The M.organ Horse Magazine A BI-MONTHLY MAOAZIXE (Copyrighted 19-t2 by THE MORGAN HORSI-: CLUB) Illiwana Ruban 90 Broad Street New York City No. 7994 VOL. 1 MARCH-APRIL 1942 NO. 4 THERE ARE TWO THE ARMY REMOUNT SERVICE IS DISTINCT FROM "REMOUNTS" THE AMERICAN REMOUNT ASSOCIATION On this matter, Mr. A. A. Cederwald, secretary-treasurer of the: The mere term "Remount" American Remount Association, Otis Building, Washington, D. C, Upwey King Peavine may lead to confusion if the writes as follows: (No. X8074 word is not amplified by fur­ "The Association operates The Half-Bred Stud Book', publishes ther statement, for there are The Horse', a bi-monthly magazine devoted to the breeding of two Remount" organizations headed up in Washington, D.C. good horses, and issues annually a bulletin giving the Distribution first, the U. S. Army Remount Seivnc. a branch of the Quar­ of Remount Stallions by States'. termaster Division of the U. S. War Department, and second, the There is a distinct line of demarkation between the Remount American Remount Association, a private incorporated body, Service and the American Remount Association. The former is a founded by the Jockey Club. government agency, charged by law, inter alia, with the procurement and distribution of stallions under the Army Horse Breeding Plan, THE THOROUGHBRED CLAIM TO CONTROL REGISTRATIONS which was authorized by Congress in 1920. "This Association, on the other hand, may be said to be a OF HALF-MORGANS REJECTED ( ivilian Auxiliary to the Remount Ser\ ice, wholly dedicated to the Officers of The Morgan Horse Club have discussed the matter furtherance of its interests. It is true that while the Association of establishing a Half-Morgan Record Book. sponsored the Breeding Plan and assisted in securing passage of the The American Remount Association, a private organization, of basic law under which it is operated, it has no official connection Washington, D. C, controlled by the Thoroughbred interests, with, or control o\er, its actual operation. It is a non-profit mem­ through Major A. A. Cedarwald, Secretary-Treasurer, under date of bership organization." January 15th last, wrote: "t/j.it if a Halj-Mnrgau registry iteie established it would ELEVEN NEW MEMBERS SINCE DEC. 31, 194) bi're I" limit its operation! to revislration ol foals by A\>o nan I:: th" last i Gi'e Of T' " J.L"".' >.v rj,,r. i- M tr<7iMi: '' -iwi stallions out oj ituregis/eied mares, or to foals out oj icgnlenJ of lis members of The Morgan Horse Club, in thirty states, were Morgan mare\ by stallions nj breeds other than legisleicd I'/im- published, as of December 3 I st, to which list the names of eleven oughbred or Arab/an." new members are added as follows: and also takes the position that any animal with an Arabian or with /'".///' from Calijnni/a: a Thoroughbred parent can only be registered in the Half-Bred Stud Book. Jack Davis, 2-t2H Camino Real, Arcadia, Calif. An extended reply was made by the chairman to this control" J. L. Hanna, 22^ Bush St., San Francisco, Calif position, but it did not change the view of the Secretary who wrote: Dan Nickum, 1003 Washington Blvd., Lazy Acres Ranch, Bell- "I have read with interest your letter ot February 26. In flower, Calif. response I fear / cannot add aif\thi>ig to my letter of January 15, L C Smith, Redding, C ahf in answer to your letter of January 12th. One 11 oi i Indiana: "I concede, of course, the pertect legal right of The Morgan Dr. C W. Dahling, Dahling Bldg , New Haven, Ind. Horse Club, in connection with it's registry of purebred Mor­ One from Kansas: gans, to establish a registry for recording the breeding of grade Mrs. Taha House Zuhars, 552 So. Market St., Wichita, Kan foals sired by Morgan \lalhons." One from \ebrasia: No such control can be exercised over the rules and regulations George S. Hossack, Nye, Nebraska. of an established breed society, as is pointed out by other breed Tieo II op/ ,\ ew York: organizations, even though as far as can be learned the Morgan Mr. and Mrs. R. C Eames, Torreya Farm. Millbrook, N. Y. ( lub is the only one that the American Remount Association has Dr. John M Hanford, 70 E. 00th St., New York City attempted to hobble. Oi/t from A L t ad a. As Mr. Alan N. Mann, a well known patent attorney of New Mrs. Elmor Hill, T. S. Ranch, Battle Mountain, Ne\ ada. Y'ork ( it)', points out in our Editorial column, such rights as may O'.f fiom }\")omii/g; accrue to the Half-Thoroughbred Association under a copyright or Morris S Clark, Bar V Ranch, Sheridan, Wyoming. a trade mark cannot prevent the use of the term "Half-Morgan, ' Editorial Solice: or restrain the establishment of a Half-Morgan Record Book." To carry out the program of The Morgan Horse Club to publish THE MORGAN HORSI; MAG.