SEA CON ’79 If you change your name or address, please return this slip to Eve Harvey, 55 Blanchland Road, Morden, Surrey SM<t 5NE, England. Membership No_ __ Old Name New Name Address PRESS NEWS: SEACON'79: STOP PRESS The hotel has a friendly and accommodating staff who are as eager as we are to see the convention go with a swing. We're sure that those of you for whom this will be the first taste of British hospitality will be agreeably surprised and impressed by the quality NEWS: of service and comfort offered by the Metropole. That is, after all, the prime reason why we chose it as the site for our Worldcon. PROGRAMME & PERSONALITIES At a recent committee meeting the decision was taken to make this a four-day convention; official opening will be on Thursday afternoon, 2Jrd August, with a full programme of events during the SEACON rest of that day (and night). We hope, in particular, to lay on something special for our official opening, so you are urged to arrive in good time. Arrangements for the usual sf-orientated talks, lectures and live-events featuring internationally renowned sf personalities are in the pipeline, all in the capable organizing hands of Malcolm Edwards, currently director of the SF Foundation, a British academic body of considerable repute. '79: Marsha Jones, organizer of Art Shows for most recent British conventions, has agreed to take on the same job for Seacon '79, ensuring a smooth-running display and auction. Susan Lewis, with a vast experience from a myriad U.S. conventions, becomes our North American liaison for the art events. STOP The Masquerade is always an important feature of any sf convention. We've put the organization in the hands of the adaptable Rob Jackson, and fiancee Coral Clarke. Creators of top award-winning costumes, Carol and Mike Resnick, have agreed to act as North American liaison for this event, which should be spectacular to say the least. We shall also be offering valuable cash prizes, so start planning, if not working on, your costume now. PRESS The film programme for Seacon '79, which should be an extensive continuous-perfomance affair, is being over-seen by committee member Roy Kettle, with the experienced help of John Brosnan and a host of willing projectionists. There should be a wide range of popular and original films — something for everyone's taste. The Hucksters and the book auctions also fall under Roy's wing, and Jack Chalker, needing no introduction for his work on North American conventions and as proprietor of Mirage Press, will NEWS: take a leading role in the auction team and as U.S. liaison for auction materials. On the social side, rock superstar and blushing committee member Graham Charnock will be organizing something special in the way of a Friday Night Thrash (i.e. dance plus fringe events). Side by side with our main programme we'll be running a full schedule of fannish events; these will be programmed by Peter Roberts, assisted by the dynamic Pat Charnock. Centred around a large and well-equipped fandom room these events will nevertheless range far and wide. Currently under serious consideration is Robin Johnson's suggestion of an England Vs. Australia fannish cricket test-match. If you fancy yourself as fandom's answer to on Len Hutton or Donald Bradman, let us knowI PRESS PRESS NEWS:SEACON'79:STOP Dave Langford, veteran of the 1978 British Skycon, will be STOP co-ordinating the Hugo nomination and voting procedures, while as NEWS: manager of the business meeting at Seacon we are pleased to have the able assistance of Donald Eastlake, who will also advise us on handling the 1981 site selection ballot. 79: Further appointments to the growing rank of willing Seacon slaves include Martin Hoare, reputed to have most of British fandom now on computer, who joins us as Seacon's data processing manager, and Tim Stannard, a qualified solicitor and partner in a Birmingham practice, who joins Seacon as legal adviser. SEACON You'll gather, we hope, from the above that Seacon '79 is much larger than its Steering Committee; it's a large and continually growing body representative of British and International fandom all working together to hopefully make Seacon a vbry special Worldcon. SEACON SEE YOU AT IGUANACON The intrepid Malcolm Edwards will be braving jet-lag and the ravages of an expense-account to represent Seacon at IGUANACON, 7 9 : together with one or two of our U.S. agents. Feel free to raise any queries or problems with Malcolm, or merely exchange gossip. We'll be de-briefing him thoroughly when he returns to the fold. NEWS: SEACON SEE YOU AT SEACON ? John Millard, our Canadian agent, advises us that he is organizing a group flight to fly from Toronto-London from the 7th-28th August, with airline connections for those who might want them for Louisville and MASFiC. Please spread the news — interested parties to get in touch with John direct, at 18-86 Broadway Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4P 1T4. PRESS Meanwhile, if anybody else out there anywhere is organizing or thinking of organizing travelling parties, please let us know 79:ST0P and we'll do our best to act as liaison and put you in touch with each other. FEEDBACK Feedback? We'd like some. In our next two Progress Reports STOP we'd like to feature your letters containing gossip, advice, grumbles, suggestions and news. It depends on YOU getting in touch. Whether it's ideas for programme events, hints on organization, grievances or good wishes, please write to us at Seacon '79, 14 Henrietta Street, London WC2E 8QJ, U.K., :tri we'll publish a '79: selection of the best letters PRESS CLASSIFIEDS As a special service for fan advertisers only we are offering classified advertising space in future Progress Reports. If you have any wants, sales, exchanges or messages send your ad together with payment in STERLING @ 8p per word (Minimum charge £2.00) to our address as shown above. SF^HSF Recently published To be published shortly Alfred Bester WJ.Burley STAR LIGHT, STAR BRIGHT THE SIXTH DAY Gregory Benford & Richard Cowper Gordon Eklund THE ROAD TO CORLAY IF THE STARS ARE GODS Frank Herbert Algis Budrys THE DOSADI EXPERIMENT ROGUE MOON Vonda McIntyre Samuel R.
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