Northwest Territories Sport Fishing Regulations Guide April 1, 2019 – March 31, 2020 IT’S THE LAW Table of Contents What’s New .................................................................................................... 1 On-line Fishing Licences ......................................................................... 1 Issues and Concerns .................................................................................. 1 Reporting Fishing Violations ................................................................. 1 Your Sport Fishing Licence .................................................................... 2 Residency ........................................................................................................ 2 General Regulations ................................................................................... 2 Waste Disposal ............................................................................................. 4 Angler Survey Program ............................................................................ 4 Catch and Release Fishing ...................................................................... 4 Additional Validations and Special Management Areas .......... 5 Great Slave Lake .......................................................................................... 6 Great Bear Lake ........................................................................................... 6 Land Claim Settlement Areas ................................................................ 6 General Fish Consumption Guidelines for the NWT ...............10 Waters Closed to Sport Fishing ..........................................................14 Fork Length ..................................................................................................14 Attention All Anglers ...............................................................................15 Daily Catch Limits (DCL) and Possession Limits (PL) ............16 Fish Species of the NWT ........................................................................22 Barbless Hooks ..........................................................................................27 Reward for Salmon ..................................................................................27 Reward for Tagged Fish .........................................................................27 Stir the Ashes ..............................................................................................28 Be Bear Aware ............................................................................................28 Important Safety Information ............................................................29 Catch Log .......................................................................................................30 For More Information .............................................................................34 This pamphlet is not an official statement of the law and is provided for guidance only. The regulations summarized here apply to anglers who are Northwest Territories (NWT) residents, areCanadian not described residents in and this non-residents. pamphlet. The The Northwest fishing Territoriesrights of Fishery RegulationsIndigenous peopleare made in theunder NWT the are federal different Fisheries from Act other, both fishers of which and can be viewed at https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/. Closures, during the year. If you are in doubt about any regulation, contact a fishing quotas and size limits for fishing in the NWT may change FisheryCover Photo: Officer P. or Vecsei Renewable Resource Officer before fishing. NORTHWEST TERRITORIES SPORT FISHING REGULATIONS 2019-2020 What’s New Catch and release limits (Daily Catch Limits 0/Possession Limits 0) within 100m of the centerline of the Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Highway for Arctic grayling, burbot, ciscoes, Reduction in DCL and PL for all other waters in the Inuvialuit Settlementinconnu, lake Region trout, for northern Arctic grayling, pike, walleye lake trout,and whitefish). northern pike, trout and walleye during spawning periods. walleye, and whitefish; including further reductions for lake On-line Fishing Licences Fishing licences are now available on-line at: www.enr.gov.nt.ca. Always carry a copy of your licence with you when fishing. andAny Trapperspersons intending Committee to orfish the lakes Fisheries or rivers Joint on Management Inuvialuit Committee.private lands must first register with either the local Hunters Issues and Concerns goal of Fisheries and Oceans Canada. If you have any concerns orManaging comments healthy regarding and sustainable the current fisheries management for all ofusers recreational is the fisheries,Fisheries we and want Oceans to hear Canada from you. Please send your comments to: Suite 301, 5204-50th Ave. Yellowknife, NT X1A 1E2 or by email to: [email protected] Reporting Fishing Violations Violations of renewable resource legislation are serious offences. If you see something suspicious or illegal, please call and provide as much detail as possible, including the date, time, location, vehicle licence plate, air registration letters or boat registration number and nature of the incident. Help stop violations. The REPORT A POACHER toll-free line is in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call 1-866-762-2437. Information provided on the line is passed on to a Renewable Oceans Canada. Resource Officer and Fisheries and NORTHWEST TERRITORIES SPORT FISHING REGULATIONS 2019-2020 1 Your Sport Fishing Licence NWT and Canadian residents under the age of 16 or 65 years A Sport Fishing Licence is required by everyone except: additional validation. Non-residentof age and over, anglers unless under fishing the in age an areaof 16 that who requires are an validation.accompanied by a person holding a valid sport fishing licence, unless they are fishing in an area that requires an additional March 31. ResidencyAnnual sport fishing licences expire on NWT RESIDENT – A Canadian citizen or permanent resident who has resided continuously in the NWT for a period of three months Season – $10. immediatelyCANADIAN RESIDENT preceding the– A dayCanadian they began citizen fishing. or permanent resident who normally resides in any part of Canada other than Season – $20 | 3-Day* – $15. the NWT immediately preceding the day they begin to fish. NON-RESIDENT – A person other than an NWT Resident or a Canadian Resident. Season – $40 | 3-Day* – $30. fees. GreatThe federal Bear Lake Goods Special and Services Management Tax (5% Area GST) validation will be addedmay be to all The number of days available on a licence and related fees are subject toobtained change. from Please any contact ENR vendorsoffice for for $10 current + GST. licence details. All licences are subject to conditions noted in the “Additional Validations” section. * A 3-day licence is valid for three consecutive days commencing on the date stated on the licence. General Regulations Fisheries Act, Should you be convicted for a first offence under the you may be liable to a fine up to $100,000. If you are uncertain about any of the following items, contact a Fishery Officer or RegulationsRenewable Resource under Officer the BEFORE Fisheries fishing. Act state that: You must carry your valid licence while fishing and be able to produce it at the request of an officer. NWT sport fishing licences expire March 31 of every year. 2 NORTHWEST TERRITORIES SPORT FISHING REGULATIONS 2019-2020 “Sport fishing” means fishing for pleasure and not for sale or barter and may include angling, spear fishing and dip netting. cannotIt is an offencebe put into to waste NWT anywaters. fish that is suitable for food. Live fish cannot be used for bait. Live fish or live fish eggs A hand net may only be used for landing fish caught by angling. swimming.You may not use or possess a gaff while sport fishing. No person shall engage in spear fishing except while providedYou may notcontainers. dispose of fish or fish remains in the water or Dipon the nets ice. may At publicbe used sites, to catch place ciscoes fish remains and suckers. and refuse The in the thediameter water. of the dip net hoop cannot exceed one metre, and all other species of fish caught must immediately be returned to Snagging of fish is prohibited. otherwiseExcept when dealt preparing with in ayour manner fish for where immediate the length consumption, cannot be determined.where size limits Head are and in tail place, must fish be are attached not to tobe Arctic cut, packed grayling or in the Mackenzie Management Zone. You must leave the skin on the fish to help in determining the species. The number of fish must also be identifiable. WhenFillets storedmust be in separated an area other before than freezing your permanent them. Two residence, fillets are regarded as one fish. number of the person who caught them. If you are transporting fish must be marked with the name and Sport Fishing Licence the package. Fishingfish, this is information prohibited withinmust also 23 metresbe marked downstream on the outside of any of Only barbless hooks are permitted for angling in the Northwest Territories.obstruction, The fish use way of or any leap. unusual or special gimmick hooks is often illegal and best avoided. Hooks or lures must not be spring-loaded. You may not use lights to fish. thanAngling two is hooks fishing can with be aattached hook and to line.the line. During You open must water attend to season, you may fish with only a single line or rod. No more beyour attached line
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