BACK-To-SfllOOL INFO FOR NEXIWEEK! •:• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 191 0 •:• 85th Year, Issue 30 @ 1995 August 18, 1995 Newark, Del. • 35e THIS WEEK In Sports WIZARDS STRUCK EY PlAYOFF FEVER; HAVE CHANCE TO ADVANCE THIS WEEKEND. Deseg ruling will not change fall assignments lB HERE WJLL.BE NO ''We have been operating under a States Di. trlct Court Judge- Sue L. immediate change in cur­ court order for a number of years so we Robinson concluded•th school dis­ would want to be very careful and tri cts in northern NewCa,stle County T rent school assignments in Jn the news · deliberate in rn ki g any changes," she had complied in good faith With the the Christina School District said. desegregation ru lings iJsued in the past, despite Monday's court ruling Since 197 ,11chooJ district.. in north­ that they were unlikely to return to past ending federal supervision of the ern New Castle Count]i"'bave been segregation practices, an 1 . t past dis­ WOMEN'S public school system in northern under court order to impleri'lent a pupl1 crimination had been ekminatei:ho, the assignment pLan th ai reqoired mandato­ extent practicable. New Castle County. ry transportation sj f all student . - Newark resident Dr. \1(illiam B. RIGHT TO VOTE According to Dr. Iri Mett , superi n­ Children in predoniinately. black nei gh­ Keene, state s uperintend~ for tenden t for th e eli. trict, there will borhoods are transported to predomi­ years during the period of e "absolutely not be any chan ges for nately white areas for nine of their gation ruling, said he was CELEBRATED BY September." school yea rs. Students from predomi­ the ''affirmation" of school "There are only two weeks until nately white areas travel to the predom­ effons under the court oro1er. .'·~·'- schoo l starts and it is impossible to inately black districts for three consecu•, "T would like to see NEWARKERS reorgani ze a ch ol district in two tive school years. •· good teaching, cor1ceme:d . Mpp11( :~ weeks." . aiel Metts. In her ruling this week, United YOUNGAND 3A OLD. NEWARK Another.Main Street project okayed Devel oper Reid Rowland s told council Newark and the integrati on of retail and res­ ing th e sidewalks down to McDonald 's. By MARY E. PETZAK that he plans to join the ex istin g retail and identi al fac ilities in ne location. Property owner were ··negative," according to Luft, mainl y "because of the AsSEMBLY PLANT NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER wa rehouse units at 274- 294 East Main Row lands as ked council if there wa any Street with additi onal fac iliti es . He . aiel he possibility of extending the brick . idewalks cost.'' Under the program, property owners Increased deve lopment acti vity in the wi ll reate one mix ed u. e fa cility and have from the city beautification project along pay for 50 percent of th e sidewalk's cost by TEAM heart of Newark didn ' t. skip a beat Monday three buildings along Main treet for retail Main Street to hi s pl:111neu property. a pecial as, essment. ni ght. and res idential use. The former home or the Accordin g to Carl Lurt . city manager. the Luft agreed to conta t the state regarding The Newark Cit y Council voted to Newark Police Department adj acent to the ex istin g brick . idewalks were in sta ll ed with additional funding under the enhancement approve the rezoning and subdi vi sion of Newark Seni or Center is included in th e the help of Pedes tri an Enhancement Funds program for Row lands' site but was uncer­ LEADERS Market Street East fo r development or a pl ans. from the State of Delaware. The city public tain of avai lab ility. 3A works d~:part m en t co nsult ed property own­ Rowlands . aid co n truction of Market new center combining retail , warehouse and Co uncil memhers ex pressed approva l or HONORED. re. id enti al units. th e expansion of business in dow ntow n ers to see if there wa. any interest in extend- East . hou ld be completed by fall 1996. In Lifestyle Conserve SPECIAL STUDENTS Au GET SPECIAL ABoARD THE water ArrnNTION AT SUMMER 'w!ENERMOBIIE!' or else! on. erve water or else! That's the word from City Hall yesterday. SESSION. 