- THE WEATHER * Showers today; fair, continued m ild tomorrow. &ntured m second clans mall matter, January 31. 1826. at the H..«t Office at Bllaal.eth. New Jersey. under the 5 Act or Marob I, 117 * V O L . XXV, No. 1276 KSTAHLISHKD nr' 4 HILLSIDE, N. J„ THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1949 o m t iAL NhW-r srKM OK THK TOWNSHIP OK HIM.Mill* PRICE FIVE CENTS Say brook Shift To Cancer Campaign Record-Breaking High School Cagers Cafeteria Costs. Ready For Drive Honored At Progress Cluh’s Dinner Specifications Favors Additional All Next Month To Be Obtained Return 8-4 System Hillside’s annual fund-raising Mrs Henry G. Nulton reported to drive during the month of April the Lay Committee on Education Postal Facilities Abandonment Of Old foi the American Cancer Society Monday night in the Hillside Ave­ work will be under the chairman­ Postmaster Leonard Building Brings New ] nue School that specifications and Proclamation ship of Arnold H. McClow, member Proposes Structure S etu p At Coe Avenue i of the Board of Education and the costs will be obtained -for the pro­ Deny Application WHEREAS the problem of cancer drive chairman of two years ago. posed high school cafeteria addition Elimination ot the old building at Near Lons, Liberty is becoming increasingly acute While the effort will be to receive to supplement the original proposal SiVl,i ,,k School from those which with the aging population steadily Postmaster John P. Leonard of funds to carry on the cancer society presented recently to the Board of For2-Family House ci.mpii f the Hillside school system, mounting until more and more work of service, research and edu­ Elizabeth, who has supervision over vhicli has’long been the object of and more people are reaching the cation of the people concerning I Education. The suggestion to build Guided by objections of 15 prop e Hillside branch postofficepostoffice, has e iticism by parents of Saybrook • cancer age," and cancer, the educational aspect of the the cafeteria was made by the Lay erlv owners who contended grant- 1 1 commended to the U. S. Postoffice pupils, was approved^byjhe Board WHEREAS modern medical skill campaign will be emphasized as Committee and is now being studied in.n the application would detori- 1 I ’ partment enlargement of Hillside t. Education last Thursday night can save at least one-third of the well. One of the primary objectives by the board. ' mate the value of property in the '■ililies to give better service to an adjourned meeting on the 200,000 who die annually in this of the activities of the Cancer So­ Overcrowded conditions and lack ' m ighborhnod. ih»* Zoning Board ol L T.ieally increased number of in- recommendation of Dr. Wayne T. country, if the disease is detected ciety from top levels down to local j nf facilities at George Washington Adjustment Tuesday night rejected' •;; I'i’ries here, it was announced this ],ran„m, supervising principal. in time, and groups is to make people realize I School‘weres: discussed and a com- I the request to grant a variance iron. i ‘1 k. This step sets in motion a series WHEREAS the American Cancer that many forms of cancer can be j mittee will be appointed to study the one-family zone to permit con-1 ecummendation is t^ie direct ,,i complementary changes which Society is conducting a valiant fight cured if prompt action is taken by j loose conditions and make a report jsti action of a two-family house at u a i It f a request by the Hillside viH practically return the Hillside against this disease through its ed­ having a complete checkup by a at the next meeting on April 25 at i 1551 Bond street The application ! fr si rial Association, presented last schools to the 8-4 system, eliminat­ ucational, research and service pro­ physician when danger signals ap­ j I he Hillside Avenue School, the re­ was made by Martin Block, of 270 f ember in the form of a petition, ing the junior high school. grams, and 60 percent of the funds pear. port to be used ns a basis for dis­ Williamson avenue. ‘ I additional deliveries and col- collected will be used within our McClow. the local chairman, has cussion. Sinai Congregation, of 1531 Maple fictions and installation of more Abandonment of the old Saybrook 3' onue, was granted an exception Lol r ail boxes. jjt jiding means the further transfer county to aid this work, therefore been a member of the board of man­ Eugene Abramowitz was ap- I. James J. Holsing, Mayor of the agers of the Union bounty Chapter, t» setback provisions of the Zoning Postmaster Leonard recommended of Grades 3 through 6 to the Coe j pi inted to bring in a report on dinance which would permit ex lntrcased facilities, suggesting