The. ryftitartut Mumma', runtde INCLUDING Railway & Industrial Compendium Public Utility Compendium Bank and Quotation Section State & Municipal Compendium Railway Earnings Section Bankers' Convention Section A WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Representing the Industrial Interests of the United States I. JANUARY TO MARCH, 1926, INCLUSIVE VOLUME 122—PART 1 WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, PUBLISHERS FRONT, PINE & DEPHYSTER STS., NEW YORK. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis I Copyright in 1926, according to Act of Congress, by WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY in office of Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis INDEX TO VOLUME 122 PART 1. JANUARY 1 TO MARCH 81 1926 EDITORIAL AND COMMUNICATED ARTICLES Page. Page. Page. A dvanced Thought of the Day 1529 Cincinnati Stock Exchange—Article by Pres. Financial Conditions in NinthiFederallRe- ..gricultural Bureau Reports on Cotton or J. Nevin Roberts 1086 serve District 1229 Grain. See Cotton or Grain. Clearings, Bank. See Bank Clearings. Foreign Exchange Market Weekly Review Agricultural Returns for 1925. "The Harvest Cleveland Stock Exchange—Monthly Range 8. 138, 255. 390. 523. 658, 795. 928, 1070. of 1925" 665 of Prices 1084, 1085 1219, 1368. 1522. 1675 Agricultural Situation. The. "Production Cleveland Stock Exchange — Article by Foreign Government Indebtedness to United Better Balanced and Farm Horizon Clear- Francis J. Smith, Secretary 1085 States. See United States. ing. By John A. Bunnell 534 Coal, The Issue in the Anthracite Coal Strike 257 Foreign Money Hates, See Money Rates at Allied Indebtedness to United States. See Columbia University, Dr. Nicholas Murray Foreign Centres. United States. Butler in Annual Report, Stresses Need of Fowler, Charles N., His Stirring Appeal Re- American Federation of Labor Has No Wo- More Liberal Education 11 garding the Defects of Our Currency Sys- men's League 1374 Congress See United States Congress. tem 938 Anthracite Coal Strike, The Issue in 257 Consolidated Corporations — Beneficent France— Automobile Saturation Point Not Yet Visible 806 Agencies of Progress 1371 Bank of France, Weekly Returns_ _6, 136. Ayres, Leonard P., on Prospects In Ohio__ _ _1084 Coolidge, President, Attitude Towards Dis- 253, 389. 522, 656, 793, 926. 1068.1217. armament Conference 3 1366, 1520. 1674 Raking Industry, Proposed Combination by Coolidge. President. Considers Personnel of Battle of Verdun, Tenth Anniversary, An 'a Ward—Business and Benevolence_ _661. 786 Delegation to Armament Conference 3 Inspiration to Win the Financial Struggle1066 Balance of Power, Return of Europe to __ _ 1679 Coolidge, President, Defense by Use of a Berenger, Ambassador Henry V., Leaves Balch, Dr. Thomas Willing, His Book."Legal "White-House Spokesman" 660 for United States 133 and Political Questions Between Nations"_ 9 Coolidge, President, The Mind of the Presi- Berenger, Ambassador Henry V., Arrives in Baltimore's Successful City Administration_ 529 dent 1682 United States 251 Bank Clearings in 1925 and the Course of Coral Gables and All About It 1684 Briand. Premier, Difficulties within His Trade and Speculation 261 Corn, Agricultural Bureau Report on. See Cabinet 1. 2.248. 249 Bank of England. Weekly. See England. Grain. Briand, Premier, Determines to Get Fin- Bank of France. Weekly Returns. See Prance. Cotton Cloth Industry, Condition of 650 ance Law Adopted to ()over Buclget..335, 925 Bank Rates at European Centers. See Money Cotton, Agricultural Bureau Report on_515, Briand, Premier, Willing to Accept Pro- Rates at Foreign Centers. 665. 1359 posals of Finance Minister to Balance Banking Situation in the Middle West, The, Credit Inflation and Stock Speculation_1209,1678 Budget 516 By M. T. Traylor 535 Briand, Premier, Warns Chamber of Depu- Banks, The Preservation of Thirty Thousand n'Albe,Dr. Fournier. His Book, "The ties that Action on Nation's Finances Is Banks 394 Soul of the Machine" 1529 Necessary 787. Blair. Frank W.. Says Automobile Saturation d'Albe, Dr. Fournier. His Book, "Some Briand, Premier, Difficulties of, with Re- Point Not Yet Visible 806 Glimpses of the Future" 1530 spect to Finance Measures 925. 1066 Bethlehem Steel Bond Offering 1064 Danube. Restoring the Trade of the Danube Briand, Premier, Argues in Chamber of Bond Market in 1925 by Gordon Reis of a Contribution to Peace 396 Deputies in Favor of Locarno Agreement.1215 Seasongood & Mayer 1088 Democracy in Its Struggle for Recognition Briand, Premier, and Cabinet Resigns_-_ _1359 Bonds. General Motors Acceptance Corp. To-day 1373 Briand, Aristide, Agrees to Form Another Issue of 921 Detroit Stock Exchange. Monthly Record of Cabinet 1360 Bonds, Municipal in 1925. By Stacy C. Prices 805, 806 Briand, Premier. Leaves Paris for Geneva_1360 Mosser 535 Discount Rates of Central Banks. Effective- Briand, Premier, Uncertainty as to Dura- Belgium, Bank of, Advances Its Discount ness of Control. Article by Hartley tion of His Cabinet 1361 Rate 1365 Withers 1378 Briand, Premier, Faces Opposition in Book Notices and Reviews— Disarmament Conferences. See International Chamber of Deputies on Return from "Evolution of French Canada." By Jean Conference on Disarmament. League of Nations' Council 1518 Charlemagne Bracq 260 Detroit Stock Exchange, Achievements of_ — 808 Briand Government Considered Precarious.1670 "Legal and Political Questions between Devoe & Reynolds Stock, Collapse in 921 Chamber of Deputies Discussions on Tax- Nations." By Dr. Thomas Willing ation Measures and Budget 516 Balch 9 rngland, Bank of. Weekly Returns_ _5. 