MONDAY, JULY 10, 7959 -S GlOHGl VfUNDlR Spotlighting the Dial rrSTHEONLYWAVWECAH Comedy-Drama cide he finds a corpse and CASK* OuT VArtfS COtff&K tlie telephone receiver off Arthur Godfrey Time, KTSA, the hook. 9:15 a.m.—Seventy-five min- utes of informal fun and Leave It To Joan, KTSA, 9 songs and Godfrey and his p.m.—-Joan Davis as a zany salesgirl in this comedy pro- Intellect versatile troupe, gram. Wendy Warren and the News, or KTSA, II a.m. — Midday New Show headlines by Doug Edwards You and Korea, KTSA, 5:15 9 and the romantic career p.m.—William P. Gray, as- NEGLECT.' story of Wendy Warren. sistant editor of Life Maga- Aunt Jenny's Stories, KTSA, zine, who has just returned 11:15 a.m.—Aunt Jenny con- from an extensive trip to cludes the real-life story Korea and the Far East, "The Awakening." leads off a five-program tj DAN SPIfGLf Our Gal Sunday, KTSA, 11:45 symposium on "You and a.m.—Learning that Brom- Korea." NO TIME FOS TALK/ BAMGZ field loves Sunday, Howard AND WHITE ENEMIES GO ALL we Stepping Out, KTSA, 6:30 p.m. Doei o Wgh brow Indicate stipwfar »•*•)%*«•? WE THOU&HT RAMEZ TO WINE CELLAR TO FIND NSEO TO LEAD TH' Crail devises a mercenary — Rising young singers FINISHED YOU, YCUOYV HIDDEN APACUE GOLD/YOU KNOW/ WOPPY/ plan. Rosemary Clooney and Anthropologists say: NO. I DON'T SEC WOW Hilltop House. KTSA, 2:15 Tony Bennett will be heard YOU GOT TO p.m.—Dr. .Jeff sets off on a Psychologists say: Ati f»ftr«Hnj WE WALL LEVEB on this new 15-minute popu- mission to save a child, half lar-music program, mytft. Probably originated in onc?«nt AND SPRUNG believing it might be An- time* »•*•» iigli for»ht«d« war. a US FCOM THAT sigw of old oge. ond old oge was 5TOBASC PTT.... nett's son. Music Garry Moore Show, KTSA, 6 mor* ventraicd than It Is today. p.m.—A comedy and musi- Operetta Excerpts, \VOAI, 7:30 p.m.—Jane Froman and cal show featuring the MUELLER TRICHOLOGISTS SAY: comic Moore, on both radio the choir will sing Cole and TV. Porter's memorable "Night M»ny Uth f orehe»di we tho tlrtct retail of «c»Jj> netHctt^ and Day," and she also will Hollywood Star Playhouse, Best proof is that Mueller experts can preoentj KTSA, 7 p.m. — A love tri- do "Shine On, Harvest Moon," and "Summertime." high foreheads from happening; they can stop Wf ARCHIE IN Bl GSUNDAY EXPRESS COLORED COM/C SfCT/ON angle grimly resolved by a such hair loss at any point in its upward dimb.) skilled bow-and-arrow hunt- they can in some cases actually lover the nairun* THAT'S OKAYf SEND THEM MASON IN TRAINING COME AB3UNP WELL, HOW UXKf ter, when Wendell 'Corey A Pf?£E SOCW A DEAL? by growing new hair, , TDMORSOW.AND HEALTH WOULD *-» AAANY stars in an original thriller, Barry J. Mason, son of Mr. Truth Is, a high forehead is just one landmark KNOW ^f-T WE'LL HAVE TELL \OUTHSrT6AR5/PUES AM AND I'LL KtU- "The Archer." TOO AAANVr* T-T I ALLOWED IN and Mrs. Vernon. Mason, Box on the road from HAIR to BALDNESS. It tad!