May 23, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S4965 3/07/04, Sue Kelly for Congress; $1,000, 2/15/05, * William B. Taylor, Jr., of Virginia, to be The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Sue Kelly for Congress; $1,000, 10/31/05, Sue Ambassador to Ukraine. objection, it is so ordered. Kelly for Congress; $500, 7/23/04, Hudson Val- Nominee: William B. Taylor, Jr. Foreign Service nominations begin- Post: Kyiv, Ukraine. ley Victory Fund; $500, 3/07/06, Hudson Valley ning with Brent Royal Bohne and end- Victory Fund; $2,000, 9/13/03, Bush/Cheney ’04, (The following is a list of all members of Primary; $2,000, 9/1/04, Compliance Cmte; my immediate family and their spouses. I ing with William J. Booth, which nomi- $5,000, 1/02/05, 55th Presidential Inaugural; have asked each of these persons to inform nations were received by the Senate $250, 7/28/03, Republican Nat’l Cmte; $110, 1/31/ me of the pertinent contributions made by and appeared in the CONGRESSIONAL 06, Republican Nat’l Cmte; $250, 7/17/05, them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- RECORD on February 17, 2006. Lewisboro NY Republ’n Town Cmte; $250, 10/ formation contained in this report is com- Foreign Service nominations begin- 05/03, Herzog’s Home Town Team ’04; $250, 10/ plete and accurate.) ning with Craig B. Allen and ending Contributions, Amount, Date, and Donee: 10/03, Friends of Ursula LaMotte. with Daniel D. DeVito, which nomina- Spouse: Gifford T Foley, deceased. 1. Self, none. Children and spouses: Catherine L Foley, 2. Spouse, $150, 2003, 21st Century Demo- tions were received by the Senate and none, Gifford T. Foley Jr., none, James E.H. crats. appeared in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Foley, none. 3. Children and Spouses: Christopher on March 30, 2006. Parents: Howard M. Hoxie, deceased, O’Neill Taylor, none, Mary Morgan Taylor, Foreign Service nominations begin- Wilma Liggett Hoxie, deceased. none. ning with Anita Katial and ending with Grandparents: Sylvester Edwards Hoxie, 4. Parents: William B. Taylor, Sr., $35, 2002, Scott R. Reynolds, which nominations Sen. Lugar; $35, 2002, Sen McCain; $50, 2002, deceased, Alberta Mason Hoxie, deceased. were received by the Senate and ap- Brothers and spouses: Paul A. Hoxie, none, Republican National Cmte; $50, 2002, Repub- peared in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Judith Rosenstein, none. lican Senatorial Cmte; $35, 2002, Republican Sisters and spouses: Peter K. Zeitler, none, Party of Virginia; $35, 2002, Rep. Tom Davis; on April 24, 2006. Lynne E. Hoxie, $200, 9/04/04, Democratic Na- $35, 2003, Sen. Lugar; $35, 2003, Sen McCain; By Mr. GREGG for the Committee on the tional Cmte; $250, 10/14/04, Democratic Na- $50, 2003, Republican National Cmte; $50, 2003, Budget. tional Cmte. Republican Senatorial Cmte; $35, 2003, Re- *Robert J. Portman, of Ohio, to be Direc- *Tracey Ann Jacobson, of the District of publican Party of Virginia; $35, 2003, Rep. tor of the Office of Management and Budget. Columbia, to be Ambassador to the Republic Tom Davis; $35, 2004, Sen. Lugar; $35, 2004, By Mr. ROBERTS for the Select Com- of Tajikistan. Sen McCain; $50, 2004, Republican National mittee on Intelligence. Nominee: Tracey Ann Jacobson. Cmte; $50, 2004, Republican Senatorial Cmte; *General Michael V. Hayden, United States Post: Tajikistan. $35, 2004, Republican Party of Virginia; $35, Air Force, to be Director of the Central In- (The following is a list of all members of 2004, Rep. Tom Davis; $35, 2005, Sen. Lugar; telligence Agency. my immediate family and their spouses. I $35, 2005, Sen McCain; $50, 2005, Republican *Nomination was reported with rec- National Cmte; $50, 2005, Republican Senato- have asked each of these persons to inform ommendation that it be confirmed sub- me of the pertinent contributions made by rial Cmte; $35, 2005, Republican Party of Vir- them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- ginia; $35, 2005, Rep. Tom Davis; $50, 2006, Re- ject to the nominee’s commitment to formation contained in this report is com- publican National Cmte; $50, 2006, Repub- respond to requests to appear and tes- plete and accurate.) lican Senatorial Cmte. tify before any duly constituted com- Contributions, Amount, Date, and Donee: Nancy Aitcheson Taylor,—none. mittee of the Senate. 1. Self, none. 5. Grandparents: Lewis Jerome Taylor, de- (Nominations without an asterisk 2. Spouse, none. ceased, Roberta Newton Taylor, deceased, were reported with the recommenda- John Kenneth Aitcheson, deceased, Virginia 3. Children and spouses names: none. tion that they be confirmed.) 