Holy Trinity Orthodox Church Sunday, Nov 8th, 2020 - R aising of Jairus’s Daughter 22nd SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST — Tone 5. SYNAXIS OF THE ARCHANGEL MICHAEL AND THE OTHER BODILESS POWERS Epistle Reading - Galatians 6:11-18 See with what large letters I have written to you with my own hand! As many as desire to make a good showing in the flesh, these would compel you to be circumcised, only that they may not suffer persecution for the cross of Christ. For not even those who are circumcised keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may boast in your flesh. But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation. And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy Hymns for Today be upon them, and upon the Israel of God. From now on let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of Let us, the faithful, praise and worship the Word, the Lord Jesus. Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus co-eternal with the Father and the Spirit, born for our Christ be with your spirit. Amen. salvation from the Virgin; for He willed to be lifted up on the Cross in the flesh, to endure death, and to raise the Gospel Reading - Luke 8:41-56 dead by His glorious Resurrection. And behold, there came a man named Jairus, and he was O Commanders of the heavenly hosts, we who are a ruler of the synagogue. And he fell down at Jesus’ feet unworthy beseech you: by your prayers encompass us and begged Him to come to his house, for he had an only beneath the wings of your immaterial glory, and daughter about twelve years of age, and she was dying. faithfully preserve us who fall down and cry out to you: But as He went, the multitudes thronged Him. Now a “Deliver us from all harm, for you are the Commanders woman, having a flow of blood for twelve years, who had of the Powers on high!” spent all her livelihood on physicians and could not be healed by any, came from behind and touched the border Thou didst descend into hell, O my Savior, shattering its of His garment. And immediately her flow of blood gates as Almighty, resurrecting the dead as Creator, and stopped. And Jesus said, “Who touched Me?” When all destroying the sting of death. Thou hast delivered Adam denied it, Peter and those with him said, “Master, the from the curse, O Lover of man, and we cry to Thee: O multitudes throng and press You, and You say, ‘Who Lord, save us! touched Me?’” But Jesus said, “Somebody touched Me, for I perceived power going out from Me.” Now when the Commanders of God’s armies and ministers of the divine woman saw that she was not hidden, she came glory, princes of the bodiless angels and guides of trembling; and falling down before Him, she declared to mankind; ask for what is good for us, and for great Him in the presence of all the people the reason she had mercy, O Supreme Commanders of the Bodiless Hosts. touched Him and how she was healed immediately. And He said to her, “Daughter, be of good cheer; your faith DEAR GUESTS AND FRIENDS: A most sincere and heartfelt welcome to you from Holy Trinity Orthodox Church. According to the ancient traditions of the Orthodox Church, the Sacrament of Holy Communion is to be administered only to Orthodox Christians who have prepared to receive the Holy Sacrament through prayer and fasting. Web: www.wbholytrinity.org • Phone: 570-825-6540 • Priest: Fr. Innocent Neal Holy Trinity Orthodox Church Weekly Bulletin - November 8th, 2020 has made you well. Go in peace.” While He was still speaking, someone came from the ruler of the Wednesday Night Bible Study synagogue’s house, saying to him, “Your daughter is The Gospel of Mark dead. Do not trouble the Teacher.” But when Jesus heard it, He answered him, saying, “Do not be afraid; only This Wednesday, November 11th believe, and she will be made well.” When He came into THIS WEEK: Chapters 10-12 the house, He permitted no one to go in except Peter, Class will be online at 7:00 PM. James, and John, and the father and mother of the girl. The link to join is the same every week. Now all wept and mourned for her; but He said, “Do not weep; she is not dead, but sleeping.” And they ridiculed Him, knowing that she was dead. But He put them all The Nativity Fast Begins NOV 15th outside, took her by the hand and called, saying, “Little The church encourages us to abstain from meat & dairy, girl, arise.” Then her spirit returned, and she arose throughout the fast, PLUS fish, wine and oil on certain immediately. And He commanded that she be given days. Consult your Orthodox calendar for specific days. something to eat. And her parents