E2162 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 16, 2010 But this matter could have and should have in the U.S. Armed Forces. Following this sec- ends like George Strait, Reba McEntire, been handled better. ond five year period, a person that has contin- LeAnn Rimes, Brad Paisley, Randy Travis, I urge my colleagues to support the resolu- ued to meet the conditions of this bill would be and the Oak Ridge Boys. A savvy business- tion before us. able to file for legal permanent status. Only, man, Mr. House also operates a music pub- f after three years in this status, 13 years total. lishing company, House Notes, which owns would a person be eligible to apply for citizen- the songs he has written. RECOGNIZING THE CENTENNIAL ship. The sustained excellence of Gerry House ANNIVERSARY OF CALIFORNIA Contrary to the rhetoric on the other side, and the House Foundation has been recog- STATE UNIVERSITY, FRESNO the DREAM Act is anything but amnesty. In- nized by virtually every respected country stead, this bill is a bipartisan acknowledge- music and radio association in the United HON. DEVIN NUNES ment that a significant number of children cur- States. It has received three awards from the OF CALIFORNIA rently live in this country with no legal status Country Music Association, seven from the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and no avenue to gain legal status. Without Academy of Country Music, eight Billboard Thursday, December 16, 2010 this legislation. we are essentially telling indi- Awards, and nine R&R awards. Gerry is also viduals who have grown up here, assimilated the recipient of the NAB Marconi Radio Award Mr. NUNES. Madam Speaker, I rise today to our culture, and obtained a high school for Large Market Air Personality of the Year. to recognize California State University, Fres- education that the only home for them is in Gerry cited his desire to devote more of his no as it celebrates its one hundred-year anni- another country. That is both wrong and coun- time to other projects as his reason for retir- versary. terproductive. ing. His loyal fans are eagerly waiting to see Beginning in 1911 as a small teachers col- Those that would be eligible under this leg- what these projects will turn out to be because lege, Fresno State has built a reputation for its islation are motivated, smart young people we all want more of Gerry. academic standards as well as its athletic who want nothing more than to utilize their And so, Madam Speaker, it is my privilege achievements. Located in the heart of the San skills and education here in America by going to ask my colleagues to join me in saluting Joaquin Valley, Fresno State has played an to college or serving in the Armed Forces. Not Gerry’s leadership and accomplishments. The important role in the history of the valley, in- only is the passage of this bill the right thing people of Nashville and Middle Tennessee are cluding making it the most productive agricul- to do, but it would be foolish for a country grateful for Gerry waking us up in the morning tural region in the world. whose economic prosperity depends upon an in such an enjoyable way. It’s hard to make a Fresno State is one of the few universities educated workforce to let these young people long commute fun, but Gerry House did it for in the country to have an on-campus diversi- take their talents abroad. 30 years. fied farm of over 1,000 acres. The campus The DREAM Act provides young people f was also the first in the country fully licensed who have done nothing wrong the opportunity to produce, bottle, and sell wine. to come out of the shadows, build a life in DON’T ASK, DON’T TELL REPEAL Home to the largest library in the California America, and contribute to the prosperity of ACT OF 2010 State University System, Fresno State has our nation. SPEECH OF educated innovative professionals in every- I encourage my colleagues to join me in vot- thing from winemaking to nursing to liberal ing for this important legislation. HON. JAMES P. MORAN arts. The extensive range of degrees offered f OF VIRGINIA by the college mirrors the diversity of the val- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ley. PERSONAL EXPLANATION In addition to outstanding academic stand- Wednesday, December 15, 2010 ards, Fresno State has gained a reputation for HON. DAN BURTON Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I rise its championship-winning athletic program. OF INDIANA in strong support of this legislation to repeal the discriminatory ‘‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’’ Pol- This includes the Bulldogs baseball team win- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ning the 2008 College World Series. icy. From its beginnings as the Fresno Normal Thursday, December 16, 2010 Enacted in 1993, DADT was billed as a School, Fresno State has become one of the Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Madam Speaker, compromise that would allow gay and lesbian leading academic institutions in the San Joa- due to severe weather which delayed my re- Americans to serve their country in the Armed quin Valley. I am proud to have the Fresno turn to Washington, D.C., I was unable to be Forces without harming military effectiveness State campus in my district and congratulate on the House Floor for rollcall votes 628, 629 or violating privacy rights. After over 15 years past and present students, teachers, and ad- and 630. Had I been present I would have of experience, it is clear this policy is a failure. ministrators for 100 years of success. voted: yea on rollcall vote 628; nay on rollcall Over 14,000 service members have been f vote 629; and yea on rollcall vote 630. discharged under DADT, including more than f 800 mission-critical troops and dozens of Ara- DEVELOPMENT, RELIEF, AND EDU- bic and Farsi linguists. A Government Ac- CATION FOR ALIEN MINORS GERRY HOUSE countability Office report and independent (DREAM) ACT OF 2010 studies have estimated the cost of this policy, in lost recruitment and training costs, at over SPEECH OF HON. JIM COOPER OF TENNESSEE $350 million. Yet, from 2003–2007, the military HON. JAMES P. MORAN IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lowered medical, conduct, and education standards significantly in order to meet recruit- OF VIRGINIA Thursday, December 16, 2010 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment goals. Serious misdemeanors and felony Mr. COOPER. Madam Speaker, today I rise conviction waivers increased from 5,000 to Wednesday, December 8, 2010 to honor Mr. Gerry House on the occasion of over 10,000, including 3 soldiers who had Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Madam Speaker, I his retirement from WSIX radio and the end of been convicted of manslaughter, 11 convicted rise today in support of the Development, Re- his famous radio show, Gerry House and the of arson, 142 convicted of burglary, and 7 lief, and Education for Alien Minors Act. House Foundation. Mr. House is an award- convicted of rape or sexual assault. Dis- This legislation provides minors who were winning American radio personality, talented charging qualified gay soldiers while simulta- brought to the U.S. as children a path to legal songwriter, stand-up comic and an outstanding neously lowering the enlistment standards for status, and eventually citizenship. To qualify Tennessean. others weakens our military. for conditional status for five years. an indi- The king of morning radio in Nashville, DADT also offends the values of our coun- vidual must be 29 years old or younger, have Gerry has kept listeners company in their cars, try, discriminating against some individuals lived in the U.S. for 5 years prior to enact- offices and homes for three decades. He will based upon an innate characteristic that has ment, graduate from an American high school, be the first-ever country music DJ to join other no bearing on the ability to serve honorably in and meet numerous other requirements. After American radio and television luminaries in the the military. Currently, 24 other nations allow five years, an individual may apply for an addi- National Association of Broadcasters Hall of openly gay service, including Australia, Israel, tional five years of conditional status only if Fame. Great Britain and Canada. Numerous studies they have completed at least two years of Gerry is truly engaged in all levels of the have found no adverse effect on enrollment or post-secondary education or served two years music industry. He has written songs for leg- retention in any of these countries. On the VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:47 Dec 17, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A16DE8.029 E16DEPT1 smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with REMARKS.
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