they Avenue building, since Saybrook Township of Hillside, do hereby American Cancer Society, since 1947. (school voting practices and recom- proclaim April as CANCER CON­ following that year’s appeal for finding the building to the IV.ml of hi- centrally located in the vicinity Grades 7 and 8 are already there. I mend changes to eliminate possible tlie property. The exception is to of Lung and Liberty avenues and Saybrook Annex would house the TROL MONTH and request the funds. Vice chairmen this year are : irregularities. kindergarten through the second citizens of Hillside to observe it as Mrs. William M. Raphael, school the 25-foot setback regulation and tint they be provided by May 1. such. A resolution was adopted to n*- the board's action will allow a n '1950. On that date the ten year grade, and since in September there board member, and Mrs. Cari Hexa- quest the Hoard of Education to ac­ I further request that all indivi­ mer, president of the A. P. Morris .Kidition to the building with a 17-J lease on the present postoffice prop- ;,n. expected to be.three first and quaint the public with conditions j |. o| setback Tint in lin wit h ad - !ertv at 1-141 North Broad street ex­ three second grades, the seven class­ duals, organizations, businesses and P.T.A. j in the schools through the press. i j. cent porches. rooms in the annex will have been industrial firms within Hillside co­ Arthur L.. Theurer again will po es although Leonard did not operate with and assist the Ameri­ serve as treasurer. Contributions propose abandoning the facilities at ,, mpletely utilized. that location. The present postoffice Eighth Grades Return can Cancer Society in its campaign may be made directly to him at the during April. tax office in the municipal building. site is leased from David O. Evans, Tu make room for the additional Schoen Withdrawal Too Late contractor, and Leonard declared he Saybrook classes at the Coe Avenue GIVEN Under my hand and The 1284 North Broad street. As a spe­ Seal of the Township of cial convenience to residents, Har­ li ought Evans might erect the addi­ a’i.nl it is planned to return all tional facilities ughth grades except Saybrook’s to Hillside, State of New Jer­ vey W. Peace, Jr., will alsij receive For Removal From Machines g.cir respective schools. George sey this 23rd day of March contributions at the Hillside Na­ Needs Cited in the year of our Lord, one tional Bank. A new postofTice building, Leo­ v ashingtor. School will continue Requests Support Be pard stated, should have 5,000 square sending its seventh and eighth thousand, nine hundred and Paul B. Withstandley, public rc- j (L.S.) forty-nine. lntions representative of the Bristol ; Transferred To King "I hearing Republican candidates feet area with accomodations for grades to Hillside Avenue School Lou Fine, chairman, presenting Progress Club's annual foul-shooting lor Township Committee. King, de- • ix trucks. The present location has as at present. Signed JAMES J. HOLSING Myers Co., will be industrial chair- j Albert Schoen, man. Mrs. Philip B. Henoch will I trophy to Tom Caston, leading scorer and foul shooter of the Comet if four Re- elaring he stands on his record of no platform for . trucks and shares The ninth grade, or high school Cagers. publicans who filed petitions for ,., years- service on the Board of a driveway with another tenant. freshman class under Dr. Branom's serve as chairman for organizations. Forming the commercial commit-! By MITCH KRASNY *— --------------------- township Committee in the April; Education and Township Commit-Leopard also made suggestions plan, will remain in the Coe Ave­ HerlichTo Address And MARTY MILSTON 19 Primary, announced Monday l(>(, cited the increase in ratables for improvement in handling parcel nue building which would serve as tee, in charge of collection contain­ He praised the team on its fine ers in stores and other public Tuesday evening the Men’s Pro­ night at a meeting of the Hillside j liere in the past five years and re- post mail so that it would be an annex of the senior high school. gress Club of Hillside threw its an­ record, and also spoke of the way Republican Club in the chapel of the Auction in the bonded debt, both of h; iidled directly through Hillside This grade will operate with a vice places, will be Marion Tyjewski, the team was a living example of Hillside Civic ( luh James D. DufTy. Edward Gottlieb nual shindig to honoa the Hillside Hillside Presbyterian Church that j which h(, attributed to effortsinstead of of Elizabeth with direct principal under the direct super­ High School basketball team.
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