Nielsen,ARB: KTUL-TV No.1 sign-on to sign-off KTUL-TV has scored the total homes from sign on to difficult to decipher as all best ratings in the history sign off. Nielsen also indi- three market stations start of the station, according to cates that the station is their newscasts at different the Nielsen and American Re- first in number of homes in times. The only direct com- search Bureau (ARB) surveys early fringe ( 5:30-7 pm), petition of local news is be- received in late December. prime time (7-10 prn) , late tween the first half hour of The ratings, compiled for news (10-10:30 pm) and late KOTV's (Channel 6) Evening November ranks Channel Eight night (10:30-midnight). News and the second half hour as number one in average The early news struggle is of Total Eight Tulsa. KTEW's (Channel 2) 5 pm news remains behind in the running following Channel 6's syndicated Andy Griffith Show by 30,000 homes and our ABC Evening News by 6,000 homes. Most significant in Total Eight Tulsa's showing is an increase of 1,00Q homes from a year ago, particularly without the lead-in "crutch" of Truth or Consequences, winning in total homes against The CBS Evening News EqUipmentpurchases nearing with Walter Cronkite and NBC Ratings notwithstanding, currently a major item in the Nightly News in the first equipment purchases are be- news budget, and more usage half hour. Also significant coming the major topic at of videotape, which may be are the constant figures of KTUL-TV staff meetings. A used numerous times before metro share and total homes continuously-changing state noticeable quality loss. Tom during both half hours. of the art in television (Continued on page 2) (continued on page 3) broadcasting, including its support services, is making major expenditures appear a This issue of Closed Circuit, a long time coming, is, necessary and not-too-distant hopefully, the first of many and is designed to provide item. Channel Eight employees with more of an insight into Most prominent of these is station workings, policies and plans plus information the station's entry into the about their fellow employees. Planned publication is Electronic News Gathering initially scheduled bi-monthly. (ENG) field, hopefully by late spring. Regular features include a column on page 2 of A realization for the need this issue, where General Manager Tom Goodgame will re- for ENG in the Tulsa market ply to questions forthcoming from the suggestion box. to maintain a competitive edge and a future look to Other features will be added as the publication cost savings are two main matures and, of course, Closed Circuit welcomes any com- reasons management's thinking ments or suggestions that you may have. If you have an has turned in that direction. item of interest or some subject you would like to see The cost savings would discussed, route it to Carl Bartholomew or Don Lundy or come in the form of reduced put it into the suggestion bQx and it will be used. usage of color reversal film, PAGE 2 BEHinD THE mBALL Equipment (Continued from page 1) In this first issue of Closed Circuit, Goodgame, KTUL-TV Generi Channel Eight's own publication, I would Manager, quickly points 01 like to explain that, in this column, I ttiat any entry into the Er will attempt to answer questions and reply field is not meant to repla( to suggestions submitted by employees via film, but rather to supp lr the suggestion box, tell of upcoming ment it. There is no doubl events and, hopefully, create a better however, that some co~ system of two-way communications. Feel savings in film would be dE free to voice any complaints or criticisms rived. as well as any suggestions you have to Currently the station make Channel Eight a better place to work. a. looking at all available sy~ tems and evaluating technici As I have emphas ized before, I am a1- lJntv da ta, deli very dates at ways available to you personally as well price. Systems range fn to discuss any of these matters. The suggestion box, I feel, the relatively inexpensi' is one more avenue towards the increased communications we Sony ENG equi pment to tl both seek. I might add that even the crank notes and seemingly more sophisticated Ikegam' impossible suggestions are helpful in "feeling the pulse" of RCA and Fernseh offering! the station. The latter group, quite a b' more expensive but of