Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 27, Nr. 4, Octombrie, 2019 355 Editorial DOI:10.2478/rrlm-2019-0041 Genetic testing in pediatrics - a narrative essay of challenges and possibilities in Romania Carmen Duicu* 1st Pediatric Department, George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Târgu Mureș, Romania Received: 30th September 2019; Accepted: 10th October 2019; Published: 20th October 2019 In spite of extensive medical examinations, they are important for appropriate management, many pediatric patients remain without a clear prognosis and genetic counseling of the families. diagnosis. The genetic testing is necessary in For example, in genetic forms the relapse of ne- the evaluation of some of these challenging cas- phrotic syndrome (NS) kidney transplantation is es after a thorough evaluation in the attempt to unusual. In a previous report, the importance of identify the cause, and for appropriate treatment this investigation in late-onset SRNS was proved or genetic counseling when necessary. Newer again (2). genetic techniques are more available in pedi- Genetic testing enables identification of the ge- atric practice due to up-to-date progression and netic causes of intellectual disabilities in an in- advancement in genetic research and their rapid creased number of children, especially in those use in clinical practice. cases which associate congenital anomalies and Genetic investigation enables pediatricians to facial dysmorphia. In recent years, multiple avoid invasive testing [like muscle biopsies in studies have clearly demonstrated that molecu- Duchene muscular dystrophy (DMD) or kidney lar genetic tests are recommended instead of cy- biopsy in Steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome togenetic analysis, with the exception of those (SRNS)]. Genetic testing may help clinicians cases with a clinically recognizable aneuploidy to avoid harmful therapies (in SRNS cases), to syndrome (Down syndrome, Patau syndrome, decide the intensity and duration of immuno- Edwards syndrome, etc.) or in those patients suppression in SRNS and pre-transplantation with a family history of balanced translocations. therapy, to establish which medications may be Patients with intellectual disability (ID) and mul- contraindicated or are most effective, and also tiple congenital anomalies (MCAs) may associ- to provide a well-informed genetic counseling ate copy number variations (CNVs) represented to the family (1). Even if some of the genetic by small losses (deletions, del) and gains (dupli- techniques are expensive and time-consuming, cations, dup) of genetic material (DNA sample). *Corresponding author: Carmen Duicu, 1st Pediatric Department, George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Târgu Mureș, Romania. E-mail: [email protected]; carmen.duicu@ rrml.ro 356 Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 27, Nr. 4, Octombrie, 2019 The CNV may be uncovered by chromosomal (15%) in GBA gene compared to Cau casian non- microarray analysis (CMA), such as compara- Jews patients (7). The same researchers proved tive genomic hybridization arrays (aCGH) and that plasma chitotriosidase is a useful biomarker single nucleotide polymorphism array (aSNP), for treatment response evaluation. considered until recently the first-line genetic in- The response to antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) var- vestigation in ID cases. Certainly, CMA testing ies between patients with epilepsy (8). Recently, has improved the diagnosis in patients with ID. it has been shown that testing for gene variations In recent years, the multiplex ligation-dependent that might predict adverse reactions (ADRs) and probe amplification (MLPA) method has been drug response will improve the effectiveness and reported to be a useful, fast and cost-effective safety of epilepsy therapies, leading to a preci- test for the evaluation of children with ID (3, 4), sion medicine treatment. Two studies that inves- especially in ID associated syndromes. Recently, tigated Romanian children with epilepsy showed a meta-analysis performed by Srivastava et al. that ABCB1 (T129C, C1236T, and G2677T) recommended exome sequencing as a first-tier gene polymorphisms are not associated with test especially in patients with unexplained neu- epilepsy and drug responsiveness (9, 10) but an rodevelopmental disorders (5). association between ABCB1 T129C and AEDs Lysosomal storage diseases (LSD), caused by concentrations was noticed (10). the deficiency of lysosomal enzymes or non-en- Among birth abnormalities, heart defects are the zyme proteins, recognize early or late‐onset most frequent, with varying severity degrees. forms. LSDs are known to have a wide spectrum Genetics and environmental factors are sup- of phenotypes and multiorgan involvement. For posed to be involved in congenital