Report to Planning Committee – 7 January 2021 ITEM 2.4 2.4 REFERENCE NO - 19/501332/FULL APPLICATION PROPOSAL Erection of 69 dwellings accessed from Grovehurst Road; public open and amenity space; together with associated landscaping and ecological enhancement works; drainage; utilities; and internal access roads, footpaths, cycleways and parking. ADDRESS Land At Pond Farm Grovehurst Road Iwade Sittingbourne Kent ME9 8RD RECOMMENDATION – That delegated powers are given to grant planning permission, subject to no outstanding objections from Kent Police and completion of a S106 Agreement, (to cover matters as summarised at Paragraph 8.56 - 8.64 and 6.09) with authority to amend the wording as reasonably required. SUMMARY OF REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATION/REASONS FOR REFUSAL The site is part of a large scale housing allocation in the Local Plan. The scheme would deliver 69 dwellings, large areas of open space, landscape and ecological mitigation, enhancement and management measures. Additional Impacts on the local highways network and on local infrastructure can be mitigated through on and off site measures. The proposal would help boost housing in the Borough and add to the Council’s housing supply. Whilst the development does encroach into the countryside and an Important Local Countryside Gap, the impact of this is limited and does not outweigh the benefits of the scheme. REASON FOR REFERRAL TO COMMITTEE The application is contrary to the views of Iwade Parish Council. The application has been referred to committee by Cllr Woodford. WARD Bobbing, Iwade And PARISH/TOWN COUNCIL APPLICANT Persimmon Lower Halstow Homes South East AGENT JB Planning DECISION DUE DATE PUBLICITY EXPIRY DATE 26/07/19 20/02/20 Planning History There is no relevant planning history for the site. However, two applications are under consideration for land immediately to the south and east of the site, the details of which are as follows – 18/506677 – Halfway Egg Farm, Featherbed Lane Hybrid application - Planning permission is sought for change of use of existing dwelling house to replacement farm shop with office above, and conversion of toilet block to farm produce store (167 sqm). Outline planning permission is sought for demolition of existing agricultural buildings and farm shop, erection of up to 19 dwellings, erection of implement store, associated access road, parking, pedestrian footpath and landscaping (access and layout being sought only). (This application is due to be approved under delegated powers, subject to completion of a S106 Agreement.) 19/503974 – Land East of Iwade Report to Planning Committee – 7 January 2021 ITEM 2.4 Hybrid application comprising of - Outline application (all matter reserved except for access) for up to 466 dwellings and a community hall. Full planning application for access from Grovehurst Road and The Street and for a country park (under consideration) A further outline application (19/505157) is also under consideration for up to 65 dwellings on land north of Sanderling Way which, together with this application at Pond Farm and the application on land East of Iwade, covers the land allocated for development under Policy A17 of the Local Plan. 1.0 DESCRIPTION OF SITE 1.01 The application site consists of a parcel of land of 4.1 Hectares to the south of Iwade. The land is bounded by Grovehurst Road to the east, the Old Sheppey Way to the west, an overgrown orchard to the north (beyond which is Pintail Drive), and Featherbed Farm to the south. The dwelling at Pond Farm is sited immediately adjacent to the north-west corner of the site. 1.02 The site was historically an orchard, although the only remnants of this within the site are to the north. This orchard extends into land further north and is designated as a BAP Priority Habitat. The remainder of the land on site is rough grassland, with hedges, trees and vegetation around the north, east and south site boundaries. The west boundary with the Old Sheppey Way is more open. A pond is present within the site, to the west of the dwelling at Pond Farm. The pond is also surrounded by a number of trees. The site is relatively flat. An electricity power line crosses the southern section of the site. 1.03 New housing development has recently been constructed on land to the west of the site, on the opposite side of the Old Sheppey Way. Permission also exists for a Care Home to be built adjacent to this new housing development. The land to the east of the site, on the opposite side of Grovehurst Road, is allocated for large scale residential development, and subject to application 19/503974. 