Complete Municipal School Election Results SEE STORIES USSfflE a-** a* THE DAILY Clearing and colder today. FINAL Windy and cold tonight and Red Bulk, Freehold 7 again tomorrow. Long Branch J EDITION <St« Dftllli. Monmouth County** Home Newspaper tor 92 Years VOL 93, NO. 159 HED BANK, N. j., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1970 34 PAGES 10 CENTS urn Desegregation Slowdown Provision Battle Looms WASHINGTON (AP) - field's move to clear the way tration is strongly committed forts" under Title VI of the With the Nixon administra- for final passage by Feb. 19. to nationwide elimination of 1964 Civil Rights Act. tion's top education official The main issue is an amend- racial segregation in educa- This provision requires cut* openly joining the fight, the ment by Sen. John Stennis, tion. off of federal funds to local D-Miss., permitting freedom Senate has put off until next The Deep South senators governments on programs of choice plans in public have charged the administra- where segregation is prao week a showdown on a South- school attendance. Federal tion with inaction in attacking ticed. • ern . sponsored provision to courts have ruled such pro- segregation in schools outside slow school desegregation. grams violate civil rights laws A second Stennis proposal, the South. Allen said that, "As likely to attract more support Democratic Leader Mike unless they are the best an educator, I am convinced Mansfield obtained an agree- method of achieving school than his freedom of choice that segregation by races in amendment, requires uniform ment yesterday for voting desegregation. our nation's schools for any times on desegregation riders enforcement of school deseg- James E. Allen Jr., U.S. reason is unsound education- regation policy throughout the to a $35 billion education bill. ally, regardless of geogra- Beginning next Tuesday, each commissioner of education, in- U.S. jected himself by sending & phy." amendment to the massive Allen wrote that the admin- Allen said that "serious bill will carry a two-hour limit letter to Pell opposing the questions arise as to the legal Stennis proposal, making its istration opposed the Stennis on debate. amendment because it runs effect and Implications" of Sen. Claiborne Pell, D-R.I., already slim chance of ap- this amendment. He urged proval even less likely. counter to Supreme Court de- floor manager for the mea- cisions and "would seriously consideration by committees sure, said he expected Mans- Allen asserted the adminis- restrict the enforcement ef- . before a Senate vote is taken. Gallo Death Gar Is Studied NEWARK (AP) - Officials per with the car." But Lordi Gallo's heart was torn loose Lacey said he had no com- December indictment. Sus- are awaiting the results of said, "at present there are "due to impact," the report ment on Gallo's death. pended Chief Municipal an examination of the station no indications it was anything stated. - "There is a procedure un- Judge Anthony Giuliano, 72, wagon in the fatal accident but an accident." Lordi said that a routine der which the U.S. attorney died of a heart attack last of Mario T. Gallo, who had Gallo's car crashed into an toxicological examination, moves for dismisal of week. been indicted with Mayor abutment in West Orange which will take several days, charges, and I expect that I Pob'ce said Gallo, 44, was Hugh J. Addonizio and others early yesterday morning. He will be made by Murray be- will be pursuing that course," driving west' on' Northfield on extortion charges. was found alone in the car. fore a final determination of Lacey said, referring to the Avenue in West Orange when Essex County Prosecu- Lordi said that a prelimi- death is made. extortion charges against his car struck a' concrete tor Joseph P. Lordi said yes- nary autopsy by Dr. Edward The prosecutor said his of- Gallo. abutment at 12:41 a.m. terday John Brady of the Ed- F. Murray, county medical fice was attempting to deter- Gallo, a contractor, be- He headed his own con- el Laboratories here would examiner, showed that Gal- mine Gallo'g whereabouts came the second of 15 defen- struction company and had examine Gallo's vehicle "to lo received multiple frac- prior to the accident. dants in a conspiracy-extor- interests in Passaic, Bergen determine if anyone did tam- tures and internal injuries. U.S. Atty. Frederick B. tion case to die since their and Middlesex counties. Rogers Meets Tito Today Wft#$ OUR HERO" — After his arrival in St. Louis yesterday afternoon to at- niI * Rep^Kcan fund-raising dinner. Vice President Spiro T. Agnerw got out of .'TUNIS "(AP) - Secretary Tito leaves Addis Ababa to- Addjs .Ababa -is the third tude for American aid. But disclosure'to, "newsmeh that his 'limousine to shake hands with and chat with youthful supporters