I • .. THUB8DAT. MARCH lA .yA68 EIOS’IISKtt i Evntftts l|»raUt Avutaft Daily CtrculuUaR |gffd6«;i playad with Sutterlug hamls and when he awnkene the gMe trenr mors on tho sUnnara, who have W R » Mtom e l' The Woman’s Mlaaioaary Socie­ a staniy atraani of excltod Frendi hUi wlndow-weaMng poet outalde Jolnad them In RnHa at last. ty of Emanuel Lutheran church R«»«lected Prw idenl First Showing About Town will bold a Swedish baking'sale at oonvenatloa. their bedroon window. H m Wbola play showed evl- Alice Cofron 9,496 lE n r n tttg B rra U i Hale’s store Saturday morning at Nan LnFontolne waa especially What with worrlea about Mon­ dancaa of tong whsarials and tha oonunandaMa as Mm gracefully sieur de In Crolz, n nervous, sMf- careful dtrsetkm of Mrs. Skinner. Readingt . M f y TiM OhOft ICethen Circle 10:00. The usual variety of foods Of School Play played, with a convincing ITench osntored dancing toachmr, plnyad It la aura to provide many mo- «U1 MMt tosMiTow evening nt arill be offered. ’The committee In accent, tbe role of e pretty meld. by Pniil Hlllaty, and troubiaa wttta UMnta ot merriment for tha nudl- Its Chsrch SL Hsrtfbrt M am diottBr^A CRy of Vlttogo Charm t O’dock nt the home of U n . charge is Mrs. Viola Miffltt, Mrs. Devid Donaven’e FiimclMccent- cockroacbea nnd tbe Inevitable anoas tonight and Friday evening. er Andaraon, 8S0 Onk rtreet. Anna Carlson. Mrs. Esther Carl­ Cast Does Exceptionslly TdCDhoM t-2Q24 P K lC K P O im i X ed voice iasuea surprisingly from safety-pockats, tha girls are hap­ ‘Tlekets are atill available for ■ ----------- ^-------- (BI6BTBEN PAGES!. AU mombera are requeated to be son and Mrs. Amy Carlson. beneath n rakishly tilted, beret py to bs able to ^ back once these performances. M> MANCnESTER, CONN., FRIDAY MARCH 19, 1948 praaent. Well at First Perform* yOL. LXYIL, NO. 144 A kitchen bingo will i^ held to­ morrow night at eight o’clock for ance of Comedy , Wallaoa H. Araenault of S2 fUlaa the benefit of the Degree of Poca­ Road, baa raenltated In the Army. With martial music sounding In Trapped in Dance Hall GoDapue He wUl be aaalfbed to the tth hontas at the home of Mrs. Anna 'VO O Kg Infantry with tbe rank of Cor* Carlin, 1.1*4’ School street. the distance, the curtain opened Operators Appeal Taetics Like MMd. He wiU be atatloned at Fort yesterday on the firat performance Dl^ New Jeney. Chapman court. Order of of "Our Hearts Were Toung and COMIS, Amaranth, will precede its meet­ ing tomorrow evening in the Ma­ Oay,” under the direction of Mra. King David Lodge members are sonic Temple with a pot luck sup­ Helen Page Skinner. To. Lewis to End reminded of Paat Oranda and Old per in charge of Mrs. jamea Rich­ Tbe action of the play, from tha Charged to Russia; Tlmara night tomorrow evening mond. At the business meeting to book by the aame title, written by in Odd FWlowa hall, with presen- follow candidates will be initiated, Cornelia Otla Skinner and Emily tatioa ot aervlce pins and roll-call. after .which some form of enter­ Kimbrough, takee place on a trans- Strike at Mines Supper will be served at 6:30. tainment and light refreshments Atlantic steamer and a hotel in t — ^ Paris In the late 30’ai The setting will be provided. In the first act la a ahip’a cabin. h ii Marshall Sees Peri tSrlclclAnd of 709 M I ’The comedy la further enhanced Offer to Negotiate on Rail Workers afreet who haa been a patient at Four Manchester women re­ by the straight. ^ long-walsted Demands, for Miners* the Memorial hospital for the paat turned last night afUr winter va­ flimsy and highly ornamental cos­ o f State seven weeka has returned home cations spent in Miami, Florida. Mrs. Jiohn Daley tumes typical of IMS. Roles of the Pensions; Charge !%nt* and la aMe to be around with the Mrs. Ethel Tomm of Hollister heroines, Cornelia and Emily, are From HALE’S Self Serve and Hesdth Market Hit by Soft ekurea H i|^ • aid c i emtebes. street and Mrs. Lena M. Fregln of John Daley waa reelected played by Carol Whiteber and down Violates WoHk House Group Backs Mrs Nancy Moore respectively. Metiioda Being Linden street left town In Decem­ president of ' Gibbons Assembly, Agreement; No L«gal ber. Mrs. Tomm has spent the Miss Moore, aa Emily, is a wide- LABOB FEE8H MAINE Coal Strike In ^/vrwmn—f-t time with her son, Victor and his Catholic Ladies of Columbus, Tues­ eyed InnocenC very gullible, nerv­ Action Threatened European Recovery wife. The latter was the former day evening at the K. of C. home. ous and rignteous. Much of her I Doz. Caaa T o E n g n ll FVee Mias Marion Akrigg. Mrs. Fannie Other officers elected were: acting is carried on by her eyas EGGS 64c SARDINES Estim ated ISyOOO Af< SWEDISH Waahiiigton, March 19.