CENSUS OF INDIA VOL VIII 1941 CENTRAL PltOVlNCES ' &. BERAR TABLIW S. I. S.: CENSUS OF I~DIA, 1941 VOLUME VIII CEN-TRAL PROVINCES & BERAR TABLES by R. K. RAMADHY ANI, I.C.S. Superintendent of Census Operations, Central Provinces and Berar PuBLISRED BY TilE ~IANAGER oF Pt.:m.IeAnc,NI", DELHI PRINTED BY THE MANAGER, GovERNMENT oF INDIA PREss, Sun.A 1942 00. 1. vm. 41. Prlu : B•. 3-4-0 or 5•. 3d. toG List of Agents In India and Burma from whom Government of India Publications are available. KARACHI- ABBOITABAD-Engllih Book Store. Aero Stores. AGRA- English Bookstall English Book Depot, Taj Road. Standard Bookstall Indian Army Book Depo~, Dayalbagb. KARACHI (SADAR)-Manager, Sind Gover.nment .AIDIEDABAD-H. L. College of Commerce Co·ope"" Book Depot and Reoord Office• tive Store, Ltd. LAHORE-· Kansil & Co., Messra. N. C., 9, Commercial Buildings, AJME&--Banthiya & Co., Ltd., Station Road. Tho.Mall. AKOLA-Bakshl, Mr. M.G. Malliotm & Co., Messra. U. P., Post. 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RANGOON- DELID- Burma Book Club, Ltd. lmpcrial Book Depot and Press, Near Jam& M&ajid Curator, Govt. Book Depot, Burma. (Machhliwalnn). RAWALPINDI-Ray & Sons, Mesars.J.,43, K. & L~ Income-tax Lnw Pnblisblng House, Chnildni Cbowk.* Edwardes Road. · Indian Army Book Depot, Dnryagnnj. SHILLONG-Superintendent, Assam Secretariat. Press Jaina & Bros., Me..,rs. J. M., Mori Gate. SIALKOT CANIT.-Modorn Book Depot Bazar Road. Oxford Book and Stationerv Co. SIALKOT CITY- ' ' Shardn. Mnndir, Ltd .• Nai ~nrak. Buckingham & Co., Bookaelleni & Stationers, Green· Young Man & Co., (Rcgd.), Egerton Rand. wood Street. nuM Dilll CANTT.-'Jlcnb"'l Flying Club.t Clifton & Co. FEROZEPORE-Engli'h Book Depot. TRMIClL."WsPOLY FORT-Krisbnaswamy & Co., essra. ., Teppakulum. GW ALIOR-Jaia & Bros.. Mos.•rs. M. B., Sarnf& Road. TRIVANDRUM­ I!YDERABAD (DECCAK)-Hydcrabad Book Depot. Booklovers' Resort, Taikad. ChadcJ'!!bat. P.R. Bros., Main Road. JAIPUR-Garg Book Co .• Tripolia Bazar. VELLORE-Venkat&aubban, Mr. A., Law Bookseller. • Ag•Hts for Income·t&x, Law ani nllied Publications only. t~nts for Publications on Aviation only. NOT£,. Thll census ehtllneration \\Til.!'! tlarried out in fun acconllng to plan but the Governtnent of India decided to restrict the tabulation for British India: Consequently ,the tables in this volume cover less than half the contemplated ran~ and offer in. effect only the distribution of the population by community and by province or state, district, tehsil and town. , . · . Opportunity has been taken however ro sort ,wherever possible the 1/50 random aample taken in every area. · . · · . 2. The· slips in which the remaining unsorted information is to be found are stored ·in each province sgainst a possible reopening of tabulation .in happier.. circumstances. · CON:t'ENTS IMPERIAL TABLES PAOB ' I-Area, houses and population •• •• .. .. .. .. .. •• 1 n-variation in population during fifty years •• •• .. .. •• •• •• '1 ID-Towns and villages classilied. by population .. •• .. • • •• "' 15 IV-Cities classified by population with variations since 1891 •• •• .. .. •• 21 · V-Towns arranged territorially with popu'Wjon by communities .. .. .. .. 25 Xill-Community •• •• •• • • •• •• •• • • .. •• 81 ·:xrv-Variation in population of selected tribes •• ' •• •• .. 41 .. •• - PROVINCIAL, TABLES I-Area and population of tehsils •• •• .. •• • • •• •• .. 