
•ik^ \ . • T-^- <■ 's, ■ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18, IWflf The Wistfcir. FACE mGHTEEN Avenge EMly Net Ihreee Run Faneeat H V. p. WsftMff iMtihirllirBtvr l Eogitiitg IjgraUi Far tiw Week Bivled OeL U, IMd Itney was a flnsdlat la tha Cloiidy n d eatrf. S t Mary’s Episcopal OuUd will ApoUuok it 6:80 pjn. wlUwi- RAM O fficer Sets e company's sUtewide Pria- Mr. Jack O’Lanteiiri - A TLA N nO tealght aad nnM aF. ca^ the first fan meeting, .mam- meet Thursday at 11 a.m. In the 13,243 guild halt Members wlU bring eeUa contest. RmtUCBOIL 1 ^M)out Town berahip drive and get-aMhalnte^ “ First Aid” poidara tll»t On WINF Again w ettho Aadit la dea High ThavedfiF 1.1. ’• aeseion of the Highland Park PTA aandwlches, and. deasert .will be O f fictial Visitation Aotomatte Delivery served by Mra. Jacob Lsita, Mrs. can, be'iwatod oa medielna cabinet ; o f CtreuIatteB. M a n ch e$ U r^ A C ity o f ViXUtge Charm tomorrow at the acliobl. doom oK m 's wall will be jfiVm LT.WOOD CO. The Oreater Haitoinl Ana^ue * ,■ --- r^' Paul Carter, arid MriS, Martha DelU ^ p ter. Royal Arch Ma­ The third aithual M r., Jack Show will be nf^ngottA by the aach vleit^ at the open bouae.; O'Lantem Mystery Voice Contest Pinwe ip 8-ntt Robert W. Warren, eon o f Mr. Wlrtalla. sons. wlil-m eet tomorrow at 7:80, Women e OnlkT ot S t Jamei’ BpU- p.m. at tha Masonic Tampla for Theie poeteHl give laforaaation on' 'Oponaored b / the Recreation De- MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1960 (dMemed AdwortlliBc m Fmfo M ) PRICE PIYB CBWiE copiil Churth « t the V ’eet Hartford and Mrs. Rby B. Warren, 127 ^Ick rem^MB the laymtn ea»: (TWIHTT-BIGHT PA6ES-^IN TWO SECTIONS) Princeton-' St.,, recently waa ap­ St. James’ Mothers Circle will the official vlaiUtton o f George partffiaritAnd Radio Station WINF VOL. LXXX, NO. If A nnoiy etartliiK Monday, O ct 24, Anderson, deputy grand high uiw for (riite, Ironw, etc. - frill tomomw. through Oct- 5» from 1 to 10:30 pointed cadet captain at Ohio Wes­ meet Wednesday at 8 p.m.- at the home of Mra. Paul O’Neill,- 36 - S. priest of the grapd-chapter of the Refreshments wH be served. , The, mystery', voice will be p.m. leyan University's Air Force ROTX3 detachment. A senior at Alton St, CO-hoatesaes will be State'of Connecticut. hrunpast over etation WINF O.T.C. - Mrs. Thofriaa Derby and Mrs. Wal­ Twfee every day through Oct.-. 20. Ohio Wesleyan, he will serve aa After a abort businese meeting, Aboard Patrick StaieJVews I Mra Rose Schwoerer, 108 Ma­ f l i^ t commander on the Cadet ter Haberem. There will be a Chi­ offlcera will exemplify the Mark The first biroadceet will be at 7:46 SURGICAL ther S t, will iponeor a luncheon, Some Openinj ;s group staff for the first semester. nese auction after the meeting. Master Mason degree on a class In the mdmlrig and the second In card party and penny auction to- Warren la also president of the the aifternoon Kt 5:16, jnorrow at 12:30 p.m. Rroceeda o f candidates. Hefreshments w llf In Skate SUPPORTS YMCA and business manager of The ladles’ auxiliary to Man­ be served during a social hour Anyone whb thinks they recog­ Roundup U.S. Halts Exp will benefit the Slaters of-the Cross Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Upon nize the mysteiT voice should send and I^asslon In Farnjlngton. chester Chapter, DAV. will honor after the meeting. Fitted to your completion of hla ROTC training, lU Gold Star Mothers at a potluck The Recreation Department „ a post card to the Recreation Ue- Cadet Warren will be commission­ Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at the nouncea that th^re are still ope: pakment, 22 School St., with their Doctor*» EXACT ed a second lieutenant In the U.S. VFW Home, ’riiere will be a busi­ tngs left In Its^ roller skating les-' pame,. age, addresSx and phone gpecificationr Darien Croup Air Force;. ness meeting after the supper. Open House Set son progranrYor ehllih'eri 10 to 16, iber on Or '. befoite Monday, which la 'held at, 'the West Side 0 ^ .6 1 . - \ BACK SUPPORTS Hits Parochi^ | (U M M A G E A baby shower for Mrs. Clifford Mrs. Mario Frattaroli and Mrs. At SNET Building Recre^on Center on Wednesday le , cards: are put iris a box a b d o m i n a l SUPPORTS Gerbe, 120 Summer St., was given and, bn Halloween night, Mri. Jaok Charles Lindsey of the Junior evepinga from 6 to 6. AIATERNITY SUPPORTS School Plans Friday evening at the home of Century Club of Manchester are An inside look at th4 Southern /'^ ese lessons are taught by in­ O’Lante^ will select cards at ran­ Mrs. ’lohn B. Ehrhardt, 74 Henry Guest Speaker dom iandYelephone the children to KNEE SUPPORTS / SALE helping maintain a bootl. at Cen- New England Telephone Gb. .an^ structors from the Playtime Roller WMhilwton, St., Hartford, Mrs. Gerbe's grand­ tinel Hill Hall In Hartford today its operations will be offered li^ul- Skating Co. of Holyoke, Mass. see if theyxknow who the mystery BLASnO HOSIERY Darien, Oct. 19 (/P)— ^Fif­ sister M. Mary Hugh of the Sis­ voice Is. \ mother. Mrs. Eiwyn Roberts, 120 In preparation for UN Week ob-, cheater residents on Oct. M /a n d They will supply ro)ler skates for RIB FRACTURE SUPPdBT* The gubmarine Patrick Henry wake, and the inatnunentatlon— _ COOKR hall ters of Charity of Our Lady Mother Those who\an correctly identi­ teen residents of. this town Summer St.. Manchester, was co- servance atartln.T next Monday, A im ACTioN a p p l i a n c e s his “succesafully” test-fired Observation Island. These of Mercy of Byram, Conn., wilt be 27 when an open house wllVbe held :those wishing to use. them, and fy Mr. Jack ^ ’Lantern will be want to join a ' court fight hdatess at her daughter s shower. trip to the U, N, headquarters In at the Manchester telepbdne build­ will allow children to lue their four coftibet-type Polaris' mis­ ehlps, together with planes, pro­ South Mothodist Church About 30 friends and relatives at­ guest speaker at the annual ban­ awarded prizes by the Recreation oiCRVlCAL COLLARS vided the range Instrumentations against proposed construction Reds Threaten New York will be sponsored Oct. quet of the combined Catholic ing at 82 E. Center ' own Indoor skates if, they 'wish. siles from a position about 600 tended. , 24 by the Service Bureau of Department. \ . CERVICAL BRACES and safety service. of a parochial school here. Business Seizures Mothers Circles next Monday at The doors of the-tuephone build­ Children interested in takirig THURSDAY. OCT. 20 SPINAL BRACES miles o ff the coast of Florida, The Patrick Henry now is on Women’s Organisations. Reserva­ 6:30 p.m, at the GalUen Grove, ing will be operL'Mtcb night from these lessons may do so by at­ CommonPleaa Court Judge Ben­ To Boycott UN DOORS OPEN 0 AJM. The Ladies Aid of Zion Evangel­ tions should be made by Friday. TRUSSES the Navy announced today. thie way to New .London, Conn. jamin M. Leitner today waa con­ Recney St. ^ 6:30 to 9,' contiriuous tours tending Wednesday night session. T h e firings were during an Oct. ical LuUieran- X3hurch will hold a HERNIA SUPPORTS sidering their request that they be teooaored by Stanley Circle A teacher at SaeVed Heart will be coriducted - through the Each participanLmust purchase a 16-18 period. • missionary meeting and social to­ Miss Barbara Brigham, a Hart­ bullding^n addition, trucks and recreation membership card, allowed to join the town of Darien of W. S. C. S. morrow at 7:30 p.m-at the church. School In Byram, Conn., Sister COSMETll “All of the mieailea went the full In arguments expected to begin Arms Cut Talk ford importer, will be guest speak­ eq u lp n ^ t used by the plant de­ a nominal fee will be charged for Hugh made her novitiate at Holy WE CARRY AU> mCDICRL prograriuned range and landed in Union Leaders early next year. " er at a meeting of Gibbons As­ Family Provincial Hbuse in Baltic, partment in outside telephone the lessons. .' THE TOP LINES the planned impact area,” the an- sembly, Ladies of Columbus, U>- ■nie Town- Planning and Zoning United Nations, N; Y,, Oct. Conn., and W’as profe.ssed, in Til­ wwk will be on display. ' For further , Iriformatlon, con­ PHflRfnflCY noimcement said. COrnmiseion rejected earlier this r^ght at 7:43 at the K of C Home. tact Mr. Ronald Daigle at the 19 (JPy------The ^ v ie t Union, Washington, Oct. 19 (fl?)— The United States todfiY baimed burg, Holland She received he^ Visitors to the building will be MHNB.nUNC6.S. M.a*414t The full range of a Polaris is Turn Down GE year a bid Iw the Archdiocese of bachelor’s degree from the College greeted by ’’Mlsa Princess Phone,” West Side Center after 6 o’clock ARTHUR DRUfi today threatened to .boycott all exports to Cuba except certain medical supplies and foods. 844 MAIN STREET 1,200 miles, but the riiots an­ Bridgeport and St. John’s Catholic Mrs. Franlt, Sheldpn, chairman o f St. Teresa In Winona, M inn^nd Dianne Whitney of Enfield. Miss any evening.
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