heart defect these cases, biochemical analyses are important etiology. When congenital heart defects (CHD) for diagnosis, but genetic analysis is necessary occur together with extra-cardiac anomalies for a precise diagnosis, successful treatment and like intellectual disability, developmental de- also for genetic counseling. Many techniques for lay, dysmorphic face, palatal defects, kidney or genetic analysis were used in the LSDs diagno- ocular abnormalities, etc. they may suggest the sis: restriction fragment length polymorphism presence of a genetic syndrome. Common ge- (RFLP), amplification-refractory mutation sys- netic syndromes associated with different con- tem (ARMS), real-time polymerase chain reac- genital heart disease are Down syndrome and tion, high resolution melting (HRM), multiplex microdeletion syndromes like DiGeorge syn- ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA), drome (22q11.2 deletion syndrome), Williams Sanger sequencing and also the newer method syndrome (7q11.23 microdeletion). In the case next‐generation sequencing (NGS) (6). For mo- of microdeletion syndrome fluorescence in situ ment enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) rep- hybridization (FISH) analysis or molecular in- resents the current therapeutic option until gene vestigation (MLPA) are necessary. In the case therapy becomes available. The most frequent of disorders produced by gene mutation such as LSD is Gaucher Disease (GD). There is a well- Noonan syndrome DNA sequencing analyses known genotype-phe notype correlation in Gau- are necessary to detect mutations in the PTPN11, cher disease. A recent study that involved 69 GD RAF1, SOS1, KRAS, NRAS, BRAF, SHOC2 cases emphasized the ge netic particularities of or MEK1 genes, found in almost 75% of cases. this disease in Romanian patients and revealed Noonan syndrome (NS), and related syndromes a higher frequency of N370S/L444P compound [Costello syndrome (CS), cardiofaciocutaneous heterozygotes (35%) and N370S homozygotes syndrome (CFCS), and LEOPARD syndrome] Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator Vol. 27, Nr. 4, Octombrie, 2019 357 are caused by mutations in RAS signaling path- translocations) has become essential for diagno- way genes. The precise diagnosis in these cases is sis, risk-stratification, management of these dis- tremendous as children with „RASopathy” have eases and monitoring of treatment response (15). an increased risk of childhood cancer (leukemia Cryptic cytogenetic alterations may be revealed and solid tumors), so they need close follow-up by CMA and by MLPA methods (16). Fusion (11). In cases with multiple congenital anoma- genes, the result of chromosomal translocation, lies such as Emanuel syndrome, the karyotyping are important for risk stratification and may be (conventional and/ or molecular) represents the used as prognostic markers in children with ALL first-line of genetic evaluation. If a small super- (15). Genomic studies in ALL are of clinical im- numerary marker chromosome (sSMC) is de- portance and are expected to improve diagnosis, tected by conventional karyotyping, the MLPA monitoring of minimal residual disease (MRD), analysis may represents the choice for a fast and early detection of relapse, and for implementa- cost-effective method compared to genome array tion of targeted therapy (17). Molecular testing and FISH to establish its origin (3). is necessary for children with hematological Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a rare malignancy. A few studies considered that nuc- and sometimes lethal complication in CHD. leophosmin 1 (NPM1) and transcription factor Compared with adults, in children the response CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein α (CEBPA) to treatment is inferiors and the prognosis is mutations defined a particular children AML worse. Genetic studies proved the role of genetic subgroup with good prognosis and are rare in factors in the pathogenesis of PAH [bone mor- MDS. The prognostic significance of FLT3 (fms phogenetic protein receptor 2 (BMPR2) gene; related tyrosine kinase 3) gene mutation is con- activin A, receptor type II-like 1 (ACVRL1)]. troversial in childhood AML (17). Taking into Mutations in other genes including T-box4 account that NPM1, FLT3 somatic mutation are (TBX4), BMPR1B and neurogenic locus notch not well-characterized in leukemic children, fur- homolog 3 (NOTCH3) are involved in pediat- ther studies are needed. ric PAH (12). A significantly higher frequen- Obesity is a worldwide epidemic problem, with cy of TBX4 mutations in pediatric-onset PAH patients was observed, with a 20-year earlier an alarming prevalence increasing especially in age-of-onset compared with BMPR2 mutation our country. It is a multifactorial disease, every carriers (13).
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