136. Chamber of Deputies. Debate in, Respect- "The Soul of the Machine" or i"Hephaes- 253, 388, 521, 656, 793, 926, 1068, ing Finance Plans 655 tut," By Dr. Fournier d' Albe 1529 1217, 1366, 1520,1674 Chamber of Deputies, Votes to Require "Tantalus" or "The Future of Man." By European Banks, Weekly Returns of Gold Declaration under Oath, by French Citi- Dr. F. S. Shiner 1529 and Silver Holdings. _9, 140. 257, 393. 525. zens Liable to Taxation 655 "Some Glimpses of the Future." By Dr. 560, 797, 930, 1072, 1221, 1370, 1524, 1677 Chamber of Deputies, Slow Progress in Fournier d'Albe 1530 "Europe and the Locarno Spirit" 1221 Finance Plans 786 "The Mind of the President." By C. Europe. Floods in Central and Western Chamber of Deputies Passes Measure for Bascom SlemP 1682 Portions of 4, 130. 252 Publicity of Tax Returns 656 British Observers Find Nine Reasons for Europe. Review of Conditions in for Past Chamber Finance Commission Examines Prosperity in U. S. 1685 Year and Prospects for New Year 129 M. Peret's Budget Proposal 1671 Disarmament Brokers Loans on New York Stock Exchange- 785 Europe. The Return in Europe to the Dis- Conferences, Speculation as Bryanism and Banking—Federal Reserve credited Balance of Power 1679 to Attitude of Other Nations 4 Notes 667 Exports and Imports of United States. See Disarmament Conferences, Reasons Why Bryant, John J., Jr., The Chicago Stock United States Foreign Trade. Government Desired Postponement of 787 Exchange and Western Financing 536 Downer, Paul. Finance Minister, Cabinet Building Activity in New York at High Level 668 anures. See Business Failures. Discusses His Finance Plans 3 Building. The 1925 Record of New Building Farm Surplus, The—Balancing Production- 799 Downer, Paul, Elaborates Details of Tax Construction 397 Farmer, Helping the—Out Where the West on Production Instead of Proposed Bulgaria, King Boris forms New Cabinet_ 132 Begins 1525 Stamp Tax on Sales 655 Bunnell, John A., Pres. Chicago Board of Farmer, The Comeback of the—Investment Doumergue, President, to Ask Aristide Trade, on Agricultural Situation 534 Houses Find a Growing Demand for Bonds-1228 Briand to Form another Ministry 1359 Business and Benevolences—The Ward Pro- Federal Government. See United States, Financial Problems of Reassembled Par- posal 661, 786 Federal Reserve Bank of New York Advances liament 249 Butler, Nicholas Murray, on Elements of a Its Discount Rate from 334 to 4% 128 French Payment of Income Taxes 384 Liberal Education 11 Federal Reserve Banking System and Bryan- French Attitude Toward the Mussolini Business Failures— ism 667 Speech Respecting Germany 790 In December 1925 128 Federal Reserve, The,and the Defects of Our Morocco, Retirement of Gen. Lyautey :798 During the Year 531 Currency, Charles N. Fowler's Appeal 938 Peret, Raoul, Finance Minister, His Pro- In January 786 Federal Reserve Policy and the Stock Market gram for 1926 Budget 1670 In February 1212 Collapse 1209, 1511 Senate Takes Up Consideration of Finance Federal Reserve Banks,the Rider Attached to Reform Bill 1067 Canada's Treatment of its Racial Problem 260 the McFadden Branch Banking Bill for Senate PagS99 Finance Minister Downer's anada, Dominion of, Bond Offering 1064 Extending Their Life 1511 Tax on Payments 1216 Capital Flotations— Federal Reserve District, Ninth, Financial French Crisis and the League 1370 In December and the Calendar Year 405 Conditions in—Recovery ofAgriculture_ _ -1229 eneva, the Breakdown at Geneva and Its In the Month of January 1088 Federal Reserve Banks,Changes in Condition G Consequences 1524 In February and Since 1685 During 1925 January 1 15 Geneva, Conference Central Banks, Effectiveness of Discount Federal Reserve Banks, at. See League of Comment on Weekly Nations. Rates—Article by Hartley Withers Returns_ _6, 136. 254, 1378 389. 522. 657, 793. General Motors Chicago, Public Utility Development in 927, 1069, Acceptance Corporation, 537 1218, 1366, 1520,1674 Offering of Bonds "Chicago Real Financing"; 921 Estate by Francis Federal Reserve Banks, Table of Discount Germany— A. Lackner 536 Rates__7, 137, 390, 523, 795, 928. 1070, Attitude of Germany Regarding Chicago Stock Exchange and Western Fin- 1219, other 1367, 1521, 1675 Nations' Admission to ancing, by John J. Bryant Jr 536 Federal Taxation, See United States, League of Nations Chicago Stock Exchange, Its Federal Trade Commission, 924 Growing Charges Against Bank of, Weekly Returns_6, 136, 253. Volume General Electric 539 248. 664 389, 522, 657, 793, 927, 1218.
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