Standfirst BodyUga. Issit peribust, opta que pres modit, henditi dolo mi, temporessim nulla sit, quost, aut isquamPEOPLE idest moluptatus aut adiosamMAKE reperibus, HERITAGEquassi bea quaspit emquis quibusaperis dentia des ullautatia sitibus andande sus as eaquis magnatur volupti orectem quibus nem nam, que exerchilit, accupidHERITAGE itistotas aliquibus. TOURISM 2020ommos et et faccae. Ciis magnamus si rerissedi Illaboria nus et derem evelluptatem ipsus autestenda coreper iatium explis audam, et, non rehent vit, vid eaque veni omnieniet ea voluptiis as pelibus, quidunt, ese essi vel moluptaquam essim sim qui num volorro repelit optaepe ius atent lit, si diatur? andaepelit lantis ne ius everio omnimag nihilicient Qui sequam verum sinis ma sanimil ma senis res magniendis mincien imaios autem rempor sumquos alit res imi, seruptat venihil is ditiorehent aperumet arcipsa si init ata nos doluptatus, qui aut volorent lia qui ut que lis dolupta spicipsae venda volecatem siminum am rati conet pro est, non nit eaquas quat vel illore magnam quat. Mus, corum, in parum dolor aliquo que rectore Our collective ambition is be a destination of first choice for a high quality, value for money and memorable customer experience, delivered by skilled and passionate people. from Mid Term Review of national tourism strategy, Tourism Scotland 2020 (2016) PEOPLE MAKE HERITAGE HERITAGE TOURISM 2020 A strategic framework for leadership and growth in Scotland’s unique historic environment and heritage tourism sector. Prepared for the Heritage Tourism Group PEOPLE MAKE HERITAGE HERITAGE TOURISM 2020 v CONTENTS AMBITION FOR GROWTH 01 HERITAGE IN CONTEXT 03 THE THREE PILLARS OF CULTURE & HERITAGE 04 HERITAGE TOURISM 2020: ‘PEOPLE MAKE HERITAGE’ 06 SCOPE 07 MARKETS & AUDIENCES 10 LEADERSHIP & COLLABORATION 11 THE KEY PLAYERS 12 THE ETHOS 12 PERFORMANCE & MONITORING 13 IMMEDIATE PRIORITIES 14 THE HT2020 ROCKET 17 VISION, MISSION & AIM 17 EXISTING MARKETS, TARGET MARKETS & MARKET INTELLIGENCE 19 CURRENT INHIBITORS AND THREATS 19 KEY OPPORTUNITIES 20 STRATEGIC CONTEXT 23 TURNING OUR HERITAGE ASSETS INTO AUTHENTIC EXPERIENCES 23 CROSS SECTORAL WORKING 24 IMPROVING THE CUSTOMER JOURNEY 24 BUILDING OUR CAPABILITIES 25 LEADERSHIP & COLLABORATION 26 ACTIONS & OUTCOMES 28 OPERATIONAL PRIORITIES 28 HOW WILL WE MEASURE SUCCESS? 30 PEOPLE MAKE HERITAGE PEOPLE MAKE HERITAGE HERITAGE TOURISM 2020 HERITAGE TOURISM 2020 01 OUR PLACE IN TIME The Historic Environment Strategy for Scotland AMBITION THE STRATEGY CYCLE FOR GROWTH Heritage Tourism 2020 (HT2020) is uniquely charged with delivering against two national strategies: Tourism Scotland 2020 (TS2020) which was launched VISION Scotland’s historic environment is understood and valued, in 2012, and the Historic Environment Strategy (HES) for Scotland which was cared for and protected, enjoyed and enhanced. launched in 2014. It is at the heart of a flourishing and sustainable Scotland and will be passed on with pride to benefit future generations. TS2020 sets the scene in terms of leadership and stage of the journey. Heritage is recognised as one VISION growth in the tourism sector and how this should be of the key sectors with potential for growth. Growth achieved but HES brings an added dimension by in visitor spend will come from three main markets; setting out how important our heritage assets are to ‘Home Turf’, ‘Near Neighbours’ and ‘Distant PRINCIPLES both domestic and overseas visitors. Cousins’ with new and emerging markets making an Scotland’s historic environment is important. increasing contribution through time. We need to be ambitious and do more to preserve and Tourism Scotland 2020, the national tourism maintain the historic environment and to secure strategy for leadership and growth was launched In 2014 the first ever Historic Environment Strategy the many associated benefits. in 2012 with the goal of making Scotland ‘a ‘Our Place in Time’ (OPIT) was launched by the We need to face the challenges. destination of first choice for a high quality, value Scottish Government highlighting that Scotland’s PRINCIPLES for money and memorable customer experience, historic environment makes Scotland distinctive delivered by skilled and passionate people’. as a nation and firmly acknowledging that we Cross-cutting This growth will be achieved through quality should make full and effective use of our heritage authentic visitor experiences which highlight those assets to promote Scotland to both domestic and Informed Leadership & Mainstreaming Skills & capacity aspects of our assets that are uniquely Scottish – international audiences, and in so doing, grow the decision making shared working contemporary or traditional - and are delivered to overall value of heritage tourism in Scotland. PRIORITIES the highest possible standard at each