.2,. 5, 40 _ No-!.-l SH1~~ING THE HONOUR In order that Canada's non-pGPmancnt active militia may share the honour of partici:-Qating in tho national war effort, its uni ts will be grouped with tho Active Service, Force to s~pply overseas reinforcements. Infantry regiments will in conse quence be territorially grouped, but the non-permanent units will continue to be known by their existing titles. This scheme, as time goes on, will enable members of those units which have not been mobilised to serve overseas. Gavalry uni ts will reinfoI'ce the divisional cavalry if and when it is despatched, and will me~time provide reinforcements for the infantry batt alions from their territorial areas. A similar procedure will be followed with artillery and other units. DOMINION AND COLONIAL AFFAIRS 5/5/40 - No. 2, FRJ:N CH OFI'ICI.AI, GOMHUNI'\UE ( l\10RNING) The following conunuriique was issued this morning b~r the Fren ch G. H. Q. : - Activity of the contact units. ----000--...... A.M. BULLETIN NQ,. 6~. 1 N0'.1 TO BE Pl!f2~I~EE:;~ 1-llT ANY C OUN~ BEFORE THE M01fil=1-NG I~;f~~ TS.f?AP.GRS O:? MONDAY~ 6TH Nffi.Y;- 194Q~-9JLJ2B.Ql'J2...QA.§.T BLI'ORL 7 A. I1fo ON THA'T"DATE?.. AIR MINISTRY CASUALTY COMMUNIQUE NO., 28 <t ROYAL AIR FORCE,, The Air Ministry regrets to announce tne f ollowing casualt;tes on var ious dates:- KILLED IN ACTION~ BURNSIDE 551796 Aircraftman 1st Class D. CAR':rER 563527 Sergeant R.. F .. CUTHBERT 516395 Sergeant WI? GRAHAM-HOGG 39516 Flying Officer H. Go FROCTOR 515376 Sergeant J. R,, SHUTTLEWORTH · 626490 Aircraftman 1st Cl ass J. WINDSOR 580294 Sergeant J,, PREVIOUSI,Y RLPORTED 11 MISSING 11 NOW REPORTED 11 KILLED 1 IN ACTIOW ,, PICOT 364162 Leading Aircraft man E.. W.J9 PREVIOUSI,Y R:=:PORTED 11 MISSING BEIJIIN:CD KILLEDn NOW 11 PRESUMT__;D KII,LED IN ACTI OWi FIDDOCI( 619855 Aircraftman 2nd Class W.H .. PREVIOUSLY R.Li?ORTED 11 MISSING11 NOW 11 PRESUMED KILLED IN ACTION • BIGGER 580320 Sergeant R .. A., BURRELL 510603 Sergeant G~J. FULLERTON 522192 Aircraftman 1s t Class T. HILL 545939 Aircraftman 1st Class A.F .. MACDONALD 551388 Aircraftman 1s t Class A.B. ']OPHAM 551613 Aircraftman 1s t Class J.A. WALKE!{ 70706 Pilot Officer P. E.W .. !.Q_l]NDED OR INJURED IN ACTION. CAMPBELL 580306 Sergea..."'1.t C .. N.S o WALKER 39953 Flying Officer P. WHI'rLAM 514589 Sergeant G" DIED OF WOUNDS OR INJURIES RECEIVED I N ACTION. EVANS 41162 Pilot Officer A,E. TEMPLEMAN 39767 Flying Officer·P.F. .MI.SSING BELIEVED KILLED IN ACTION. CLARKE 564585 Sergeant E.,R 111 :BmWARDS 540912 Leading Aircraftman J~H. PERRY 581005 Sergeant G"C" SYLVESTER 39907 Flying Officer K.,R .H. MISSUiG. DAILEY 552069 Aircraftman 1st Class A. BAR."R. 740019 Sergeant VoHs BA'l'TRICK 516469. Sergeant RoH., J. 2. BEYNON 523511 Leading Aircraftman Eo ~ BRENT' 355953 Flight Sergeant JoWoL11Ge BROWN 531388 Leading Aircraftman AaR.s. CUNNINGHAM 580784 Sergeant Pi1C., DAVISON 563790 Sergeant E. DOBSON 535582 Leading Aircraftman T. DOHERTY 627157 Aircraftman 1st Class EcBo DOP.AN 37467 Acting Squadron Leader