1930 CO :rGRESSIO ""AL RECORD-SE~J"ATE 2811 3917. Also, p tltfon of 1o o.l union No. 95, of the I. W. of 0. E., llebert Metcalf Schall Thomas, Okla. Ilefiln Moses 'beppnrd Town E>nd advocating pn Hnge of the r Ur ment bill (II. R. 1815) ; to the IIow ell .. ' orbeck Shlp ·tead Trammell ommitt • on the ivil et'Vice. Johnson Norrl Shortridge Tydings :391 . By 1'r. Y : P UUon of llobert p.. Carpenter, A. A. Jon · Nye tmmons Vnndenberg Kean ddle mitb 'Yagner Inn, ,V ..T. Rnwle , J. R. Hunter, A. L. Boykin, T. H. Hudgins, Kendrick Ovet·man Smoot Walcott and oth r , of n ads, Jack 011 County, rlu., urging ongre fo1· Key s rn tter ·on teck Walsh, Mn . urly pa. 'lage of Ilou ·e bill 2562; to tbe Committee on P n- La I~'ollette Pine Steiwer Walsh, Mont. McKellar Ran d<'ll Sullivan Watson 1 us. Me. In tcr Robin on Ind. Swan on Wheeler McNary Rob,-Jon, Ky. Thomas, Idaho SE ATE Mr. TOWN END. I de ire to announce that the senior Sena­ tor from Delaware [:Mr. HAsTINGS] i detained from tbe enate SATURDAY, Febnwry 1, 1930 becau e of illness in hi family. I ask that this announcement may stand for the day. (Legislative day of Monday, Jauum·v 6, 19SO) Mr. McKELLAR. My colleague the junior Senator from Tcn­ The nate met at 11 o'clo k u. m., on the expiration of the ne . ee [Mr. BROC'K] is unavoidably detained from the Senate. I r s. will let this announcement stand for the day. 'l'be VICE PRESIDENT. The S nate resumes the considera- Mr. HARRI ON. I wi h to announce that my collengue (Mr. tion of the unfini h d bu in · STEPHE...~s] i~ detained from the Senate by illnes . I a k that tbis announcement may stand for the day. REVI ION Oi' TH:I!l TARIFF Mr. HEPPARD. I desire to announce that the enntor The Senat , as in C mmltte of the Wbole, reJ tuned the C<Jll­ from Utah [Mr. KI ... ~G] i neces ~ arily detained from the Senate std ration of t11e bi11 {II. R. 2667) to provide rev nue, to regu­ by illness. This announcement may stand for the day. late commer e with for lgn countries, to encourage the indus­ I de ire to announce, al.,o, the nece sary ab ence of the Sena­ tries of the United tnte., to protect American labor, and for tor from Arknn as [ lr. RoBINSON] and the enator fr m Penn­ olh r purp e . sylvania [Mr. REED], who are delegates from the United States Mr. PELAND. :Mr. Pre ldent, 1:t the Senator from South to the Naval Arms Conference meeting in London, England. OnroHnu [M1·. BLEASE] will oblige me, his amendment seems to I will let this announcement stand for the day. apply to th snme aragraph to which I have offered an amend­ I also wish to announce that the senior euator from Nevada :m nt relnllng to gyp um. 'Vilh his kind perml · ion, becau e of [Mr. PITTMAN] and the junior Senator from Arizona [l\lr. HAY­ my un lety, ubout which I have told him, to get nwny ns early DE8] are necessarily absent from the Senate attending a con­ a po. lble to-day, I should like to proceed with my amendment ference In the West relating to the diversion of the wat r or now. the Colorado River. I wish this announcement to stand for the Ir. BI~EASE. Mr. Presid nt, if tbe Senator will yield-­ day. 'Ihe VI E PRE IDE T. Doe.' the nator from New York The VICE PRESIDE... :rT. Eighty-three Senators bave an­ ;yl ld to the nut or from outh arollnn? swered to their names. A quorum is present. Mr. PELAND. crtninly. :Mr. BLEA E. I have called t11e attention of the Senator REPORT OF THE CAPITAL TRACTION CO. from cw York to the fact that he had better be careful about The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ tb wording of his nmendm nt. As I under:stand it, possibly tion from the president of tbe Capital Traction Co., tran mit­ this nm ndm nt of mine is cov red by another amendment. I tlng, pursuant to _law, the report of that company for the year cnllecl his attention to it tbl morning to see if that 1 tbe en e, ended December 31, 1929, together with a list of the shareholder , and If it is I hall withd1·nw my amendment. It will take only which wa referred to the Committee on tbe District of Co­ n moment for me to do that, and it the Senator will permit lumbia. I , hall be glad then to give wny to him. REPORT OF WASHINGTON GAS LIGHT CO. Mr. OPELAND. I would