------- - :; Dean Roemer speaksj' on parietals page 3 Witts is tltt ®bstrutr~.a tn independent student newsp~.,e,·serving notre dame and st. mar)''s . last isut nf tltt tttar. Vol. Xm, No. 63 Friday, December 8, 1978 -~ ~ \ . ~ -·~- .J- j ~: 1 .. .IJ ·~;' Nib. I .-.. Price announces lottery procedure by Michael Lewis March 9, a list will be published added that the procedure "has to don't believe a lottey is the last us," he continued. News Editor showing the order in which seniors be taken literally.'' solution. If the administration had McCurrie charged the Junior will be assigned housing, and a "We intend to stay with. the made an honest effort they could Class with the responsibility of Edmund Price, director of Hous- cutoff line will be established to procedure as it is," he said, have come up with something." supporting the letter writing cam­ - ing, yesterday released an official distinguish those seniors who must Junior Class President Dan Me­ • 'This lottery proposal leaves the paign and other protest actions off-campus housing lottery proce­ move off-campus. Currie said, "The Junior Class is administration uncommitted. next semester. "We're going to dure which calls for an early The procedure establishes a $250 totally oppos·ed to a lottery. We They're still playing games with [continued on page 4]. contract deadline and .a substantial fine for students who turn in a fine for students who do not fulfill contract but later move off-campus. the contract. Price said the fine was created "to The housing office will not be able make sure those people who turn in to determine whether a lottery is a contract are serious about living ThOusands try to flee Iran necessary until the number of on campus." He explained that, in students- who wish to live on past years. students have turned in TEHRAN, Iran [AP]- Foreigners Officials at Tehran's Mehrebad were filled. campus next year can be deter­ contracts "while actively searching and Iranians alike stampeded for Airport reported "utter chaos." "We want to get out," said Mr!i. mined. for a place off-campus.'' flights out of Iran yesterday. Thousands of persons scrambled Betty Robinson, wife of an Ameri­ To obtain an accurate count, "We tried to eliminate that so we Reports circulated that opponents for plane tickets after airlines can aircraft executive based in housing contracts will be distri­ could get an accurate count," he of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi announced they cancelled flights in Isfahan. "But we're stuck here buted Jan. 18 and must be returned stated. were preparing a bloody showdown and out of the city Sunday and because all- the planes are over­ to the housing office by Feb. 2. Under this procedure, any student with government troops this week­ Monday, the critical days of the booked. We'll just have to sit it out The contract deadline has been who decides to move off-campus end. month-long holy season. here." April 15 in recent years. after Feb. 2 will be fined $300, In Washington, President Carter Large groups of U.S. dependents "Our people think things are Students who do not return con­ including the $50 room deposit. said he does not know whether the arrived in Tehran from turbulent going to get bad,'' said her tracts by Feb. 2 will be denied on Thus it is possible that students Shah could survive the upheavals, - provincial areas as major American husband, Walter. campus housing. who move off-campus to join a but the United States would not companies such as Genera!Eiectric, Troops kept hundreds of persons If a lottery is necessary, a list of senior who had to move due to the intervene. He said Iran was "very Westinghouse, Fluor Corp. and out of Tehran:s airport as pande­ the seniors who have returned lottery will be subject to the fine. important" to the United States others evacuated their familie.s. At monium broke out inside when Price said that there may be residence hall contracts will be and the stability of the Persian least two U.S. companies chartered people shoved and yelled in the "special considerations" given for submitted to the Computer Center Gulf, Israel and the entire Medi· planes for employees' families fight for plane seats. "extenuating circumstances," but for random sorting by name. On terrane an. when airlines reported their flights [continued on p·age 5] 2 the observer Friday, December 8, 1978 .r1VeWs Briefs____ ---.;......;.o..,_- l· ·. .•...•.. ··- _ Lo<:all - jCourt convicts_push,ers * 'I FORT WAYNE* Ind. [A.P] • Two Fort Wayne ·men ~ere convicted in. 1 federal <:ourt yesterday of conspiring to set up a cocaine. smuggling · • scheme from South Ameri(:a. U.