MW-- .v M-- 4 nt,V ' ifi-n- . VF . ' a1, iy ,.s 'i?? W .W'' K ftp r f --J.VI . t' ' j j .V. ? v V JUNfe' O, 1619 19 : . i T 'iEV iMIMDELW A vs-w- teWTr "BPR ras ? TO KNOCKED-OU- T GEORGE pM rechristens chaney from knockout shibe HJ s W tendler at ktf PUTTING THE "ED" IN KNOCKOUT CHANEY What May M TENDLER'S HEFTY LEFT Happen jx.,1.Inrh MrPlnvmnH Will Nnt m"v;!. Baseball Today -- " m - xaciv J1"l"AM". .. AWAY CHANEY NATIONAL LKAflUE in Upen Lhampionstt V.V. flay PUTS IN Clnh Won lout Win Nfw York . 24 io .inn .714 li..ess v (Incinnilll 0 IS ,S7I .BS3 .MB tS fe Hroolilrii . JO 10 ,M . OA C'lilrntn IS 17 .AI4 . Report That Twice Champion Will Contest in Events LESS TiMiV ROUND Phllllm 1R 16 .4SI 1'ltlp.burth . 17 20 ,4M .474 .447 tt. .--. st . iry nrr-- i . & Ilotlon . IS 21 .804 . ifrae tsurn next w eecitis w itnout St,. Louis . 11 22 .333 .333 .321 ASIFJIICAN LKAOUK c Quaker Southpaw Sends ' s Tin a "Great Boost to Boxing" rhlraito 24 11 .004 ijiv si. nt nnr.t. ' r f'Ptflnnl . 21 12 .0.8Sfl .647 .6IS.7 Baltimore Says Smith New York . .. 10 11 .631 .015 .013 Rival to Dream Commissioner Detroit .. 17 18 .013 .1121) .MM 'fiw, St. LotlU ... 10 16 .500 .518 .IS.1 By PETER PUTTER , . 14 .184 j Unit on .. 10 .467 .43 - land in Exactly One Min John Smith, chairman of the New Hhlnmin . 10 21 .313 .311 .312 TX THE list of names sent out of the Philadelphia Crkket Club in the'n- Athlrtlrn 0 24 .200 .226 .104 Jersey boxing commission, arrived 'o came. 1 those who are going to play in the tional open championship and at thc.VA ute and Twelve Seconds early. of the first day's play he led the He was accompanied by national open golf championship at Brae tleffl.?. Charley Kaler, Herman Taylor, ,I(, ff1 fof cnampionsnip with, Airce YESTKUDAY'S RESULTS Burn week of Johnny McGulgnn and George Engel. AMERICAN LKAGUIS' next the name .Iak Mc nnd McDonald Smith nnd in the' ntarFKi GEORGE LANDS ONCE "A great boost bdxlng," said New York, lOi Athletics, 7. Dermott, the Philadelphia joungster off he was second, beaten for the ,WIjBfc for R Washington, 3. Commissioner 'Smith when Tendler ssssBsflffPLajMsflsWSssslssBBBsB Iloston. who twiee the open title and onrc uj tm- - oiiiiin. i'.lHiiiiBiiHiiiHHlMliiiSB'WI LEAGt'i: Ton Jflffljl applied the sleep producer. w Sjs!BBrlW"fei-?&i- ' fit J NATIONAL At By JAMES S. OAKOLAN 3flsBBssH' t VliiiiBlHiK!9HHrfffffffffffffB rhlllles. S New York, 2. tied for it, is mentioned among those that time he made the statementAM Ilmokirn, M Itoston. 3. who will (ontest. Just where the in- Ulill lilt' llt'Al llIICll 11IU1UI1UU UUHl,.llMf T EW TENDLEIt, the new southpaw Iloston. 6i llrooklyn, .1 second game). he was thoroughly aware that he was Pittsburgh, li Chicago, 0. formation eamc from is a mystery, as n home-bre- d pro and when one ottneferj knockout artist! in a battle. Ht. 1Oiils. 4 Cincinnati, 3. dark is not going to play in this tourna- loreign born pros askcu mm wno iKyt The ment, the are very doubtful would be said he would win pale, slender ring warrior, car Dundee's superior, TODAY'S SCHEDULE and chances Jack it hun,Ci boxing was far as to whether lie will ever play In an- self. And he did. And he repeated! rying n deadly wallop in his menacing close-rang- e AMERICAN LEAGUE but at fighting he found his i 4iPr sv y Cleveland at Philadelphia! 3:30, other tournament. niio left and a clamtiglngipunch in his ever-rend- equal. Tiplitz was a terror when he clean . "iV'fd Chimin at New York! clean 3:30. Several ears ago lie broke donn men- In ini.1. preliminary... to the openj.f&j right, turned in his greatest ring came to pounding the body with his St. Louis nt M'nshlngtoni clean 3:30. pa- 3:13. tally. At the present time he Is n flail-lik- e stylet but the old .Dundee got Detroit at Boston) clean championship. Edward Hay and Harry aj?j , triumph when he ended the champion-chi- p tient at N'orristown, nnd he lias been Vnidon toured this country, nnd in his deadly work with his left jabs NATIONAL LKAOUE home th;'Sl aspirations of. George Chancy, d there for some time. lie went first time they were beaten was in from flying formation. New York at Pittsburgh! clean 3:30. did the"! k. o. king of Baltimore, in the Cincinnati nt St. Loulsi clean 3:50. for a short time, but his condition open tournament at Shawnee, nnd ,Tck. In the first round, when everything und returned to Korils-tow- main bout at the all-st- show at the not improc he was the winner. It marked the was action, Dundee shot through space, !..!...