September 27, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE 22869 b 1915 once in 1920 by a friendly Chicago jury FILIPINO WORLD WAR II VET- SPECIAL ORDERS and once in 1924 by an impartial jury in ERANS DESERVE OUR RESPECT Milwaukee. In fact, the jurors in Mil- AND OUR THANKS The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. waukee were asked in a special inter- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a GREEN of Wisconsin). Under the Speak- rogatory whether Shoeless Joe con- previous order of the House, the gen- er’s announced policy of January 6, spired or participated to fix a Series. tleman from California (Mr. FILNER) is 1999, and under a previous order of the The jury answered with an emphatic recognized for 5 minutes. House, the following Members will be no. Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, in April of recognized for 5 minutes each. I am also not going to debate if Jack- 1999 I was proud to join the distin- f son was given money. According to the guished chairman of the House Com- ‘‘SHOELESS’’ JOE JACKSON story, Shoeless Joe’s roommate Lefty mittee on International Relations, the gentleman from New York (Mr. GIL- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Williams left $5,000 for Jackson on his bed. Whatever the debate, there are MAN), in introducing H.R. 1594, the Fili- previous order of the House, the gen- pino Veterans’ Benefit Improvement tleman from South Carolina (Mr. four things that are very clear. First, Shoeless Joe tried to give the money Act. DEMINT) is recognized for 5 minutes. I rise today to urge my colleagues to Mr. DEMINT. Mr. Speaker, as my col- back before the Series started, but was rebuffed. support this legislation. Preliminary leagues know, I have introduced a reso- steps have already been taken toward lution in the House honoring Second, Shoeless Joe tried to inform restoring fairness to the veterans of ‘‘Shoeless’’ Joe Jackson for his base- the owners of the White Sox of the fix, World War II who are of Filipino de- ball accomplishments. I know most but the owner refused to see him. scent. In 1996, Members of this House baseball fans are familiar with his Third, Shoeless Joe offered to sit out and our colleagues in the Senate passed story. It has been portrayed in recent the Series but was again rebuffed. concurrent resolutions to recognize movies, including Field of Dreams and Fourth, and most notably, Shoeless these brave veterans for their service Eight Men Out. Most sporting shows and contribution toward the successful and magazines, including Sports Illus- Joe played to win. He led all players by hitting .375, and he had the only home outcome of World War II. trated, ESPN and Fox News, have done In October of 1996, President Clinton run of the Series. His fielding was flaw- stories on it. issued a presidential proclamation re- less, throwing out five men at home The people of my district are very fa- calling the courage, the sacrifice, and plate. He set a World Series record miliar with Shoeless Joe, since he grew the loyalty of the Filipino veterans of with 12 hits and combined with Buck up playing baseball in the mill leagues World War II and honoring them for Weaver, the other player who was un- of Greenville, South Carolina, and he their contribution to our freedom. fairly punished, for 23 hits, a record spent the last years of his life there as Hearings have been held in both the which has stood for 60 years. well. House and the Senate on the issue of Throughout his life, he never tired of I have no doubt of Shoeless Joe’s in- benefits for Filipino World War II vet- teaching kids to play the game he nocence. While it is to his discredit erans; and the President included a line loved. There is even a baseball park that he took the money, he did nothing item in both FY 1999 and FY 2000 presi- named after him in Greenville, where for the money. In the end, he came dential budgets for Filipino World War kids play today. clean the only way he could, with his II veterans. For those unfamiliar with Shoeless bat and glove. Then just 3 months ago, the Filipino Joe, let me briefly outline his leg- In July, Ted Williams, Tommy Veterans’ SSI Extension Act, H.R. 26, endary accomplishments. Of his hit- LaSorda, and Bob Feller filed a peti- was incorporated into H.R. 1802, which ting, Babe Ruth once said, ‘‘I decided tion with Commissioner Selig. That pe- passed this House. This bill will allow to pick out the greatest hitter to tition does not ask major league base- Filipino World War II veterans who are watch and study and Jackson was good ball to exonerate Shoeless Joe or to en- currently on SSI and living in the enough for me.’’ Joe Jackson batted dorse his candidacy. To quote, United States to return to the Phil- .408 in his rookie year, a feat which has ippines if they wish to do so, taking a never been equaled. He has the third Those issues are moot at this point as he portion of their SSI with them. Many highest batting average of all time, be- served a very difficult sentence over a long are currently living alone and in pov- period of time. The commissioner of baseball hind only Ty Cobb and Roger Hornsby. erty, financially unable to bring their Over a 10-year period, he never hit is merely asked to acknowledge that Shoeless Joe has fully paid his debt to soci- families to the United States, nor to below .300. His fielding skills in the ety and the game, that he satisfied the sen- return to their homeland. outfield were legendary. His glove was tence of the first commissioner with dignity Most importantly, H.R. 1802 will named ‘‘the place where triples go to and humility and without rancor. Because he allow those who wish to return to the die.’’ has fulfilled his sentence, baseball has no Philippines to be with their loved ones My colleagues probably also know further call or jurisdiction over Shoeless in their final days, but it also saves the that Shoeless Joe Jackson is famous, Joe. U.S. Government money, money that or infamous, for allegedly taking part I rise in strong support of this peti- could be used to balance the costs of in the fix of the 1919 World Series. In tion. It provides major league baseball the bill that the gentleman from New that series, a group of New York gam- with a graceful and dignified way to fi- York (Mr. GILMAN) and I have intro- blers bribed a number of players on the nally let the issue rest and let Shoeless duced, the Filipino Veterans’ Benefits Chicago White Sox team to throw the Joe receive the honor he has long de- Improvement Act. series to Cincinnati. When the news served. These actions are important first came out in 1920, the new commis- steps in our quest for justice and eq- sioner of baseball, Commissioner Lan- In closing, Mr. Speaker, on his death uity. Now is the time to build upon dis, acted swiftly. In a summary judg- bed, Shoeless Joe said, ‘‘I am about to these steps and restore the benefits ment, without an investigation, the meet the biggest umpire of them all that Filipino World War II veterans commissioner banned eight players on and He knows I am innocent.’’ were promised when they were drafted the White Sox team from ever playing Fifty years after his death, it is time into military service by President baseball again. Shoeless Joe was in- for baseball to restore the honor of this Franklin D. Roosevelt. With their vital cluded in the ban. good man. I invite all of my colleagues participation so crucial to the success- I am not going to debate whether or to join me in cosponsoring House Reso- ful outcome of this war, one would as- not the commissioner’s verdict was the lution 269 honoring Shoeless Joe for his sume that the United States would be right thing to do. Jackson was acquit- outstanding accomplishments in base- grateful to their Filipino comrades. So ted of participating in the fix twice, ball. Let us do our part. it is hard to believe that soon after the VerDate jul 14 2003 14:22 May 26, 2004 Jkt 029102 PO 00000 Frm 00163 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\H27SE9.003 H27SE9.
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