Flushing Meadows Aquatic Center-PSAL - Site License HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 6.0 - Page 1 PSAL B Division Swimming Championships - 1/31/2016 Results - PSAL B Swimming Championships Event 1 Mixed 200 Yard Medley Relay B Div: No Faster Than(NFT): 2:14.99 2:14.99 A Team Relay Seed Time Finals Time A - Division 1 Bronx High School of Science 2:22.00 2:10.65 A+ 36.27 1:11.24 (34.97) 1:41.34 (30.10) 2:10.65 (29.31) 2 Fort Hamilton 2:17.00 2:11.24 A+ 31.58 1:09.35 (37.77) 1:41.49 (32.14) 2:11.24 (29.75) 3 Francis Lewis 2:16.40 2:11.82 A+ 37.12 1:11.87 (34.75) 1:43.83 (31.96) 2:11.82 (27.99) 4 Midwood 2:29.71 2:13.29 A+ 33.47 1:14.47 (41.00) 1:45.37 (30.90) 2:13.29 (27.92) B - Division 1 HS Telecommunication Arts 2:16.00 2:15.54 33.56 1:13.21 (39.65) 1:41.72 (28.51) 2:15.54 (33.82) 2 James Madison NT 2:16.38 34.89 1:13.67 (38.78) 1:48.27 (34.60) 2:16.38 (28.11) 3 Curtis NT 2:16.76 1:13.61 ( ) 1:49.36 ( ) 2:16.76 (27.40) 4 Bayside 2:15.01 2:17.03 35.68 1:12.95 (37.27) 1:46.27 (33.32) 2:17.03 (30.76) 5 McKee/Staten Island Tech 2:20.00 2:17.22 36.90 1:15.76 (38.86) 1:57.80 (42.04) 2:17.22 (19.42) 6 Newcommers NT 2:17.97 40.08 1:14.11 (34.03) 1:48.81 (34.70) 2:17.97 (29.16) 7 Leon Goldstein 2:15.01 2:18.54 37.24 1:13.63 (36.39) 2:02.07 (48.44) 2:18.54 (16.47) 8 Abraham Lincoln 2:21.00 2:19.39 41.00 1:50.87 ( ) 2:19.39 (28.52) 9 Queens High School for Science 2:20.12 2:21.24 44.85 1:15.82 (30.97) 1:51.44 (35.62) 2:21.24 (29.80) 10 Queens High School of Teaching 2:22.95 2:28.37 42.01 1:29.51 (47.50) 1:58.86 (29.35) 2:28.37 (29.51) 11 Susan Wagner 2:34.16 2:29.04 37.52 1:20.29 (42.77) 1:57.45 (37.16) 2:29.04 (31.59) 12 The Scholars Academy 2:28.37 2:31.32 42.79 1:23.67 (40.88) 2:04.77 (41.10) 2:31.32 (26.55) 13 Far Rockaway 2:41.62 2:32.90 44.85 1:43.73 (58.88) 2:32.90 (49.17) 14 Jamaica High School 2:31.35 2:36.68 36.27 1:21.46 (45.19) 2:36.68 (1:15.22) 15 George Washington 2:26.00 2:40.57 1:24.44 ( ) 2:05.89 ( ) 2:40.57 (34.68) 16 John Adams High School NT 2:47.31 43.00 1:28.12 (45.12) 2:16.71 (48.59) 2:47.31 (30.60) 17 Richmond Hill High School 2:30.91 2:47.57 48.57 1:30.91 (42.34) 2:15.93 (45.02) 2:47.57 (31.64) 18 Roosevelt Educational Campus 2:39.00 2:58.00 45.87 1:33.26 (47.39) 2:17.50 (44.24) 2:58.00 (40.50) 19 Prospect Heights Campus 2:38.00 3:09.72 55.30 1:37.20 (41.90) 2:24.74 (47.54) 3:09.72 (44.98) Flushing Meadows Aquatic Center-PSAL - Site License HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 6.0 - Page 2 PSAL B Division Swimming Championships - 1/31/2016 Results - PSAL B Swimming Championships Non-Award Division ... (Event 1 Mixed 200 Yard Medley Relay) Team Relay Seed Time Finals Time Non-Award Division --- Grover Cleveland High School 2:40.00 DQ --- Port Richmond 