HPARTAN DAILY iliirr-1 um- SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE /el. 54 411110. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER I, 1966 Nu 46 Judiciary Power Undefined Decision Hits Meltzer Plan By RICK SKINNER ASH judiciary that a student coun- known only to Rich Corby, chief in high federal and state courts. Music Prof. Brent Heisinger directs the Men's and Wornen's Glee Clubs. Spartan Daily Stuff Writer cil resolution allocating $100 for justice at that time. Thomas said. "As students," the attorney gen- ASB judiciary dealt Ira Meltzer, refreshments to be used in a (Corby, a recent entry into the eral said, "we're still responsible student body attorney general, a Christmas tree-lighting ceremony Peace Corps, contracted infectious to the laws of federal, state and Glee Clubs setback in his plans to define and Dec. 14 violates recent federal de- hepatitis during initial training and municipal governments." SJS State's establish student "independence" cisions defining "separation of currently is undergoing treatment An attorney with the State Col- Largest, Third from the SJS administration. church and state." in a Miami, Fla. hospital. He is lege Board of Trustees' offices in Meltzer said yesterday the re- TO AFFECT LIVES not expected to return to San Los Angeles, Tom Peckenpaugh, To Present cent failure of the student judi- Meltzer said he is attempting Jose until January at least, ac- said Tuesday, "If, in a student In U.S. in Business Degrees ciary to attempt to define the to get the judiciary to "make a cording to friends in correspon- constitution, there should be a scope of student governmental decision which affects the lives of dence with him.) certain area that would be uncon- Retaining its position as the largest of the 18 California students and yet may be beyond Meltzer hoped the judiciary stitutional according to a higher Yule Music power was perhaps a prelude to state colleges, 5.15 registered an 11 per cent enrollment In- the fall of SJS student govern- the scope of the ASB constitution." would reaffirm last year's student government, the student constitu- reuse over the full of 1965, with 21,800 students currently Brent Ileisinger, assistant pro- ment. The judiciary ruled decision on judiciary's decision. He, in effect, tion would have to give way." enrolled. asked ASH judiciary to rule on a "But," he continued, "this in no fessor of music will direct the Meltzer said, "The decision is a the case would have to come from Ranging in size from SJS to newly established Cal State Men's and Women's Blee Clubs at qualified lawyers, and recom- question currently being decided (Continued on Page 3) setback for students who would at Dominguez Hills with 128 students, the state colleges 14:15 tomorrow p.m, in Concert assert their independence from the mend ASB government seek ad- carolled 172,343 students lids fall, making the system the liall when Ihey present "An Eve- administration. It now appears the vice from Norman Epstein, legal largest in the nation. Across the entire 18-college tipilY111, ning of Christmas Music." Admis- people in student government and counsel for the State College the enrollment Increase this fall is 14,359 students. sion is free. in the judiciary particularly look Board of Trustees, or another Chorale To Perform In addition to SJS, six other state colleges have enroll- The program will include tradi- upon the administration as a lawyer. ments over 19,000 students: Cal State at Long Beach, 20,845; plead- tional and contemporary works father image guiding them where- The attorney general, in Cal State at Los Angeles, 19,515; San Francisco State College, including selections from George ever they go. ing his case, cited an SJS pre- 18,522; San Diego State College, 17,909; San Fernando Valley Frederick Handel's "Messiah" and cedent set last year. During the Concert Here Dec. 10 Slate' College, 13,905; and Sacramento State College, 10,801. Gian Carlo Menot ti's opera "Amahl PERFORM PROPERLY 1966 elections, council resolved * * * and the Night Visitors." "I want to see the administra- candidates for student offices could The Roger Wagner Chorale, cur- Born, Alleluia) is the chorale's Sill.; Was third in the nation in the number of bachelor's The Women's Glee Club will tion perform its proper functions not affiliate with student political rently making its 11th hour tour second number. degrees in business granted by collegiate Institutions In the open the presentation with "A which is accepting faculty and stu- parties. Using "freedom of speech" of the United States, will present Just prior to the intermission 11'.S. for the academic year 1965-66. the chorale will present Durufle's Carroll" by Betty Jacobson and dent decisions on policy and carry- as a defense, opponents to the ASB an Invitation to the Arts concert TIM survey by Delta Sigma Pi showed the City University follow it with four