newsletter IIH!'M Edited by LERoY CHAru.Es MERIUTI', Dean, University of Oregon School of Librarianship INDEX: 1968 A American Civil Liberties Union: San Diego Chapter sup­ ports Grossmont debate, May: 37. AB: reports on postal rate law, May: 35. American Civil Liberties Union: has statement on censor­ AB: reports pornography acceptable in Denmark, Mar: 27. ship, May: 40. AB: reports press advertising conviction, Jan:5. American Civil Liberties Union: act in Evergreen Review AB: reports special library for Parliament, Mar: 21. controversy, Sept: 56. American Civil Liberties Union: opposes California ob­ AB: reports Swedish pornography problem, Mar: 25. scenity bill, Sept: 61. ACLUSC Open Forum: see American Civil Liberties Union American Legion: ranks near top of NEA report, Mar: 22. of Southern California Open Forum. American Lending Library: for obtaining books of short Abbott, Harold: orders magazine removal, Mar: 19. term interest, Nov: 75. Abby: see Van Buren, Abigail. American Library Association: book list cited, Jan: 7. Academic Freedom: subject of Texas talk, Jan: 8. American Library Association: problem books on recom­ Access to Materials: policy, Nov: 74. mended list, May: 39. Adams, Charles: article about, Mar:29. American Library Association: ALA lists used as selection Adolescents: see Youth. guide, July:46. Advertising: effects of postal rate law upon, May: 35. American Library Association-Intellectual Freedom Com­ mittee: chairman speaks at journalism debate, Mar:20. Advertising: handbills banned in Florida, Mar: 21. American Library Association-Intellectual Freedom Com­ Advertising: mail order pornography reduced, Mar: 23. mittee, Kansas City conference discussed, May: 29. Advertising: poster censored at UCLA, Jan: 6. American Library Association-Intellectual Freedom Com­ Advertising: press convicted for misleading, Jan: 5. mittee, Kansas City meeting reported, Sept: 53. Afro-American: reports Florida prison controversy, Jan:4. American Library Association-Intellectual Freedom Of­ Agnew, Spyro T.: suggests elimination of movie censors, fice, director appointed, Jan: 1. Mar:19. American Library Association-Library Bill of Rights, cited Alabama, Birmingham News: see News (Alabama, Bir- May:29; cited, July:44; cited, Sept:53,54,55; cited, Nov: mingham). 70; reprint, Nov: 72. Alabama, Huntsville: library removes Mailer novel, Jan: 3. American Library Association-School Library Bill of Alabama, Selma: obscenity law, Sept: 62. Rights: cited, May:36; cited, May:29; reprint, Nov:73. Aladdin Theater: film seizures illegal, May: 37. American Library Trustee Association: urged to include in Alaska: as subject of Mailer novel, Jan: 1. each workshop a study of the "Library Bill of Rights," American Association of School Librarians: cited, May: 39. July:44. American Association of State Libraries: cited, July:44. American Society of Newspaper Editors: Reardon contro­ American Association of University Professors: cited, May: versy, May: 32. 40. American Trial Lawyers Association: oppose Reardon Re- American Bar Association: adopts Reardon Report, May: port, May:32. 32-33. Amherst High School: see Ohio, Cleveland. American Booksellers Association: endorsed ALA Library Andersonville: see Kantor, MacKinlay. Bill of Rights, May: 29. Animal Farm: see Orwell, George. American Civil Liberties Union: fights for McClure's play, Another Country: see Baldwin, James. Jan:5. Antara: see Indonesia, Jakarta. American Civil Liberties Union: Northern California staff Approaches: questioned, Mar: 20. counsel quoted, Jan: 12. Arena Stage: see California, Fullerton. American Civil Liberties Union: opposes ordinance in Argentina, Buenos Aires: censorship illegal, Sept:63. Pennsylvania, Jan: 13. Arizona: variable obscenity law, Nov: 67. American Civil Liberties Union of Southern California Open Arizona, Maricopa County: library locks up books, Jan: 2. Forum: reports Grossmont debate cancelled, May: 37. Arizona, Phoenix: library lending policy cited, Jan: 2. Arizona 2 Ari:~:ona, Phoenix Republic: see Republic (Arizona, Blake, A. W.: student magazine blocked by state auditor in Phoenix). Little Rock, Jan:6. Arkansas, Little Rock Democrat: see Democrat (Arkansas, Blake, Gene: article by, May: 34. Little Rock). Blodgett, Marjorie: special committee formed on the right Arkansas, Little Rock Gazette: see Gazette (Arkansas, Lit­ to read in Richmond, California, Nov: 66. tle Rock). Bloss, Floyd: seeks censor, Sept: 64. Arkansas, North Little Rock Times: see Times (Arkansas, Bob's Newsstand: osbcenity questioned, July: 50. North Little Rock). Bodker, Adele: classics defended in the library, Sept: 62. Arkansas, University: pamphlet censored, Jan: 6. Bolling, Thomas E.: reviews book on censorship, Jan: 15-16. Around the World With Sam: declared indecent, Jan: 10. Bomb