tat IN STERLING GALT.EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR ESTABLISHED OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY TERMS-91.00 A YEAR ADVANCE VOL. XXXV EMMITSBTJRG, MARYLAND. FRIDAY, AT:( UST 22, 1913 NO. 20 ESCAPES FROM ASYLUM 1ULTIMATUM STORY FABRICATED THAW FROM ALL goi *Zit" FALSE STATEMENT USED TO INFLUENCE PUBLIC SLAY ER OF STANFORD WHITE GAINS FREEDOM 1114 ,f7,:try.f If 4 ** iefriatibiS idiffititS I Huerta Adherents---Press Ordered to Matteawan Attendant Held For Connivance in Sensa- alltitarittar 1.111100.11ii COMS'ASS Device to Help tional Plot.---Rescue Accurately Planned. btiorAmikilk joiRIMINIPAVE Withhold Denial 24 Hours DEMAND—WILSON IS HOPEFUL FLEES IN HIGH POWERED A(JTOMOBILE.—CAPTURED IN CANADA 1rN 411.144# DISCLAIMS ALLEGED RECOGNITION Mediation After Conference with Special Repre- Recognized by a Deputy Sheriff On a Train. —Fugitive Will Fight Against Southern Government Rejects Settlement Expected—Lind and Huerta Still Extradition. —May Be Returned to State of New Hampshire.—Counsel Friday ; Two small sons of Joseph Leveille, a sentative Lind—Amicable Contained—War Scare Caused Secures Habeas Corpus. —Canadian Government Aims To Return Fugitve Rev. Charles V. Holbrook, an Ameri- rancher near Belle Fouche. S. D., ate a Negotiating—What the American Note to New York State. can missionary,was shot and killed near basket of cherries and consumed a quart By One Minister, Sivas, in Asiatic Turkey. of milk both dying a short time later. Harry Kendall Thaw, slayer of Stan- between the United States and the The Mexican ultimatum story utter- ent, however, that a formal recogni- Auguste Frederick Brosseau, aged 24, who John Lind, ford White,escaped from the Mattewan Dominion of Canada. The last work of Frederick ly failed of confirmation and tion of the Mexican Government ought unveiled at was kidnapped by gipsies nearly 17 Asylum for the criminal insane, shortly The Canadian government will order Barthol, the sculptor was President Wilson's special representa- to be given by the United States as a years ago, has been restored to his par- President Huerta of before 8 o'clock Sunday morning. the deportation of Thaw as an undesir- Belford, France. tive to Mexico and condition precedent to further consid- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Brosseau, of Sisson- to reach- His flight was made possible by a able alien, according to officials at Two residents of Saratoga, N. Y., that republic are believed have eration of this Government's desire to sys dead.ile,N. Y., who had long mourned him which may carefully laid plan; he fled in an 80. Ottowa. were killed and another was fatally in- ed a partial understanding serve in a mediatory capacity. But it relations horsepower limousine and within an Thaw wired for funds, engaged a jured when their automobile left the yet prevent the severance of is not understood that there has been Mexico, hour had crossed the Connecticut bor- leading attorney of Eastern Car aria and highway and struck a tree at a sharp Secretary of State Bryan denied a between the United States and a point-blank refusal to continue the negotiations in der. stated that he would resist any attempt turn at the foot of a hill. report that he had decided to leave the anddi serve to continue diplomatic exchanges unless recogni- lecture unfavorable Washington may play the role of tion is accorded. Thaw's escape was one of the most to send him back. Grand Duke Alexander Michaelovitch platform because of which dramatic affairs of the kind ever re- Canadian officials in close touch with brother-in-law of the Czar of Russia, critism and public opinion. The stage of amicable disputation situation is somewhat corded. According to the head of the file proceedings said that Thaw will be arrived in New York on the steamship, Lieut.-Gov. Martin H. Glynn is the Altogether, the has been reached, and this will give the from the American hospital, Thaw was exercising in the returned to the American border. France. He will visit in the United lawful Chief Executive of New York more favorable, Wilson Administration the opporttuity thought earlier in grounds as he usually does in the morn- This was the semi official intimation States for several weeks. State pending the outcome of impeach- viewpoint, than was of exercising its persuasive powers on Thaw awaited a ment accord- the week, when pessimistic advices from ing, and with him was an attendant, Wednesday night as Thomas Ewing, of New York, took against Governor Sulzer, President Huerta and his Ministers corpus his coun- ing the City of Mexico indicated that Mr. Howard Barnum,one of the most trust- hearing on the habeas office as United States commissioner of to an official opinion rendered by without conceding what it apparently Lind's mission of peace had failed. ted employees of the institution, who