
. — AND W HUNT'S MERCHATTTS' MAGAZINE, RKPKKaKNTlNO THE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMKBOIAL INTKftBSTS OF THE UNITED STATES, ntered MsoordlDg to Aot of Oonifnu, In tlte jeia 1892, by Wm. B. Uama A Co., In the omcv of th« Librarian of Ooagtett, •>'aakln«rtoi, D. O. VOL. 55. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 15. 1892. NO. 1.426. per cent. Through the courtesy of the manager of the Clear- ing House at Jacksonville, Fla., that city is now included ia our table. TenoB of SabBcription—Payable in AdTaiic«: l»or One Year $10 00 Wt4k MntFi OM. V ror Six Mniithe 6 00 i£aroi><-an ^ul<»>cription (IncludluK postaKO 12 00 Earoiieaii Subscription Six Montna (Inoliiillnft postage). 7 00 Annual Rubecrlptlon in London (lnoladln)C postage) 42 lOs. New Tork Biz Mos. do. do. do. Ml 108. SalMof- lie INVESTORF' 8CFPI.EMKNT Of 160 p»(tes id lesued every othur (Stoelu ikarM.) month, on the last Satiirilays of Jan., March, May, July, 8t*pt. and (Ootlon *«lM.) (Grain biuMt.) Nov., and fumiehed without extra charge to all subscribers of the (Pttrolewn bbtt.) Chhoniclk for six monthn or lonfjor. The 8TATK ASH (ITv 811PIM.EMKST of 184 pages Is also glyen to every Boston yeaWy subsinlicr of the Ciiuokkle. ProTldsDM. Bubsorlptions will be continued until definitely ordered stopped. The Hartford pabllshers cunuot be reenuusible for remittances unless made by drafts New Haven SpriD.;dela Office orders. or Post money Worcester >11e covers arc sold at 60 cents each, and to new subscribers for a PortUnd year one file cover Is supplied without charge ; postage on the same is Lowell 18 oenu. New Bwlford. Terms of Adyerlising—(Per Inch space). Onetime $3 SO I Three Mouths (13 times). .$25 00 One Month (4 times).. 11 00 Six Mouths (26 " ).. 43 OU Ptallsdslphla. PlttBbarK. Months (8 " ). 18 00 1 Twelve Months (52 " ).. 58 00 Two Baltiniurs Buffalu London AKenta t Waahlngton Messrs. Edwakks A Bhitu, 1 Drapers' Gardens, E. C, will take sub' Rochester... •orlptlons and advertisements, and supply single copies of the paper at erracBse Is. each. WUmlnxton (IVILLIAin B. DANA A Co., Pnbliataera, BlDiihaaaton. WUXIAIl B. nklfk. 102 Vrilllam Street, NEW YOKK. Total MMdle. fOHH O. FLOTD. Post Office Box 958. Chiesco, . Cincinnati, CLEARING HOUSE RETURNS. Milwaukee, Detroit... The foUowinf; table, made up bj telegraph, etc., indicates CleTsiaad that the total bank clearings of all the clearing houaes of the Colnmbaa ludlHnapoUs United States for the week ending to-day, October 15, have Peona been $l,ia.l,8o3,185, against 11,346,393,500 last week and Qrand Rapids I.«xin«ton $1.230,662,llt< the corresponding week last year. The figures for Now York this year cover only five days, the Columbus holiday having interfered. San rranolsoo. Portland Rait Lake Oltj CLXARIHOa Wuk Mndint October IK Seattle Tacoma iittwiM by Tilairark. leea. 1891. P«rO«n(. Los Antcsles iireat Falls, Sew York •820,301.835 •585,119.848 -lS-3 Ueieoa*... Spokane Boston 85,835,100 83,143,543 +3-2 ruikdelpbU 69,130,026 56.130,031 +5-8 Total Paelflo +8-3 BaltUnore 18,541. 6S8 12.502,986 Kaoias Cltj Ohloago 80.811.000 78,386,000 +14-5 Minneapolis... St. Paul Bt. Ix>ais 33,067,180 21,429,463 +7-6 Omaba •w Orleans 9,284.126 8,162.660 +13-7 OenTer I>alnth -6-3 Beveo olues, & days •801,971,325 •855.874,508 8t. Joseph , Other cities, i days 165,486,297 168,488,926 +1-2 SlunxCity lies Molnss WIcbiU Total all elties, •967,467,622 • 1,019,373,134 —5-1 6 days.. Lluoeln 11 dues, 1 day 213,884.863 211,378,884 +10 Topeka Total all cities for week.. »1.180.652.485 tl.ii30.e52,418 The full details of clearings for the week covered by the 8t. Louis New Orleans. above statement will be given next Saturday. We cannot, ol LoalsTllle course, furnish them to-day, bank clearing being made up by (iaiTeston UoOBtOU, ... the Tarious clearing houses at noon on Saturday, and hence in KIchmuQd.... the above the last twenty-four hours of the week have to he SaTauuali .... NaahTllle in all case* estimated, as we go to press Friday night. Memphis Below are our usual detailed figures for the previous week, AUauta Norfolk that is covering the returns for ttie period ending with Salui- Dallas, d^y noon October 8, with the comparative totals in 18U1. The Fort Worth Waco. aggregate of clearings for the week is fully two hundred and iilmUM(bani. fifty-hve millions of dollars greater than for the week eudmg Chattanooaa. JaeksouTlUa*. October 1, the increase being due mainly to the usual monthly distribution of interest, etc., and to the increased volume of