ATLAS OF COMPETENCE in Intelligent Transport Systems in Saxony Published by: Saxon State Ministry of Economic Affairs, EDITION Labour and Transport (SMWA) rd New edition Press Office P.O. Box 10 03 29 Driver assistance systems 2017 01073 Dresden R e Germany v n Efficiency is io ed it www.smwa.sachsen.de a ed Data fusionnd d Edited by: (highly) automated driving updated 3r Sächsische Energieagentur – SAENA GmbH Sensor systems [email protected] Congestion prevention Data security www.ivs-sachsen.de Electric mobility Big Data Mobility Layout: Traffic safety Traffic Tracking technologies büro quer kommunikationsdesign Value creation Innovation Real time Printed by: Stoba-Druck, Lampertswalde Data protection Copy deadline: 3rd edition, August 2017 Circulation: 1,500 Vehicle2X grounds Testing Proofreading: driverless Energy saving The featured companies/institutions/organisations Translation: Connectivity Sustainability Information exchange SprachUnion Chemnitz Orders/downloads: www.ivs-sachsen.de protection Environmental Emissions reduction management parking space Intelligent Safety Know-how Copyright Telematics This publication is protected by copyright. All rights reserved, including the right to reprint excerpts Accident prevention www.smwa.sachsen.de and to make photomechanical reproductions. procedures Test Communication systems Traffic management Standardisation intermodal Multimodal applications MAP ATLAS OF COMPETENCE INTELLIGENT IN TRANSPORT SYSTEMS SAXONY IN – 3 Atlas of Competence in Intelligent Transport Systems in Saxony Words of Welcome Saxony’s dynamic economic landscape bears Saxony’s attractiveness as an economic hub, The challenges presented by intelligent trans- the marks of tradition and innovation. Innov- with its modern infrastructure, highly quali- port systems include achieving technical ation can be found today at the interfaces of fied skilled workers, excellent environment for standardisation, identifying suitable business a number of sectors such as microelectron- science and research as well as a broad indus- models and pathways to market maturity, in- ics and the automotive industry; it feeds back trial base of traditional industries and innova- creasing demands for data protection and into traditional sectors, generating synergies tive sectors. insurance-related issues. that create growth and opportunities for the Saxon economy. The potential inherent in intelligent transport With the assistance of the Sächsische Energie- Intelligent transport systems (ITS) are already systems is wide-ranging. Transport safety can agentur – SAENA GmbH, a network of experts a cross-sector and cross-technology driver be improved and accident-related costs avoid- from research, industry and politics is being pro- for the Saxon economy. A large number of ed through the use of Car2X communication gressively established in the Free State of Saxony. companies and institutes are active at the and modern sensor systems. Infrastructure can We invite you to share your expertise with the interfaces of different fields of technology. The be used more efficiently with intelligent net- intelligent transport systems network in Saxony value creation and research spectrum extends working, an integrated transport management and help us shape the future of mobility. from sensor technology to driver assistance system and real-time data exchange. This will systems right through to autonomous vehicles, help reduce congestion delays as well as en- generating jobs as well as new demand for ergy consumption and environmental pollu- education and training, for instance in the au- tion. The importance of intelligent transport tomotive sector. systems goes beyond the context of increas- Saxony is home to key players in the ITS-rel- ing urbanisation, demographic change and evant industries of microelectronics, vehicle digitalisation; the growing demand for freight manufacturing, vehicle and transport technol- transport is also creating a need for increased Martin Dulig ogy, transportation, and communications and networking and automation in order to opti- Saxon State Minister of Economic Affairs, positioning technology. This is the result of mise goods flows. Labour and Transport Words of Welcome Intelligent transport systems are set to play compatible with urban and rural environments. key players in Saxony beyond the borders of a major role – this is clear from the demands Saxony hopes to establish innovative value the Free State. Companies, research institutes, that will be placed on future mobility. Modern creation chains in the forward-looking fi eld administrative agencies and associations pres- technologies have the potential to make road of connected mobility and demonstrate how ent their products and services. Their diversity traffi c safer, more effi cient and more con- these technologies can