Latin 202 Word List

Latin 202 Word List

Latin 202 Word List a(d)sto, a(d)stare, astiti, - to stand near verb 1 a, ab, abs from, away from preposition abl abdo, abdere, abdidi, abditum to put away, remove, conceal verb 3 abeo, abire, abi(v)i, abitum to go away, depart verb irreg abundo, abundare, abundavi, abundatum to overflow verb 1 ac and, also, even conjunction coordinate ac as, than conjunction subordinate ac si as if conjunction subordinate accendo, accendere, accendi, accensum to set on fire verb 3 acer, acris, acre sharp, pointed, piercing adjective 3 acies, aciei f. sharp edge, line of battle noun 5 acutus, acuta, acutum sharp adjective 1 ad to, toward preposition acc ad/ffor, ad/ffari, ad/ffatus sum to speak to, address verb 1 adhuc up to this point, still adverb of place adicio, adicere, adieci, adiectum to put near, add verb 3-io adimo, adimere, ademi, ademptum to take away, snatch away verb 3 adventus, adventus, m. arrival noun 4 adversum against preposition acc adversus against preposition acc adverto, advertere, adverti, adversum to turn to verb 3 aedes, aedis f. house, temple noun 3 aeger, aegra, aegrum sick, unwell adjective 1 aeneus, aenea, aeneum made of metal adjective 1 aequo, aequare, aequavi, aequatum to make equal, make level, compare verb 1 aequor, aequoris n. an even surface, the smooth sea noun 3 aer, aeris n. the lower atmosphere, air, mist noun 3 aes, aeris n. metal, usually copper or bronze noun 3 aestus, aestus m. heaving motion, rage of fire, swell of the sea noun 4 aether, aetheris m. (lit. space burning brightly), the upper air noun 3 aetherius, aetheria, aetherium celestial adjective 1 aevum, aevi n. eternity, age noun 2 agmen, agminis n. train, army noun 3 agnosco, agnoscere, agnovi, agni/otus to perceive, declare verb 3 ago, agere, egi, actum to put in motion, drive, conduct verb 3 ala, alae f. wing noun 1 albus, alba, album (chalky) white adjective 1 ales, alitis winged (subst: bird) adjective 3 aliquando sometimes adverb of time aliter otherwise adverb miscellaneous alius, alia, aliud other, different adjective ius almus, alma, almum nourishing, bountiful, kind adjective 1 Latin 202 Word List alo, alere, alui, al(i)tum to nourish, foster verb 3 alter, altera, alterum one of two adjective ius alternus, alterna, alternum alternate adjective 1 altum, alti n. high heaven, deep sea noun 2 alumnus, alumni m. nursling, pupil noun 2 amarus, amara, amarum bitter, sour adjective 1 ambiguus, ambigua, ambiguum tending in two directions, uncertain adjective 1 ambo, ambae, ambo both adjective amnis, amnis m. stream, river noun 3 amo, amare, amavi, amatum to love verb 1 amplus, ampla, amplum spacious, grand adjective 1 ango, angere, anxi. anxum to throttle, cause physical or mental pain verb 3 anguis, anguis, m. or f. snake noun 3 angustus, angusta, angustum narrow, strait adjective 1 ante before, in front preposition acc ante…quam before conjunction subordinate antea before, formerly adverb of time antrum, antri, n. cave noun 2 anxius, anxia, anxium (lit. feeling strangled), uneasy, troubled adjective 1 aper, apri, m. wild boar noun 2 aperio, aperire, aperui, apertum to uncover, lay bare verb 4 appono, apponere, apposui, appositum to place, near, serve, attach verb 3 apto, aptare, aptavi, aptatum to fit (trans.), get ready verb 1 aptus, apta, aptum fitted, suitable adjective 1 apud at, near, among preposition acc aratrum, aratri, n. plow noun 2 arcanus, arcana, arcanum (lit.: in the strongbox, cf. "arc"), secret adjective 1 arceo, arcere, arcui, - to enclose, to keep off verb 3 arcus, arcus, m. bow, arch noun 2 ardeo, ardere, arsi, (arsurus) to burn, glow verb 2 ardor, ardoris, m. heat, glow noun 3 arduus, ardua, arduum steep, high, lofty adjective 1 arena/harena, arenae/harenae, f. sand noun 1 arguo, arguere, argui, argutum to make clear, show verb 3 arma, armorum, (lit.: fitted to the body), armour, arms noun 2 aro, arare, aravi, aratum to plough, till verb 1 arrideo, arridere, arrisi, arrisum to smile at, behave kindly toward verb 2 ars, artis, f. (lit.: the craft of fitting things), skill, art noun 3 artus, arta, artum (lit.: fitted), tight, narrow adjective 1 artus, artus, m. (lit.: fitting), joint, limb noun 4 arvum, arvi, n. ploughed land, field noun 2 ascendo, ascendere, ascendi, ascensum to climb up verb 3 Latin 202 Word List aspicio, aspicere, aspexi, aspectus to look at, behold verb 3-io assiduus, assidua, assiduum constantly present, persistant adjective 1 astra, astrorum, n. (lit.: strewn over heaven), star, constellation noun 2 at but, on the contrary conjunction coordinate at vero but in truth conjunction coordinate ater, atra, atrum (lit.: burnt), black, dark adjective 1 atque and, also, even conjunction coordinate atque but, on the contrary conjunction coordinate atque as, than conjunction subordinate attamen but yet, nevertheless conjunction coordinate attollo, attollere, --- , --- to lift up, raise verb 3 audeo, audere, ausi/ausus sum to dare verb 2 audio, audire, audivi, auditum to hear verb 4 