THE HISTORY AND CHARACTERISTICS OF MASHAF PUSAKA REPUBLIK INDONESIA An Undergraduate Thesis Submitted to Faculty of Ushuluddin In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata One (S1) Zainal Abidin 11150340000229 MAJOR OF QUR’ANIC SCIENCES AND ITS INTERPRETATION USHULUDDIN FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA 1441 H/2020 M STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY I hereby declare that the research entitled The History and Characteristics of Mashaf Pusaka Republik Indonesia, represents my original work and that I have used no other sources except as noted by citations. All data, tables, figures and text citations which have been reproduced from any other sources have been explicitly acknowledged as such. I have read and understood the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) of Indonesia’ Decree No.17 Year 2010 regarding plagiarism in higher education, therefore I am responsible for any claims in the future regarding the originality of my undergraduate thesis. Jakarta, Mei 19th, 2020 Zainal Abidin APPROVAL BY SUPERVISOR THE HISTORY AND CHARACTERISTICS OF MASHAF PUSAKA REPUBLIK INDONESIA An Undergraduate Thesis Submitted Faculty of Ushuluddin in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Strata One (S1) Zainal Abidin NIM. 11150340000229 Approved by: Dr.Yusuf Rahman, MA NIP. 196702131992031002 MAJOR OF QUR’ANIC SCIENCES AND ITS INTERPRETATION USHULUDDIN FACULTY STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA 1441 H/2020 M PENGESAHAN SIDANG MUNAQASYAH Skripsi yang berjudul THE HISTORY AND CHARACTERISTICS OF MASHAF PUSAKA REPUBLIK INDONESIA telah diujikan dalam Sidang Munaqasyah Fakultas Ushuluddin, Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta pada tanggal 6 Agustus 2020. Skripsi ini telah diterima sebagai salah satu syarat untuk memperoleh gelar Sarjana Agama (S.Ag) pada Program Studi Ilmu Al-Qur’an dan Tafsir. Jakarta, 15 Oktober 2020 Sidang Munaqasyah Ketua Merangkap Anggota, Sekretaris Merangkap Anggota, Dr. Eva Nugraha, M.A. Fahrizal Mahdi, Lc., MIRKH. NIP. 19710217 199803 1 002 NIP. 19820816 201503 1 004 Anggota, Penguji I, Penguji II, Dr. Ahsin Sakho Muhammad Prof. Dr. Hamdani Anwar, M.A NIP. 19560821 199603 1 001 NIP. 19530107 198303 1 001 Pembimbing, Dr. Yusuf Rahman NIP. 19670213 199203 1 002 ABSTRACT Zainal Abidin. The History and Characteristics of Mashaf Pusaka Republik Indonesia. This study discusses the history and characteristics of Mashaf Pusaka Republik Indonesia, the first Official Qur’ān of Indonesian nation. This research is worthy of closer investigation because the history of the writing of this Qur’ān has not been documented well and the characteristics of this Qur’ān to seek the previous Qur’ān as its references. Using a descriptive-analytic method and philological approach, this research answers how are the history and characteristics of Mashaf Pusaka Republik Indonesia. This Qur’ān is only one single manuscript in a tradition and its condition still clear well. Therefore, the research only applies to determine the text, manuscript description, and content analysis from all path of philological research. In a historical aspect, data processing technique through matching information from manuscript, archives, and other documents. The research finds that planning to the writing of Mashaf Pusaka Republik Indonesia was started in 1946, while the ceremonial of the beginning of writing in July 1948. Due to the unstable political, social conditions and reformation movements, the writing project stopped until 1950 the Minister of Religion established a foundation. Then, Salim Fachry was appointed to continue this project and completed in 1960. During the writing of the Qur'ān, the political conditions of the Muslim community separated, but there was still a commitment from Muslims to struggle for their religion as evidenced by the completion of the Mashaf Pusaka Republik Indonesia writing. From the characteristics, the analysis about Mashaf Pusaka Republik Indonesia shows this Qur’ān is written based on Middle Eastern Qur’āns references, such as Egyptian Qur'ān 1924 (in text aspect) and Istanbul or Baḥriyah Qur'ān (in the number of pages and lines aspect). While this Qur’ān has similarity with the Medina printed Qur'ān in characteristics of text and the number of pages and lines aspect. Keywords: Characteristics, History, Mashaf Pusaka Republik Indonesia, Qur'ān i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Al-ḥamd li-llāh rabb al-‘ālamīn Praise be to Allah for His continuous blessings which enable me to have an opportunity for studying and finishing complete my bachelor program at Major Qur’anic Sciences and its Interpretation, Ushuluddin Faculty, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta. This research will not be anything but a well-being condition that Allah has given to me. Peace and salutation be upon the greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, His