- - f !.! .1 lt t 1 iLl , m Shibe open-ai- r Kimiiug i wueu luH)7j Fnrk arena last night. planted and nil uuwiimii, lur More than eight thousand interested n cuttintr left to the mouth S CASSELL It is the first time that his namehns prizes were prcsempu jhck mnaeva r split lip. This caused the willing While Immnrniici ftnnnnh . will nil i , fans saw the slashing Lew Tendler take Joe's been mentioned in some time. iinfnrfiinnfflJ.'. ' nil the light out of George Chancy in Tiplitz trouble during the remainder of physically he is In fine condition, men- was taken literally by a newnapcrmanNypW1 exactly one minute and twelve seconds the bout. tally he is not able Io do n lot of things nrps.nnt nml tlin nnrf flnr If wak BnrMHwS&S stop he once did. nit tlio country that be had loJd"?vf of action by Joe Cervlnc's watch. Critic WIN that orr Poth, a Chaney backer, was Shceran a THREE TITLES tho two rliBtingUKhcd visitor! they J Frank. Was a Wonder 'IT shell shocked. The fifth round was Dundee's best, miirht ns wrl. star home, for hnmn- -' it was his work in this round which Without doubt he was the greatest bred wns Roinp to win. no question the out and There was about really decided the battle in his favor. DIFFERENCE 111 AGE professional ever developed in this come of this battle. One left hook to a Tendler Looms Up as Serious in Sin- ago when he was a bo ItrcaUdoun Followed upon Tommy Shecran thought the bout New York Star Advanced country. Years the chin and Chancy felt flat his was so much lie was caiiuie nt He came in for some very hard criti- motionless, eyes wide draw, but that fifth round In his younger teens back. With body was sufficient to turn gles, Doubles and Mixed Aroniraink Oolf Club in West cism and he took it very hard. He was" onen but sltrhtless. the fallen Dundee that it Contender for Leonard's Title tho old never the same afterwards, and walleS Haiti the tide. Philadelphia. was there he learned to J the T Merion It m irA lite tifi nu tlir itifAuTAni1 morenn heard no count, made not By LOUIS H. JAFFE Doubles at professional job was to dccld-- ; Willie Jackson did not exhibit in the tilav eolf. His first Arlnntln Pitt fnf enmn Mint o WV slightest effort arise when the he was there ftW4 Ing ten was counted, and helplessly was first bout. Willie, carrying tho marks Loole Tendler shapes up today as at Merchantvlllc, and while If wnn iinf lnn hnfnr t Vinrl n tisLil'"k"si carried to his corner. of a recent auto smashup, was unable tho most formidable' contender for MEETS MRS. ADAMS TODAY he startled the professionals by issuing breakdown. to appear against Matt Brock. That Benny Leonard's lightweight champion Right Hook and Left All a challenge to play all of them. He was Iwl Champ May Look Right on i ruiuur eurious. out since Out One Minute old war horse, Harry Pierce, again ship. This fact was proved conclu- n youngster nnd they all ignored him ii UWIi; fully minute. help and Cross Were K. O. Blows sorry afterwards nay ui. liik v. i viud, wnen imv, Chaney was out for one was called upon to entertain sively last night nt Shibe Park, when Outside Inside May Be AppBrontly not satUfied with mnklng but one and he was comparatively unknown boy charge did so well gave bim tied frvj After plenty of water had been sprinkled Yankee Schwartz's the Philadelphia newsboy 'shattered all a splendid bid for the singles champion- that he did not, for Jack an th a firsf nlnnn thn nniin ramnTnnislWVw over him and smelling salts had been he managed to beat Brock. A right hook to the jaw followed Different, Says Kearns ship of Pennsylvania and eastern states, unmerciful trimming. Li: " ;; ,r"T""??'i'fm that doubt about his hitting ability by nun liUL t::r'..:ut'cii nuu i'uy u. vrcigHPOm applied, Chancy, dazed", gazed Pierce won tho fight in the final by a cross to the chin in one-tw- o of York, 1010 he made bis. real debut at still knocking out George Knockout Chancy left Miss Claire Casscll, New has In Pro- - thlrty-fiv- o seconds. Brock hod a i sleepily about him. flatter than the proverbial pancake in fashion were the blows that entered the running for two more titles.
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