SCS Global Services Report Report for Tassal Operations Pty Ltd: Dover Region - MF 209 Stringers and MF 201 Redcliffs Full Assessment Against Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) Salmon Standard V1.0 Tassal Operations Pty Ltd Level 9, 1 Franklin Wharf, Hobart 7000 Australia USING: ASC Salmon Standard V1.0 June 2012 AUDITORS: Juan Aguirre, James McNaughton and Dr. Sabine Daume ONSITE DATES: 26-27th May 2014 FINAL REPORT ISSUED: 4th September 2014 Prepared by: SCS Global Services (SCS) ASC-Accredited Conformity Assessment Body (#ASC-ACC-005) Sustainable Seafood Program Email: [email protected] 2000 Powell Street, Ste. 600, Emeryville, CA 94608 USA +1.510.452.8000 main | +1.510.452.8001 fax www.SCSglobalServices.com 2000 Powell Street, Ste. 600, Emeryville, CA 94608 USA +1.510.452.8000 main | +1.510.452.8001 fax www.SCSglobalServices.com ASC FULL ASSESSMENT REPORT- TASSAL- DOVER Table of Contents 1 Summary ............................................................................................................................................... 5 2 Historical Background of Farm and Farming Area ................................................................................ 7 3 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 10 4 Audit Plan ............................................................................................................................................ 10 4.1 Previous Audits ........................................................................................................................... 10 4.2 Auditors ....................................................................................................................................... 10 4.3 Audit Plan as Implemented ......................................................................................................... 12 4.4 Staff Interviews ........................................................................................................................... 13 4.5 Stakeholders ............................................................................................................................... 14 5 Findings ............................................................................................................................................... 15 6 Evaluation Results ............................................................................................................................... 16 7 Certification Decision ........................................................................................................................ 113 8 Determination of the Start of the Chain of Custody (CoC) ............................................................... 113 9 Non-conformity Reports ................................................................................................................... 116 10 References ........................................................................................................................................ 124 Appendix 1: Stakeholder Consultation ..................................................................................................... 127 10.1 Stakeholder Issues and CAB responses ..................................................................................... 129 10.2 Additional stakeholder comments received during the public comment period ..................... 146 1 ASC FULL ASSESSMENT REPORT- TASSAL- DOVER Acronyms ACN Australian Company Number ABM Area Based Management ABN Australian Business Number ADAS Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme ADD Acoustic Deterrent Device AHD Acoustic Harassment Device AGD Amoebic Gill Disease AMA Area Management Agreement AMAMG Area Management Agreement Management Group AMBI AZTI Marine Biotic Index AMSA Australian Maritime Safety Authority APC Australian Packaging Covenant APVMA Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority ASC Aquaculture Stewardship Council ASX Australian Stock Exchange ATO Australian Taxation Office AWU Australian Workers’ Union AZE Allowable Zone of Effect AZTI A non-profit research foundation BAP Best Aquaculture Practices BEMP Broadscale Environmental Monitoring Plan BET Bigeye Tuna BOD biochemical oxygen demand BQI Benthic Quality Index CAB Conformity Assessment Body CoC Chain of Custody CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation DHA Docosahexaenoic Acid DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acids DO Dissolved Oxygen DPIPWE Department of Primary Industry, Parks, Water and Environment eFCR Economic Feed Conversion Ratio EIS Environmental Impact Statement EPA Environmental Protection Authority EPO Eastern Pacific Ocean EUL Estimated Unexplained Losses FFDRo Fish Oil Forage Fish Dependency Ratio FFDRm Fishmeal Forage Fish Dependency