45 ll-Population of districte and tehsils by communities~and literaoy •• .. •• - 49 SAMPLE TABI·ES VI-Birthplace ... - - -- ... .. .. - - ri6 l[-lJneDlployrnent .. CiS •• - - .. -- -- XU-Mother-tongue •• ... ... .. eo ' - - - - - I-AREA, HOUSES AND POPULATION . 1. This table sh9ws for each district its area, the number of towns and villages, the number of occupie<l houses and the total urban and rural population, male and female in the province. Similar figures are jVVen for 9 states of the Chhattisgarh States Agency and one state of the Bhopal Agency. The remaining 6 statl>s ()[the· Chhattisgarh States Agency which were hitherto included in the C. P. and Berar Census Ht~ports were allotted thilf time to Bihar for the pnrpose of enumeration anQ. tabulation and their statilltics will appear in the Bihar tables. The difference between some of the areas shown here and those in the corresponding table of 1931 is due to transfers to Orissa and adjustments within the province as woll as recalculation of areas as explained in the flyleaf of table II. 2. The area given in this table and Provincial Table I in some cases differ because the figures given in this table were adopted from .the district figures ~ven by the Survey of India while in Provincial '!'able I, . the tehsil figures furnished by the Deputy CommiSsioners were adopted according to the instructions from · the Census Commissioner for India. 3. The urban population is 2,189,805. Excluding towns which have less than 5,000 population tho urban population is 2,152,406 and the urban/rural ratio 10: 75. ' 2 I-AREA, HOUSES AND Occupied houses District or State Areaiu Towns Villages sq miles Total In Towns In Villages 1 II .a 6 6 'I CENTRAL PROVINCES and " BERAR (Including States) 118,710 130 44,992 3,813,861 517,027 3,296,834 Central Provinces and Berar .. .. 98,575 ll9 38,985 3,474,861 495,410 2,979,451 0 entral Proviru:es .. 80,766 76 33,280 2,710,640 373,219 2,337,421 J ubbulpore Division 25,730 27 11,027 . 789,242 96,625 692,617 Bangor .. 6,761 7 3,273 207,911 25,770 182,141 Jubbulpore ... 3,919 4 2,247 194,245 26,331 167,914 Mandla 6,115 1 2,007 99,085 3,212 95,873 Hoshangabad 6,707 13 2,397 181,512 23,909 157,603 Nimar 4,228 2 1,103 106,489 17,403 89,086 .. .' Nagpur Divisio~ 27,294 34 9,872 810,816 221,902 588,914 .. Betul I • .. ~ . 3,885 3 1,206 86,092 4,790 81,302 Cbhindwara .. 7,933 4 3,546 219,070 . 12,565 206,505 . ( Wardha 2,435 7 1,05T 107,733 . 19,987 87,746 Nagptlf .. 3,836 13 1,678 224,477 167,647 56,830 Chanda 9,205 7 2,385 173,444 . 16,913 156,531 Cjlhattisgarh Divi:Jio~ 27,742 15 . 12,381 1,110,582 54,692 1,055,8SO /"Bhandara 3,580 4, 1,419 185,086 12,679 172,407 Balaghat 3,614 2 ·1,301 127,739 3,837 123,902 ltaipllf 8,205 4 3,653 309,873 20,546 289,327 Bilaspur . ' 7,613 4 3,418 292,813 13,814 278,999 :prug *,83Q l 2,590 195,071 3,816 191,255 Berar. .. ' . J7,8011. 4;J 5,70!J 764,221 .122,191 642,030 umraoti 4,715 15 ~,592 210,774 47,476 163,298 kola 4,093 w 1,416 191i,3!2 32,926 162,416 uldana 3,763 9 1,118 J70,882 23,552 147,330 eotmal 5,238 8 1,579 187,223 18,237 168,986 ~tates " Z6,13S ll 6,00? ~39,000 21,617 317,383 Makrai 150 7Q 3,151$ .. 3,151 Bastar 13,701 i 1!,563 p.9,750 2,360 117,390 Kanker J,413 1 "545 !),7,634 1~0 26,384 Nandgaon 872 1 523 42,496 1,601 37,895 Ehairagarh ~31 ~ ~89 84,273 2~47 31,326 Chhuikbadan 153 1 104 6,968 155 6,213 Kawardha 794 1 877 16,836 1,519 15,317 Sakti · 137 1 124 10,289 836 9,453 Raig~h 1,444 2 7_96 56,3£9 5,62[, 50,704 @a~h .
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