be harnessed in every- demonstrates the enormous potential in the venient for all road users. day life. As a successful industrial hub with a fi eld of intelligent transport systems. well-established university and research land- Communication between road users will help scape, the state offers an excellent foundation Join the Saxon network and get in touch prevent accidents. Effi cient use of transport for achieving these objectives. with potential partners. We would be happy infrastructure, such as synchronised traffi c to support you. lights, can optimise traffi c fl ows and thereby The Sächsische Energieagentur – SAENA GmbH, reduce driving times – without taking up any established by the Free State of Saxony as its additional space. Avoiding accelerations and Competence Centre for Intelligent Transport decelerations can also reduce energy con- Systems, aims to work with its numerous part- sumption, CO2 emissions and noise emissions. ners to promote this promising agenda. Since Road users will benefi t from greater freedom November 2014 its remit has encompassed of mobility thanks to extensive information, network building, funding consultation, pro- for example when choosing a route or a mode ject supervision and public relations. It imple- of transport. Concerns about electric vehicle ments the technologies through interdisciplin- ranges can be counteracted by transparent ary working groups and offers them in Saxony information on energy consumption combined and beyond. with location and status data from the char- Christian Micksch ging infrastructure. One particular challenge is The purpose of this Competence Atlas is to pro- Managing Director to design technologies that are simultaneously vide a visual directory of the expertise of the Sächsische Energieagentur – SAENA GmbH Table of Contents Sächsische Energieagentur – SAENA GmbH 7 Saxony Economic Development Corporation 8 ENTERPRISES A. N. Solutions GmbH 10 AVI Systems Deutschland GmbH 11 B.A.S. Verkehrstechnik AG 12 BASELABS GmbH 13 BitCtrl Systems GmbH 14 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG 15 Chemnitzer Verkehrs-AG (CVAG) 16 CERSS Kompetenzzentrum Bahnsicherungstechnik 17 CommSolid GmbH 18 COSEDA Technologies GmbH 19 CSC Deutschland GmbH , a DXC Technology company 20 DB Regio Netz Verkehrs GmbH 21 digades GmbH 22 dresden elektronik verkehrstechnik gmbh 23 Dresdner Verkehrsbetriebe AG 24 FES GmbH Fahrzeug-Entwicklung Sachsen 25 First Sensor Mobility GmbH 26 FSD Fahrzeugsystemdaten GmbH 27 FusionSystems GmbH 28 GEO Net solution GmbH 29 IAV GmbH (Ingenieurgesellschaft Auto und Verkehr) 30 IBM Deutschland GmbH 31 IDT Europe GmbH 32 ifn Projekt GmbH 33 INAVET – Institut für angewandte Verkehrstelematik GmbH 34 Ingenieurgesellschaft für Sicherungstechnik und Bau mbH 35 Intenta GmbH 36 Kellner Telecom GmbH 37 Linguwerk GmbH 38 LISt Gesellschaft für Verkehrswesen und ingenieurtechnische Dienstleistungen mbH 39 MRK Management Consultants GmbH 40 MUGLER AG 41 National Instruments 42 NAVENTIK GmbH 43 Noritel Mobile Kommunikation GmbH 44 Nussbaum Parking GmbH 45 NXP Semiconductors Germany GmbH 46 Preh Car Connect GmbH 47 PTV Transport Consult GmbH 48 Sächsische Aufbaubank – Förderbank – 49 Schilderwerk Beutha GmbH 50 SIListra Systems GmbH 51 SQS Software Quality Systems AG 52 SWARCO TRAFFIC SYSTEMS GmbH 53 Syslogic GmbH 54 TomTom Telematics 55 TraceTronic GmbH 56 Traffic Data Systems GmbH 57 T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH 58 [ui!] – the urban institute® 59 Unicontrol Systemtechnik GmbH 60 VCDB VerkehrsConsult Dresden-Berlin GmbH 61 Verkehrsunfallforschung an der TU Dresden GmbH 62 Vodafone GmbH 63 voice INTER connect GmbH 64 YellowFox GmbH 65 ZIGPOS GmbH 66 EDUCATION, RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Chemnitz University of Technology | Business Information Systems 68 Chemnitz University of Technology | Department of Business Administration 69 Chemnitz University of Technology | Department of Law 70 Chemnitz University of Technology | Institute for Information Technology 71 Chemnitz University of Technology | Interdisciplinary Centre for Driver Assistance Systems (I-FAS) 72 Dresden University of Technology | Institute for Automotive Engineering Dresden – IAD 73 Dresden University of Technology | Institute for the Principles of Electrical Engineering and Electronics 74 Dresden University of Technology | Institute for Transport and Economics 75 Dresden University of Technology | Institute of Traffi c Telematics 76 Dresden University of Technology | Vodafone Chair Mobile Communications Systems 77 Fraunhofer Institute for Transportation and Infrastructure Systems IVI 78 IVM Institut für Vernetzte Mobilität gGmbH 79 Leipzig University of Telecommunications (HfTL) 80 University of Applied Sciences Dresden (HTW) | Department of
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