family, companions, and adherents. I have achieved the completion of my bachelor program due to wonderful hands and supports from many people. On this occasion, i would like to say thank you to beloved parents, families, and everyone who has helped me on my way so far. Their sacrifice will never be equally paid. I would like to express my grateful thanks and appreciation to my supervisor, Dr. Yusuf Rahman, M.A for his time, guidance, patient, kindness, and all of the contribution in correcting and helping me in finishing this research. My journey to Ciputat for doing the bachelor program is inconceivable without a scholarship of Beasiswa Layanan Umum from Ushuluddin Faculty, and an Islamic Studies scholarship from Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta. I also would like to express my trustworthy gratitude to the following noble persons: 1. Prof. Dr. Amany Burhanuddin Umar Lubis, Lc., M.A., the rector of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta. 2. Dr. Yusuf Rahman, M.A., the dean of Ushuluddin Faculty, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta. ii 3. Dr. Eva Nugraha, M. Ag., the head of Major Qur’anic Sciences and its Interpretation, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta. 4. Fahrizal Mahdi, Lc., MIRKH., the secretary of Major of Qur’anic Sciences and it’s Interpretation, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta. 5. Prof. Dr. Said Agil Husein Munawar, Dr. Ahsin Sakho Asyrofuddin, Dr. Faizah Ali Syibro Malisi, Dr. Lilik Ummi Kultsum, Kusmana,Ph.D, KH. DR. Abdul Moqsith Ghazali, MA, Dr. Muhammad Zuhdi, Drs. Ahmad Rifqi Muchtar, MAg, Rifqi Muhammad Fatkhi, M.A, my Academic Lecturers of Qur’anic Sciences and its Interpretation, and Hadith Sciences at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta. 6. All off the lectures in Major of Qur’anic Sciences and its Interpretation for the guidance, patience, kindness, and support the writer during study at, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University. 7. All libraries staff of Ushuluddin Faculty, the Center library of UIN Jakarta, DR. Didin Sirajuddin, M. Kasim Abdurrahman, and also staff of Bayt Al-Qur’an and Museum Istiqlal, Specially DR. Ali Akbar and Abdul Hakim Syukrie, MA who has helped me so much in research of data sources. 8. All staff who are dedicated for helping me do the administrative matters at university. 9. My new family in Ciputat, from Ikatan Keluarga Alumni Salafiyah specially Kang Dalhar, Kang Saal, Kang Nadhif, Kang Fuadi, Dhofir, Mbak Maya, Desi, Lutfia, Niha, Mbak Sulis, Ahdimas, Fitria, Ni’mah, Elvia, Indah etc. From Compass Center specially Bu April, Pak Milal, Pak Hariry, Pak Anwar, Pak Huda, Pak Aslam, iii Kang Adit and Wafa. From Daarul Qur’an Bintaro, specially Ust. Arifin, Ust. Wendi and Pak Agus. Officially, they are my support systems. 10. All my classmates, specially Rifa, hopefully we can to trip abroad again. Ust. Syamsuri, thanks for your Arabic teaching. Gus Husen, thanks for support and ever visited my village. Iqbal, thanks for your travel and ‘pulsa’. Diana and Agung, my discussmate in competition at Surabaya. Makhlad, thanks for your help specially at NU events. Ishmah, thank you for a help. your research is being my references too. and everyone. hopefully we meet again soon. 11. All Member of Lemka Quran, so gratefull for having u all. my dearest teacher, Ust. didin and Ust. Herman, God bless you all. Aamin. 12. All my family in Forum Lingkar Pena, we will struggle again for literachy. Specially Ayah Sakti, Ka Ali, Ka Rifqi, Ka Jaja, Umi, Eva, Vela, Kang Adi. 13. All my friends in CUSQA, Cucu, Diah and specially Journal Team, Ka Dewi, Ka Salman, Ka Yudi, Ka Lukita, Agung and Tia. 14. Thanks to Mas Karim, Mbak Fitri and Alif in Amsterdam Lelylaan. the best moment had come into my life at last year. Also, Mas Isbat, your brilliant idea that i could enjoy the beatifull of Paris. 15. In the National Library of Republic of Indonesia, I express my grateful thanks to manuscript collection staff, specially, Pak Budi, Pak Bambang, Mbak Riana, Mbak Nia. Thanks for the best moment in Toba Lake at Festival Naskah Nusantara V. 16. My dear friend, Norma Azmi Farida for supporting me in academic journey, and many opportunities. iv May Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful bless all of them and gives them more. Hopefully, this research gives benefit for all people who read it. Jakarta, April 29th, 2020 Zainal Abidin v ARAB-LATIN TRANSLITERATION GUIDELINES Joint decree of the Minister of Religion and the Minister of Education and Culture Number: 158 of 1987-Number: 054 b / u /1987 No Arabic Latin Explanation Sign Sign 1. Not symbolized ا 2. B Be ب 3. T Te ت 4. Ṡ Es with a point above it ث 5. J Je ج 6. Ḥ h with a point below it ح 7. Kh ka and ha خ 8. D De د 9. Ż Z with a point above it ذ 10. R Er ر 11. Z Zet ز 12. S Es س 13. Sy es and ya ش vi 14. Ṣ es with a point below it ص 15.
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