INDEX Note: Page numbers followed by “n” refer to notes. A Angkatan Keadilan Insan Malaysia (AKIM), Abdul Hadi Awang, 304, 324, 396 303 Abdul Karim Amrullah, Haji, 394 Anglo-Dutch Treaty, 15 Abdul Latif Bandi, 436, 440 Anglo-Johore Treaty, 16 Abdul Rahman, Temenggong, 15, 16 Annual Exchange of Visits (AEV), 489 Abdul Rahman Yassin, 223, 224 anti-colonial movement, 223, 270 Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, 242, 246 Anti-Malayan Union campaign, 270 Conference of Rulers, 340 anti-Najib agenda, 272 Iskandar Development Region, 410 anti-Salafi-Wahhabi ideas, 400 Iskandar Malaysia (IM), 452 Anwar Ibrahim, 288, 299n48, 331n10, 402 new administration of, 428 “Arabization”, 344, 396, 509 Afiniti Medini Wellness Project, 157 areca nut palm, 58, 76, 77 aged-care facilities, 158 Asian Financial Crisis, 18, 60, 87, 136, 370, 413 ageing, 136–38 Association of Private Hospitals of Malaysia agriculture, 44–45, 390n6 (APHM), 162n5 government, 62–65 Astaka Padu, 418 Malaysian context, 45–50 Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki, 400 peculiar position, 50–52 Avira Medini Iskandar, 157 pre-independence activities, 57–59 Awan Timur Group, 99 product specialization, 52–57 Awang Hassan, 224 trends, 59–62 Ayamas group of companies, 61 agriculture and plantation sector, 391n17 Ayer Hitam, 232 agriculture-based economy, 168 Ayub Rahmat, 489 agro-based industry, 441 Al-Azhar University, 226, 399 Ahmad Maslan, 289 Al-Ayubi, Salahuddin, 401 B Ali Hamsa, 293 Bakri, 215, 244, 247–49, 260n26, 315 alim, 394 Bakri Declaration, 309–11, 326–30 Alliance National Council, 258n7 Bandar Maharani, 243 Amanah, see Parti Amanah Negara Bandar Nusajaya Development (BND), 413 (Amanah) Bangsa Johor, 256, 336, 345–46, 350, 402, 457, Aminolhuda Hassan, 309, 312, 326–30 512 526 Index Barisan Jemaah Islamiah SeMalaysia Chinese education interest groups, 261n34 (BERJASA), 303 Chinese educational opportunities, 241 Barisan Nasional (BN) Chinese guilds and associations (CGAs), cracks in, 247 239, 245, 260n14 in FELDA districts, 2013, 229 Chinese market, 193 14th General Elections (GE-14), 7–8, Chinese nationals, 455 214–22 Chinese-owned poultry farming, 61 national and local structural dynamics, Chinese traditional clan, 241 235 Chinese Unity Movement, 259n9 RoS approval, 266 Chinese voters, percentage of, 286 ruling coalition, 340 chocolate-making industry, 66 track record in Johor, 215–22 Chua Ah Ba, 99 urban and semi-urban areas, weak in, 230 Chua Jui Meng, 244, 260n15, 260n26 vote share nationally, 222 Chua Soi Lek, 239, 244, 253, 254, 261n29 Barisan Nasional parliamentary candidates, Chua Song Lim, 243 GE-13 vs. GE-14, 88, 89 coconuts Basir Ismail, 86 cropland shrinkage, 66 Batu Pahat, 53, 66, 93, 152, 194, 219, 270, crop-switching, 80, 90 378, 425–27 cultivation, 53, 58 bed occupancy rate (BOR), 152 small-scale farming, 75–77 Berita Harian, 280, 402 coffee Bersatu, see Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia cropland shrinkage, 66 (PPBM) primary product for export, 168 British colonial administration, 16, 17 small-scale farming, 75–77 British Malaya’s anti-Communist military Columbia Asia Hospitals, 152–53, 157 campaigns, 87 Community Leadership Committee, 126 British rule, 270 Comprehensive Development Plan (CDP), Brunet-Jailly’s framework, 20 18, 168, 411, 429 built-up areas, growth and distribution of, Comprehensive Development Plan II 92, 100 (2014–25), 107 Bukit Pasir, 232 Conference of Rulers, 338–39, 350 “consociational model” of politics, 217 C constitutional amendments (1993), 350 cancer treatment centre, 153 corporate plantation interests, 85 Care Centre Act (CCA), 138 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) CG Causeway, 466, 467, 469 initiatives, 170 Changi Airport, 62, 129n19 Country Garden Pacific View (CGPV), 440, Changi Cargo Terminal, 506 448, 456 Cheo Yee How, 460, 461 departments and entities within, 469 chicken population and egg farms, by for Forest City project, 469 district, 55 joint venture, 154, 439 Chinese communal organizations, 258n3 local advisor to, 462 Chinese communities, 10, 11, 59 management, 468 Chinese-controlled pepper and gambier Singapore, impact on, 465 farming, 58 Straits Times report, 450 Chinese-dominated Malaysian People’s website, 467 Movement Party, 241 crop land use, by district (2015), 54 Index 527 Cross-Border Region (CBR), 19–20, 504–5 economic development cross-border strategic coupling, 117 fruits of, 6–9 Crown Prince, 336, 342, 351, 478, 496n1, significant part of, 13 497n11 economic growth, 21, 44, 478 crude palm kernel oil, 83 Economic Plan for Johor, 168 Economic Planning Unit (EPU), 430 D Economic Transformation handbook, 186 Daim Zainuddin, 421n3 Economic Transformation Programme Daiman Development Bhd, 153 (ETP), 168–69, 185–86 dakwah, 324 National Key Economic Area, 112–13 Danga Bay, 416–17 “reinvigorating healthcare travel”, 136 