Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIV (2003) 1085.pdf A THEORETICAL STUDY OF VINYL ALCOHOL FORMATION IN THE INTERSTELLAR MEDIUM. V.A. Basiuk1 and K. Kobayashi2, 1 Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Circuito Exterior C.U., 04510 México D.F., MEXICO, 2 Dept. of Chemistry and Biotechnology, Faculty of Engi- neering, Yokohama Natl. Univ., Hodogaya-ku, Yokohama 240-8501, JAPAN; e-mail: [email protected] Introduction: Vinyl alcohol (VA) is one of the into two general pathways depending on what is the . most recently detected interstellar species. It was iden- first step: either OH or H attachment to C2. The upper tified in emission toward Sagittarius B2N [1]. Al- part of the potential energy surface corresponds to the though chemical pathways leading to its formation are former option. It is interesting to note that, while the . not completely clear yet, the authors suggested that C2 + OH combination might be expected to produce a VA could possibly form through the following reac- hydroxy ethynyl radical IM1 and the corresponding + tion [1]: CH3 + H2CO Æ H2C=CH-OH. It re- minimum was indeed obtained, a direct geometry op- quires high abundances of the reactants, whereas none timization for the reactants gave [C=C=OH]. (IM2). of the two belongs to very abundant interstellar spe- For further chemical transformations through hy- cies. We suggest that the formation of VA can be al- drogenation with H-atoms, several choices exist. The ternatively explained based on the reactions of simple, most favorable energetically is the formation of a commonly found and most abundant species. In par- closed-shell species, hydroxyacetylene HC≡C-OH, ticular, there is no need to look for a process capable which is 127.5 kcal mol-1 exothermic relative to the of forming the C-C bond of VA, since it can be found level of ([C=C=OH]. + 3H.). On the other hand, such in other interstellar species, such as acetylene and closed-shell species are not very reactive with hydro- . acetylene-related radicals HC≡C and C2. The missing gen atoms and other non-polar radicals; for example, it atoms are available as ubiquitous H atoms and OH was experimentally shown by Hiraoka et al. [8] for the radicals. Radical reactions normally proceed without case of solid films of acetylene and CO at interstellar activation barriers, and are highly exothermic. In the temperatures. According to the results of our calcula- present work, we estimated an energetic feasibility of tions, van der Waals interactions between HC≡C-OH some pathways to vinyl alcohol, starting from common and a H-atom are extremely weak. After that, there are . and abundant interstellar species acetylene, radicals C2, two possibilities to add H : either to the terminal or to HC≡C., .OH and H.. central carbon atom. In the latter case, there is a possi- Computational Method: The Gaussian 98W bility of isomerism depending on the mutual spatial suite of programs [2] was used. All the computations orientation of the carbon-bound H-atoms (cis or trans), were performed with Becke’s three-parameter hybrid as well as syn or anti-orientation of the hydroxy group method [3] and the exchange functional of Lee, Yang with respect to the double bond: four isomers IM5- and Parr (B3LYP) [4] included in the program pack- IM8 are possible, IM5 (cis-syn) being the most stable age, using the 6-31++G(d,p) basis set [5-7]. Unre- one. As regards the other product of hydrogen atom . stricted B3LYP was used to treat all mono and biradi- addition, H2C=C( )-OH (IM9), the only conformation cal species. The search for transition states was carried for which an energy minimum was found is anti. The out using the QST2 and QST3 procedures. The sta- height of activation barrier TS3 for its formation is of tionary point geometries were fully optimized and only 0.2 kcal mol-1 relative to (HC≡C-OH + 2H.); for characterized as minima (0 imaginary frequencies) or TS4 to IM5 it is 2.4 kcal mol-1 relative to the same first-order saddle points (1 imaginary frequency) by level. This makes the latter transformation hardly fea- calculations of vibration frequencies. Zero-point ener- sible under the cold interstellar conditions, whereas the . gies (ZPEs, not