Stude t cil 'Keeps o or rl• In probably the biggest issue < RE CO" ft St"don:'c~~~:?ls~';';:,,'" the to be decided upon by Council 1\" motion to oppose honoraria by a this year, Council voted unanirn- decisive 17 to 8 vote last Monday "ously to accept the Union Boards' night. proposal for an addition to the Presenting the opposition's side Union. Ken Niehaus, this year's weze Lynn Jones, A&S '62, and president of the Union explained Chris Dernakes, A&S '62. Jones the results of a survey conducted Oincinnati, 01..'10, Thursday, May 17""',1962 I X 2 is editor of the Profile and De- > this year and showed the need o Se.ries BF 1 Z552 n Vo. LVII, No.9. makes is editor of the Cincin- for the addition. He pointed out -------------------------.------------------ natian. Kent Mergler, BA '63, that the present Union is lacking and Dr. Vogel, Professor of His- · in dining facilities, m e e tin 'g · tory and chairman of the Board rooms, large meeting places, and' of Budgets, presented the favor- many of the services provided by Berte Named Mr. Beoreet: .-able side. other Unions on other campuses. Although there was some con- --fusion in the voting process, the Although the final decision has - vote 'was taken by roll call. · to be made by the Board of Direc- Student Council also passed an · tors of the University, Niehaus Traut, Rohe Given 'e' Ring amendment to the constitution · complimented Council on the~r which will change the representa- whole-hearted support of the pro- Two double winners of the tra- supporting actor, Fred Rissover; for essay, Drake Bush. Anony- tion process. Starting next year, posal. "Becau e of the unanim- ditionally most coveted awards best supporting actress, Marcia mous $25_.play prize, George the representation will be com- ous approval by Council, our featured the University of Cin- Lewis; special Carousel award to Thompson. job when we go before the Board o puted similar to the process in cinnati's annual Honors Day con- John Hess. Tribunal awards-Arts and Sci- · the House of Representatives. No · of Directors will be much easier t vocation Tuesday, as scores of Band award.s-Kappa .Kappa ences, Neal Berte and Margaret · college will have less than two he commented. \ citations and prizes were present- Psi ,award to outstanding fresh- Heisel; Engineering, Robert E. representatives on Council. In Financing details have not yet ed to UC students for outstand- man,' James .Stevens ; : 'tau Beta Chapman; Business Administra- 'addition, Horne E'c and TC will -been worked out but will be d~- each have one separate one-year cided upon when the Board Of term and the other members .Directors meets. The gradua- will be elected, by both colleges tion issue of the News Record ,for two-year terms. _will have full details. ,UC To Compete In GE Bowl The University of Cincinnati · universities, each represented by has been invited to compete in the ·four students, compete for schol- well-known nationally - televised arship grants to be awarded to program "College Bowl," Frank their institutions. T. Purdy, UC's executive direct- The game is fast paced and or for development, reported to questions are framed around a The News Record. multitude of subjects, most of The University has been assign- which would be covered in an ed the date of Sept. 30. Prepara- arts and sciences curriculum. tions are now under way for UC's All questions and answers are presentation, Mr. Purdy said. researched thoroughly by the The CBS network show is spon- GE College Bowl Editorial sored by the General Electric Board. 0 her than an editorial Company. group in New York City, ques- Applications from qualifitd tions which make up the week~ students who are interested in Iy game are known only to a Jeanette Rohe Neal Berte Carol Traut trying out for the feur-mernber few, including the producer, as~ Sng leadership and scholarship. Sigma award to outstanding se- . tion, Steve Austin and Glenn team which will represent UC sistant producer, writer·re~ are now available at the Union searcher, director, and Alle-n Miss Carol Traut, senior in nior, William Marshall and Frank Cooper; Education and Horne desk. They should be returned Ludden, the program's moder- UC's College of Education and George (tie). Economics, Carol Traut; Univer- Rho Chi award, John Evans; sity College, Dorothy Page; Col- there when filled out. ator. Home Economics, won the an- Mr. Purdy has not yet been in- The "College Bowl" originates Beecher awards, Patricia Sinnott lege of Nursing and Health, Sus- nual $300 B'nai B'rith Hillel formed which institution has been each week from the CBS New Foundation's Alfred M. Cohen and Sally McCoy; Omicron Nu an Moodier Shoup. / selected to compete with the UC York City studio. The institution Interfaith