-, SOMETHING? I ( SOME Broadway's My Beat, KTSA, 362, Harlingen, is among 22 ca- cates that hair is being lost faster than replaced! I DONT LIKE 7:30 p.m. — When Danny dets from the University of i. because on<ror more of 18 scalp disorders is; Clover investigates a homi- Texas now attending R.O.T.C. 'attacking hair health. Mueller's exclusive method. encampment at Fort Belvoir, 'and medication can quickly correct the disorder Va., the engineer center. and stimulate normal regrowth. > Let the Mueller experts apply their 94 years combined experience to j/ourhair-loss problem. N» TELEVISION charge for examination and consultation. Come to the clinic TODAY. •\ WOAI-TV HOURS 10 «.m. fo 7:30 p.m. SATURDAYS 10 to 4 Channel 4 Monday Evening 6:25—Today's ttogramt 6:30—Borrah Minncvitch's "Harmonica MUELLER Rascals" WHE.W! I'M SURE 61AD THOSE. ••ANO--Afr£R GOING 10 I fm LIKE. A DOG- 607ER.SIGNOFFNO/, ^ 6:45—Tclenewt HAIR EXPERTS JH. • KNOW WHAT TELEVISION ATTACHMENT* FOR TH»PARTY-'"1-'I HAD TO 6CKNO PlACEi WHILE. SWEET.'- -THr5 IJC35TIN6 VOI 7:00—Kukla, Fran and Olli« YOU MEAN YOU'RE. 5TUOCATHOMEJ TELEPHONE AR£NT STANDARD 7:30~TV Dudo Ronch GETTOSUIP!---! 8:00—Lights Out MEAN ..... AGAIN S:30—Trophy Room SUITE 309 GIBBS BLDG., CORNER N. AUMO AND HOUSTON 8:45—Winter1! Wonderland 9:00—Report on TV 9:30—Wcathercast EXPRESS-EVENING NEWS WANT ADS G-2211 While this newspaper makes every effort to print accurate listings, it cannot be responsible for last-minute changes made by radio stations. See Stoves for contractor. Stevei MONDAY, JULY 10, 1950 KITE—930 range financing, too. 0:00, Siru Oni ":<>«. KTSA—550 KMAC—630 KABC—680 WOA1—1200 F*rmar*' Alma&ac) 6:00* N«w.i 6:0:. Mutlcal Al- (CBS) (MUTUAL) (ABC) (NBC) manaol ti;4S, C&rlr Bfr4 Songs at Sunrise R.F.D. Te«« 5-6-Texos Roundup Texaf Farm mi Honti N«*n 7:00, Muileal Al- Or ZACK MOSLIY Farm Newt—Shomette manaoi 7:45. linaktakt Johnny Lane R.F.D. Texai Bill Litter T«bl. .V«w>i «:M ItMlcal Newt RFD Texas Texas Roundup Hillbilly Hormonioi Alraanaot 8:10, Coroora* I CANT REMBMBER MOTHER.' QU CK.' WvY MEMORY THE THAT Song Corral Sam Morrii Blue Rdge Mt'n Gang Hired Handt lion Courti »:30, Muiloal 15 HAZY SuT OTHCR COESNTSEEAA TH' PETAILS, BUT I -WATER./, Almauaei 9:00, N«wa OH, MAWJOUA IT SEEMS THERE COUPLE RISHT/ X PONT THINK-HE WAS MAGNOLIA'S Trading Poit Wake Op. S .A. Martin Agronsky Ncwjcast—How«II dlluM anil 81 x 1T 16 SMA.PWN6 WERE 4. DP US WAS KILLEP DON'T THINK TH'OBIVER/OH, MY FAINTECV POOR Johnny Lane WokeUp,S.A. Hillbilly Hit Parade Morning Devotional Sllrtr Mlnulox J0:d». OUT OP HE* IrJ HOT-ROP5 AND HOT- HOT-ROD P1D MIND 15 SO News WalteUp.S.A. Newscast Radio Rodeo .New. Hiadllam 10:90, COMA ' SHE'S. CAP!