speculation at New York. Transactions in share properties on the New York Stock Exchange have been much heavier than in the preceding week. Contrasted with a year ago the week's dearings show a gain of 97 per cent, the New York ijgures exhibiting an excess of 46 per cent, while for the remainder of the country the increase reaches 17 '4 per cent. The most important gains have been at Des Moines, T3-7 per cent; Omaha, 50-3; JLincolu 495, and Sioux City, 439 * Hot laelnded la totals. (514 THE CHRONICLE. [Vol. LV. THE another adverse circumstance of a special nature has- been the lateness of the cotton crop, the exports in STATE AT^D CITY D£fA^TMEWT. September this year, according to the Bureau's figure?, For an article on the South Carolina debt question and for being only 185,206 bales, valued at $6,943,055, against " other Cityand State matters see pages 647, 648, 649, 650 227,796 bales, valued at $10,857,354, last year. Still and 651. another fact is the unsatisfactory prices which prevail All advertisements with relation to State and City Bonds in Liverpool now, and which prevailed during all last likewise be found on the same and following pages. will month, leading to the holding back of both cotton and breadstuff?. Of course the cotton must go for- ward later if it does not move at once, and the price FINANCIAL SITUATION. THE will in the end have to be governed by the size of the The course of business has been greatly interrupted crop. With reference to breadstuffs, we have prepared T)y the holiday character of the week. Though only in a subsequent article aggregates of this year's yield, Wednesday had that name by legal appointment, yet made up from the Agricultural Department's figures, from Monday to Wednesday, both inclusive, only about issued this week. Our readers will find it a very inter- half the usual force was given to work. Our people are esting review of the probable situation in this country. of late years taking more kindly to an increase in the We do not undertake to set out the world's product portion of time allotted to rest and recreation. Not so and consumption, but the facts coming to hand now very long ago even the four holidays which we might seem to indicate that our surplus of wheat will all be almost say have always had a place in our calendar needed, and if that inference is correct the price at "were looked upon by the business world as not much present ruling would appear to be extremely low. better than lost time, the hours being grudged which There was a rise in silver yesterday in Ljndon which had to be withdrawn from the ordinary industrial occu- was quickly responded to here. This advance has not- pations. When the half Saturday was taken out been unanticipated and is supposed to be a healthy of the week's working period and given over to movement and the result of natural causes. It is a. play, its observance was forced upon the community, noteworthy fact that silver has been remarkably steady- for no one favored it j now the whole of Saturday, since September 1. It was on that day quoted in Lon- except in midwinter, has got to be a kind of dies non don at 38^d. per ounce ; it kept at that figure almost which nearly all of us enjoy, but many of us no doubt all the month, on no day going lower, and closed enjoy somewhat against our will. After, however, see- at it ; on the 13th the quotation was 3S 5-16d.,. ing the unanimity, and the heartiness, and the good- which was the highest reached in September, natured way in which the public has entered into this and only for a very few days was the price a* week's celebrations, it will liardly do to say that those high as 38id. Since October began the quo- celebrations have not supplied a real want, and that tation has however been rising—last Friday it was 38fd the community is not better for the occasional recur- and yesterday the cable reported the price at 39;^d. or rence of like observances. They have interrupted l^d. above the price ruling during almost the whole of business no doubt, but they have not hurt it ; we have September. The general feeling is that the produc- at once picked up the work which was for the moment tion of silver has been curtailed somewhat under the dropped, and the sam« activity, with, may we not addj influence of the very low market value which has to- increased cheerfulness and hope, is in progress again. long been current, and therefore that a rise is legiti- The important change in our foreign trade move- mate.
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