Department of Public works and Highways Contract XD No, | ,49ttoo24 Contract Name | --'Construction of Flmd Mitigation Structure, Construction of Las Navas River Control Contract Location : Las Navas, Northern Samar Republic of the Philippines : DEPARTN4ENT OF PUBUC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS NORTHERN SAMAR 2IID DISTRICT ENGINEERII{G OFF t' o E REGIONAL OFFICE VIII o ? Brgy. Burabud, Laoang, Northern CONTRACT AGREEME E _q E KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTSI This coNTMcT AGREEMENT, made this j$!-b day of -E ar 2019, by and between: 6 l,* The GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES E SE through the Department of Public Works and Highways E (DPWH) represented herein by FERDINAND A. BRIONES, " ii -=t U '-.: -ur E€= District Engineer duly authorized for this purpose/ with offce rll address at Brgy. Burabud, Laoang, Northern Samar, hereinafter referred to as the "PROCURING ENTITY"; and JUPA CONSTRUCTION, organized and existing under and by virtue of laws of the Republic of the Philippines, with office address at Brgy. Magsaysay, Bobon, Nor&ern Samar, represented herein by Jflrll paul D. ALCEM duly authorized for this pur@se, i g hereinafter referred to as the "CONTRACTOR"; 8 WITNESSETH; WHEREAS, the PROCURING ENTITY is desirous that the CONTRACTOR execute the Works unde79II0O24 -ronstruction of Flood Mitigation Structure, P '6. Construction of Las Navas River Controlf Las Navas, Nolthern Samar, = hereinafter called "the Works" and the PROCURING ENTITY has accepted the Calculated Bid of the CONTMCTOR for the execution and mmpletion of the s Works at the calculated unit bid prices tabulated below, or a total Contrad oTice of SEVENTY SEVEN MILLION NINE HUNDRED THIRTEEN THOUSA D SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY FIVE PESOS AI{D 98/1OO d (P77,9L3,745,9A) with a Contract Duration of- Two Hundr€d Seventy € (270) calendar days, and the remedying of any defects therein. F E I F DP\,VH-INFR,51.2015 Department of Public Works and Highways C.ontract ID No. : 19110024 Contract Name r Construction of Flood Mitigation Structure, Construction of Las Navas River Control Contract Location r Las Navas, Northern Samar The calculated unit bid prlces: = c, ,9ti UNIT !o ITEM NO./DESCRIPTION UNIT QU^,{TITY cosr AMOUI{T UJ (PESOS) 2F o CLEARING AJ{D GRUBBING d) E 100(1\./ Clearing and Grubbins ha. 0.34 177.949.31 60.502.77 EMBANI(MENT oJ 104(2\a., Embankment from Borrow cu,m. 7.079.00 1,7s0.00 1,883,[email protected] E Embankment fIom z 104(7) cu,m. 2,967.00 269.77 800,407.59 Structure Excavation E = , AGGREGATE BASE COURSE 201(1) Aooreoate Base Course- cuJn. 88.00 2.150.00 189.200.00 REINF6RCING STEEL Reinforcing Steel Bars, E z:c 404(1)a ko. 32,ry.40 117.52 3,8s3,480.80 ,i <\ / Grade 40 ./ E (,H STRUCTURAL OONCRETE Strudural Concrete, 20.58 405(1)y. cu.m. 885.00 13,950.00 \2345t750.00 E SdE MDa, Class A, 28 davs \_ Strudural Concrete, .8 +3 4Os(6)/ 746.@ 355.46 265,173.16 < Paintino Works ,/ 9m. 6< HAND.I.AID ROCK EMBANXMENT :E Hand-Laid Rock z 2,302,88B.80 s08(1) Embankment - clm. 1,104.00 2,08s.95 SHEET PILES Sheet Piles (Steel), Slope tw2.0o 55,&9,434.52 s0e(1)b/ Protection , I'rn 5,401.61 OTHER GENERAL REOUIREMENTS 8.5 Project Billboard/Sion oard ea€h ,2.O0 9.925.67 19351.34 Occupational Safety and 8.7(2>. 1,00 2s1,0s3.50 251,053.50 g Health Prooram ,- ),s. lYobilization/ Demobilization' ,l.s. 1.00 133,003.s0 133,003.50 T Of AL ( P 7 7.9 L3,7 45,98) NOW, THEREFORE, for and consideration of the foregoing premises, the parties hereto agree as follows: 4E In this CONTRACT AGREEMEI{T, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to them the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to. 