/ WHAT ROD IS Itvl ANYTHING . CAUSEP THE PEATH5' r FEEL PITZY •STRAIN Radio Clock Radio Rodeo M u • 1 o ABDr«elat(ati| TALKl'MS HAPPENED TD PRISON f TOO MUCH • Fonnin 6361 Sports Page Wake Up.SA. 11:00, \eir> HmUInn AGAIN ', THE CTHER& Shopper's Special Robert Hurleigh Breakfast Club Ncwtcait—Guerro »nd Mtliloal Ball o( 704 EAST COMMERCE Breakfast Club Johnny Dugan Tim* Famor 13:00 P.M., Ncwa Shopper's Special Tell Your Neighbor BtadUn» and Sammr Newt Bock to the Bible Breakfast Club Johnny Duaan Tim« Karu 11:15, W.rn« Take If tosy Bock to the Bible Breakfast Club Johnny Puoan Timt Klnn l-.'.TO. Cur Lam- Welcome Traveton bardoi lt:<S. No.nllm. Take Ir Eaiy Hillbilly House Party My True Story N»w» 1:00, Polka Tlmoi Arthur Godfrey Hillbilly House Party My True Story Welcome Travelcrg 1:30, Tun«-Oi 2:01). Newt Live Like a Millionaire Arthur Godfrey Hillbilly House Party Betty Crocker adllnH and Today'a Design for Living Live Like a Millionaire il «;00, Bine Crn.br Arthur Godfrey Hillbilly HOBM Party Crooner Clubi ^:4.1, We Love & Learn 10:00 Arthur Godfrey Hillbilly House Forty Hannibal Cobb Blur Croibr Crooner Arthur Godfrey Hillbilly House Party Hannibal Cobb Young Dr. Malar* Club) 4:00. N<m« )t«d' 10:15 Jack Berch Ilnei and Old T I ir.« 10:30 Holland Engle Hillbilly House Parry Dr. Paul David Harum Daneo Tlmei 4:30, Tn«n 10:45 Movie Time—Morin Hillbilly House Party Crosby & Co. TJmei 4:40. Toen Tlmnl 5:00, Now. llt.dllnn Wendy Warren Kate Smith Speoki Ladies Ba Seated Ma Perkins The Brighter Day and ttactlm« Havu«t By 80S SCHOENKE AuntJenny Lanny Ross Ladies Be Seated i:10. Jtttbeirt llolldari Helen Trent Oklahoma Playboy! Monette Shaw Star Reporter (1:110, C u r r « n t and IT'S A GOOO PIECE TO Check Vd Jamboree News Imperial Quartet Choloei «:30. Ktrbattd THIS HOSS I BOEROWEO kS FSESH. JAMIE Our Gal, Sunday THE BO 4KANPE YET BEN. Holid.ri 7:00, New» ANP BEN ARE TKYIN' TO GET AWAY ~ WE'LL KEEP EVERYTHING Helps ketp iktn tofl and elastic Ueadllno and Rontliiea T1RSO U«SE5.. .SWOUL&NT TAKE TOO WHY PONY WE RIPE 'EW MONDAY AFTERNOON Calli; 7:30, Sim OH. THESE CROW8AITS GOT Sooffnif roMf/frrniAeff RIGHT INTO THE GBXINR fam aching Ug and back muul«» JAMIE.. .WAT ARE WE IN 'EM.' Blue Ridgs Mtn. Gang Newscast—Guern TVHEN YOU'RE EXPECTING « b«by 12:00 Ntwi Big League Baseball SAVIN' 'EM FOR? ' »nd your »Vin g«U dry, ticht «nd un- Chuck Wagon Browns vf Indians Noonday Jamboree Market Reporti 12:15 Smile Program KONO— 860 oomfortiblv, rub gently with MotMn 12:30 Adolph Hofner 630 Club Texas Tophandt Frond tac«tauickr«li<f. ItKotbwimdre- Judy «nd Jane 0:00 A.M.. Da>t>rcaK<rii trMbM— kM» ikln «jf t and «U«tJc— k»op« 12:45 Weitern Hiti 630 Club _^_ Del Dunbar 8:55, NBW.I 7:00. Goipel muiclM ireu *ad utronj. Relieve* imp- Grady Cola Big League Baseball Curlev Fox Double or Nothing line, numbiac *nd burning feelinn in Mnilo M»k«r.l 1:15.
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