1.04 The site is allocated under Policy A17 of the adopted Local Plan for housing development (as is the land on the east side of Grovehurst Road), as part of the Iwade expansion proposals. The Local Plan envisages that 70 dwellings can be accommodated on the allocation at Pond Farm. However the application site excludes land to the north of Pond Farm which is in separate ownership. This land primarily contains an overgrown orchard, although the Local Plan did envisage a small amount of development on this land. 1.05 Due to the allocation for development in the Local Plan, the northern and central parts of the site fall within the designated built confines of Iwade. However the southern part of the site (extending to approximately two hectares) falls outside of these confines and within an Important Countryside Gap. 2.0 PROPOSAL 2.01 This is a full application for planning permission to erect 69 dwelling on the site, including 10% (7 units) as affordable dwellings. The development would provide a mix of 2, 3 and 4 bed properties, within a range of terraced, semi detached and detached dwellings. The buildings would be mainly two storeys, with some limited units containing accommodation in the roofspace. 2.02 Vehicular access to the site would be from Grovehurst Road. There would be no vehicle access onto the Old Sheppey Way. Pedestrian and vehicular access would be provided from the site onto both roads. Report to Planning Committee – 7 January 2021 ITEM 2.4 2.03 The proposed layout includes retention of the pond feature and retention / enhancement / management of the orchard remnants to the north of the site as part of the green space proposals. In addition, a large swathe of landscaped open space would be provided across the south of the site, with a footpath / cycle path running the length of this area linking Sheppey Way to Grovehurst Road. This area would also contain play equipment, new orchard and tree planting and landscaping, and an area for SuDS drainage. Approximately 1.9 hectares of the site in total would be provided as open space. 2.04 An area of approx. 740sqm (or 0.074 hectares) in the far south east corner of the site is shown to be reserved for future use to help facilitate (if required) the Grovehurst interchange improvement works that have been awarded grant funding under the Housing Infrastructure Fund. 3.0 PLANNING CONSTRAINTS • The site forms part of a major housing allocation under policy A17 of the adopted plan. • The site partially falls within the built envelope of Iwade • The orchard within the north part of the site and to the north of the site is a BAP Priority Habitat. • The southern part of the site falls outside of the built confines and within an Important Local Countryside Gap. • The site contains Best and Most Versatile agricultural land • Coleshall Farmhouse is a Grade II listed building located 300m to the west of the site. • The site falls within an area of potential archaeological importance 4.0 POLICY AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS 4.01 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) – Paragraphs 8 (the three overarching objectives of sustainable development), 10 (the presumption in favour of sustainable development), 11 (decision taking when local policies most important for determining the application are out of date), 12 (the status of the development plan in decision making), 38 (the approach to decision making in a positive and creative way), 54-56 (use of planning conditions and Planning Obligations), 59 (supporting the Government’s objective of significantly boosting housing), 61 (housing mix), 62/64 (affordable housing), 91 (promoting healthy / safe communities), 92 (providing social / recreational facilities), 96 (access to high quality open space), 108 (consideration of transport issues in development proposals), 109 (that development should only be refused if highway impacts would be severe), 110 (priority to pedestrians, cyclists and access to public transport within developments), 111 (travel plan requirements), 112 (need for high quality communications), 117 (making effective use of land), 122 (achieving appropriate densities), 124 (achieving well designed places), 127 (design criteria for developments), 128 (consideration of design quality between applicants, the local planning authority and local community), 129 ( access to / use of tools and processes for assessing and improving design), 130 (refusal of poor design), Chapter 14 (climate change / flooding), 170 (protecting / enhancing valued landscapes, recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, minimising impacts on biodiversity and achieving net gains, preventing new / existing development from unacceptable risks from pollution / air quality), 174-177 (protecting habitats and biodiversity, including Special Protection Areas / Ramsar sites), (178 land suitability and risks from contamination), 180 (protection from noise / light pollution), 212 -213 (the status
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