augur, auguris, m. or f. (lit.: bird teller, cf. "garrulous"), soothsayer noun 3 aula, aulae, f. court, palace noun 1 auspicium, auspicii, n. (lit.: bird-watching, cf. "spec-""), omen noun 2 aut or (for mutually exclusive alternatives) conjunction coordinate aut…aut either…or conjunction coordinate autem (postpositive) but, on the contrary conjunction coordinate avidus, avida, avidum (lit.: having courage for), eager, greedy adjective 1 avis, avis, m. or f. bird noun 3 barbarus, barbara, barbarum foreign, strange adjective 1 benignus, benigna, benignum (<bonus + genus) (lit.: of good nature), kind, pleasant adjective 1 bis twice adverb of time blandus, blanda, blandum pleasant, agreeable adjective 1 bonus, bona, bonum good adjective 1 bos, bovis, m. or f. ox, bull noun 3 bracchium, bracchii, n. the forearm noun 2 c(h)arta, c(h)artae, f. paper, page noun 1 cado, cadere, cecidi, (casurus) to fall verb 3 caedes, caedis, f. slaughter, carnage noun 3 caedo, caedere, cecidi, caesum to make fall, fell verb 3 caelestis, caeleste heavenly, divine adjective 3 caelo, caelare, caelavi, caelatum to engrave, carve verb 1 caelum, caeli, n. sky, heaven noun 2 caeruleus, caerulea, caeruleum (<caelulum) blue adjective 1 cal(i)dus, cal(i)da, cal(i)dum warm, hot adjective 1 candeo, candere, candui, --- (cf. candidus) to shine, to be white, to be hot verb 2 canis, canis, m. or f. dog noun 3 cano, canere, cecini, (cantatum) to sing verb 3 canto, cantare, cantavi, cantatum to sing verb 1 cantus, cantus, m. song noun 4 Latin 202 Word List capillus, capilli, m. hair noun 2 capio, capere, cepi, captum to take, seize verb 3-io captivus, captiva, captivum taken prisoner adjective 1 carcer, carceris, m. jail, prison noun 3 careo, carere, carui, --- to be without, lack (+abl.) verb 2 carina, carinae, f. keel, pars pro toto: ship noun 1 castellum, castelli, n. fortified outpost, garrison noun 2 castra, castrorum, n. military camp, fortress noun 2 castus, casta, castum (cf. careo) free from, unstained, chaste adjective 1 caterva, catervae, f. band, troop, mob noun 1 cavus, cava, cavum hollow adjective 1 cedo, cedere, cessi, cessum to go, yield verb 3 celebro, celebrare, celebravi, celebratum to do something frequently, honor verb 1 celo, celare, celavi, celatum to hide, conceal verb 1 celsus, celsa, celsum high, lofty, haughty adjective 1 cerno, cernere, crevi, cretum to see, sift verb 3 certo, certare, certavi, certatum to decide by contest, fight verb 1 cervix, cervicis, f. neck noun 3 cesso, cessare, cessavi, cessatum to cease, rest, hesitate verb 1 ceteri, ceterae, cetera the others adjective 1 ceterum but for all that, besides adverb miscellaneous ceu like as, according as conjunction subordinate chorus, chori, m. performance, group of singers and dancers noun 2 cieo, (cire), civi, citum to put in motion, stir, invoke verb 4 cinis, cineris, m. ashes noun 3 circa around preposition acc circiter about preposition acc circum around preposition acc circumdo, circumdare, circumdedi, circumdatum to place around, encircle verb 1 circumeo, circumire, circumi(v)i, circumitum to go around, skirt, surround verb 4 cis on this side preposition acc citra on this side preposition acc citus, cita, citum quick adjective 1 clades, cladis, f. calamity, disaster noun 3 clamo, clamare, clamavi, clamatum to call, cry out, shout aloud verb 1 clamor, clamoris, m. a loud call, shout noun 3 classis, classis, f. (lit.: people called together), rank, fleet noun 3 claudo, claudere, clausi, clausum to shut, close verb 3 clipeus/clipeum, clipei, m. or n. (round brazen) shield (of Roman soldiers) noun 2 cohors, cohortis, f. (lit.: space surrounded by farms), cohort noun 3 colligo, colligere, collegi, collectum to gather together verb 3 collis, collis, m. high ground, hill noun 3 Latin 202 Word List collum, colli, n. neck noun 2 colo, colere, colui, cultum to dwell, cultivate, honor verb 3 colonus, coloni, m. farmer, colonist noun 2 color, coloris, m. colour noun 3 columna, columnae, f. pillar noun 1 coma, comae. f. hair of the head, mane noun 1 comitor, comitari, comitatus sum to go along, attend verb 1 commodus, commoda, commodum convenient, suitable adjective 1 como, comare, ---, comatus to have long hair verb 1 compono, componere, composui, compositum to put together verb 3 concipio, concipere, concepi, conceptum to catch, conceive verb 3-io concurro, -currere, concurri, concursum to run together, assemble verb 3 condicio, condicionis, f. agreement, stipulation, circumstance noun 3 conicio, conicere, conieci, coniectum to throw, infer, discuss verb 3-io coniunx, coniugis, m. or f. husband, wife noun 3 consido, considere, consedi, consessum to sit down, settle verb 3 consisto, consistere, constiti, constitum to come to a halt, to be comprised of verb 3 conspicio, -spicere, -spexi, conspectum to look at attentively, gaze verb 3-io consuesco, consuescere, consuevi, consuetum to get used to, form a habit of verb 3 consuetudo, consuetudinis, f.

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