K.C.,D~FeC• r~rn . m1rns 513935 Sergeant -D~Wo ~ A... F~M., FENTON 42493 Pilot Officer HoCoF~ GO.AD 563876 Sergeant G.,E ... GOLDER 522805 Leading Aircraftman A.J.P0 GOSLING 566256 Sergeant 'l\, GRIFFIN 563663 SeI'geant N.,J., F.1.AITHVVAITE 524167 Sergeant Na HA.1:1.G HE.AVES 619153 Aircraftman 1st Class F. H.AR'NOOD 625809 Aircraftman 1st Class F 0 HAWKEN 564188 Sergeant JoLo 1 DoF.Mo HAYES 580893 Sergeant JoF~ HENRY 630142 Aircraftman 2nd Class J. HOGARTH 543524 L~ading Aircraftman T. HORNSBY 551285 Leading Aircraftman No HORRIGAN 39525 Flying Officer OoG. HOSKINS 43152 Pilot Officer ReFo 1-WRST 525267 Sergeant P.,J 0 JAMES 580961 Sergeant AoF1t1 JONES 518847 Sergeant N"La LANGRIDGE 37156 Corporal JoHo, R9 N$Z 9 A.F. LERVVAY 552657 Aircraftman 1st Class T.W~ LILLEY 631565 Aircraftman 1st Class D. Mc CROSSAN 520724 Sergeant So MULLER 39558 Flying Officer H~G* MURCAR 532866 Leading Aircraftman A., D.FQMo NEVIJBY 622865 Aircraftman 1st ciass E.G. NOLAN-NEYLAN 41455 Pilot Officer L,.Go O~ SULLIVAN 621221 Aircraftman 1st Class M.Jo PEACHEY 566141 Sergeant E .. W"A" POLTOCK 3~<1.:J) Flying Officer T~Vo POOLE 76015 Pilot Officer GaAoH~ ROBINSON 391ri"3 Fl ying Officer D~P~W~R~ SANDERS 41478 Pilot Officer R~Ha SE-4. .._l{LE 4296?, Pilot Officer FuM?No SilVLF'SON 628649 Aircraftman 1st Class RoJ• VICKERY 530080 Sergeant R, F., WARNE 37898 Acting Flight Lieutenant PoE .. W.EFoKS 40494 Pilot Officer Co.A., \VHITE 39090 Fly ing Officer De ,~-iEITLEY 632190 Air craftman 2nd Class c.c. WOODCOCK 56482':i. Sergeant FnA"I KILLED ON ACTIVE__§]RVICE, BARNES 40071 Pilot Officer A,,L.Vo • BARNETT 36235 Pilot Offj_cer M~E., F., BnVAN 565468 Sergeant OoAoL .. CH.AP1\1AN 580942 Sergeant G,. DAVIDSON 758213 Sergeant NaiR(? DENT 566320 Sergeant G,,I,GI DIXON 77348 Pilot Officer La.Sq FRY 41170 Pilot Officer Po de Go GOHDON-WILSON 76314 'Pilot Officer CciDa HAMPTON 741874 Sergeant Do.A., HORSFIELD 748463 Sergeant T<>Gt KEJVJPTON 629'791 Aircraftman 2nd Class J·. W. LINDSAY 625870 AiPcraftman lsi; Class Go LUCAS 752319 AiPcraftman 2.nd Class A.qc., MURDOCH 580576 Sergeant I"N,. ROBERSON 741275 Sergeant Po \fv Q SPENCER 565344 Sergeant B.oJ 0 WIIBON 565833 Sergean~; R, E,, PREVIOUSLY REPORTED "MISSING BELIEVED KILLED 11 NOVY PRESU~ lfKILLED ON ACTIVE si:Rvf@.::.1, ·---·- BORE HAM 39650 Pilot Officer JoW~ WOUNDED OR INJURED ON ACTIVE SERVICI~. COATES 650905 Aircraftman 2nd Class E.A~ KENNY 581395 Sergeant A~J .. ORCHARD 41313 Pilot Officer R.E~ TUCKER 70684 Flying Officer J.D. DIED OF WOUNDS OR INJURIES RECEIVED ON ACTIVE SERVICE. FOST.ER 630009 Aircraf'tman 2nd Class L. F • PARKIN 637487 Aircraftman 2nd Class C. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED INJURBD NOW DIED or INJURIES RECEIVED ON ACTIVE SERVICE. ~~~~~~~~- CARTER 568628 Leading Aircraftman G.W.D. MISSING BELIEVED KILLED ON ACTIVE SERVICE. OYSTER 751792 Leading Aircraftman K.J. PATTERSON 523326 J~eading Aircraftman G. W.. VICKERY , 566236 Sergeant K"P~ WILLIAMS 42172 Pilot Officer D~R .. DIED ON ACTIVE SERVI CE. -~-- · ~-·a~--· ADAMSON 06175 Acting Squadron Leader B., C11 CLAVER ING 528648 Cor~ J oral JqMCKo ELLIOTT 973429 Aircraftman 2nd Class L.W. HOYLAND 972385 A:Lrcraftman 2nd Class W,G.A. .KELLETT 743266 Aircraftman 2nd Class w. KNIGHTS 404303 Lc;ading Aircraftman W.R.Co LERI GO 614754 Aircraftman 1st Class A.G. LITTLE 947680 Aircraftman 2nd Class s.K., PUGH 247396 AJ.rcraftman 1st Class H.E., READ 628775 Ai~craftman lst Class J. SMITH 77168 Pilot Officer C~Ro WELLS 953769 Aircraf'tman 2nd Class J.W. Press & Publicity Branch, A~r Ministry, . King Charles Street, Whitehall, s.w.1~ 5/5/yO No. 4. NORViEGIAN tIINISTBRS IN LONDON. The Norwegian Minister :Lor Foreign Affo.irs, Professor Koht, o.nd the Norv7egi o.n Minister for Defence, Colonel Ljungberg, arrived at Euston nt 6-50 this morning with Sir Cecil rma. L.'ldy ~ ·~ary Dorraer, and the wife of the French Minister to Norw ~y. They \'Yere met o.t the station on behalf of the Secret P, ry of State by Sir John r;Ionck. The Norwegian Ministers have come here to consult with His Majesty's Goverrunent. FOREIGN OFFICE, s. w. i. 5/5/40 NOT TO BE P'QfilJSHEJ?_ _OR BRO.ADCAST BEFORE 7 a.m. on MOJID AY, MA~ PRESS NOTICE The King h as been pleased to approve the f'ollowing appointment:- Rear Adrairal Henr;y: R~ Moore, o.v.o., D.s.o. to be o. Lord Comrni s sioner of the Admiral tY and Assistant Chief of Nnval St aff, in succession to Rear Admiral Harold tr . Burrough, C.B., to date 25th July, 1940. Re o. r Admiro. l Moore to be appointed PRESIDENT nddl. f or a.uty ins ide Admiralty, to date 25th June, 1940. +·:-·+-:--+ + +-l-+ ++ ADMIRALTY, WHITEHALL~ s.w.1. E ven1nz. N... C?•. i-.6_£__ -·" NOT TO BE PUBLISHED IN ANY COUNTRY BI~FOREi TifE EVENINe NEWSPAPERS OF WEDNESDAY 9 8TH MAY, 1940, OR BROADCAST BEPORE 7 A.M., ON THAT DAJ'E. AIR MINISTRY WEEKLY NEWS LETTERe ' ' • (Evening Papers) • B~: The information contained in this News Lettev may be used by the Press without ackp.owledgement. g it is desi,red to refer to the Air Ministry as the source of the information, the expression 11 The Air Ministry Announces:- 11 is NOT to be used. C 0 N T E N T S. FIGHTER COMMAND SCORES 50 FOR 1. NEW A.c.A.s. IS KEY MAN. LUNAR LANDSCAPE. v.c's OF THE AIR. THEY CAN RUN TOO. "RESPIRATORS NEEDEDtt. CUCKOO! Press and Publicity Branch, Air Ministry, King Charles Street~ s .. w.. 1. Pilots of the Royal Air Force Fighter Cormnand now fly 2,000,000 miles each month to defend the shores of Britain agai:..rJ.st Nazi air attack. This distance is equivalent to 3,333 flightB from London to Berlin. Night and day the Spitfires and Hurricanes of Fighter Corrmmncl patrol a 700-mile coastline to a height of 5 mil es. Durinc; the first month of war, fighter pilots fle-w les s than 200,000 miles. Each month the mileage has incr·easedo Even duri11g the great freeze of January and February, when f'ighter aerodromes lay inches deep il1 snow the i1ilots of Fighter• Cornmand flew 1,000,000 miles. In March the figure was neqrly 1,700,000 miles.
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