appreciate 1t 1f the Senator would The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communi­ do that. cation from the president of the Washington Ga Light Co., Mr. lOOT. Mr. rre !dent-- tran. mlttlng, pur uant to law, a detailed tntement of tbe busi­ The VICE PRE IDE T. Does the Senator from New York ness of the company, witb a li t of the stockholders, for the yl ld to the Senator from Utah? year ended December 31, 1929, which was referred to the Com­ Mr. PELAND. I yield. mittee on the District of Columbia. Mr. ~MOOT. I understood the Senator :trom South Carolina REPORT OF GEORGETOWN GAS LIGHT CO. to Inquire in relation to his amendment to paragraph 205, the The VICE PRESIPENT laid before the Senate n COllllllunica­ cern nl paragraph. tion from the president of the Georgetown Gas Light Co., trans­ 1\Ir. llLliJA E. I offered this amendment on the 14th of Sep­ mitting, pm·suant to law, a detailed statement of the bu ine s t mb •r 1!>2 . Mr.• M OT. Cement' has been taken from the dutiable list of th company, together with a 1i t of the tockholders for the and put on th fr 11 ·t. year ended December 31, 1929, which was referred to the Com­ 1\Ir. BLEA E. I made a speech on the subject October 4, mittee on the Di trict of Columbia. 1920. An am ndment was adopted yesterday, as I under, tnnd PETITIONS A ... ~o UEMORIALS it, nod the rca on given for it adoption would indicate that Mr. BROOKHART presented a petition of veterans and mem­ it Is the ame amendment I otrered and that the argument used bers of the sanitarium and soldiers' borne nt Hot Spring , S. h re y terdny ln upport of the amendment which was agreed Dak., praying for the passage of the o-called Brook11art bill, to wa nctly the same argument that I used in October. being the bill {S. 1775} to amend the World War veterans' net, Mr. MOOT. I understood that to be the en e. 1024, as amended, which was referred to the Committee on Mr. BLE E. The only thing I want to do is to keep the Pension .. r ord • trnlght. I have no objection to somebody ell'e getting He al o pre ented petitions of sundry citizen of Eagle Grove, cr dlt !or the amendment, hut I think the r cord hould be kept Gillett Grove, LeGrand, Des Moines, Davenport, and Glimwood, straight. amendment otr red by myself S ptember 9 (cal­ all in the State of Iowa, praying for the pa age of legi.'latlon endar day pt mber 14), 1029; nl , remarks by me, page 4212, granting increased pensions to Spanish War veterans, which 0 ORESSIO AL RI<:JCORD, October 4, 1929. were ordered to lie on the table. Mr. )1'ESR l\1r. Pr . ·tdent, wlll the Senator from New York Mr. BLAI~TFJ pre ented a re, olution adopted by the coun~y yl ld to nabl me to ugge t the absence of n quorum? board of Price County, Wis., favoring the pa. age of the so-called The VICE PRE IDE T. Doe the Senator from New York Knut on bill, being the bill {B. R. 5410) to authorize the See­ yi 1<1 to the S nntor from Ohio for that purpose? r tary of Agriculture to enlarge the tree-planting operations on Mr. OPEL ND. C rtainly. the national fore ts of the Rocky Mountain , and for other pur­ Mr. FE . I ugg t th ab ··ence of a quorum. poses, whlcll was referred to the Committee on Agriculture nnd Th VI E PRE IDENT. The clerk will call the roll. Fore try. The leglslntive clerk call i the roll, and the following Senators Ir. VANDENBERG presented n resolution a ]opted by Twin nnsw r~d to their nam Port Lodge, -o. 12, Shipmaster 'A ociation, of Duluth, Minn., All<'n nrntton Deneen Ootr prot tlng n"'ninst the pa. ~a"e of legi latlon to provide for tb Ashur t Brookhart Dill Gould e tnblishment of shipping commi . loner~ at ports on the Gr at Hnh·d Broussard Fes Greene lint•kl y ' pper Fletcher Grundy Lak , which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. ntnl{hllln nmwny Frnzl~>r llnle Mr. JONES pre en ted petition numerou. ly signed by ,·tmdry Dhu•k onnnlly George Hax·rl citizens of the State of Wn~hlnatou, praying for the pas. age of Blaine Copeland G1llett Ho.rrlson Bl<'ltHe Couzens Glass natfield Iegl lation granting increased pen ion to Spanish War vet­ Rornb Dnlc Glenn Hawes eran , wbich were ordered to lie on the table.
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