6A ''IWlSH l WAS an Oscar Mayer wiener,'' sa ng hotdogger Kirsten The predi cted failure of Hurricane Felix to Suto outside of the Acme in the produce substantial rainfall in th e Newark"afea led city officials yesterd ay one tep 'C iosiit: to In The Arts Suburban Pla7a on Elkton Road. Suto graduated from the University mandatory water restriction. s of Delaware in May and left Newark to Effec ti ve today, water director Joseph travel the east coa. t in the "wienenno­ Dombrowski aid, Newark is offciall y proceed­ bile." ing to vo luntary water re triction . DElAWARK'THEATER She found out about the unique job The city mu t try this measure before pro· through a former ''hotdogger," as the ceeding wi th mandatory re trictions, he saiCI. ~ drivers are called by Oscar M01yer olfi­ ··we are strongly suggestin g people co n~ve. COMPANY SCHEDULE cials, who also graduated from the voluntarily and perhaps we won't have to~ ~ Newark university. mandatory re tric ti on . although that I k Suto joined the nomadic band of hot­ unlikely,'' aid Dornbrow ki . ABARGAIN, daggers because she thought it would be People are asked to refrain from wateiigg an interestin g experience. "!love it, it's lawns and shrubs. washing cars and other ·~~ so much fun," Suto said of her new was tin g water outside. • • COLUMNIST occupation. Inside. they are urged to horten showers, Even though the wienermobile is only do fu ll wa her load of clothe and di hes. quite large, staffers do not sleep in it. take ~.· are of leak and monitor children cl&~ SA\5. "It 's not a Wiener-bago. We stay in to deter water wa te. - ·.- hotels," said Suto. ''The creek is still low and the surface wa t~ r Suto and her companion hotdogger plant i off,'' . aid Dombrowski. "The university Index parked their large hot dog-shaped cnr in students are , tarting to trickle in and we are the Suburban Plaza parking Jot Tuesday almo. t certainly looking at mandatory water NEWS 1-12A to conduct auditions for the next Oscar restrictions in the next week." POLICE 2A Mayer television commercial. Children flocked to the site for a OPINION 4A chance to sit in the famous "wienenno­ Alarm halts &A bile." LIFESTYLE Suto patiently taught the Oscar Burger King hold-up DIVERSIONS BA Mayer song to any child who was inter­ ested in auditioning. The blast of an alarm apparently aved a pair OBITUARIES 10,12A Newark resident Suzanne West of worker at the outh Chapel Street Burger ARTS 7A brought children from her day care cen­ King from harm Ja. t week. ter to audition and to see the mobile. Newark poli e reported that on Thur~, SPORTS 1-38 NEWARK POST STAff PHOTO BV GAYLE K HART Children pilled in and out of the unusu­ Aug. I0, at 6:15 a.m., the manager and 4ft employee were appr ached by a male as~ PEOPLE NEWS 48 "Hotdoggar" VIcki Walla helpa Katie Stranlck Into the "wlenermoblle" while Juatln al. bright-colored vehicle all morning. Lollklrd patiently awalll hla turn. The wlentrmobllt came lo Suburban Plaza In Suto drives one of ten such vans that were unlocking the restaurant. · CLASSIFIEDS 5-BB Nawart TU11day, 11archlng tor local talent to alng the Oscar Mayer aong In a new travel throughout the United States. television commercial. - Gayle K. Hart PACE 2A • EWARK POST • A G ST 18, 1995 Police beat ··························································································· ······· ·· ······· ········ ·· ························· ············ Students bring, learn diversity • Police Beat is compiled ea ·h 1.: sian of a illegal substan e. po li aid. with four bags of shri mp after By GAYLE K. HART week from the files of the Newark removing them from a display. t Police Department by staff writer The suspect was approached by a ·NEWARK················ POST STAFF···· ···WRITER················· ·· ···· ·· • Ron Porter. At Pathmark Path mark store detective after l ~.~. POLICE, from 1A Newark police report that a attempt ing to leave through the URI G TH SUMMER, I .. entrance. The suspect then aban­ ewark 's university students ~.: Pathmark employee wat hed a man I . The ma le stuck a handgun in the "huff' a whipped cream can. After doned his can and merchandise and D leave town, and th ey are ; ack of the manager, forcing his being esconed to the ca h register to exited through the doors but was replaced wi th anoth er group of stu­ , ay into the bu si ness, and demand­ pay l'or the item, the suspect tl I and apprehended by Newark police ol'fi ­ dent s who are eq uall y noticeable. &! that the afe be opened, police damaged fo ur pies and three pack­ cers arri ving at the front door. Many of these student s are fo reign, id. ages of cookies a. he bumped over a Cornell Kennedy. 34, of and they are gett ing their introdu - The manager, who did not have table. The suspect fl ed on foo t ou t Wilmington, was charged wi th tion to Ameri ca in ewark. Most of the safe combination, advised the of the front entrance of th e store.
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