and every Understand – Protect – Care & Value – Share & Investigate Protect Celebrate & Record Holistic and Enhancing participation PRIORITIES Knowledge development sustainable Broad-ranging approach Accessible knowledge approach to learning Effective and proportionate Tourism protection and regulation with controls and incentives Ensuring capacity OUTCOME To ensure that the cultural, social, environmental and economic value of Scotland’s heritage makes a strong contribution to the wellbeing of the nation and its people. OUTCOME PEOPLE MAKE HERITAGE PEOPLE MAKE HERITAGE HERITAGE TOURISM 2020 HERITAGE TOURISM 2020 03 HERITAGE IN CONTEXT This strategic framework ‘Heritage Tourism 2020’ seeks to combine the ambition of both strategies and to establish a clear route map for the sector to both grow the volume and value of heritage tourism but also share and celebrate the richness and significance of our historic environment with locals and visitors. The key to success in aligning these strategic The HTG highlighted that a fifth asset block should priorities in one framework lies in an ethos of be created to accommodate ‘Heritage and Culture’. sharing, learning and collaborating. Leadership is This decision was taken by the TS2020 Strategy provided through the Heritage Tourism Group (HTG), Group in 2014 and provided the context for which has been charged, by both the TS2020 developing this framework. However, having created Strategy Group, coordinated by The Scottish this separate asset block for ‘Heritage and Culture’ Tourism Alliance (STA) and the Scottish Government further definitions were required. to develop this framework and then coordinate its delivery. ‘Heritage and Culture’ are widely recognised as key drivers for tourism across the globe but the tourism In progressing this critically important piece of work, industry has always acknowledged the difficulty of definitions have come to the fore – with a clear adequately defining these terms. However in 2010 need to articulate what this strategic framework VisitBritain explored this topic and defined three for Heritage Tourism is seeking to achieve but also pillars within Culture and Heritage – built heritage, what it is not addressing and ultimately expects cultural heritage and contemporary culture. others to tackle. These definitions have been developed to provide When Tourism Scotland 2020 was published, four a clear basis for understanding what is and isn’t asset blocks were defined; included in this heritage tourism strategy for • nature, heritage and activities Scotland and also the significance of the remaining • destinations, towns and cities two pillars to encourage those engaged in cultural • events and festivals heritage and contemporary culture to consider a • business tourism. similar response to TS2020. Each was seen as having significant potential for growth, and considerable scope to respond to specific market opportunities. However, when the action planning for TS2020 got underway in 2013 it became evident that the ‘heritage’ dimension needed to be developed separately from nature and activities. This was partly because of the nature of the sector itself but also the different players who will be responsible for driving a strategic framework forward. PEOPLE MAKE HERITAGE PEOPLE MAKE HERITAGE HERITAGE TOURISM 2020 HERITAGE TOURISM 2020 05 THE THREE PILLARS OF CULTURE & HERITAGE BUILT HERITAGE CULTURAL HERITAGE CONTEMPORARY CULTURE • World Heritage Sites • Museums and Art Galleries • Music & The Arts • Famous Buildings • Performing Arts • Nightclubs and Bars and Monuments • Gardens • Films and TV Locations • Castles and Stately Homes • Pubs • Design and Fashion • Churches and Cathedrals • Food and Drink • Festivals • Heritage Attractions • Shared Historical Connections • Modern British Food • Cities and Towns & researching ancestry • Cosmopolitan Britain • Britain’s Iconic Sights • Watching Sport • Literature • Education & Learning • Monarchy ^ Source: VisitBritain, Culture & Heritage Topic Profile, Feb 2010 The Scottish Historic Environment Audit (SHEA) is Most of these designated sites currently have a currently undertaken every two years and includes visitor and tourism interface, with some being major key facts on tourism, reputation and attitudes. players in attracting visitors to Scotland and also SHEA provides a catalogue of all the formal historic generating a high proportion of our tourism revenue environment designations that exist in Scotland – – such as Edinburgh Castle and World Heritage most of which provide the focus or backdrop for Site, Bannockburn, New Lanark, Urquhart Castle holidays, short breaks and days out. and Culloden. The key historic environment designations across Others, including undesignated
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