were astonished, but May God give us the strength to use this invaluable tool as a He charged them to tell no one what had happened. means of growing closer to Our God! THANK YOU! Election Day Food Sale Thank you to all who helped make the Election Day Food THIS WEEK’S SERVICE SCHEDULE Sale a huge success, both those who worked and those (Services livestreamed on Facebook) who bought food. The total profit was $2,987.85. SAT: 5PM Great Vespers for Archangel Michael Monthly Parish Council Meeting: NOV 22nd TODAY: 8:40 AM Hours, 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy, We will hold a brief November Parish Council Meeting Parastas, Church School immediately after the Post Communion Prayers following Divine Liturgy. The meeting will be held in the Today’s Parastas: Sunday NOV 8th church. Did we mention it will be brief? In Memory of Betty Polk Offered by Greg Polk November Homeless Collection In an effort to help our community in these trying times, +++ the Church School is holding a collection for the local SAT, November 14: 5 PM Great Vespers homeless male population. There is a need for the SUN, November 15: 8:40 AM Hours, 9 AM Divine Liturgy, following men's, full size items: Toothpaste, razors, Parastas, Church School shaving cream, socks, men's body wash, etc. Monetary +++ donations are also being accepted, please see Colleen. Donations are being accepted through the month of Parastas Next Week: Sunday NOV 15th November. See the poster on the bulletin board for more In Memory of Stephen Krill details. Your donations are greatly appreciated! Offered by John & Irene Zimich In Memory of Joni Belcher Offered by Joe & Elaine Bernardo BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES - MANY YEARS! In Memory of Evelyn Bogan Offered by Mary Krill November Birthdays: Scott Harvey (11/4), Matushka In Memory of Anastasia, Anna & Bernard Golubiewski, Melanie Neal (11/4), Irene Dutko (11/5), Fred Pleban Wasil and Anna Kuncio, Anthony & Mark Sluhocki, (11/6), Steve Nealon (11/10), Joli Dutko (11/12), Andrew Genieve & Lorri Gromoll Neal (11/24) Douglas Cardoni (11/26), Anniversaries: Offered by Bernard Golubiewski Peter & Paula Holoviak (11/12), Steve & Jean Hutz (11/19) In Memory of Demetrius, Mary, Bert, Adam, Demetrius Jr, Alexander, June, Robert and Irene This Week: Steve Nealon (11/10), Joli Dutko (11/12), Peter Offered by Alexanne Conklin & Family & Paula Holoviak (11/12) Holy Trinity Orthodox Church Weekly Bulletin - November 8th, 2020 then “the Son of Man shall come in His Glory and all the holy Angels with Him” (Mt. 25:31). Altar Server Schedule Sunday, Nov 8: Alec B, Kaleb D, Ephraim N The Angelic Ranks are divided into three Hierarchies: Sunday, Nov 15: Alex H, Tommy D, Andrew N highest, middle, and lowest. Sunday, Nov 22: Christopher D, Symeon C, Andrew C The Highest Hierarchy includes: the Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones. PARISH PRAYER LIST Living: Cynthia Dulsky, The six-winged SERAPHIM (Flaming, Fiery) (Is 6:12) Theodore & Elenor Sovryda, Nadine Breisch, Rosalie stand closest of all to the Most Holy Trinity. They blaze Bagenski, Sonja & Leanne Kay, Anna Hutz Lahr, Brian with love for God and kindle such love in others. Cawley, Josie Bissett, Lisa & Scott Harvey, Daniel & The many-eyed CHERUBIM (outpouring of wisdom, Shannon Bissett, Rebecca King, Delores Karas, Antonette enlightenment) (Gen 3:24) stand before the Lord after Terry, Archpriest Daniel & Matushka Myra Kovalak, Mat the Seraphim. They are radiant with the light of Delores Donlick & Fr. Daniel Donlick, Mary DeBenedetto, knowledge of God, and knowledge of the mysteries of Violet Filipi, Catherine, Danny Gobish, Lorraine Pace, God. Through them wisdom is poured forth, and people’s Camden Thomas, Dr. Peter Kaminski, Peter Holoviak & minds are enlightened so they may know God and behold Family, Mary Krill, Thomas Padrezas, Bachman Family, His glory. Brian & Marni, Rose Marie, Mary Ellen Departed: Met Theodosios, Evelyn Bogan, Dan, Joni Belcher, Stephen The THRONES (Col 1:16) stand after the Cherubim, Krill, Connie Padrezas, Karl P., James Balchune, Maria mysteriously and incomprehensibly bearing God through Severino the grace given them for their service. They are ministers of God’s justice, giving to tribunals, kings, etc. the capacity for righteous judgment. NOV 8: Synaxis of the Archangel The Middle Angelic Hierarchy consists of three Ranks: Michael and the Other Bodiless Dominions, Powers, and Authorities: Powers DOMINIONS (Col 1:16) hold dominion over the angels subject to them.
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