discussed here) were retrieved from formation of anti-H2C=C( )-OH may occur in warmer the vibration frequency calculations. molecular clouds (hot cores and circumstellar enve- Results and Discussion: A simplified potential lopes). After that, IM9 can combine with the last energy surface (PES) for the reactions leading to vinyl missing H atom, and its anti-conformation pre- alcohol, involving common and abundant radical spe- determines anti-VA to form. The reaction is 111.8 . -1 cies C2, HC≡C , H and OH, as well as acetylene, is kcal mol exothermic. presented in Fig. 1. As expected, the reactions are Less energetically favorable than the formation of highly exothermic and most of them need no activa- hydroxyacetylene is the addition of H. to the central tion. An overall exothermicity of the conversion of (C2 carbon atom, producing :C=CH-OH biradical (IM4). + .OH + 3H.) into anti (P2) and syn-VA (P1) isomers is Its further combination with H. can give both cis and –434.8 and –436.3 kcal mol-1, respectively. trans forms of syn-HC(.)=CH-OH (IM5 and IM6). The Starting with the above reactants, we consider reactions are 99.8 and 98.5 kcal mol-1 exothermic, re- different reaction sequences, which can be subdivided spectively. Once formed, the isomers can easily inter- Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIV (2003) 1085.pdf FORMATION OF INTERSTELLAR VINYL ALCOHOL: V.A. Basiuk and K. Kobayashi Fig. 1. Simplified potential energy surface for the reactions leading to vinyl alcohol. Relative energies are in kcal mol-1. HC≡C. and C2 + HO. + HC≡CH are included as intermediates, and the reference point to 3H. calculate energies of all species is the sum of energies of separated 0 . C2 (singlet state), OH and three hydrogen atoms. C≡C-OH (IM1) -126.9 TS1 -145.6 [C≡C-OH2]: [C=C=OH]. (IM2) HC≡C. (IM3) -161.5 -137.2 -140.1 . H anti H >C=C< OH (IM8) -314.8 syn :C=CH-OH (IM4) -218.2 H H anti .>C=C< OH (IM7) -315.1 TS3 TS4 -264.5 -262.3 . H TS5 syn H >C=C< OH -278.2 HC≡C-OH (IM6) -316.7 HC≡CH -264.7 syn H.>C=C<H -279.6 OH (IM5) -318.0 . anti H2C=C( )-OH H2C=C( )H -326.3 (IM9) -323.0 TS2 -431.2 anti H C=CH-OH syn H C=CH-OH 2 2 (P2) -434.8 (P1) -436.3 convert: for example, the trans Æ cis conversion lated reactants (HC≡CH + H. + .OH). The transition -1 . needs 2.2 kcal mol . Two similar anti-isomers of of this weak complex to H2C=C( )H radical requires HC(.)=CH-OH (IM7 and IM8) can be produced by 1.4 kcal mol-1 (TS5) which makes the reaction hardly rotating the OH-group. All four isomers can finally feasible under the cold interstellar conditions. On the produce syn and anti-VA by adding the last H atom. other hand, it might be possible in warmer molecular One should note that the addition of a hydrogen clouds or in the solid phase [14] due to proton- atom to IM1 can also occur at the O atom, forming tunneling effects. Further adding of .OH on . [C≡C-OH2]: biradical (IM3). Among the three possi- H2C=C( )H is a radical combination, which can pro- ble intermediates considered, this one is the most duce any of the two VA isomers. energetically unfavorable due to a comparatively low Acknowledgements: V.A.B. would like to exothermicity of 24.3 kcal mol-1. Nevertheless, IM3 thank the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science can undergo immediate isomerization into IM4, since (JSPS) for the JSPS Invitation Fellowship (grant No. the corresponding transition state TS1 lays below the L01536), the National Council of Science and Tech- level of (.C≡C-OH + 3H.) by 8.4 kcal mol-1. nology of Mexico (CONACYT-36317-E) and the . An alternative (to C2+ OH reaction) first step is National Autonomous University of Mexico (grant the formation of HC≡C.. It can combine with either DGAPA-IN102900) for financial support. .OH or H. The first process again can give HC≡C- References: [1] Turner B.E. and Apponi A.J. OH. The .OH attack is also possible on the second (2001) Astrophys. J., 561, L207. [2] Frisch M.J. et al. carbon atom, producing :C=CH-OH biradical (IM4). (1998) Gaussian 98W, Revision A.7; Gaussian, Inc.: Another possible pathway to VA is the one Pittsburgh, PA. [3] Becke A.D. [1993] J. Phys. through acetylene. 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