The Inventory of the Robert Hans van Gulik Collection #358 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Gulik, Robert Hans Van 1810-1967 Gift of 1966 0 (l I. MANUSCRIPTS BOx 1 A. "Remarks on My Judge Dee Novels" Typescript with holograph co~reotione, 6p. on legal size paper (#1). Each manuscript also has long holograph note about the C: novel's composition. B. THE CHINESE BELL MURDERS.1958. Typescript, 217 p. (il) • c. THE CHINESE LAKE MURDERS. 1952. Holograph,· 237 p. (#2). D. THE CHINESE MAZE MURDERS. 1950. / Holograph, 314 P• (#3). E. THE PHANTOM OF THE TEMPLE. 1965. \ ,, Typescript with profuse holograph corrections, 218 p. (#41_. Box 2 F. THE WILLOW PATTERN. 1963. Typescript with profuse holograph corrections, 263 p. (#1). II. ILLUSTRATIONS 73 pen and pencil sketches by the ··author for his Judge Dee novels. \ Holograph notes on each. Typescript explanation/.lp. III. PRINTED PIECES (#2). A. By R.H.Van Gulik . ' 1. "The Mango 'TXlc}e • in China: an essay on Taoist Magic". Reprinted ·::r' from the Transactions of The Asiatic Society of Japan. Third series. Vol. III, 1954. 2 Box 2 2. "Yin-'l!ing und yin-ting" in Oriens Extremus Vol.II, no.2, 1955 (Article in German). B. With reference to R.H.Van Gulik CHINESE HOUTSNEDEN (Ch~nese Woodcuts), Leiden, Rijksmusewn voor. Volkenkunde, n.d. Addenda December 1967 I. MANUSCRIPTS A. Judge Dee Novels 1. THE CHINESE GOLD MURDERS. 1956. Holograph 131 P• and typescript with holggraph corrections, . /f' / 5 p. (#3). 2. THE CHINESE NAIL MURDERS. 1958,. Holograph 105 p. and typescript with holograph corrections, 59 p. (#4). 3. THE EMPEROR'! PEARL. 1960. Holograph 30 p. and typescript with holograph corrections, 03 P• ms>. 4. THE HAUNTED MONASTERY. 1959. Typescript with holograph corrections 87 p. and holograph 6 p. (#6). 5. THE LACQUER SCREEN. 1958. Typ Typescript with holograph corrections, 117 p. (#7). Box 3 6. MURDER IN CANTON. 1962. (#1). a) Typescript with holograph corrections, 140 p. b) Green notebook with notes and outline. Holograph, 17 p. 3 7. THE RED PAVILION. 1959. (#2). Typescript with holograph corrections 106 p. and l p. holograph explanation. Bll.Non-Fiction 1. THE GIBBON IN CHINA - AN ESSAY IN CHINESE ANIMAL LORE. 1967. (#3). a) Typescript with holograph corrections, 30 p. b) Typescript with holograph corrections, 72 p. pasted on sheets 11" x 16". c) 70 5" x 8" note cards with Chinese characters • ., ,·. ,.· OULIK.,·ROBERT _HANS VAN .. , __ , 1910.,.1967. Box 3 POETS AND MURDER A Chinese detective novel. To be published b7 William Heinemann. Written in 1961. Typeacript with bolo. cor~., 106 p. , Bex 4 THE NECKLACE AND THE CALABASH. London, William Heinemann,-1967. Type~script with holo. corr, 9.3 P• "Written 1 April - May lS, l966tt. Notes in holograJii on 26 h" x 6tt carde, Printed I?ieces ~nd oop,:lee & R•. it,. Vm o. in chronological order. 1. "A tev P08Jl18•••• 3 coplee ot each. ll!aoh eet intolde~. a) •In that golden hour ••• " CoP7 ot p(>ea in holograph, 1 p. b) "Lente Morgen in Shiba Perk" T,peecript, l P• ca. l93S -19ul. a) "Herfat Morgen in Shiba Parkff T,peecript, 1 P• ca. 193S•l941. d) "Herinnering" Reprint from Elsenet-•111 Oe'illuetreerd Msendeehrir.t Vol. 40, Amaterdaj, Bonaventura, 19)0. e), · "De J'8 panaohe Lamptt by Shug1 Inehi ( pseud. of R. H. Van o.) Reprint from Eleeviera Oei1.lustreerd Msandeohr1ft, Vol 41. Amsterdam, Bonaventura, 1931. t) "De Bevangene" Reprint from Elseviers Oe1illustreerd Meandschrifty; Vol. 43, Amsterdam, Bonaventura, 1933. 