4. Parents names: John Thomas, none, Bar- Dare Aitcheson, deceased. bara Thomas, none. 6. Brothers and spouses: Paul Kenneth and f 5. Grandparents names: Wyn Steadman, Robin Taylor, none, David Aitcheson and Lisa Taylor, none. INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND (deceased), R. Campbell Steadman, (de- JOINT RESOLUTIONS ceased), Francis Thomas, and Charles Thom- 7. Sisters and spouses: Anne Taylor as, (deceased). Cregger, none, Katharine Taylor and Brian The following bills and joint resolu- 6. Brothers and spouses names: n/a. Nace, none. tions were introduced, read the first 7. Sisters and Spouses: Teri Dermody, *Michael Wood, of the District of Colum- and second times by unanimous con- bia, to be Ambassador to Sweden. none, Terence Dermody, none. sent, and referred as indicated: *Robert Anthony Bradtke, of Maryland, to Nominee: Michael M. Wood. be Ambassador to the Republic of Croatia. Post: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plen- By Mr. TALENT: Nominee: Robert Anthony Bradtke. ipotentiary of the United States of America S. 2925. A bill to suspend temporarily the Post: Ambassador to Croatia. to Sweden. duty on naphthalen-1-yl (The following is a list of all members of (The following is a list of all members of methylaminoformate; to the Committee on my immediate family and their spouses. I my immediate family and their spouses. I Finance. have asked each of these persons to inform have asked each of these persons to inform By Mr. CARPER: me of the pertinent contributions made by me of the pertinent contributions made by S. 2926. A bill to extend temporarily the them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- suspension of duty on Fast Yellow 746 Stage; formation contained in this report is com- formation contained in this report is com- to the Committee on Finance. plete and accurate.) plete and accurate.) By Mr. CARPER: Contributions, Amount, Date, and Donee: Contributions, Amount, Date, and Donee: S. 2927. A bill to extend temporarily the 1. Self, none. 1. Self, $2,000.00, 03/31/04, Bush-Cheney ’04; suspension of duty on Esfenvalerate; to the 2. Spouse, none. $25,000.00, 04/15/04, RNC-Presidential Trust; Committee on Finance. 3. Children and Spouses Names, No chil- $25,000.00, (by 1,450 shs. of Cisco stock), 05/04/ By Mr. CARPER: dren. 05, RNC-Presidential Trust. S. 2928. A bill to extend temporarily the 4. Parents, names, Albert Bradtke $25, 3/02/ 2. Spouse, $2,000.00, 03/31/04, Bush-Cheney suspension of duty on Yellow 1 Stage; to the 05, Republican National Committee; $25, 3/15/ ’04. Committee on Finance. 05, Congresswoman Sue Myrick; $50, 6/12/05, 3. Children and spouses names, (Michael M. By Mr. CARPER: Committee for Richard Burr; $25, 6/21/05, Re- Wood, Jr., Jennifer Bick Wood and Kimberly S. 2929. A bill to extend temporarily the publican National Committee; $25, 2/14/04, N. Wood), none. suspension of duty on Benzyl carbazate; to Republican National Committee; $35, 5/25/05, 4. Parents names, n/a. the Committee on Finance. Committee for Richard Burr; $25, 10/06/04, 5. Grandparents Names, n/a. By Mr. CARPER: 6. Brothers and spouses names, n/a. Congresswoman Sue Myrick; $25, 5/04/03, Con- S. 2930. A bill to extend temporarily the 7. Sisters and spouses names (Susan D. gresswoman Sue Myrick; $25, 10/27/03, Repub- suspension of duty on ink jet textile printing Wood), none. lican National Committee; $100, 6/09/02, Con- machinery; to the Committee on Finance. gresswoman Sue Myrick; $25, 7/25/02, Repub- Mr. LUGAR. Mr. President, for the By Mr. CARPER: lican National Committee; $25, 7/27/02, Con- Committee on Foreign Relations I re- S. 2931. A bill to extend temporarily the gresswoman Sue Myrick; Lucille Bradtke port favorably the following nomina- suspension of duty on Magenta 3B–OA Stage (deceased). tion lists which were printed in the Stage; to the Committee on Finance. 5. Grandparents names, August/Julia RECORDS the dates indicated, and ask By Mr. CARPER: Bradtke (deceased), Felix/Caroline Gale (de- unanimous consent, to save the ex- S. 2932. A bill to extend temporarily the ceased). suspension of duty on Cyan 1 special liquid 6. Brothers and spouses names, James pense of reprinting on the Executive feed; to the Committee on Finance. Bradtke, none, Amy Schreiber (wife), none. Calendar that these nominations lie at By Mr. CARPER: 7. Sisters and spouses names, Barbara Hill, the Secretary’s desk for the informa- S. 2933. A bill to extend temporarily the (divorced) none. tion of Senators. suspension of duty on 1-[[2-(2,4- VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:57 Feb 05, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2006SENATE\S23MY6.REC S23MY6 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S4966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 23, 2006 dichlorophenyl)-4-propyl-1 ,3-dioxolan-2-yl]- ankle with coated or laminated textile fab- ceeding 74.6 W but not exceeding 95 W; to the methyl]-1H-1,2,4-triazole); to the Committee rics; to the Committee on Finance. Committee on Finance. on Finance.
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