sel had secured. patents. Attorney-General Thomas Carmody to has determined to resist vigorously—a official opinion The sensational announcement from had been in its service for more than 17 It was not denied that Secretary of State Mitchell May. formal acknowledgment that the Hu- Col. Thomas H. Birch, of Burlington, Mexican capital that the United years and was regarded as as absolute- inclines to the belief that the habeas Burglars cleaned out Herrman's the erta government is the government de N. J., has been selected for minister to had an ul- corpus proceedings will result in Thaw jewelry States Government received jure as well as de facto in the Republic ly dependable. Portugal. store, at Newport. The loss is being declared a free man. What timatum giving it until midnight Mon- of Mexico. While Thaw was walking about, ap- estimated about $110,000. The entire would follow, the plans of the immigra- Secret conferences were held in Gen- night to recognize the Huerta Adminis- parently enjoying the sunshine and ex- police department is at work trying to Though negotiations between John tion authorities indicate, lies in the eva by the Chinese ambassadors to ro tration seems to have been a canard, amining some flower beds on the lawn, Tunudesduapv.the robbers, who are said to Lind, personal representative of Presi- hands of Inspectors D. H. Reynolds and France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, but a canard that had Mexican official a big automobile drove to the gates. have escaped in an automobile. dent Wilson and Provisional President F. E. Williams, of Ottawa. These two Italy, Russia and the Netherlands to sanction. No one paid attention to the machine, Huerta are continuing,on a cordial per- officials immediately Thaw is released devise means to secure recognition of The general opinion as to the purpose as it is customary for visitors to appear sonal basis, neither side is receding by the court, it is understood, will take the new Chinese republic. At a meeting of the majority mem- is that announcement through the Mex- there, although there has been a vain from its position, and alternative meas- him into custody as an undesirable un- A memorial in celebration of the ter- bers of the Banking and Currency ican press of President Huerta's defi- effort there, to prevent them from hav- ures already are under consideration der the immigration act and rush the centenary of the departure of the pil- Committee of the Senate, Chairman ance of the United States was expect- ing free access to the grounds. here. No definite course has been for- fugitive to Coaticook. grims from Southampton for America Owen announced he could not report ed to arouse the people to enthusiastic walking a little ahead of mulated, but the policy that is at pres- Thaw was At the immigration office the formal was unveiled at Southampton by Am- thpreeseadntm finoirsaitr.ation currency bill in its support of Huerta. The Mexican Gov- did not seem to be un- ent under consideration and most likely Barnum, but deportation proceedings will be con- bassador Page. ernment—or some of its officials, at usually interested in the car. Suddenly to be adopted is one of absolute non- ducted in the form of an official inquiry The Bulgarian government was offi- least, it is surmised—felt that the de- machine was stopped and the Saturday. interference. the into the manner of thaw's entrance into cially informed that the European pow- nial never would catch up with the orig- chauffeur alighted as if to Edwin Gould and William Nelson The American government under such examine the country and his past history, which ers are considering measures to compel inal story. something - 1 Cromwell started separate suits in the policy would continue to deny arms to underneath. Barnum open debars him from remaining in Canada. Turkey to respect the treaty of London. Although President Wilson and other New York Supreme Court against P. both would withdraw Americans ed the gate to admit it, and in the These formalities ended he will be taken officers of the Administration were re- sides, Augustus Heinze, the copper Representative Harrison introduced a from the trouble zones, insist on proper twinkling of an eye Thaw had jumped on board a Grand Trunk train and con- magnate, lieved by the repudiation by the Mexi- chauffeur was in for sums aggregating more bill for creation of a customs-guards protection to property and lives, and in into the the car. The veyed to the border, where Messrs. than $1,000, can Government of responsibility for had been turned on 000. service. effect let the Mexicans continue their his seat, the power Reynolds and Williams will hand him the canard, that relief gave way to in- cloud of dust the auto Mrs. Mary Redfield, mother of Secre- controversy on the battlefield.
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