— Dougan and Mrs. William Craw­ Honorary president. Miss Jose­ which are extremely expresalve— { GOOD OLD VBEMONT ropeon Nation*; ford of Hamlin street were the and which are the main contribu­ (AV-’Soft coal operators to- fected by Walkoat of Fwmtd Approval Wait-ond-See BAKING SALE others In the party. They have phine Smachettl, vice president; ting factor to a performance which I draw ' Goes Bejrona Mrs. Stanley Juros; recording Cans diqr appealed to John L. Miners; Steel Indof- By Foreign ARtdrt HALET8 STORE spent nearly two months in Miami la very impressive. SNAPPY CHEESE 6 3 c K1PPERSNACKS2 T rum an on SATURDAY, MARCH 20 and other places in Florida. ji<.rrctary, Mrs. Geno Andreini; Miss Whitcher as Cornelia por- I ^ Lewis to end tho mine ahut- financial secretary, Mra. Walter CAMPBELL’S try to Be 'Hit Hard Committee; 'More Aid AT 10 O’CLOCK traya a girl who la equally innocent ' down and offered to negotiate Plan Studied Anderson; treasurer, Mrs. Joseph but manages to assume a alight air Favored for Greece Berkeley, Colif„ March 1 9 . Of Women’s Voir; sentinel. Mrs. Ernest As- Cans on his demand for miners’ Pittsburgh, Morrii IS.—(PI—Hi# y Society Of of Bophlstlcation. Her blase man­ CRISCO BEANS 25c — (JP>—SecpMtory o f S ta te pinwall: mlstress-at-arms, Mrs. ner affords a complete contrast to pensions. The pension de­ five-day-old peaakm ahutduwn In By Senators Ml Latberan Cbatch FENDER AND BODY HUNTS mand is tha key to the dia- Washington, March 19.— George Marshall today Carl Johnson; assistant mlsU«e- Emily’s chUdishneaa and Is very 1 Lb. Can 3 Lb. Can toe aoft coal fields today Idled qn at-arms, Mrs. Emil Judoln; organ­ well carried cff. Her performance 41c $1.19 pnto t^ t touched off the flve- aatonated 15,000 raUrood wqrken. (ffV-The 65,300,000,000 Eu­ cused Russia . of using h i|^ ist, Mra. Richard Wharton. WORK was highly creditable. TOMATO SAUCE Can * dny-old wnlkout, whldi nlrendy Octal corrylag linee were toe hard­ ropean recovery program was Proposal to Register. handsd Nasi msthods in tha Auditors: Mrs. Cain Mahoney, Aa the play opens, tbe aolicitous UBBT’S hM forcol a cutback in rail and CkHninuiiist drive to enguK Mra. l.eo Kwaah, Mra. Charles steward, capably played by Al­ est h it approved formally today by Solimene and Flagg, Inc. NO. St'} CAN BVBT OLNEY otMl operation*. the House Foreign Affairs But Delay Drafting Na> free European netkos. Be- 0 4 Oeater StreM Klotzcr. fred Rogers, is ushering the Skin­ Mnke PiM In Letter More fnrloughs were forecast Trustees: Mrs. Raymond Hage- ner family into the ^rla’ cabin CORNED BEEF c»47c for toe wedt-end and next week committee, and a Senate com­ tion*8 Young Men May tfoo e UiuYersity t i C alifor­ dom. Mra. John Boyle, Mrs. John Producera, wbo nccount for which is far below deck—a fact SPINACH Can tor^fourtoa of toe nation’s soft when the government-ordered re- ■as trappeg ith the wreekage o t m Chicaga danee hall which oollapaeg goring n St. ^ o t- mittee voted 6275,000,000 Satisfy Congressmen nia audience, Merehon stated Hayford. deplored at length by Otla Skinner, ducUon in passenger train service She wns tbe ooe killed; a hnadred othere were Injured. (NEA telephoto.) military help for Greece and tha Sovtot threat to Aamtlca tat Following the election of officers Cornelia’s famous actor-father. cool output, made their plea in is effective. The ated Industry, al­ tlck’B gay theoe words: the Rev. John L. Loughran Ph. D., SUGAR 5 Lb. B ag 4 3 c NO. St) CAN ST. LAWRENCE letter to Lewla. Turkey. Washington, March 19 ‘ (^ — Range and Fuel Charles Knofla’was well cast la tbe T l ^ charged tout toe mine ready feeling toe first affects of “Never before to world biataty pastor of St. James church, ac­ role of the blustering parent, po- toe shutdown, waa cxjieetcd to be The House committee agreed to Senate Republican leaders seemed has too world attnatUni baan oian ahutdown vlolnted toeir act during toe afternoon on mili­ cepted appointment by President sessing a voice well qualified to | CUT BEETS Can 12ic hit hard unX week if the work near agraemeat today on a pkm threataalag to our Ideals and- to- HALE’S Daley, as chaplain of Gibbons As­ declaim Shakespearan tr a |^ y . agreement with t«wtB’ United at< page continues.
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