>i^' Vol. 29 No. 41 Califomia State University Northridge Friday, November 14, 1975 Homecom/ng; Discrimination Monte Carlo committee and service established By KAREN WORKMAN Homeotmiing. The word conjures up SUff Writer thoughts of beauties parading before a Students and university employees pand of judges, the selection and who feel they may be victims of sex presentation of the queen and her court discrimination now have an outlet to and floats made of flowers passing down vent their grievances. the football field in front of bleachers Harold E. Byrd, director of judicial filled with cheering students. affairs, and Russell Mulvany, the Not so this year however. Saturday university's affirmative action coor­ night at Devonshire Downs, CSUN will dinator, have been appointed by present five service awards at the President James W. Cleary to in­ homecoming game. Instead of the vestigate complaints of sex traditional parade of lovelies, two discrimination at CSUN. students, two alumni and one campus The appointments comply with Title organizations will receive awards for IX Regulations of the Education their services to the campus and com­ UPSY DAISY goes a student in Guy Lewis and Amendments of 1972, a piece of munity. Rosalyn Washington's Therapeutic Recreation class for legislation stemming from the civil neurologically impaired students. This parachute toss rights movement of the late sixties and Cheryl Spicer, director of is part of a class project to "develop strength, fun, •• early seventies. homecoming, said awards for service coordination and cooperation" according to Effective July 21, 1975, Title IX seems "more relevant than the crowning Washington. She also feels the project has a Regulations were administered under of a queen who hasn't done that much." therapeutic value: "it makes them feel better." provisions adopted by the Department Please turn to page 15 Sundial photo by Susan Lloyd of Health, Education and Welfare. These regulations forbid sex discrimination in any educational institution receiving Talk-radio personality Hemingway Federal funds. Colleges and universities have three years to comply with Title IX as opposed to the one year granted elementary and doesn't mind risks in her business secondary schools. By BOBBI WEISS more times than not, but sometimes According to Byrd. post-secondary Staff Writer you're going to bomb out. We all do." schools were given additional time to re­ Sitting back at her multi-buttoned Bom and raised in San Francisco, direct aUocated funds and "to make any control panel at KABC radio, Carol Hemingway attended Stanford construction ricommendations Hemingway prepares to go on the air as University, where she completed her required—especially in athletic the only woman in Los Angeles with her undergraduate work in International facilities." own two-and-one-half hour evening talk Relations. Following that, she studied at "We anticipate a greater sharing of show. the American Conservatory Theatre, the wealth for the girls in athletics," he In her business, she says, there are also in San Francisco. said referring to a case at the University many things to be aware of—risk taking Although Hemingway says a liberal of Minnesota. being the most important. arts education is important, she got her "The boys' swim team there had "You've got to be willing to make a most helpful training while attending a greater access to an Olympic-sized pool fool out of yourself and take a gamble," radio school in the Bay Area where she including long and frequent practice she said. "You try and come up a winner was able to leam actual broadcasting sessions," he explained. "The girls' team techniques. "You can't do the job and do was scheduled to a few hours of practice it well without the liberal arts time a week." Inside... education," she said. "But the detailed Title IX applies in varying degrees to training is what's going to get you that Sundial photo by Gary Weiss other aspects of athletic programs and first job." In 1973. Hemingway flew to Israel to activities including: ^ If you want to succeed in broad­ cover the first International Conference —provision of supplies and equip­ Ford talks on and on... casting, she said, you've got to be good. on Women Journalists. The resulting ment; See page 4 In her opinion, this means learning every documentary on the conference won her — travel and per diem allowances; single detail you can about the field, so much acclaim that KABC asked her —coaching and academic tutoring including how to read copy and news and to come to Los Angeles to do her own opportunities and assignment and pay of Who is Willie Nelson? especially how to push buttons. talk show. coaches and tutors; See page 7 "You may not use all that you learned According to Hemingway, a great deal —whether sports available reflect the when you're first starting out," she said. of her time is spent on preparing for the interests and abilities of both sexes. Title IX permits separate teams for members of each sex "where selection