who met him of State William P. Rogers morrow to visit the Sudan, stop on • the American secre- both disagreed wita Ameri- Foreign Minister Abdelhadi at the airport. The young ladies are members of a group oalled Young Americans flew from Tunisia to Ethiopia Egypt and Libya, three mili- tary's 10-nation African tour. can policy in the Middle Boutaleb had expressed mis- today for meetings with Em- tant Arab states whose rela- He will stay two days. East, which they regard as givings about the situation in lor Freedom. One of the delegation carried a sign proclaiming "Spiro's Our peror Haile Selassie and Yu- tions with the United States Rogers also spent two days unduly favorable to Israel. (AP Libya, where substantial Hero." Wirephoto) goslav President Tito and a are cool or nonexistent. The each in Morocco and Tuni- Rogers denied any bias and major policy speech to the Or- Yugoslav president presuma- sia, the only Arab countries said the United States is try- numbers of Egyptian officers ganization of African Unity. bly will pass on to their lead- on his itinerary. Both govern- ing to steer a middle course and civilians are moving in to advise i]je inexperienced ar- The flight to the southeast ers what he gleans from ments gave him' reassuranc- in the Arab-Israeli conflict. took Rogers out of the Arab Rogers and his assessment es of their friendship for the Moroccan government lead-' my officers who overthrew Fire Dangers Outlined of it. United States and their grati- ers were upset by American; the monarchy last summer. world, but the Arab-Israeli conflict was high on the agenda for his conference to- night with Tito. In Nursing Home Probe . The Yugoslav leader also is touring Africa, and Rogers To Decentralize Centers WASHINGTON (AP) - allow to remain on the mar- cial Committee on Aging. He requested the meeting about ket the type of carpet au- continued: a week ago when he learned A congressional inquiry into NEWARK (AP) - The Mon- thorities said fed the Ohio fire "This reaction to tragedy that the two of them by coinci- James A. Coolahan on Mon- contrary to the wishes of lo- east section of Monmouth a tragic Ohio nursing home cal residents in the day care County. fire has raised the question of that killed 32 persons. as a means of improvement dence would be in Addis Aba- mouth Community Action Pro. day denied an injunction suit ba at the same time. This gram (MCAP) will continue filed by the Parents Advisory program. Judge Coolahan found that ' whether federal billions have ' —The expert hired by the in code provisions is not be- cause of a prior lack of gives Rogers the opportunity its program to decentralize Committee (PAC) of tiie Day The MOAP plan calls for the legislation governing been spent to put elderly nursing homes themselves be- to explain the Nixon adminis- the establishment of day care. MCAP gives its officials the Americans in quiet places for knowledge of how to deal its Bayshora Day Care Cen- Care Center. lieves fire safety standards to with the problem. Rather, it tration's Middle East policy centers in three other Bay- authority to do as they their twilight years or in po- be inadequate for the feder- to Tito, who consistently has ter after a court denied a pre- Oppose Plan shore communities instead of planned. tential crematoriums. is because of public apathy liminary injunction to halt the ally financed Hill-Burton Hos- and private reluctance to ac- favored the Arab cause and The PAC contended that de- the stogie center now on Route The case was heard In fed- "The lives of thousands of pital Construction Program cept the monetary expendi- is close to Egyptian President plan. centralization would lead to 35 in Holmdel Township. The eral court because federal elderly patients are in jeopar- and the federal - state match- ture necessary to achieve Gamal Abdel Nasser. U.S. Dist. Court Judge de facto segregation and was Bayshore area is in the north- funds are involved. dy -rightnow, today," charged ing Medicaid Program of what needs to be done." one witness at hearings that medical assistance to the in- digent. The Harmar House Conva- concluded yesterday after lescent Center in Marietta, bringing out that: "The history of fire pre- Ohio, was a newly construct- Housing —The nation's old-age vention and fire protection ed, well run and pleasant health program, medicare, shows that it often seems to nursing home, a source of Imposes no firm fire safety require a fire tragedy to stim- pride to the 18,000-population Inequitities requirements on the nursing ulate improvement of life community, witnesses said. homes that, in 1068, took in safety from fire in buildings," Yet in the span of 12 min- half a billion dollars in pay- another witness, Richard E.
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