consi( Several suggestions were submitted this time. Some have erably higher quality, are been handled on an individual or departmental basis. Gen- the 50 to 60 thousand doll; erally all were good. Here are some of them: range. And deli very dati run as long as six months. It would be a nice gesture for this company to grant days Channel Eight's local cor off on the birthday of each employee. It just gives someone a petitors both own ENG equi! little something special to look forward to once a year. ment and use it for news ar production. KOTV (Channel f Wt. Le.ake. ne.ei.1>, lt6 do I, .that .t.h.L6 ~ a good idea. The. has four Sony cameras and rE cosr. on imple.me.n.tin.g d is bUn.g in.ve.6tigate.d an.d an. aYL6weJt corders and KTEW (Channel; w..ili. be. noJdhc.omin.g !.>hoJdly. uses a Sony camera and n corder for news and Ikegar could we get the parking lot finished? Please~ camera/Sony 'recorder combil ation for production. The. need no!t imp!tove.d paJtun.g ~ esu.den«, We.aJte. holdin.g ann on. the. n.oJdh lot be.c.aU6e. we. may e.xpan.d .the. Coincidental with the el c.WUte.n.:tnacJ..M;ty in. .that dilte.mon.. EveJtyon.e. ~ awaJte. on .the. try into the news field is !.>pac.e.!.>hoJt:tagew. ,Uhin. the. buil.din.g. We.w..ili. have. to look at similar cameras f( commercial production to me, make. a de.~ion in :the. imme.diate. 6u:tuJte. whe..theJt :to e.xpan.d .t.h.L6 a rising competitive mark, 6acJ..M;ty, neiociu». Oft whate.veJt. We. hope. to have. .the.6e. aYL6weJt!.> equf !.>oon.. in the area. The same ment may suffi ce for bo We need a "Radar On" light over the back door in En- purposes but management leal gineering due to the harmful emissions of the radar when in toward two separate formats operation. Also complete info on the radar should be provided a smaller, portable unit ~ to the staff concerning the radar's function. news and larger yet portab setup for production, such, The. only dan.geJt 6!tom the. nadan. e.wu imme.diately in. n!ton.:t the RCA TKP-45. 06 the. dome. on. the. !toon. And the. dome. ~ moun.:te.d high e.n.ough Being given equal il that that C.OYL6ti:tu:te.6 n.o me.n.ac.e. to an.yon.e.. An.y e.n.gin.e.eJt portance as a priority pu: wo!tun.g on. mic.Jtowave. Oft an.y o.the». peJt!.>ongoin.g. on rhe. !t006 chase is a character gene' 6hould c.he.c.k w,Uh Le.on. Hollan.d Oft look at the. nadan: meln ator, by now a standard fi to de.teJtrrJ,[n.e.A..n d' ¢ on. TheJr..e.A..¢ n.o da.n.geJr..wLthb1. the. buLed- ture inmost broadca: -Ln.gmeln. stations. Two brands, CI Laboratori es Vidifont al (continued on page 3) (continued on page 3) PAGE 3 Nielsen. ARB ratings Equipment (Continued from page 1) (continued from page 2) For ~he third ratings to be slipping here, Chiron's model III are in book ln a row, Channel slightly behind second-place consideration. Eight's late news comes up KTEW. Also in the winds is the number one, both in metro Channel Eiqht also domi- computerization of many of share and total homes. KOTV, nates prime time with traffic and sales functions contrary to their impressive eleven of Tulsa's top twenty including the daily operat- early news ratings, appears shows in that category. ions log, sales availability sheets and contracts. The first figure under each station is the percent Computerization, will not, of all potential homes with television in the Tulsa met- as some fear, put people out ropolitan market that are tuned to that station. The of work, emphasizes Goodgame. second figure is the number of homes (in thousands) "It should be looked upon as tuned in during that particular time period. a tool to help them do their work more efficiently," he --KOTV --KTEW KTUL 7-9:00 am 4-11 10-30 7-30 says. 9 am-Noon 7-22 7-25 5-23 During the August board Noon-3:30 pm 13-44 8-23 6-29 meeting, station owner James 3:30-5 pm 11-33 18-26 14-58 C. Leake expressed his desire 5-5:30 pm 22-73 14-43 10-49 "to be on the computer" with- 5:30-6 pm 21-59 15-47 14-60 in a year. Reaching that goal 6-6:30 pm 27-85 16-51 14-60 would entail increasing the 6:30-7:00 pm 24-72 14-50 21-90 present capacity of the unit 6:30-10 pm 23-75 21-62 21-84 now in Muskogee and irrstal- 10-10:30 pm 18-53 18-55 20-78 ling terminals in Tulsa and 10:30 pm-Midnight 6-18 6-29 10-37 Little Rock to feed and re- Sign on to ceive information.
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