THE SPORTINGCOPYRIGHT, 1893, BY THE SPOKTINO LIFE PUB. CO. ENTEHKD AT PHILA. P. O. AS 8ECOMD CLASS MATPEB. L IFE VOLUME 22, NO. 9. PHILADELPHIA, PA., NOVEMBER 25,. 1893. PRICE, TEN GEN IS. ith him and remained on duty as a pleased with his reception by George ort of a censor to see that the national Wagner. THE SPORTING LIFE. ules are not infringed upon. IN THE EASTERN. CHEVALIER M'GLONE. Winter racing will occupy the atten­ ANSONM Tuesday evening a start was made tion of the local public until next spring. WISDOM. A WEEKLY JOURNAL y electing Bau Johnson, of Cincinnati, Manager Schniel says quite a number Devoted to s president, secretary and treasurer, PRESIDENT POSERS TALKS WISELY THE EX-THIRD BASEMAN RESENTS of improvements will be made at the THE CHICAGO CAPTAIN GIVES FELLOW- ml a committee was appointed on con- ball park before the season opens. BASE BALL, BICYCLING AND titution and rules. It was settled that ON THE CIRCUIT QUESTION. AN INSULT TO HIS FIANCEE, JOHN H. KOCHEJ. MANAGERS A HINT. GENERAL SPORTS AND .limioapolis, Toledo. Detroit, Grand tapids, Milwaukee, Kansas City, Sioux LEAGUE MEETING ECHOES. PASTIMES. y ami Indianapolis will constitute he eight clubs of the new league. The Not in Favor ol Changes in or Addi­ And Lays Out an Insolent Rejected Vou Der Ahe Pictured as Sore At He Says They Have no Business Danc­ Published by Detroit franchise was awarded to Mr. Alleged League Methods. r'anderbeck. .^ tions to the Circuit Without Care- Suitor Who Rashly Presumed on The Philadelphia "Press" correspond­ ing Attendance at League Meetings THE SPORTIHG LIFE PUBLISHING CO. FINISHED AWAST. ent in his account of the League made To-day the League finished its busi- lul Consideration and Proper As­ His Superior Weight Mr. Von dor Ahe appear as dissatisfied Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. icss by adopting the constitution and and Size- with League proceedings. Said the A Prohibitive Price For Chicago nles reported by the committee, and also chronicler: Players The Bunt FRANCIS C RICHTER ) doptiug all of the ideas outlined on surances ot Stability. to Law. "Chris Von der Ahe was a very hot mem­ Question. Editors. he first day of the meeting. Each ber on Wednesday night, and declared that FRANK A. EGAN V lub put up a $1000 bond. The follow- he was up against a game compared with ng board of directors was chosen: In a recent letter to John Depinet, New York, Nov. 23. John J. Fruin, which that of the thimble rigger is on the Chicago, Nov. 20. Captain Anson was CONTENTS: 'anderbeek, of Detroit; Long, of resident of the Erie Athletic Assoeia- a hatter, doing business at No. 86 level. It was all over the drawing for not in attendance at the annual meeting 'oledo; Beck, of Sioux City, and J. ion, President Powers has something to Court street, Brooklyn, is about to begin members of the Hoard of Directors. Twelve of the National League in New York Base Ball News........................ Pages 1 to 5 say of general interest regarding the suit against John T. McGlone, an ex- slips of paper, each containing the name last week. "When I want to attend the Bicycling News......................... Pages 5 to 8 . Barnes, of Minneapolis. The sche- of one of the clubs, were placed in a ule committee was appointed, and will dropping of Erie, Wilkesbarre and Bing- ball player, who is at present the pro­ annual League meetings," said Auson Sports and Pastlmrg............... Page 8 uamtou from the Eastern League cir­ hat, and afterward six were drawn out, last Friday, "I will buy out a club and General Sporting News......... Fate 1 eport at the spring meeting of the prietor of a hotel in Alabama avenue, in the clubs whose names were thus drawn, x>ague. All of the clubs will play cuit. He says in part: the Twenty-sixth ward' of Brooklyn. forming the Board of Directors. By a become a magnate. Team managers Sunday ball except Indianapolis, Detroit "I do uot think, nor can I believe there Both Fruin and McGlone have been strange coincidence not one of the old have no right in the meeting. New York SUBSCRIPTION KATES: and probably Toledo. s a disposition ou the part of any of the paying attention to a handsome bru­ Association clubs were drawn. Mr. Abell, is still after Dahleu, I hear. I'll sell his One Tear.............................................. S4.OO present club members to drop any of the nette who lives on Dean stroct, Brook­ of Urooklyn, suggested that one of the release, but my figures will bo high. ibove-named cities. Ou the contrary, I members thus selected retire, and that Six Months....................... .................... 