PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. Manchester. Conn.. Wed., Feb. 6. W4 •e Killian Will Address ■ i Bay State To Initiate Kiwanis Club Feb. 19 F ■' ■ ^ •• ’ ' COLD Robert K. Killian, Connec­ Manchester. Killian's Voluntary Gas Rationing Feds In ticut attorney general and a appearance was Jan. 3 before candidate for the Democratic the Democratic Town Com­ 'BOSTON (UPI) —Gov. Fran­ Inconvenience has dis­ nomination for governor, will mittee. The governor vowed that cis W. Sargent announced integrated into chaos with long speak in Manchester Feb. 19. Attorney general since 1967, ‘‘Massachusetts will not 'Tuesday that a voluntary and intolerable lines extending He will address the Kiwanis Killian is chairman of the become a dumping ground for system of gasoline distribution hundreds of yards; with waits Club of Manchester at its noon Gasoline Anti-Trust the nation’s shortages. We will W ith Occasional light snow or will go into effect in luncheon m e^hg at the as long as an hour and a half.” flurries ending this after­ Investigative Subcommittee of Massachusetts on Monday. not accept reducdd supplies so % Manchester Country Club. the National Association of At­ Adoption of the system, Sargent said that twice as that other states can continue United Press Internalional •Although details were not Early Wednesday, dynamite noon, highs in the upper 20s to low 30s, torney Generals. m ^eled after a similar dis­ many service stations in as if nothing is wrong. Agreement between spelled out, Shapp said an­ placed at the base of the sup­ Killian and his wife, the tribution scheme used in Massachusetts have had to federal officials and in­ nouncements will be made later porting pillars of a Penn­ Clearing and cold tonight, former Evelyn Farnam, both “Massachusetts will do its with lows around 20. Oregon,' makes Massachusetts reduce their hours of operation dependent truck drivers was in the day by the Deparment of sylvania Turnpike bridge north are Hartford natives and still part, but Washington, too, must the third state in the .nation to as in the rest of the country. He reached early today in Transportation, the, interstate of Pittsburgh blew off a chunk I^riday, m'ostly sunny with reside there. They have two apply restraints to the purchase said in Massachusetts four accept its responsibilities,” the of the span, causing only slight Washington, giving rise to Commerce Commission and the temperatures in the low to children — Robert K. Killian of gasoline. times as many stations have governor added. “I will leave Federal Energy Office. damage.' The bridge was not mid 30s„ Jr., an attorney; and-Cynthia E. The plan calls for: closed due to a lack of gasoline. for Washington tonight to make hopes that truck deliveries The president of the Frater­ closed. this clear to federal officials.” I Outlook ior Saturday: Killian, a student at Northwest —Cars with odd-numbered might be resumed as early nal Association of Steel In Jersey City, N.J., Gene K Fair"-^-'- In addition to Oregon and ' and cold. Catholic High School. license plates to be able to buy According to Sargent, over­ ''as this weekend. Haulers, William Hill, who was Lopez, 25, the driver of a Massachusetts, a cdntrolled Killian was ..Hartford’s cor­ gasoline on odd-number days. all inventories of gasoline in the There were reports of acting as the spokesman for the tractor-trailer truck, was gasoline distribution system poration counsel from 1951. to Cars with even-numbered statb are more man twice as scattered violence from at least truckers, said, “It will take a charged with assault and 1954, campaign treasurer for also Is in effect in Hawaii. The Lottery plates will be able to purcbbse short as inventories in the na­ 40 states Wednesday, according few days to get this thing obstructing traffic after he Hawaii plan, unlike those in Abraham Ribicoff in 1948-1950- gasoline on even-numter days. tion as a whole. to Pennsylvania Gov. Milton J. geared down,” if the agreement dropped his trailer during the 1952, and chairman of Hart­ —Emergency and commer­ Oregon and Massachusetts, is Shapp, who called the meeting is accepted. But,, he added, busy morning rush hours in the ford's Democratic Town Com­ mandatory. 