E470 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 30, 2006 Pennsylvania High School Principal of the Rights, which states that ‘‘everyone has the unsustainable Federal budget deficits and the Year by the Pennsylvania Association of Ele- right to freedom of thought, conscience and quagmire in Iraq. mentary and Secondary School Principals. Dr. religion; this right includes freedom to It is an irresponsible budget gimmick to fund change his religion or belief.’’ Additionally, Purvis has served diligently for 3 years as the the war in Iraq through emergency spending. although Afghanistan is an Islamic state, its We are beginning the fourth year of war in principal of Chambersburg Area Senior High Constitution expressly grants followers of School. other religions the right to freely exercise Iraq. Clearly the Bush administration was Dr. Purvis has taken a pivotal role in chang- ‘‘their faith and perform their religious rites aware that there would be funding needs and ing the morale at Chambersburg Area Senior within the limits and the provisions of law.’’ had the opportunity to account for those needs High School by improving the school atmos- The case of Abdul Rahman highlights the in the proposed budget. Instead, the entire phere and reducing discipline problems. His need to define these limits. cost of this war—over $300 billion—is deferred vision for the school, which rests on a founda- Your steady and principled leadership dur- to be paid for by future generations. Congress tion of character-building, has vastly improved ing the uncertain post-war period earned you must have an honest debate about our in- the admiration and trust of the citizens of creasing budget deficit and the implications of the success of Chambersburg Area Senior Afghanistan, who chose you to defend their High School students. Regarded as a forward hard-won freedoms and rights as their first this debt on our country and our future. thinker, Dr. Purvis made major adjustments to democratically-elected President. Similarly, Every American soldier and marine de- the academic curriculum, resulting in the con- the international community has supported serves our support, as well as a realistic and siderable rise of state testing scores and the your reform efforts and we congratulate you honest strategy for success from the Bush ad- graduation rate. on the major social, political, economic and ministration. They also deserve a White House Prior to working as principal of Chambers- security improvements in Afghanistan since and Congress with the courage to pay for this burg Area Senior High School, Dr. Purvis the defeat of the Taliban. war today, not pass the cost on to the children The strength and legitimacy of your demo- served as principal of Chambersburg Area and grandchildren of every American, includ- cratically-elected Government will ulti- ing every veteran who has sacrificed so much Middle School, which he led to earn the Na- mately depend upon that government’s abil- tional Blue Ribbon School designation. He car- in Iraq. ity and willingness to protect and promote For the violence and murder to stop and the ried his success and experience over to the the fundamental human rights of all Afghani high school, overcoming significant challenges citizens. While it may be permitted under Is- civil conflict in Iraq to end, it will require Iraqis, and earning an even more prestigious award. lamic Sharia law, the threatened execution not Americans, willing to find solutions to bring As the Pennsylvania High School Principal of of Mr. Rahman would have violated the U.N. security, stability and peace to their country. the Year, Dr. Purvis will compete for the title Universal Declaration of Human Rights and U.S. troops should never be in the position of the Afghan Constitution. We are grateful of National High School Principal of the Year. being referees in a bloody civil war. Unfortu- this man’s life has been spared, and we hope nately, the Bush administration has no inten- Dr. P, as he is endearingly known by his that your government will take this oppor- students, has made a great contribution to the tion of drawing down U.S. troops anytime tunity to clarify the supremacy of Afghani- soon. The passage of this bill today will en- betterment of our youth and will continue to stan’s constitution within your country’s enhance the education of many. The Cham- legal framework. sure, regrettably, that our troops will remain in Iraq for the foreseeable future. bersburg Area Senior High School faculty and f student body are fortunate to have such a de- f EMERGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL AP- voted leader. The citizens of Chambersburg CONGRATULATIONS TO BETHEL PROPRIATIONS ACT FOR DE- and I would like thank Dr. Purvis for his serv- APOSTOLIC TEMPLE ON ITS FIF- FENSE, THE GLOBAL WAR ON ice and dedication to the education system TIETH ANNIVERSARY and the community. TERROR, AND HURRICANE RE- COVERY, 2006 f HON. KENDRICK B. MEEK EXPRESSING SENSE