TEACHER SHOT BY POLICE IN LEONARDVILLE - INSIDE AN electoral code of conduct subscribed to by 10 of Namibia's political parties and alliances seems to be on the verge of fmalisation. The relative success of this en­ couraged the UN to work on the same Office-bearers of the 10 parties, ance represented by ChlefKualmo principle regionally and locally. It plus UN Special Representative Martti Rlruako; called meetings of district and re­ Ahtisaari and his colleagues Mr Jo­ • The Action Christian National gional party officials,- in an effort to seph Legwaila and Mr Cedric alliance represented by Mr J annie use personal contact between them Thombeny, met yesterday at 17hOO. de Wet; and to defuse the increasing tendency They emerged with the first draft of • Mr Peter Kalangula's Christian toward electoral violence. a 16-point code of conduct - which Democratic Action for Social 'Jus­ It was the meeting of the Ovambo notably excludes the use of violence tice, which was represented by Mr region which specifically proposed a or intimidation in campaigns. Werner Neef. code of conduct, in what one UN Party representatives have gone Surprisingly, there was substan­ official described as "the region's back to consult colleagues and con­ tive agreement on the general text of pulling ahead of nationalleadership ~ " stituenl$ on the draft code, and will the code, with only minor variations Now it appears the local, regional meet again at 20hOO on Thursday for being put forward by differ n! par­ and'this latest national gathering are the next stage of negotiations. ties, part ofaprocess feeding eaCh other' Swapo's former representative to The process leading to the 'code activities. the UN, Mr Helmut Angula, Deputy council' started with an earlier meet­ (Photographs of the 'indaba' Secretary of Foreign Affairs Niko ing of the parties called by Mr Ahti­ inside) Bessinger and press officer Eddie saari in response to escalating politi- Arnkongo represented Swapo at the UN-sponsored national-level talks held at Untag headquarters. Among the parties present were: IRAPEI CASE • The United Democratic Front; • Swapo-D, represented by Andreas Shlpanga; • The National Patriotic Front POSTPONED represented by Mr Moses Katjluongua; THE Editor of The Namibian, Gwen Lister, and reporter Chris Shlpanga, • The Namibia National Front's appeared briefly In the Windhoek Magistrates Court yesterday, charged Dr Kenneth Abrahams and Ms Nora for contravening section 154 (3) of the Criminal Procedure Act (Act 51 of Chase; 1977), which prohibits the publication of rape victims who are under age. • The Namibian Christian Demo­ The case arises from a front page article on November 4 last year, where cratic Party; It was reported that two Zulu-speaking soldiers had appeared In the • The Federal Convention of regional court for allegedly sexually molesting two young girls of eight and Namibia of Mr Hans D1ergaardt ten years old respectively. and Mr Mburumba Kerlna; Lister and Shlpanga were not asked to plead and the case was postponed • The Democratic Turnhalle Alii- until next Tuesday morning at llh30. NICE TRY, SWB! THE NAMIBIAN usually only refuses paid ceived a vacancy advertisement from the advertisements that are racist in content, Breweries "to be published soonest". but we made one exception this week: For It appears as though the Breweries have fi­ years now, the South West Breweries Lim­ nally acknowledged the impact of The Na­ ited has refused to advertise in this newspa­ mibian in the Namibian marketplace, send­ per, despite repeated attempts on the part of ing us an advertisement for scab labour (in­ our advertising department to convince that cluding dri vers, machine operators, packing company of our high sales and general impact staff etc) to replace those workers who have in this country. The Chairman ofOhlthaver gone on strike. We regret that we cannot & List Group which owns the Breweries, Mr comply. Had the Breweries been regular Werner List, went as far in the past as to advertisers in this newspaper, we would have refer to Gwen Lister as the 'Gaddafi of had no alternative but to accept their adver­ journalism' in Namibia and the Breweries tisement. But we cannot allow this newspa­ POLICE yesterday opened fire with rubber bullets on the 192 ignored this newspaper completely. per to be used by a company which has had workers fired by the South West Breweries when they collected This week workers of the Breweries went on nothing good to say about The Namibian to their wages. Mr Adjene Petrus (top) was hit on the side of his strike and several hundred were dismissed head by a rubber bullet. Sacked worker Mr Titus Munekamba replace their dismissed workers with scab (middle) shows the places where three rubber bullets hit him, and from their jobs. Yesterday afternoon we re- labour. - Gwen Lister in the bottom photograph, two of the rubber bullet shells. THE NI-\MIBIAN Nigeria calls BELGRADE - Non-Aligned Movement member-states