'n The following documenb shall be attached, deemed to form, and be read and construed as part of this CONTRACT AGREEMENT, and shall be interpreted in := the following order of priority: ;q EE DPWH-INFR.51-2016 Page 2 of 4 Department of Public Works and Highways Contract ID No. | 19110024 Contract l{ame I Construction of Flood Mitigation Structure, Construction of Las Navas River Control Contra€t Location I Las Navas, Northern Samar a. This contract agreement. b. Documents forming part of the Contract Agreement l (1) Notice of Award (NOA) with the Contractor's signed "conforme" L! b. (2) Contractor's Bid in the Form of Bid, including ib Technical and Financial Prcposalt as calculated by the Procuring Entity and o conformed to by the Contractor through the NOA. (3) Bidding Documenb with Bulletjns (4) E Specifications .9 (s) Drawinqs E (6) Special Conditions of Contrad (SCC) (7) General Conditions of Contract (GCC) (8) Performance Security EzX (s) Integrity Pledge under Department Order No. 86, seri€s of 2013. ,7 <\ (10) Other Documents 6 -diEl,* (a) Construdionl4ethods .\- E (b) Construction Scheduie in the Form of PERT/CPM Diagram or .8'6 SE Precedence Diagram and Bar Chart with S{urve, or other lrJ O approved tools of project scheduling, and Cash Flow. a Er (c) lYanpower Schedule (d) Equipment Utilization Schedule (e) Construction Safety and Health Program initially approved by the Head of the Procuring Entity (f) Contractor's All Risk Insurance (CARI) In consideration of the paymenb to be made by the PROCURING ENTITY to the CONTMCIOR as hereinafter mentioned, the CONTMCTOR hereby covenants I w'th the PROCURING ENTITY to o(ecute and complete the Work and remedy I any defects therein in conformity with the provisions of this CO TRACT I AGREEMENT in all respecb. 4. In consideration of the o(ecution and completion of the Works by the CONTRASrO& the PROCURING ENTITY hereby covenants to pay the CONTMCTOR the unit prices in the CONIMCTORS Calculated Bid, as applied to the actual quantities accomplished as certified ry the PROCURING ENTITY under E9 the provisions of this CONTRACI AGREEMENT, at the times and in the manner Ei prescribed by this CONTRACT AGREEMENT. :B fr7 DPWH.INFR.51.2O16 Deparunent of Public Works and Highways Contract ID No. | 19110024 Contract Name I Construction of Flood Mitigation Structure, Construction of Las Navas River Control Contract Location r Las Navas, Northern Samar IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto set their respective hands on the day, month and year first above written. REPUBUC OF THE PHILIPPINES JUPA CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND HIGHWAYS PROCURING ENIMY coNrRAcr-oR Represented by: Represented by: t- ES ]UI{ELL P WITNESSED BYr n,",J$du,.,on MONTUBIG Accountant II f Chief, Section As to availability of Funds Implem ce/End-User IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signature and seal this day of ar!rret o6 F(cEfill,ar 31. 2019 Rol[ a,60320 Doc. No. : r8, L I.t,ne No \l u47E7Z { r 2.05.2 pTp No '1,)2, (or Page No. : 'r, o\.:ois] car{ma W fr LF (u, I rn.a Na iy{Uott7Ec/M, 3,2413 Book No. : 4= '03-2016) Series of 201d (Addendum showing the corrections, if any, made during the Bid er'al to arrive at the Calculated Bid should be attached with this CONTMCT AGREEN4ENT) DPWH-INFR.51.2016.
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