59556 cial vehicles will be allowed to “Even the federal govern­ in Washington. “hopefully” it could be done Manhattan-bound lane of the mittee from 1963 to 1967. purchase gasoline every day. ment admits that shortages A spokesman for the truckers before the weekend. Holland Tunnel. said the agreement must be —No driver will be able to here are worse than in the rest One condition of the Presidential assistant W.J. In continuing violence that Northern Ohio steel truckers get police escort (UPI photoi B o n u s 09840 presented to the several purchase gasoline unless the of the nation,” Sargent said. Massachusetts plan is to have Usery refused to say whether has already claimed two lives, vehicle’s tank can receive a different organizations of in­ the agreement had been given “Yet instead of helping with automobiles with license plates one driver near Pompona, Fla., About Town White House approval. minimum purchase of $3. more gasoline, the federal ending in letters — so-called dependent owner-operators was hurt when a rock crashed —Stations will be requested to represented at the talks for a government tells us to go it “vanity” plates — buy gasoline There were widespread through the windshield of his Trinity Lutheran Church will display color-coded flags to in­ alone.” vote by the rank-and-file reports that coitimunities truck. have a prayer meeting tonight, on odd-numbered days. dicate whether gasoline is __ ____ drivers. It was not known would be short of food by tonight at 7. The Rev. Norman In Texas, at least a half-dozen available for consumers. exactly how many drivers they week’s end because of the lack bullets hit two trucks in the Rio Swensen, pastor, will conduct a In announcing the plan, represented. of truck deliveries. iianr^atpr Eiipning Ipralh Grande Valley and one driver Bible study at 7:30 at the' Sargent said, “I act today church. was injured. Robert K. Killian because Massachusetts . can She Keratb Nearly 22,000 auto workers Manchester—A City of Village Charm wait no longer. A shortage in were idled or put on short shifts Killian is one of four can­ The Women’s Club of Dental Health Puppets gasoline now threatens to dis­ Statens Truckers in the latest layoffs resulting MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEB. 7. 1974 VOL. XCIII, No. didates for the Democratic Manchester is sponsoring a 109 rupt the mobility of our from the lack of material due to TWENTY-FOIJR PAGE$ TWO SECTIONS nomination. The others are show bus to New york March 2 Getting the center of attehtion are Susie Tooth and Willie Tooth, two puppets being held by citizens.” 7 the strike, and thousands more former UConn president Homer for the matinee performance of Classified Advertising Dr. Howard Koft who is th^ ocal chairman for National Children’s Dental Health Week. He added, ‘‘Automobiles Delay Picketing faced layoffs. Babbidge, U.S. Rep. Ella “Lorelie,” starring Carol Chan4 carrying people to and from In charge of the puppets is Mr^.^ Diana Mott representing the Junior Women’s League who Some supermarket outlets Grasso and former Norwalk ning. More information may be work, trucks, taxis, am­ will sponsor puppet performancfes of “The Tooth” to be shown to students in kindergarten and independent grocers Mayor Frank Zullo. All four obtained by contacting Mrs. bulances and emergency 643-2711 l^niled Press Inlernationai Martins Truck Stop in Water- through third grade in all Manchester schools .and libraries beginning March 1. (Herald reported bare shelves as panic already have spoken in Alden Grant, 599 N. Main St., photo by Larson) ■ vehicles face a daily uncertain­ Striking Connecticut truckers town was negative. 649-9563, delayed plans early today to buying increased and deliveries “ •Local Reaction ty in their ability to function. To Piace Your Ad. Jack Dadonna, one of the dwindled. picket freight terminals after truckers who met with Gov. Three more states — Indiana, receiving word of a tentative Thomas J. Meskill Tuesday to Illinois and Maryland — called Coventry settlement in Washington discuss the truckers’ problems, Winter Wonderland of up the National Guard between federal officials and said he is ready to reject the independent truck drivers. Wednesday to combat violence To State Budget \ proposed settlement. m and aid in delivering supplies. About 60 truckers voted at a “As far as I’m concerned, Fine Foods at The guard had already been ac­ boisterous meeting in Branford nothing was solved,” he said. tivated in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Walsh Asks Area Effort Wednesday night to begin Led''Kress, manager of the PINEHURST GROCERY, INC. Kentucky, West Virginia and peaceful picketing of terminals Union 76 truck stop, said many in New Haven and Norwalk. Michigan. Was Predictable of the truckers feel the agree­ For Bigger School Grant However, the truckers went By SOL R. COHEN CALIFORNIA CHUCK ment falls short of an adequate “In conjunction with other into reverse after the meeting Reaction by Manchester wasn’t ‘the time now’ six solution to their problems. Pledge legislative leaders (Genovesi is POT ROAST... MONICA SHEA when word was received from Both Dadonna and Kress said legislators to Gov. Thomas months ago?” A little bone and a lot of tender, juicy meat. You just ble to either cope with expenses “l am convinced that any an assistant House majority Correspondent or project fiscal needs for next Washington that a tentative the truckers reluctantly agreed Meskill’s state budget State Rep.
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