award. award, Regina Leimenstoll; Al- Alpha Alpha Pi award, Jane pha Kappa Psi key, Hanns Ern- team. represented by the winning team' With Miss Jeanette Rahe, Mc- Elbert. GE's. "College Bowl" is a live receives $1,500 in GE scholar- Micken College of Arts and Sci- stling ; Board of Publications awards, Marilyn A. Meyers, Lynn Cincinnatus award, Robert half-hour TV question-and-answer ship grants; the other institution, ences senior, she was co-winner Hartmann. game in which two colleges or $500. - of the Women's Athletic Associa- E. Jones, Chris Demakes; Phi tion "C" ring, given to the top all- Beta Kappa $50 prize, Lynn E. around senior woman. Jones. Neal Berte Arts and Sciences, Fischer-Kreider award, Steve was named. winner of the 1962 Austin; Glee Club award, _Cyn- Sigma Sigma Carnival Robert Patterson McKibbin me- thia Grogg; President's Reserve morial gold medal for manliness. Officers' Training Corps trophies, Recipients of the McKibbin medal Bernard R. Davis, Army, and are chosen -by members of the John W. Blanford, Air Force; Arts and Sciences faculty as out- Milton J. Foster prize, Toby Kab- standing exemplars of the ideals akoff; American Institute of of manhood. Physics award, Ben Blackburn; Berte also was given the 1962 intercollegiate debating prize, Sigma Sigma ".Mr. Bearcat" Mark Greenberger. award as senior man best ex- Mortar Board awards for se- hibiting leadership, character, nior scholarship-Toby Kaba- scholarship, and participation in koff, Carol Zimmerman, Carol campus activities. Traut, Sally McCoy, Marilyn' Dr. Clement F. St. John, UC A. Meyers, Phyllis Cook, Verna vice president and director of the Brown; new Mortar Board UC Medical Center, presided at president, Barbara Triplett. the convocation. Co-sponsors Writing awards-Ella H. Phil- were UC chapters of Mortar ipson prize: $25Browning essays, Board and Omicron Delta Kappa, Bonnie Jean Schafer and Robert national women's and men's up- E. Eversull; Shakespeare essay, perclass honor societies. $75 first place, Bruce Martin, $25 In .addition to their other hon- second place prizes, Paula Dean ors Miss Traut and Berte were and William R. Morton; $75 El- presented tribunal awards by liston poetry prize, Thomas Mc- their respective colleges, Miss Evilley; $25 Robert Lee Straus Traut also won a Mortar Board poetry prizes, George Thompson award for senior' scholarship. and Jean Timberlake; Cincinnati Other honors and awards: Literary Club prizes: $50 for Omicron Delta Kappa $100 short story, Rosalind Levitt; $50 scholarship to the freshman man best exemplifying ODK stand- ards, W. Steve Edmonson; new MEN ODK president, Roger Clark. Petitions are still available Student Council award for in the Dean of Men's Office most outstanding member In for Section I of semester men 1960·'61, James Hayes; new who are interested in partici· Council president, Kenneth El· pating in the Men's Advisory der. System for the coming year Mummers Guild award-s-most and lending their assistance to outstanding member, Dick Von the freshman orientation pre- Wasn't Lauderdale fun? Keep an eye out for the Sigma Sigma and Spring Sports Carnivals-May Hoene; best actor, Joseph Zima; gram. best actress, Jadeen Barbor ; best 19. See Story on Page 6. tf>oge:Fwo 'lrJNllV;eRSI~<0$11 ,[H~C t~ NATI(fNEWSrRES0lRD wnursClay; i:;May{<hl;L~,\962 "'" Dr. W.W. Hewett W'orkshop Registrat'ion '" Missed By Students May 18~.19"In ~Pharl11.Bldg. Registration for three of this Wert, teacher, Cincinnati public Burg, primary supervisor Hamil- by Dick Crone of Arts and Sciences, a position summer's 'workshops at the Uni- SC~1901s. ton county public schools and On Sunday, April 15, during the which he held for four years be- versity of Cincinriati will be heldCo-ordinators fo~ the c h.i I d Mrs. Ruth R. Tr:iplett, in:te;inedi- University's Spring Vacation the fore poor health forced him to Friday from 3:30-5 p.m. and Sat- study. and ~earnmg problems ate teacher, Washington Park .' .. " . ,,' workshops will be Mrs.,' Mary schoo1. bcl~~ hNd ~ fue McM~~n reh~u~h fu~ d~~ ~ u~~ hom 9~1~.m. m Room -~-'----------'-----~---_~ _ College economics department During World War II, Dr. Hew- 430, UC's Pharmacy building, All ,-, Adv. died. For those who did not have ett was called upon several three workshops will' be' held .the privilege of taking one, of his times to advise the administra- June 18-22,with sessions in UC's -eourses, those who ·did will surely tion in economic matters. In Union building . OrreampUg .testify to his extreme interest in 1942, he was a The three workshops will cover ~t- .the individual student's progress. !ax con~u~t~nt a r i thm et i c instruction, child I (4-uthor of "I Was a 'Teen-age Dwarf"; "The Many Th" .
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