-.ZINT. and enlarge the advertising ex­ penditure and give greater publicity to the Morgan breed, a much From the Rosebud Boarding School, Mission, South Dakota larger membership is needed. "W'c have started a Morgan Horse program at the Rosebud Will each Morgan owner make it a point to join the C lub this Boarding School. Will you please send me five copies ot any infor­ year'' mation and material vou may ha\e on Morgan Horses' \\ e teel that we should double our membership this year and "We have seven mares and three stallions. reach the 300 mark. 'Also send me a samplv o>p\ of vour publication, including Will )'//, join the < lub-- it is only S5.00 the success of our subs ription rate. I am writing lor the entire school.' efton to re\i\e a wider interest in our breed depends on I he uiji'aoit EL.ix \Hi i H Hi i iv |< >M.PH. oj .''[organ ou iters'. leaihei. MR. CPIUKGI-: W HA.MIMO.N. Ma\ \\ e hear from \ou ' MORGAN BLOOD ON TRAIL RIDES In the real endurance rides of 300 miles, back in the 1920 s, the Morgans made a good showing, being rated second to the Arabs and, in the recent rides Morgan blood has stood up well. California's biggest endurance Ride at Merced, May 30, 31, 1941 had forty-eight horses which completed the hard and diffi­ cult 80 miles under varied conditions ranging from an elevation of 70 feet to 2600. The judges were Roland Hill, the well known Morgan breeder. Horseshoe Cattle Co., Gustine Calif., and Battle Mountain, Nevada, Marcus Ragesdale, stockman of Merced, and Dr. Brown, veterinary of Merced. There were two classes-one carrying under 190 lbs., total weight, and one carrying over 190 pounds. Second prize in the heavyweight class was won by "Dixie," (carried 206 pounds and scored 13x8 points out of 150), l-i hands; 1,000 lbs. weight; six-years-old; a black Morgan mare owned and ridden by Mrs. Julia Siberira of Merced, California. The winner of the lightweight class was 1-4 hands and the "Juvina" director of the Ride, Dr. Moyle, points out that "the winning 1st Place 100-Mile Trail Rid, Decatur horses all carried some strain of the light horse breeds, either Owned and Ridden by Mis. F. Flinn Morgan, Arabian, Thoroughbred, American Saddle Horse or Mus­ tang. It is the fast, steady pace up and down hill that kills off the heavier horses on a ride such as this." Fifth. "Upwey Anna" 04796. Chestnut mare. l4.3l/2 H. 5 yrs. (Foaled May 29, 1932). Sire: Bennington 5693: Dam Scotanna Morgans in the Six Woodstock 100-Mile Trail Rides 040329. Rider: A. G. Wilder, So. Woodstock, Vt. Breeder and Registered Morgans Among the First Ten Owner: Upwey Farms, Woodstock, Vt. In 1936. July 2-1-25. Eleven horses started. First in "Best Mor­ Third Best Morgan: "Mountain Sheik" 8033. Bay, 15.H/2 H. gan" class: "Sadloss" 04648. Chestnut mare under 15 H. (8 yrs.) 9 yrs. (Foaled June 16, 1929). Sire: Mendon Boy x7544: Dam (Foaled April 28, 1928). Rider: Miss Mary Turgeon. Breeder: Rachel 04398. Rider: Dr. H. L. Frost, Pittsford, Vt. Breeder and Mrs. B. H. Dickson, Weston, Mass. Owner: Townshend Morgan Owner: Dr. H. L. Frost, Pittsford, Vt. Farm, Townshend, Vt. In 1938. 100-M/le Trail Ride. Sept. 1, 2, 3. Thirty-seven start­ In 1937. 100-Mile Trail Ride. July 22, 23, 2-1. Twenty-two ers. Third, "Sadwin" 0-1746. Chestnut Mare. 14.1 H. 7 yrs. starters. First, "Lad) Luck" x05i26. Chestnut mare. 15.1 H. 7 yrs. (Foaled May, 1931. Carried 176 lbs.) Sire: "John A. Darling," (Foaled May 12, 1930). Carried 162 lbs. Sire Saltram 7466: Dam 7470: Dam, "Gladwin," 0876. Rider: Miss Mary Turgeon, E of Morgan breeding. Rider: R. J. Hall, Chester, Vt. Breeder: R. R. Brookfield, Mass Breeder- Mrs R H Dickson, Weston Miss _ IVOD'LHIIS. v^ofliwaji, vT Owner: Paul vv. Adams, Chester, Vt. Owner: Townshend Morgan Farm, Townshend, Vt. Best Morgan: "Sadwin," 047 l6. Second Best Morgan, "Upwey I-oiiest Betty," x0515(). Chestnut Mare. 7 yrs. (Foaled June 14, 1931). Sire- "My King—A. S. H R": Dam: Betty Stark, 0268. Rider: A. G. Wilder, So. Woodstock, Vt. Breeder: R. E. Roberts, Hallsville, Missouri. Owner: Upwey Farms, Woodstock, Vt. Third Best Morgan, "Mountain Sheik" 8033. (See 1937 Record) In 1939- 100-Mile Trail RnL. Aug 31, Sept 1, 2: Forty-nine starters. Fourth , "Analette," 04799. Chestnut Mare. 15.2'2H. 7 yrs.
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