3.33 hiuk there ix a desire to further continue lyn. McGlone succeeded, however, in Every player on the Chicago team is to­ Three Months....................................... Mr. Von der Ahe'be substituted In his 1.25 PHILADELPHIA POINTERS. he co-partnership begun last season. outstripping his rival in the race for stead. But this found no favor with the day worth $20,000 in cash. If New Single Copy........................................... 10c. While I have heard reports of certain cities the young lady's hand; and to-day she Leaguers, and the committee stands as York wants to give up $20,000 it can ikely to make applications PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. lol. Rogers Still Sore and Determined for franchises is wearing his engagement ring. It drawn. Then it became bruited about that have Dahlen, otherwise not. Why, sub­ Foreign Postage, 81.04 Extra per Annum. at our annual meeting, thus far I have was not until after his engagement that there had been some hocus pocus business stitutes are now quoted at $10,000. I to Fight Some More Next Year- lot received any and I would advise the he learned of the visits of the hatter in the drawing; that the slips on which have sole charge of the team and m> Current Local News and Gossip. League to go slow befora considering such were printed the names of the League applications. to the Dean street house, and became trades or deals are made without my ^SS-Tliose readers of TUB SPORTING LIFE Philadelphia, Nov. '22. — The time that jealous. clubs had been rolled into a ball, while knowledge. I think the League will who have not facilities "I think it would be a mistake to admit those with the names of the Association for reaching tas elapsed since the League meeting, at Toronto or any other city unless the club His fiancee informed him that she clubs on them were permitted to remain compromise on the bunt question by call­ newsdealers, or do not care to be depend­ which the Philadelphia Club was ef- vas owned solely by local people. While had ordered Mr. Fruin to discontinue as they were printed. Of course, in the ing every attempt that fails a strike. ent upon delivery by carriers or news 'ectually turned down, has not soothed I thiuk Toronto a good base ball city, his visits, and the hatter was aware of drawing it was the easiest thing In the That would be a very reasonable and he ruHled feelings of Colonel Rogers. as arc also Rochester and Syracuse, the world to locate the paper balls, and as agents, should by all means subscribe, Eastern League is now In such the engagement to him. Mr. McGlone proper move." Anson plays billiards The Colonel, always earnest, is doubly position called on the lady on Wednesday even­ they all contained the names of League daily and at present has no shooting thus assuring themselves regular and arnest on this percentage business, hat every application for franchise should clubs the Association people had no chance prompt delivery by mail direct from Do thoroughly investigated before admis­ ing and was told by her that Mr. Fruin in their lives. At least, that's the way the. matches on hand. The other day Ansou which ho considers the fight of his base sion is granted, In order to he certain had again visited the house, and before St. Louis magnate looks at it. Mr. Von paid W. P. Mussey $100, the amount this office. jail career. He still declares that he that tho applicant Is solid financially. taking his departure had chucked her der Ahe will now write a little piece with the base ball warrior lost to him in back­ will divide next season on the same "In the event of the Kastern League this title, 'Thrown Down Again, or Who ing the Chicago team last season. deciding to increase under the chin. Advertising Kate Upon Application. basis that he did the last; the other the number of clubs, Mr. McGlone went on the next even­ Uolled the Ballots?' " JLMMY KYA.N ALL IUGIIT. eleven [ would recommend that Scranton be In­ gS"TiiE SPOUTING LIFE goes to press at clubs say that he will divide ac­ vited to make application. Scranton, I un- ing to the Court street hat store. Mr. Chris is fathered with a good many Jimmy Ryau was discharged as cured cording to the percentage proscribed by lerstaud, proved to be a good city during Fiuiu was there, and it was the first things which he neither says nor does. from St. Luke's Hospital yesterday. His 2 P. M. every Thursday. the rules. In that event a lively light K he was correctly reported above, $SS"Advertisers to insure insertion should the past season, and her admission would time that the two men ever met. Fruin, how­ ankle is still weak, but the terrible would follow; but in all likelihood, when strengthen both Blughamton and Wilkes­ who is good looking and weighs about ever, he took his medicine manfully, wound on his leg below the knee has not fail to forward their favors so as to he Colonel has thoroughly calmed down, barre." two hundred pounds, eyed his visitor, as he was decidedly active iu League healed finely, and Jimmy, barring acci­ reach the publication office not later ic will not care to run uis head against As announced in our last issue the who is about fifty pounds lighter in legislation for the balance of the session, dents, expects to be able to play ball than Thursday morning.
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