Ratio FHMP Fish Health Management Plan FIP Fisheries Improvement Project FM Fish Meal FO Fish Oil FRDC Fisheries Research & Development Corporation GHG Green House Gas GMO Genetically Modified Organism GWP Global Warming Potential 2 ASC FULL ASSESSMENT REPORT- TASSAL- DOVER HAG Huon Aquaculture Group HO Head Office HOG Head On Gutted HoS Head of Sustainability HPLC High-performance liquid chromatography IALA International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities IFFO RS The International Fishmeal and Fish Oil Organisation - Responsible Supply IFS Inland Fisheries Service IMAS Institute of Marine & Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania ISEAL International Social and Environmental Accreditation and Labeling Alliance ISO International Organization for Standardization ITI Infaunal Trophic Index IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature IUU Illegal, Unregulated, and Unreported JSA Job Safety Analysis kWh Kilowatt hour LCA Life Cycle Analysis/Assessment LOI Loss on Ignition MDS multidimensional scaling MF Marine Farm MFDP Marine Farm Development Plan MFP Marine Farm Planning MOP Marine Operations Protocol MSC Marine Stewardship Council MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet NC Non-conformity NGER National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting NRM Natural Resource Management NWB North West Bay OH&S Occupational Health and Safety OIE World Organization for Animal Health OTC Oxytetracycline PPE Personal Protective Equipment QA Quality Assurance RCD Residue Current Device RM Regional Manager ROV Remotely Operated Vehicle RTRS Roundtable for Responsible Soy SAD Salmon Aquaculture Dialogue SAI Social Accountability International SARDI South Australian Research and Development Institute SCAT Southern Coastcare Association of Tasmania SOP Standard Operating Procedure SOMV Salmon Orthomyxovirus SPP Special Plumbing Permit SRAC Sustainability Report Advisory Committee SROI Social Return on Investment TARFISH Tasmanian Association for Recreational Fishing 3 ASC FULL ASSESSMENT REPORT- TASSAL- DOVER TASI Tasmanian Aboriginal Site Index TCT Tasmanian Conservation Trust TFDA Tasmania Fisheries Development Authority TIMS Tassal’s integrated Management System TPDNO Total Permitted Dissolved Nitrogen Output TRCI Tasmanian River Condition Index TSGA Tasmanian Salmonid Growers Association TSIC Tasmanian Seafood Industry Council USA United States of America WDP Waste Disposal Plan WHS Work Health and Safety WHO World health Organization WIP Wildlife Interaction Plan WPA Workplace Partnerships Agreement 4 ASC FULL ASSESSMENT REPORT- TASSAL- DOVER 1 Summary The Tassal Operations Pty Ltd’s (Tassal) salmon culturing sites within the scope of this full-assessment, marine farm (MF) MF 209 Stringers and MF 201 Redcliffs, within the Dover farming region, showed excellent overall compliance to the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) salmon standard. The assessment team evaluated the operations against the ASC Salmon Standard V. 1.0 June 2012. Overall there are 13 non-conformities (NCs) identified during the full assessment of the Dover farming region, which equated to 93% compliance against the 152 compliance criteria of the ASC salmon standard v 1.0; a subset of these criteria are in the not applicable (n/a) category (17%). None of the non-conformities (NC) identified are graded as “Major”. A major NC would have precluded award of certification until such time that it could be closed. Since no major NCs were identified and the farm sites conform to the ASC requirements, certification is recommended by the team. The client has provided a root cause analysis and an action plan to address each minor non-conformity (see Table 3). Progress against the action plan will be assessed at the first surveillance audit. The audit team identified five NCs in Principle 2 (Conserve natural habitat, local biodiversity and ecosystem function): one related to the frequency of nitrogen and phosphorus levels on measurements at the farm, one about a specific biodiversity-focused impact assessment which is currently not conducted at the Dover sites, one about feed testing and one about access to information by the public and one about marine mammal mortality which was greater than 2. There is one NC in Principle 3 (Protect the health and genetic integrity of wild populations) which is about the development of an area based management plan. There is one NC in Principle 4 (Use resources in an environmentally efficient and responsible manner) related to the feed ingredients used at the farming sites. There are three NCs in Principle 5 (Manage disease and parasites in an environmentally responsible manner). The first one relates to the frequency of
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