2. "Parts from Chung • .!!!! !!!!. ~ . Containing Chinese Poems translated by R.H. Van o. 193), and articles. 3 copies, each in tolde~ • .; 3. 11 In memoriam Henri Borel" trom China no. 2• Oct. 1933. ~ copies. 111lsi K'Ang's Poetical 'Essay on the Luu'" Reprinted from T'ien J!!!..! Monthlx,_ Feb.-March. 1941. 3 copies , "The Mounted Scroll in China and Japan II Reprint from T•ien !!!,!,!Mont~i;t I Aug-Sept. 1941. OULIK., ROBERT HANS VAN 1910-1967 Addenda, December, 1969~ Box 4 Printed pie~e~ 6. "Dr. John Ferguson's 7~th Anniversary" Bibliographic article on Dr• Ferguson, trom MomlJllenta Serice Journal ot Oriental Studie11 of the Catholic Univeraitr ot Peking. Reprint from Vol. VI, 1941. 7. "Concubinage Cne-Sided Note~ on• Many--Sided Subject» from Far Eeat Fanfare, , ----- April 1, 1950. 3 copies. 8. "A Note on Ink Oakes• trom Monuments Nipponica Vol. XI, No.1,·195,. I . - 9. "China" trom ------De Boekenkort, Literary Periodical of the depart1111nt etore, De Bijenkort • June; no. 2, 1961. 10. "8es1Ualita Ed Erotisnt0" and "Sorittura Cina e Oilppone" Reprints tram Vol. III of Bno~oloF!dia Universale Dell'Arte1 Venezia-Roma, Iatituto per la Collaboraaione Culturale, n.d. Scrapbook, bound, containing printed and typescript articles and poems. 1925-ca. 1~ 19 l. te Sancuaire" printed poem pub in Roatra, monthly maga 9 ine odl Dutch ' .s,mnasta. 2. "Sur la Cote de Javatt printed poem pub. in Roetra, 1926 • .3. "Stille Uren" printed poem pub in Rosti:e, 1926. h. ''Epiloogn Typescript poem, ca. 192,... 1930. !). "Toch" Typescript poea, ca. 192S-19J0. 6. *'Ee Late BijeenkOJllsttt Typescript poem, 22 Maart, 1927. 7. "Brier U1t Peking" Article printed in Roetra, 192, • ., 8. 11De Verloren Liefde" printed poem pub.in Roatra, ca. 1926-1929. ' 9. "Avondstennning Aan Java•e Zu1dkust" printed poem pub in Roetra, ca. 1926- 1929. 10. "Het Oude Beeld" Printed poem pub in Rostra, ca. 1926-1929. ( - ') .. OULIK, ROBERT.HANS VAN 1910 ... 1967. A~den:ie~ Deoember, 1969. Box 4 ~craEbook continued. 11. "Drie Oden Aan K•oung .. Fou-Tsz "' printed poem pub in Roetra, ca. 1926-1929. 12. "Van Het Schoone Eilandtt 6 separate stories based on b01hood experiences 1n Indonesia. Published in Roetra, 192,. l). ••)!ea -Reisheri,nnering Uit Italie" Essa7 pub in Rostra 1926. \ 14. "Herinnering" 'lypescript,, 19)0. Laid int 1. "Ikan Ma)>ok" Typescript, ) P• Originally writtep in 192~, tor Roetra and published in 196) in Tong 12!!1. 2. "Chinese In Japanae Vertalingen" Typescript, 8 P• 19337 ,BiograP5Y •In Memoriam Robert Hans Van Onlik• by Joseph Roggendorf,SJ. Reprint from Monumenta Nipponiea. Vol. XXIII, Numbers 1-2, 1967. 2 copies. B1blioeyae& Bibliogre\>by' prepared b)" Miss A. M. Evers on ,,, x 8n cards in typescript. Final notes by Dr. Robert ven OJlik. Photograt>h!J 2 photographs ot Dr. Robert Hall8 Vm Oulik in full diplomstio dress. gulik.r GULIK, ROBERT VAN Addenda PURCHASE May 1986 Box 4 Letters in Dutch RvG to Dr. A.D.A. de Kat Angelino in den Haag ALS Feb. 24, 1955 1 p. ALS Feb. 25, 1955 2 p. on one leaf ALS March 4, 1959 1 p. ALS May 14, 1959 2 p. on 1 leaf Huksewe [?] c., Sinologisch Instituut, Leiden TLS Jan 29, 1959 to Dr. A.D.A. de Kat Angelino Typescript 1 p. Appears to be explanation of Chinese characters in Dutch Van Gulik, Robert Hans #358 2/25/05 Preliminary Listing Added to Box 2 I. Printed Material. A. "Love Is Blind: Political Views Expressed by Robert H. Van Gulik," by L. Boer, 2004. [F. 8] Van Gulik, Robert Hans (2/25/05) Page 1 of 1 .
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