2:38.00 NS --- James Monroe Campus HS 3:38.01 NS --- Long Island City 2:37.94 NS Event 2 Mixed 200 Yard Freestyle B Div (NFT): 2:12.53 cut time: 3:04.00 2:12.53 A Name Yr School Seed Time Finals Time B - Division 1 Livit, Mathew 10 James Madison 2:22.81 2:24.57 30.67 1:07.14 (36.47) 1:47.25 (40.11) 2:24.57 (37.32) 2 Barrera, Hugo 12 Roosevelt Educational Campus 2:24.00 2:27.30 33.07 1:09.69 (36.62) 1:48.14 (38.45) 2:27.30 (39.16) 3 Ng, Dennis 12 Midwood 2:35.62 2:29.08 32.22 1:09.13 (36.91) 1:49.93 (40.80) 2:29.08 (39.15) 4 Jiang, Raymond 12 Francis Lewis 2:24.44 2:30.70 32.40 1:10.00 (37.60) 1:51.00 (41.00) 2:30.70 (39.70) 5 He, Justin 11 Midwood 2:45.00 2:30.94 32.34 1:09.45 (37.11) 1:50.45 (41.00) 2:30.94 (40.49) 6 Naranjo, Anthony 12 Long Island City 2:31.06 2:32.80 31.34 1:07.61 (36.27) 1:49.41 (41.80) 2:32.80 (43.39) 7 Rosario, John 11 Susan Wagner 2:36.67 2:32.97 34.50 1:13.43 (38.93) 1:54.48 (41.05) 2:32.97 (38.49) 8 Morocho, Rodney 11 Roosevelt Educational Campus 2:31.00 2:33.86 31.56 1:08.24 (36.68) 1:49.74 (41.50) 2:33.86 (44.12) 9 Clark, Robert 11 Curtis 2:28.00 2:35.90 35.26 1:14.24 (38.98) 1:56.13 (41.89) 2:35.90 (39.77) 10 Kuguoglu, Okan 10 Fort Hamilton 2:25.00 2:36.06 35.34 1:14.75 (39.41) 1:55.69 (40.94) 2:36.06 (40.37) 11 Yablonovskiy, Leon 10 Leon Goldstein 2:32.12 2:37.78 33.36 1:12.73 (39.37) 1:57.09 (44.36) 2:37.78 (40.69) 12 Vastardis, Jimmy 9 Susan Wagner 3:00.76 2:41.11 33.39 1:14.00 (40.61) 1:58.76 (44.76) 2:41.11 (42.35) 13 Halasy, Joseph 10 Midwood 2:40.09 2:42.89 14 Troiso, Raymond 11 Midwood 2:38.54 2:44.22 36.44 1:17.77 (41.33) 2:01.58 (43.81) 2:44.22 (42.64) 15 Lamagurung, Jitendra 10 Prospect Heights Campus 2:42.00 2:44.95 35.02 1:16.49 (41.47) 2:02.32 (45.83) 2:44.95 (42.63) 16 Castro, Luis 12 Richmond Hill High School 2:40.00 2:45.69 36.02 1:15.29 (39.27) 2:01.28 (45.99) 2:45.69 (44.41) 17 Ayoub, Fredrick 9 Fort Hamilton 2:40.00 2:46.47 36.50 1:18.97 (42.47) 2:04.09 (45.12) 2:46.47 (42.38) 18 Kielb, Oskar 9 Fort Hamilton 2:30.00 2:46.85 37.85 1:20.23 (42.38) 2:03.39 (43.16) 2:46.85 (43.46) 19 Jankauskas, Rokas 10 Grover Cleveland High School 2:40.00 2:46.96 38.25 2:05.13 (1:26.88) 2:46.96 (41.83) 20 Ash, Eric 12 Midwood 2:34.09 2:49.62 35.89 1:17.45 (41.56) 2:03.73 (46.28) 2:49.62 (45.89) 21 Araujo, Alonzo 10 Queens High School of Teaching 2:32.97 2:49.76 34.79 1:15.03 (40.24) 2:04.99 (49.96) 2:49.76 (44.77) Flushing Meadows Aquatic Center-PSAL - Site License HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 6.0 - Page 3 PSAL B Division Swimming Championships - 1/31/2016 Results - PSAL B Swimming Championships B - Division ... (Event 2 Mixed 200 Yard Freestyle) Name Yr School Seed Time Finals Time 22 Botirjonov, Azimjon 10 Abraham Lincoln 2:51.00 2:50.34 35.59 1:19.19 (43.60) 2:05.63 (46.44) 2:50.34 (44.71) 23 Lizardi, Evan 9 The Scholars Academy 2:41.89 2:51.10 34.61 1:16.47 (41.86) 2:05.21 (48.74) 2:51.10 (45.89) 24 Mansilla, Tommy 12 Long Island City 2:50.93 2:52.44 36.49 1:19.43 (42.94) 2:07.16 (47.73) 2:52.44 (45.28) 25 Aksoy, Agah 9 Leon Goldstein 2:43.56 2:54.96 38.14 1:21.68 (43.54) 2:08.97 (47.29) 2:54.96 (45.99) 26 Kissoon, Ryan 12 Richmond Hill High School 2:42.67 2:57.74 38.69 1:23.58 (44.89) 2:12.51 (48.93) 2:57.74 (45.23) 27 Tlaxcaltecatl, Daniel 11 Leon Goldstein 2:47.00 2:58.43 35.74 1:17.85 (42.11) 2:05.72 (47.87) 2:58.43 (52.71) 28 Agudelo, Pablo 10 Far Rockaway 2:36.70 3:01.37 36.38 1:23.21 (46.83) 3:01.37 (1:38.16) 29 Bernabe, Franklyn 10 Long Island City 2:46.81 3:11.42 37.91 1:23.23 (45.32) 2:14.92 (51.69) 3:11.42 (56.50) 30 Joscher, Christopher 12 Richmond Hill High School 2:59.98 3:11.96 38.88 1:27.09 (48.21) 2:20.08 (52.99) 3:11.96 (51.88) 31 Nowinski, Victoria 11 The Scholars Academy NT 3:12.39 38.84 1:26.93 (48.09) 3:12.39 (1:45.46) 32 Gopaul, Joshua 12 Queens High School of Teaching 3:00.06 3:14.04 37.79 1:26.33 (48.54) 2:23.54 (57.21) 3:14.04 (50.50) 33 Raykis, James 10 Leon Goldstein 2:57.07 3:22.05 37.26 1:24.93 (47.67) 2:20.82 (55.89) 3:22.05 (1:01.23) Non-Award Division --- Cadet, Ernst 12 Prospect Heights Campus 3:04.00 NS --- Sahadath, Kyle 11 Far Rockaway 2:39.22 NS --- Brandes, Jack 10 James Madison 2:49.00 NS --- Durante, Dean 10 The Scholars Academy 2:27.37 NS Event 3 Mixed 200 Yard IM B Div (NFT): 2:32.81 2:32.81 A Name Yr School Seed Time Finals Time B - Division 1 Park, In Wook 10 Francis Lewis 2:43.21 2:40.85 35.23 1:14.38 (39.15) 2:02.51 (48.13) 2:40.85 (38.34) 2 Chen, Lucas 10 Francis Lewis 2:45.72 2:45.16 34.91 1:18.30 (43.39) 2:45.16 (1:26.86) 3 Neckahuptysiows, Alesandra 12 The Scholars Academy 2:48.77 2:53.52 36.44 1:20.07 (43.63) 2:11.13 (51.06) 2:53.52 (42.39) 4 Ishakov, Airat 9 Susan Wagner 2:58.30 2:58.36 35.26 1:24.54 (49.28) 2:18.08 (53.54) 2:58.36 (40.28) 5 Ragoo, Damian 11 Far Rockaway 2:56.80 3:03.91 38.98 1:28.94 (49.96) 2:21.91 (52.97) 3:03.91 (42.00) 6 Monzon Jr, Johnnan 12 Curtis 3:03.00 3:10.68 40.20 1:33.03 (52.83) 2:27.66 (54.63) 3:10.68 (43.02) 7 Diaby, Pape 11 Prospect Heights Campus 3:06.00 3:11.58 43.73 1:31.25 (47.52) 2:24.93 (53.68) 3:11.58 (46.65) 8 Shaw, Sahle 9 Queens High School of Teaching 3:09.66 3:11.73 41.19 1:29.40 (48.21) 2:31.25 (1:01.85) 3:11.73 (40.48) 9 Gabr, Omar 11 Curtis 3:08.00 3:13.73 39.82 1:26.56 (46.74) 2:27.19 (1:00.63) 3:13.73 (46.54) Flushing Meadows Aquatic Center-PSAL - Site License HY-TEK's MEET MANAGER 6.0 - Page 4 PSAL B Division Swimming Championships - 1/31/2016 Results - PSAL B Swimming Championships B - Division ..
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