complained at the start of a four-day summit that they were still threatened by poverty and regional conflicts despite a general improvement In superpower ties. Host Yugoslavia and other moderates tried to persuade the group­ for dialogue Ing that better United States-Soviet relations and disarmament moves promised benefits for all. CAPE TOWN - Archbishop Desmond Tutu reconsecrated his Cape Town cathedral after armed police broke In late on Monday during a inside South Africa night of pre-election violence. He said the entry of armed police carrying guns and whips was an act of sacrilege. Police had surrounded the cathedral to prevent a choral concert, claiming It was to be used for NIGERIA yesterday criticised Pretoria'S external peace initiatives tion 435. an illegal gathering. while it ignored dialogue with authentic leaders of the black "The international community has majority, Ziana, Zimbabwe's news agency reports. a solemn responsibility to ensure this. HA VANA - The death toll In Cuba's worst air crash rose to at least 139 "More important is the additional as local authorities said 14 people In a village near Havana's Jose Marti Nigerian leader, Mr Ibrahim would not willingly giveup theprivi­ obligation to ensure that Namibians airport were killed when the Soviet-made Ilyushin 62M demolished Babangida, told the ninth Non-Aligned leges conferred and sustained by the were allowed thefreedom to elect the their homes. Cuba Is providing a plane to fly In relatives of Italian Movement summit on its second day, apartheid system. governfment of their choice. tourists killed In the disaster. "The racist regime in South Africa He said his country was not im­ "At this critical period in time, we must stop looking beyond her bor­ pressed by recent announcements of call on the Non-Aligned Movement NEW YORK - President George Bush said In an Interview he would not ders for dialogue. cosmetic constitutional changes which to redouble its support for Swapo as rule out sending troops to help flght Colombia's war against the drug "Rather it should hold dialogues essentially preserved "that obnox­ the recognised authentic representa­ cartels If the Bogota government asked. In Medellin, Colombia, two with the authentic leaders of the black ious system" of institutionalised tive of the Namibian people." said people were killed and a dozen Injured In a shootout at the International majority in South Africa." racism. Mr Babangida said today's Mr Babangida. airport as eight United States jet flghters arrived to help In the govern­ Since he came to power early this general elections. which would not He added. "This is essential to ment's drug battle. year. fIrst as National Party leader include the black majority. were un­ counter the massive clandestine and now acting South African presi­ acceptable. support which the racist regime pro­ MOSCOW - British prime minister Margaret Thatcher will stop over dent, F.W. de Klerk has held discus­ "The elections should be con­ vides its surrogates to frustrate the In Moscow on September 23 for talks with Kremlin leader Mikhail sions with the leaders of Mozam­ demned because they deny the black efforts of Swapo. as is evident in the Gorbachev on her way home from Tokyo, Soviet domestic radio said. bique. Zaire. Zambia and others in majority the right to participate in perfidy inherent in the new laws Europe. the democratic political process." governing elections and the Constitu­ JERUSALEM - Israeli troops shot dead a Shl'lte Moslem guerrilla Mr Babangida said Nigeria firmly he said. ent Assembly." overnight In a clash within Its self-declared south Lebanon security supported the Organisation of Afri­ On Namibia. the Nigerian leader Mr Babangida went on to say that zone, 500 metres north of an Israeli border settlement, the army and can Unity declaration. adopted in said his country was satisfied that the for most of this decade. the debt security sources said. Harare on August 21. which calls for initital problems encountered in the burden of developing countries had peace negotiations in South Africa. implementation of Resolution 435. worsened so that these countries had. BEIR UT - A car bomb exploded near a market In Christian East Beirut, Mr Babangida. who was the first particularly the tragedy that followed paradoxically. become net exporters killing two people and wounding seven, during a rare lull in the artillery leader to address the summit when th~ deployment of Untag on April 1. of capital at a time they themselves battles which have swept the capital. business resumed yesterday. said the had been r~placed by determined were in critical need for new conses­ "racist minority" in South Africa efforts to keept the spirit of Resolu- sional capital. BELGRADE - Afghan president Najibullah will unveil peace proposals at the Non-Aligned summit In an attempt to win Third World support for his government, diplomatic sources said.
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