September, 2006 FBYC Web Site: http://www.FBYC.net From the Quarterdeck cluding social chair Sharon Bauer, tions, with over 25 participants, some PRO Russ Collins, RC Chairs Lud Kimbrough, Commodore of whom went on to become active David Hazlehurst and Mike Toms, racers whose skills moved them out Maybe Homeland along with so many others. of Green Fleet even though still in Security should Doing the right things and doing their first year of racing. We also send interns to them right usually results from re- hosted the third Middlesex YMCA FBYC. If you search, planning, communication, Learn-to-Sail program, which will think it’s a beau- and training. As it is with running a likely be incorporated into our own tiful thing when a major event, so it is also with an Learn-2-Sail in future years. plan comes to- effective safety program. Fleet gether then the FBYC fielded four sailors in the Captain and chief safety officer 67th Annual One-Design Regatta was USODA North Americans in Sara- Noel Clinard has been working for real eye candy: 92 boats raced on sota, and two in the British Nationals months to deploy a safe and effec- three courses during two beautiful held in Wales, where wind speeds tive lifesaving capability at FBYC days, the best turnout in perhaps 20 never dipped below 25 knots. Older including Automatic External Defi- years. For the first time, all new land Juniors performed well through brillators. Sudden Cardiac Arrest could be fully utilized thanks to the heavy air conditions in Laser Radials claims over 1,000 lives per day in road relocation, allowing ample park- at the US Sailing Junior Olympics the U.S. Thanks to properly de- ing and smooth traffic flow through and Hyannis YC Regatta. See Eric ployed AED programs, the survival the boat launching side. Many Powers’ articles in the Log and on rate at O’Hare Airport exceeds changes were made this year as a re- the Website for a full report. 55%, and in Las Vegas 70%. Be sult of the survey taken after last sure to read the enclosed article and Expert coaching and supportive par- year’s regatta, as well as input from enroll in the CPR/AED training we ents resulted in FBYC’s juniors fin- the member survey in January. At will organize this winter. I feel so ishing in the top tier of all events in least 50 people contributed to this strongly about this program that I which they participated. I attended year’s success, and I thank them one went to Red Cross for my training the farewell dinner for our coaches at and all. Event Chair Allan Heyward last week, and was joined in the the club house, and it was clear from put a team of champions to work in- class by Dixon. the faces of all attending that every- one will miss the great times spent Two Cruising events on the Bay together and already look forward to From the Quarterdeck....... .page 1, 11 and one in Maine have kept the next summer. Brd. Highlights .................. pages 2, 3 Cruising crowd busy this month. Membership....................... page 2 The Annual Cruise Regatta held Our Participation Logging system Junior News....................... page 3 July 29 tied the prior record for par- consisting of Undeniable David PHRF C Fleet .................... page 3 ticipation with 13 boats and 50 for Hazlehurst has tracked 160 volun- Bayview YC-Mackinac ..... pages 4, 5 teers so far this year, just over half of Taste of the 12’s ................ page 5 dinner, and a number of Cruisers also went to VIMS for a seminar on what we expect from our member- Community Sailing............ page 5 ship. Salvation can yet be had: every History .............................. page 6 the crabbing industry. Defibrillators -Info............. page 7 weekend in September and October As of mid-August our juniors had Cruising News ................... pages 8, 9, 11 is beautiful, and packed with activi- John Smith’s Barge............ page 10 participated in 13 traveling events, ties, so check the Events book or Holly Point Art. ................. page 10 mostly in the CBYRA Junior Cir- website for the names of event chairs Commercial Ads................ pages 10,12,13 cuit. The Extended Race Team had and call them to sign yourself up, too. Calendar ............................ page 13 a total of 18 juniors participating. Conscription and the lash are dread- Tradewinds........................ page 14 Coach Daniel Gillispie’s Learn-2- ful alternatives. Commercial Ads................ pages 15, 16 Sail program exceeded expecta- (Continued on page 11) 1 Board Meeting Highlights the fencing should be erected. Ric MEMBERSHIP Bauer and Chip have prepared a FINAL APPROVAL: August 10, 2006 layout plan for a new parking lot in Mr. Louis P. & Dr. Melissa S. Pektor Meeting called to order at 6:05 p.m. the enlarged area from the roadway members advised they are trained by Commodore Lud Kimbrough. to the east bathhouse but it is not and/or certified to use the AED’s. REAR COMMODORE – expected to be ready for use until Formal notification has been received RICHARD A. BAUER, JR. next year. We now have two dump- that the Flying Scot North American sters they will be located behind the Championships will be held at Fish- DOCKS –Mayo Tabb plans to con- east bathhouse. tact slipholders and also put an arti- ing Bay from June 24 – 27, 2007. cle in the Log in an effort to iden- LONG RANGE PLANNING – OFFSHORE DIVISION – Alex tify four dinghies on the dinghy The Long Range Planning Commit- Alvis reported that preparations are racks. tee now has a final draft of a long- being made for the Stingray Point range plan. The Committee will GROUNDS – The new road has Regatta. A decision about which hold a final meeting on August 24. boats will compete for the Potts Tro- been completed and Chip Hall and Once the Board has approved the Strother Scott will determine where phy will be made the Friday night plan at either the September or Oc- prior to the regatta consistent with the tober Board meeting, the Commit- type boats that come up from Hamp- tee will disseminate the plan to the 2006 ton Yacht Club. FBYC Officers membership via a link on the web site. ONE-DESIGN DIVISION – Doug Commodore Magargee requested that trash barrels Lud Kimbrough WEBMASTER – During the past be put in the small boat parking area. two to three months, the web site has had a number of problems in- CRUISING DIVISION – The volving dates, online registration, Cruising Division has completed two additional events since the July registration reports, etc. Most of these are now working correctly but Board meeting. The first was a cruise Vice-Commodore there are some exceptions. The to VIMS where FBYC members Alan Heyward photo uploading/viewing process were treated to a seminar on the blue and the ability to see who is on crab and factors threatening the fu- ture of the crabbing industry and what mailing list are problems that Ethan must work on. The dates are tours of VIMS’ commercial oyster now working correctly. farming research facility and the VIMS fleet. The Annual Cruise Re- PUBLICITY – Izumi Miller sent gatta was held July 29 and tied the Rear-Commodore flyers about the August and Sep- prior record for participation with 13 Ric Bauer tember regattas to other yacht clubs. boats and 50 for dinner. Ed O’Con- Articles by Jon Deutsch, Tom nor reported that the two upcoming O’Connell, Mike Toms and others cruising events are the Tides Inn have been sent to newspapers, e- Rendezvous and the Progressive Din- magazines and magazines. An arti- Treasurer ner. Paul W. Howle, III cle about the Stingray Point Regatta appeared in the September Coop- JUNIOR DIVISION – Eric Powers erative Living Magazine. There is reported that the juniors have partici- an advertisement on the Virginia pated in 13 traveling events, mostly Tourism Web site at in the CBYRA Junior Circuit. The Extended Race Team has had a total Secretary http://www.virginia.org. Type in Steve Gillispie Fishing Bay under “Search.” of 18 juniors participating, with a core group of 12. Daniel Gillispie’s VICE COMMODORE – Learn2Sail program has had 23 par- ALLAN M. HEYWARD, JR. ticipants but that could reach 30 or FLEET CAPTAIN – Noel Clinard more in the special session to be held announced that the two new AED’s next week. Eric praised the expert Log Streamer and alarm cabinets have been re- coaching that has resulted in FBYC’s Vic DeNunzio ceived and are ready to be installed juniors finishing in the top tier of all after the plan for using them has events they have participated in. been completed. Approximately 20 2 (Continued on page 3) (Board Mgt. Highlights; Cont. from pg. 2) Junior News Section CBYRA – Tom Roberts advised that FBYC Junior Program Participation Numbers Tell A Story CBYRA is having some trouble on Eric Powers their web site and as a result, we have It may not have been a club record, but on Tuesday and Wednesday of the last been unable to submit results for post- week of FBYC's Junior Extended Program, we had as many as 24 kids learning ing. and practicing sailing skills with our coaches on Fishing Bay. What's significant PARTICIPATION – David Hazle- about this is that it means our children are finding sailing a sport worth pursuing hurst is still tracking volunteer partici- and they're willing to spend some time getting better at it by working with high quality coaches and seeking out better competition at regattas.
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