Plant: see Death Threat. The Arrangement: see Kazan, Elia. Bonnie and Clyde: see Motion Pictures. Art: exhibit postponed, July:49. Book Selection Policy: Berkeley Barb controversy, Nov:65. Art: library removes pictures in California, Mar: 21. Book Selection Policy: California citizens debate with Artists' Models: see motion pictures. school administrators concerning, Jan: 5. Arts in Society: discusses censorship, July: 44. Book Selection Policy: censorship reported by Missouri li­ Associated Newspapers: charges Newsweek, Mar: 18. brarian, May: 30. Attorney General v. A Book: cited, Mar: 26. Book Selection Policy: censorship in New Orleans, May: 31. Audience Unlimited News: prints Shapiro article, July: 51. Book Selection Policy: discussion by Fransecky, May: Audience Unlimited News: reports Bunis trial, Mar:28. 39-40. Audience Unlimited News: reports on New York censorship Book Selection Policy: discussed, Sept: 60-61. survey, May: 40. Book Selection Policy: explained, Sept: 61. Authors Guild: panel discussion cited, July:43. Book Selection Policy: Gore Vidal, Nov: 75. Autobiography of a Flea: found obscene in Winnipeg, May: Book Selection Policy: letter concerning, Sept: 56. 34. Book Selection Policy: Negro material, Nov:79. Autzen Stadium: see Oregon, University. Book Selection Policy: questioned in Florida, July: 46. Avant Garde: threatened, Nov: 66. Book Selection Policy: questioned in Missouri, July:47. Avatar: hippie newspaper, July: 52. Book Selection Policy: questioned in Indiana, Sept: 55. Book Selection Policy: reasons for Mailer rejection stated, Mar:19. B Book Selection Policy: Shaffer recommends, Jan: 8. Baker, Augusta: books about Negroes, Nov: 79. Book Selection Policy: statement by NCTE, July:43. Baldauf, Lawrence: debate postponed, May: 37. Book World: see Tribune (Illinois, Chicago). Balleting (Pennsylvania, Philadelphia) : reports local ar- Bookburning: newspaper burned at San Francisco State rests, Sept: 62. College, Jan:4. Baltimore Book Bazaar: see Levin, Arthur. Books About Negroes: see Baker, Augusta. Barb: see Berkeley Barb. Borbon, Don Juan de: see Spain. The Beard: see McClure, Michael. Boucher, Paul H.: bans crime news releases, Jan:7. Beaux Arts Gallery: see Reese, Thomas Bruce. Box Office: reports censor-wanted ad, Sept: 64. Bee (California, Sacramento): reports magazine censor­ Brave New World: see Huxley, Aldous. ship, Mar: 19. Bray, William C.: conviction stands, May:36. Bee (California, Sacramento): reports art censorship, Mar: Bridgewater State Mental Hospital: see Motion Picture 21. (Titticut Follies) Bee (California, Sacramento): reports obscenity legisla­ Bright, Richard: arrested, Mar: 24. tion, July: 51. Bristow, Ronald: rejects performance, Mar: 24. Bee (California, Sacramento): reports legislation defeat, British Columbia: new Westminster City Council attacks Sept:61. Georgia Straight, Nov:68. Bellarmine College: magazine questioned, Mar: 20. Brown Act: public meetings in California, Nov: 67. Bentley, Phyllis ("Some Observations on the Art of Nar- Bruning, Fred: reports film conviction, May: 35. ration") : cited, Sept: 60. Bryan, Harrison: dismissed, July:47. Berkeley: see University of California at Berkeley. Buenos Aires, Argentina Supreme Court: rules against Berkeley Barb: quoted, Nov: 65. closing of three newspapers and notes that constitution Berkeley Barb: attacked in California, July: 45. prohibits censorship, Sept: 63. Berkeley Barb: evaluation of, Sept: 58. Bunis, John and Sam: trial ends in hung jury, Mar:28. Berkeley Barb: threatened, Nov: 65. Burke, Burke 1.: confirms conviction, Jan: 3. Bertorelli, Joseph A.: criticism Maryland governor, Mar: Burley, Laurel: appointed to head sub-committee, Nov:66. 19. Best Detective Cases: classified indecent, Jan: 11. c The Bible: see Motion Pictures. CLA: see California Library Association. Bibliography: Nov:SO. Cairns, Robert B.: study on cause-and-effect role of por- Binghamton, N.Y. Press: quoted Nov: 70. nography, May: 34. Binghamton, N.Y. Public Library: book selection defended, Calder & Boyars: fined, Mar: 25. Nov:70. California: obscenity law passed, July: 51. Bjorneboe, Jens (Without a Thread): ruled indecent, Jan: California: controversy over Land of the Free, Jan: 15. 12. California: publisher cited, Mar: 23. Black, Hugo L.: against variable obscenity, July:42. California, Arcadia: refuses Land of the Free, Jan: 15. Black Like Me: see Griffin, John. California, Bay Area: Freedom to Read Committee, Nov: Black Panthers: one appearance a quarter permitted in 65. California, Nov: 76. California, Berkeley: professor of law quoted, Jan: 12. Black Stuc!.ents Union: causes trouble in San Francisco, California, Berkeley: show censored by student-faculty Jan:4. committee, Jan: 13. 3 Caughey
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