Christmas ing out these policies as efficiently resolution had the ruling tossed "Reguiem." at SJS on Saturday, Dec. 10, at ef New York granted 730 such degrees, followed by the Uni- songs by Emma Lou Diemer and as possible. out in the judiciary. The chorale will salute Ameri- in Morris Dailey Audi- ,ersity of Texas with 727 and 545 with 679. "The Lambs to the Lamb" by "By next spring's elections, stu- 'WE DON'T KNOW' 8:15 p.m. can composers of the 20th Cen- Other institutions which granted 500 or more bachelor's Paul Chreston. dents will run for office to under- Thomas, explaining the judi- torium. tury during the second half of degrees in business during the academic year included the The Men's Glee Club will sing take responsibility in policy- ciary's more recent decision not The world-famous chorale and their SJS program. University of Indiana, 674; New York University, 572; Michi- three carols by Alfred Burt: making of their own education or to decide on their own, said, "In orchestra will appear at SJS under Warren's "Holy, Holy" (from gan Slate University, 548; Miami University (Florida), 525; "Caroling, Caroling," "All on a else there will be no student gov- "Requiem"), Copland's "The Prom- the case Monday, we may or may the auspices of the College Union and the University of Southern California, 510. Christmas Morning" and "We'll ernment." not have the power to decidewe ise of Living" and "Stomp Your The Program Board and the Associated survey found that a total of 49,648 bachelor's degrees Dress the House" and "Carol, Steve Thomas, the judiciary's just don't know. We didn't get Foot" from "Tenderland," and were granted In business by all institutions. Brothers, Carol" by Roy Ringwald. chief justice, disagreed with Melt- enough of a case. The information Students. Samuel Barber's "Adagio for Warren Brown, senior history ma- zer's conception of the relation- we got was insufficient to deter- Tickets for the concert go on Strings" will be featured. jor, will be tenor soloist for the ship of the student government to mine such a civil-legal question. sale today in the Student Affairs Closing out the program will traditional Austrian carol "Still, the administration. He said, "We Evidence was presented without Business Office. General Admis- be excerpts from Gershwin's Still, Still." (student government) are given documentation, and the 'precedent' sion tickets sell for $2. "Porgy and Bess." Metro Views Complaints The Glee Club Chorale, a special our powers by the administration. from last year cited by Meltzer is Opening number on the Invita- Last spring the chorale com- group of 17 men and women, will If the administration doesn't like hard to evaluate, since we don't tion to the Arts concert will be pleted a highly successful tour of open the second half of the pro- something (we do), then it have records from last year." Tomas Luis de Victoria's "Ave Europe and the Near East, spon- U.S. State Depart- On Student ousing Rents gram with "Nowell Sing We Now" wouldn't be college policy." Location of ASB judiciary rec- Maria." Sweelinck's "Hodie Chris- sored by the by William J. Erlendson, SJS pro- Meltzer charged Monday before ords from last year is apparently tus Natus Est" (Today Christ is ment. Metropolitan Associates of San tee were either SJS faculty, stu- fessor of music. Jose, an association of downtown dents or alumni. The group also will sing "Quid merchants, examined rental poli- According to Donald Dudley, Petis, 0 Fill?" by Cecil Cope, and cies of SJS area apartments and Metro A spokesman, Miss Ras- "Shepherd's Chorus" from ''Amahl mussen's testimony, supported by and the Night Visitors." rental agencies in a meeting yes- court witnesses "Surely He Hath Borne Our Housing records and other Council Debates Student terday. "shook us up" and he said the Griefs" and "Lift Up Your Heads, that the with the Housing Office. It would Metro A's San Jose State Col- organization is looking into pos- 0 Ye Gates" from Handel's "Mes- By DIANE TELESCO Graham, ASB Recording Secre- some things in this area said Spot- hold meetings once a week to hear lege Committee heard testimony sible methods of helping students. siah" will conclude the program. Spartan Daily Staff Writer tary Kathy Rasmussen, and ASB Housing Office cannot," from students against from Kathy Rasmussen, the SJS Amendments to an act that Pres, Jerry Spolter met with Met- ter. "The Housing Office is bound grievances and vice versa. Lastly, housing office and other SJS stu- ropolitan Associates yesterday by state regulations." landlords would establish a student housing act recommends that ASB hire dents regarding possible unethical morning concerning student com- The motion to postpone action the committee to hear student griev- to assist students by practices of local rental agencies SJS Asks City To Close plaints on housing.
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