for keggae and Rollae such teams is based upon competitive See page 8 skill or the activity involved is a contact "but some time all that knowledge is guests. The hours spent researching sport." going to be needed, and the individual usually far outnumber those alloted to According to Byrd, some of the sports Mofs vs. U.C. Riverside who knows more and has more ex­ the guest on the air, she said. under this classification are: boxing, perience is going to be the one who gets The research, she said, usually in­ wrestUng, rugby, football, basketball — a preview the better job." cludes reading articles the guest has and ice hockey. See page 12 Before coming to KABC last August, written, and those written about him, Other Title IX provisions include: Hemingway reported news in Phoenix. making phone calls, lining up the guest, —selection of students to be awarded This reporting led to her first talk show and deciding which questions to ask financial aid on basis of criteria other in 1972. She interviewed political guests during the interview. than sex; and coanchored the news. Please turn to page 6 Please turn to page 15 2—Daily Sundial —Friday, November 14, 1975 Numerous A.S. positions open Class Councils/Officers-Jo involve the students from respective Many A.S. directorships, committee and council Community Service —Jo act as a liaison t)etween the University and freshman, sophomore, junior, senior or graduate classes in a program positions are open and will be filled before the end of the the community. of activities provided from their respective classes. (The councils are chaired by the elected class presidents.) semester. The positions are open to any CSUN student Commons (Open Forum)-Regulate the operation of the "Commons" in good standing aiwi the application deadline is Friday. according to the Code for the directorship. Student Court—{A.S. Constitutional Court)—To rule on decisions of Nov. 21, 1975. Applications, job descriptions and tfie Associated Students Senate and to investigate election Elections - To organize and supervise all student body and corporation r further information can be found in Administration irregularities (composed of chief justice and four associate justices). elections. 303. Committee Memberships: The following positions are open: Experimental College-Jo provide programs (classes) not In regular Awards Committee —Jb\s committee assists the Director of Awards in university curriculum. tfie coordination and presentation of the Annual Awards Banquet for Directorships: tfie Associated Students. Finance—Jo prepare tfie Associated Students annual budget and to Activities —To coordinate activities of students and encourage recommerKi aliotment of funds for campus related events. campus-wide activities. Homecoming Committee—Jh'is committee assists the Homecoming Director in the coordination of tfie CSUN Homecoming events; such as Government Internship Program-ShaW coordinate all of the activities Alumni Relations-To further and build a working relationship bet­ Queen selection, Open House, Parade, half-time show. ween the college university and its alumni. of the Government Internship Program. Elections - To assist the Director of Elections in the performance of his High School Relations —Jo better communication and understanding Awards-To coordinate the Associated Students Annual Awards duties. Banquet. t)etween CSUN and our community high schools. Professor f^oflies—Jhis committee assists the Director of Professor Bicentennial-Jo provide a series of programs relating to America's Homecoming —Jo plan, organize, and conduct the annual Profiles in compiling and coordinating tfie publication. Bicentennial Celebration for students. Homecoming activities. Rally Comm/free —Responsible for the coordination of any event or Bhod Drive-Jo serve as liaison. between the students and the International Relations—Jo assist foreign students in adapting to the program which is concurrent with the CSUN athletic program. It is also American Red Cross; to initiate and coordinate the Blood Drive at university and community life. responsible for selection of song and yell leaders at CSUN. CSUN. Legislative Director—Do research work on the local campus at the University Fair Committee —Jb\s committee assists the Director direction of the CSUCSPA and/or the student body president. Cultural Programs — Shall chair and be a voting member of the Cultural University Fair in rebuilding the Fair at CSUN. (The Fair should t>e fun Programs Committee; report on and be responsible for the progress, and comparable to the Pleasure Faire, Mardi Gras, and similar events.) results, and decisions of the Cultural Programs Committee to the A.S. Matador Organizations Council- To act as a liaison between the MOC and the Activities Advisor, and p)erform such other duties as outlined in President. (Five Chairpersons are members of this committee; Films, Matador Organizations Council Committee—J<n\s committee assists the Code.
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