OF THE SPEECH OF OF FLORIDA HOUSE REGARDING RELIGIOUS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PERSECUTION IN AFGHANISTAN HON. BETTY McCOLLUM Thursday, March 30, 2006 OF MINNESOTA Mr. MEEK of Florida. Mr. Speaker, today I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SPEECH OF rise to pay tribute to the Bethel Apostolic Tem- HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF Thursday, March 16, 2006 ple on the occasion of its Golden Anniversary. OF CALIFORNIA The House in Committee of the Whole On Saturday, April 1, 2006, the Reverend IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES House on the State of the Union had under Carol Nash will lead her congregation, along consideration the bill (H.R. 4939) making with several guests, to celebrate this milestone Wednesday, March 29, 2006 emergency supplemental appropriations for at the Church’s Humanitarian Awards Banquet Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise in the fiscal year ending September 30, 2006, and to be held at the Miami Embassy Suites Hotel strong support of H. Res. 736, a resolution to for other purposes: Grand Ballroom. This event will also honor two Condemn Afghan Attempts to Prosecute Con- Ms. MCCOLLUM of Minnesota. Mr. Chair- distinguished members of our community, verts. I share my colleagues’ deep concern re- man, I rise in opposition to H.R. 4939. Today, former Congresswoman Carrie P. Meek, my garding the case of Mr. Abdul Rahman and Congress continues its owe-as-you-go policy mother, and the Reverend Dr. George E. the questions it raises regarding Afghanistan’s of borrowing and spending, burdening future McRae, my pastor and the pastor of Mt. Tabor commitment to religious freedom and human generations of Americans with an additional Missionary Baptist Church. rights. I have sent a letter to Afghan President $92 billion in debt and at the same time em- Founded by the late Dr. Doris R.L. Atkins in Hamid Karzai, and I submit it for the RECORD. bracing the Bush administration’s disastrous January 9, 1956, this citadel of faith in Miami- DEAR PRESIDENT KARZAI: I am writing to war in Iraq. Giving this administration more Dade County has been an unerring witness to you concerning the case of Abdul Rahman, borrowed money for billion dollar no-bid con- the spiritual revivalism that undergirds the whose conversion to Christianity could have tracts without congressional oversight is irre- power of fasting, faith and prayer. Dr. Atkins cost him his life under traditional Sharia sponsible and a policy I can neither justify nor was the resilient leader of this church and an law. defend. inspiration to a remarkable group of pastors, Along with many in the U.S. as well as in In a cynical maneuver, the Republican ma- Britain, Germany, Italy, and Australia, I am evangelists and bishops who are now minis- relieved that Mr. Rahman will not be tried jority has linked nearly $70 billion more for tering to a number of churches throughout for exercising a right that is guaranteed to maintaining U.S. troops in the middle of an South Florida. Dr. Michael Moss took over in him by national and international law. I rec- Iraqi civil war with the resources needed to as- 1988, and through his dynamic theological ognize that you face strong domestic opposi- sist Katrina’s victims and the funds necessary teaching and progressive preaching, Bethel tion to this decision, but I urge the Afghan to keep alive the victims of genocide in Su- Apostolic Temple experienced a period of tre- government to stand by it and to use this op- dan’s Darfur region. I strongly support pro- mendous growth. This visionary pastor led his portunity to demonstrate your Govern- viding our fellow citizens of the gulf coast with congregation in 1997 to what has now be- ment’s commitment to tolerance, the rule of the resources to rebuild their lives and their law, and the democratic ideals that are just come one of the landmark churches in South beginning to take root in Afghanistan. communities and increasing our commitment Florida. Afghanistan’s Constitution stipulates that to bringing peace to Sudan. However, I cannot Reverend Nash assumed the pastorate in Afghanistan shall abide by the United Na- support an administration policy of consistently 1998 from Dr. Moss, and under her leader- tions’ Universal Declaration of Human misleading the American people about the ship, its burgeoning membership has taken on VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:05 Mar 31, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A30MR8.030 E30MRPT1 ycherry on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS March 30, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E471 a tremendous renewal of faith and its outreach head coach, the Badgers have set a school CONGRATULATING KIMMIE MEISS- mission has gone above and beyond the con- record for victories, showing steady improve- NER ON HER PERFORMANCE AT fines of our community.
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