~. District Judge J:esse Eschbach. s·1id the pair, Christopher Havens, 24, and Richard Felts, 26, will be -..·:ntenc~~.l b January, although no date was set. Felts was found· guilty of conspira~y tQ. import and distribute cocaine andof ·I _ · qi:mib11tion of cocaine. He faces up to 30 years in p'rison on the ~®lrt.etmus · co:wiction. his third on drug-related charges in five years. Havens I was found guilty of conspiracy and faces up to 15 years in prison. 1r. ._· Two Fort Wayne lawyers, including H~vens' father, J. Lee Havens,· I -k, were convktcd on relaced charges earlier this year in Miami. ~ Th(' elder Havens was sentenced to eight years in Prison by a f tcderal judge in Miami after he .w~s found guilty· of importing * Santa:Frank L. Keb~ ' cocaine into Miami in October 1977. He is free on appeal bond. the Scrooges: Kathie Tighe, Jim ·ff. -...:cond lawyer, John McLeroth, 45, was s~ntenced to five years' Rudd · - probation on the- same charge after testifying against Havens. Elves: Sue WuPtcher, Pam i Degnan. Marv Pat Fllis. Scoop Sullivan, Margie Br.;1ssil 1- - Ghost of Christmas Past: Greg Hedges A view of the Golden Dome-at night it can ~~- Jr'eather Ghost of Christmas Future: _(photo by Mark Ricca]. -~ __________J My good friend "Cosmo'" Winter storm watch through -Saturday. Rain, drizzle and fog Grinches: Mark Perry, Ray changing to snow and freezing rain toward morning. Low in the low O'Brien i and mid 30's. · Snow, po_ssibly heavy through Saturday. Much Reindeer; Trish Meehan, colder and windy Friday night and _Saturday. High in the mid and Campbell, Bijl Swift. Paul SUNDAY MASSES upper 30's. Low Friday night in the upper teens and low 20·s. Fair Vernon Marv McCa-uley, Rosie and cold Sunoay through Tuesday with lows in the teens and the Rodgers AT highs in the 20's to the low 30's. Monday and Tuesday fair and not Frosty: Maribeth Moran ca~ quite so cold with lows both days in the upper (eens to the mid 20's Abominable Snowmen: 1\"\ike miniStry SACRED HEART CHURCH and the highs in the mid 30's to the 4 Shie~ds. Phil Cockley_ J. McGrath 5:15 p.m. Saturday Rev. Robert Griffin, C.S.C. · Sleigh Horses: Chris Slat:t. 9:15a.m. Sunday Rev. John Fitzgerald, C.S.C. I ' Bob Rudy . 10:30 a.m. Sunday Rev. John Gallen, S.J. Rudolph: Mark Ricca 12:15 p.m. Sunday Rev. William Toohey. C.S.C. Campus Today_---.. S~,;.nday-Vespers · ron 4· 00 p.m .. & Concert . Debt. of R E · · G ' k"' C S C 1 &8:00p.m. Music Choral Ensembl~!' ev. ugene ors ' • • • I .ind:ay december 8, 1978 . ~-,; pm i book sale,. hoiiday book sale- -20% off great hall, * · o'shag · -~- SCOnSDALE MALL I (Ireland and Mlomi Road) · ·'-~Pat f The Ob~YJ.ushed Mon­ Phone: 291,..164 mass with griff, Ia tnrtune student cenler day throutlt Friday except dunn• m Md vautton periods. Tbe pm erver Is .JUIItllslled by .. I:~~: students of Noft Dame and Saint mass at sacred heart, for the feast of the immaculate MIIIY'I Colle... Subscriptions conception · · ·' may be purcft....., S20 per year Special Christmas Sale (111 per semet~to--t)~- The Observer, P.O. I'll. a_': Notre , Indiana oN!U. $...... 5:15 pm post.. o paid, Non o.iiM, mass and supper at the bulla shed na, •uu. $14.99 Mavin' On Jeans . The Observer: .Ill a member of thO Allodated PNtl. All NPf'O· 7, 9, 11 pm film, the good-bye girl, egr. au d., $1 ductlon rights .,.. ntsorved. and Cords ·f~"' • I f 7 . .)0 pm hockey, nci vs. Wlscon!)ln, ace 8 pm nd/smc theatre, .. all over," o'laughlin au d. ~.,r-· ;: saturday december q -b_··1 test graduate record exam o e," .. omai(s 1 pm basketball, smc vs. grace college, aaf 7, 9, 11 pm film, the good-bye girl, egr. aud., $1 Pizza and other 7:30pm hockey, nd vs. wisconsin, ace ./ Good Things 8 pm nd/smc theatre, "all over," o'laughlin aud. CORNER OF GRAPE ROAD & CLEVELAND 8:15 pm piano recital, kim lasarenko--class o(william c erny, ACROSS FROM THE NEW UNIVERSITY PARK MALL crowley recital hall 11 pm e~t basketball, nd vs. ucla at los angeles, televised Call ahead for toter service or directions sunday december 10 277-5300 1 pm meeting, chess club, Ia fortune J ------------~~------~-----~---------------, I I 2 pm mass, sponsored by the friends of the retarded ar.d $1.00 OFF $1.50 OFF I I' arche, moreau seminary I I ON ANY LARGE ON ANY SIZE I 4 and 8 pm concert, advent vespers choral concert, sacred heart I church I 4:15 human rights day mass, celebrant tr. hesburgh, DEEP DISH MASTERPIZZA! I walsh hall chapel I 8pm concert, annual smc christmas choral conn•rt, .~.
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