Dasar Perumahan Rakyat Johor (DPRJ), 433 senior living and aged-care facility deepwater terminals, 108, 121 models, 137 Democratic Action Party (DAP), 12, 215 transforming Malaysia into a high-income DAP-dominated constituencies, 267 country, 135 demographic profile by age, in Johor and “economic voter” hypothesis, 8 Malaysia, 146 EduCity, 167–68, 506 demography, 266–67 academic coordination, 178–79 Department of Marine Parks Malaysia divided and regimented environment, 180 (DMPM), 478 EduCity Iskandar Sdn Bhd (EISB), 170–71 Department of the Environment (DOE), 482 imagining, 168–69 Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment and institutions, status of, 171–73 (DEIA), 467 Johor and Iskandar Malaysia, 168, 173 costs and benefits, 458 and local development, 173–77 enforcement of, 488 market forces, 177–78 process, 447 Multi-Varsity Complex, 171 question of, 461–65 1885 Treaty, 16 Detailed Environmental Impact Report, Elaeis Estate, 76 127 Electoral Commission, 221 “developmentalist” campaign platform, 8 electrical and electronics (E&E) sector, 6–7, development-related flooding, 127 13 Dewan Himpunan Penyokong PAS, 305 11th General Elections (GE-11), 246 Dialog Group, 107 Eleventh Malaysia Plan 2016–2020, 184, Directory of Malaysian Oil Palm Fresh Fruit 390n1 Dealers, 81 employees, local and foreign companies, doctors and specialists, demographics of, 388 149 Employees Provident Fund (EPF), 152 doctors to population, ratio of, 147 English standards, 348–49 domestic tourism, 183, 197 Entry Permits, 390n10 Dongjiaozong, 261n32 Entry Point Project (EPP), 136, 138, 168 downstream oil palm sector, 81 environmental issues, 474–78 Dutch East Indies immigrants, 58 and natural resource management issues, Dzulkefly Ahmad, 304 347 environmental laws, implementation of, 481 E Environmentally Sensitive Area (ESA) Rank East Coast Economic Region, 13, 190 1, 462 Economic Census 2016, 56, 139 Environmental Quality Act, 482 528 Index environmental sustainability, 90–94, 460–68 settlers poll, 88 Environment Work Group (EWG), 488 vote bank, 88 Erdogan, Recep Tayyip, 304 Federal List, 481 estate-centric oil palm farming, 74 federal parliamentary constituencies, 267 ethnic-based politics, 272 Federal Territory Administration of Islamic ethnic Chinese voters, 249 Laws Enactment, 399 European-owned rubber estates, 77 Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, 505 European Union Parliament, 94 federal vs. state entities, 483 Expert Advisory Council, 312 federal vs. state environmental legislation, 484–85 F Federated Malay States, 10, 16, 17 factionalism, 331n4 Federation of Chinese Assembly Halls, 241 farming, environmental and social Federation of Malaya, 9, 11, 409, 507 consequences of, 74 FELDA Global Ventures (FGV), 87, 88 Fathul Bari Mat Jahaya, 400 female voters, 277–79 Fatwa Committee of the National Islamic Fifth Malaysia Plan, 64 Council, 397 Finance, insurance, real estate and business fatwas, 394, 396–97, 403 services (FIREBS), 168 Fauconnier, Henri, 76 Financial Times, 114 federal and state authorities, overlapping fishing-dependent communities, 459 roles between, 482 Five-Year Economic Plan, 184 Federal Constitution, 226, 342, 347, 396 Flagship Incentive, 414 Federal Court, 350 fledgling sectors, 7 federal government, 136 food self-sufficiency levels, 1975–2015, 49 budget, 136 foreign direct investment (FDI), 114 role of, 430–31 foreign domestic helpers, 373, 391n17 Federal Land Consolidation and foreign engineering specialists, 83 Rehabilitation Agency (FELCRA), 75, 78 foreign workers, 368–69 Federal Land Development Authority in company, 389 (FELDA), 63 dependency on, 378–82 authorities and with logistics, 315 of labour, documented and corporate mismanagement within, 89 undocumented, 386 federal agencies, 75 in Malaysia, 369–71 government-linked enterprises, 63 by source country and sector, 2018, 384, Johorean politicians, 11 385 large-scale land development initiatives, by state, 384 57, 407 Forest City, 439–41 leadership positions, 89 environmental sustainability of, 460 legacy, 234 revised island plan, 462, 463 low-income land-starved households, 87 saga of, 447 oil palm expansion, 78 website projects, 450 oil palm settlements, 94 Forest City Show Gallery, 456 parliamentary seats, status of, 230 14th General Elections (GE-14), 261n31, 440, PPBM in, 289 491 rights of, 309 Amanah, 319 seats, 226–29, 322 Chinese voters, 313 settlements, 289, 314, 321 defeat in, 229–34 Index 529 elections, 252 healthy lifestyles, 138–39 Johor’s political context, 511 High-Speed Rail (HSR), 197–98 1MDB and, 278 Hishammuddin Hussein, 293 PPBM, 294 hospital admissions, 144 results, 238 hospital services, principal statistics of, 141 seats, 281 hospitals and specialist clinics, 145 UMNO, 292 housing affordability, 427–28 UMNO-led Barisan Nasional federal Housing
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